/* All this code is copyright Orteil, 2013-2020. -with some help, advice and fixes by Nicholas Laux, Debugbro, Opti, and lots of people on reddit, Discord, and the DashNet forums -also includes a bunch of snippets found on stackoverflow.com and others -want to mod the game? scroll down to the "MODDING API" section Hello, and welcome to the joyous mess that is main.js. Code contained herein is not guaranteed to be good, consistent, or sane. Most of this is years old at this point and harkens back to simpler, cruder times. In particular I've tried to maintain compatibility with fairly old versions of javascript, which means luxuries such as 'let', arrow functions and string literals are unavailable. Have a nice trip. Spoilers ahead. http://orteil.dashnet.org */ var VERSION=2.031; var BETA=0; /*===================================================================================== MISC HELPER FUNCTIONS =======================================================================================*/ function l(what) {return document.getElementById(what);} function choose(arr) {return arr[Math.floor(Math.random()*arr.length)];} function escapeRegExp(str){return str.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&");} function replaceAll(find,replace,str){return str.replace(new RegExp(escapeRegExp(find),'g'),replace);} //disable sounds coming from soundjay.com (sorry) var realAudio=Audio;//backup real audio Audio=function(src){ if (src && src.indexOf('soundjay')>-1) {Game.Popup('Sorry, no sounds hotlinked from soundjay.com.');this.play=function(){};} else return new realAudio(src); }; if(!Array.prototype.indexOf) { Array.prototype.indexOf = function(needle) { for(var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { if(this[i] === needle) {return i;} } return -1; }; } function randomFloor(x) {if ((x%1) 20) { e -= 20; x /= Math.pow(10,e); x += (new Array(e+1)).join('0'); } } return x; } //Beautify and number-formatting adapted from the Frozen Cookies add-on (http://cookieclicker.wikia.com/wiki/Frozen_Cookies_%28JavaScript_Add-on%29) function formatEveryThirdPower(notations) { return function (val) { var base=0,notationValue=''; if (!isFinite(val)) return 'Infinity'; if (val>=1000000) { val/=1000; while(Math.round(val)>=1000) { val/=1000; base++; } if (base>=notations.length) {return 'Infinity';} else {notationValue=notations[base];} } return (Math.round(val*1000)/1000)+notationValue; }; } function rawFormatter(val){return Math.round(val*1000)/1000;} var formatLong=[' thousand',' million',' billion',' trillion',' quadrillion',' quintillion',' sextillion',' septillion',' octillion',' nonillion']; var prefixes=['','un','duo','tre','quattuor','quin','sex','septen','octo','novem']; var suffixes=['decillion','vigintillion','trigintillion','quadragintillion','quinquagintillion','sexagintillion','septuagintillion','octogintillion','nonagintillion']; for (var i in suffixes) { for (var ii in prefixes) { formatLong.push(' '+prefixes[ii]+suffixes[i]); } } var formatShort=['k','M','B','T','Qa','Qi','Sx','Sp','Oc','No']; var prefixes=['','Un','Do','Tr','Qa','Qi','Sx','Sp','Oc','No']; var suffixes=['D','V','T','Qa','Qi','Sx','Sp','O','N']; for (var i in suffixes) { for (var ii in prefixes) { formatShort.push(' '+prefixes[ii]+suffixes[i]); } } formatShort[10]='Dc'; var numberFormatters= [ formatEveryThirdPower(formatShort), formatEveryThirdPower(formatLong), rawFormatter ]; function Beautify(val,floats) { var negative=(val<0); var decimal=''; var fixed=val.toFixed(floats); if (Math.abs(val)<1000 && floats>0 && Math.floor(fixed)!=fixed) decimal='.'+(fixed.toString()).split('.')[1]; val=Math.floor(Math.abs(val)); if (floats>0 && fixed==val+1) val++; var formatter=numberFormatters[Game.prefs.format?2:1]; var output=(val.toString().indexOf('e+')!=-1 && Game.prefs.format==1)?val.toPrecision(3).toString():formatter(val).toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g,','); //var output=formatter(val).toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g,','); if (output=='0') negative=false; return negative?'-'+output:output+decimal; } function shortenNumber(val) { //if no scientific notation, return as is, else : //keep only the 5 first digits (plus dot), round the rest //may or may not work properly if (val>=1000000 && isFinite(val)) { var num=val.toString(); var ind=num.indexOf('e+'); if (ind==-1) return val; var str=''; for (var i=0;i0) str2+=','; str2+=str[i]; } return str2; } var beautifyInTextFilter=/(([\d]+[,]*)+)/g;//new regex function BeautifyInTextFunction(str){return Beautify(parseInt(str.replace(/,/g,''),10));}; function BeautifyInText(str) {return str.replace(beautifyInTextFilter,BeautifyInTextFunction);}//reformat every number inside a string function BeautifyAll()//run through upgrades and achievements to reformat the numbers { var func=function(what){what.desc=BeautifyInText(what.baseDesc);} Game.UpgradesById.forEach(func); Game.AchievementsById.forEach(func); } //these are faulty, investigate later //function utf8_to_b64(str){return btoa(str);} //function b64_to_utf8(str){return atob(str);} function utf8_to_b64( str ) { try{return Base64.encode(unescape(encodeURIComponent( str )));} catch(err) {return '';} } function b64_to_utf8( str ) { try{return decodeURIComponent(escape(Base64.decode( str )));} catch(err) {return '';} } function CompressBin(arr)//compress a sequence like [0,1,1,0,1,0]... into a number like 54. { var str=''; var arr2=arr.slice(0); arr2.unshift(1); arr2.push(1); arr2.reverse(); for (var i in arr2) { str+=arr2[i]; } str=parseInt(str,2); return str; } function UncompressBin(num)//uncompress a number like 54 to a sequence like [0,1,1,0,1,0]. { var arr=num.toString(2); arr=arr.split(''); arr.reverse(); arr.shift(); arr.pop(); return arr; } function CompressLargeBin(arr)//we have to compress in smaller chunks to avoid getting into scientific notation { var arr2=arr.slice(0); var thisBit=[]; var bits=[]; for (var i in arr2) { thisBit.push(arr2[i]); if (thisBit.length>=50) { bits.push(CompressBin(thisBit)); thisBit=[]; } } if (thisBit.length>0) bits.push(CompressBin(thisBit)); arr2=bits.join(';'); return arr2; } function UncompressLargeBin(arr) { var arr2=arr.split(';'); var bits=[]; for (var i in arr2) { bits.push(UncompressBin(parseInt(arr2[i]))); } arr2=[]; for (var i in bits) { for (var ii in bits[i]) arr2.push(bits[i][ii]); } return arr2; } function pack(bytes) { var chars = []; var len=bytes.length; for(var i = 0, n = len; i < n;) { chars.push(((bytes[i++] & 0xff) << 8) | (bytes[i++] & 0xff)); } return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, chars); } function unpack(str) { var bytes = []; var len=str.length; for(var i = 0, n = len; i < n; i++) { var char = str.charCodeAt(i); bytes.push(char >>> 8, char & 0xFF); } return bytes; } //modified from http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2011/10/19/optimizing-long-lists-of-yesno-values-with-javascript/ function pack2(/* string */ values) { var chunks = values.match(/.{1,14}/g), packed = ''; for (var i=0; i < chunks.length; i++) { packed += String.fromCharCode(parseInt('1'+chunks[i], 2)); } return packed; } function unpack2(/* string */ packed) { var values = ''; for (var i=0; i < packed.length; i++) { values += packed.charCodeAt(i).toString(2).substring(1); } return values; } function pack3(values){ //too many save corruptions, darn it to heck return values; } //file save function from https://github.com/eligrey/FileSaver.js var saveAs=saveAs||function(view){"use strict";if(typeof navigator!=="undefined"&&/MSIE [1-9]\./.test(navigator.userAgent)){return}var doc=view.document,get_URL=function(){return 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base64Data=reader.result;target_view.location.href="data:attachment/file"+base64Data.slice(base64Data.search(/[,;]/));filesaver.readyState=filesaver.DONE;dispatch_all()};reader.readAsDataURL(blob);filesaver.readyState=filesaver.INIT;return}if(blob_changed||!object_url){object_url=get_URL().createObjectURL(blob)}if(target_view){target_view.location.href=object_url}else{var new_tab=view.open(object_url,"_blank");if(new_tab==undefined&&is_safari){view.location.href=object_url}}filesaver.readyState=filesaver.DONE;dispatch_all();revoke(object_url)},abortable=function(func){return function(){if(filesaver.readyState!==filesaver.DONE){return func.apply(this,arguments)}}},create_if_not_found={create:true,exclusive:false},slice;filesaver.readyState=filesaver.INIT;if(!name){name="download"}if(can_use_save_link){object_url=get_URL().createObjectURL(blob);setTimeout(function(){save_link.href=object_url;save_link.download=name;click(save_link);dispatch_all();revoke(object_url);filesaver.readyState=filesaver.DONE});return}if(view.chrome&&type&&type!==force_saveable_type){slice=blob.slice||blob.webkitSlice;blob=slice.call(blob,0,blob.size,force_saveable_type);blob_changed=true}if(webkit_req_fs&&name!=="download"){name+=".download"}if(type===force_saveable_type||webkit_req_fs){target_view=view}if(!req_fs){fs_error();return}fs_min_size+=blob.size;req_fs(view.TEMPORARY,fs_min_size,abortable(function(fs){fs.root.getDirectory("saved",create_if_not_found,abortable(function(dir){var save=function(){dir.getFile(name,create_if_not_found,abortable(function(file){file.createWriter(abortable(function(writer){writer.onwriteend=function(event){target_view.location.href=file.toURL();filesaver.readyState=filesaver.DONE;dispatch(filesaver,"writeend",event);revoke(file)};writer.onerror=function(){var error=writer.error;if(error.code!==error.ABORT_ERR){fs_error()}};"writestart progress write abort".split(" ").forEach(function(event){writer["on"+event]=filesaver["on"+event]});writer.write(blob);filesaver.abort=function(){writer.abort();filesaver.readyState=filesaver.DONE};filesaver.readyState=filesaver.WRITING}),fs_error)}),fs_error)};dir.getFile(name,{create:false},abortable(function(file){file.remove();save()}),abortable(function(ex){if(ex.code===ex.NOT_FOUND_ERR){save()}else{fs_error()}}))}),fs_error)}),fs_error)},FS_proto=FileSaver.prototype,saveAs=function(blob,name,no_auto_bom){return new FileSaver(blob,name,no_auto_bom)};if(typeof navigator!=="undefined"&&navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob){return function(blob,name,no_auto_bom){if(!no_auto_bom){blob=auto_bom(blob)}return navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(blob,name||"download")}}FS_proto.abort=function(){var filesaver=this;filesaver.readyState=filesaver.DONE;dispatch(filesaver,"abort")};FS_proto.readyState=FS_proto.INIT=0;FS_proto.WRITING=1;FS_proto.DONE=2;FS_proto.error=FS_proto.onwritestart=FS_proto.onprogress=FS_proto.onwrite=FS_proto.onabort=FS_proto.onerror=FS_proto.onwriteend=null;return saveAs}(typeof self!=="undefined"&&self||typeof window!=="undefined"&&window||this.content);if(typeof module!=="undefined"&&module.exports){module.exports.saveAs=saveAs}else if(typeof define!=="undefined"&&define!==null&&define.amd!=null){define([],function(){return saveAs})} //seeded random function, courtesy of http://davidbau.com/archives/2010/01/30/random_seeds_coded_hints_and_quintillions.html (function(a,b,c,d,e,f){function k(a){var b,c=a.length,e=this,f=0,g=e.i=e.j=0,h=e.S=[];for(c||(a=[c++]);d>f;)h[f]=f++;for(f=0;d>f;f++)h[f]=h[g=j&g+a[f%c]+(b=h[f])],h[g]=b;(e.g=function(a){for(var b,c=0,f=e.i,g=e.j,h=e.S;a--;)b=h[f=j&f+1],c=c*d+h[j&(h[f]=h[g=j&g+b])+(h[g]=b)];return e.i=f,e.j=g,c})(d)}function l(a,b){var e,c=[],d=(typeof a)[0];if(b&&"o"==d)for(e in a)try{c.push(l(a[e],b-1))}catch(f){}return c.length?c:"s"==d?a:a+"\0"}function m(a,b){for(var d,c=a+"",e=0;c.length>e;)b[j&e]=j&(d^=19*b[j&e])+c.charCodeAt(e++);return o(b)}function n(c){try{return a.crypto.getRandomValues(c=new Uint8Array(d)),o(c)}catch(e){return[+new Date,a,a.navigator.plugins,a.screen,o(b)]}}function o(a){return String.fromCharCode.apply(0,a)}var g=c.pow(d,e),h=c.pow(2,f),i=2*h,j=d-1;c.seedrandom=function(a,f){var j=[],p=m(l(f?[a,o(b)]:0 in arguments?a:n(),3),j),q=new k(j);return m(o(q.S),b),c.random=function(){for(var a=q.g(e),b=g,c=0;h>a;)a=(a+c)*d,b*=d,c=q.g(1);for(;a>=i;)a/=2,b/=2,c>>>=1;return(a+c)/b},p},m(c.random(),b)})(this,[],Math,256,6,52); function bind(scope,fn) { //use : bind(this,function(){this.x++;}) - returns a function where "this" refers to the scoped this return function() {fn.apply(scope,arguments);}; } var grabProps=function(arr,prop) { if (!arr) return []; arr2=[]; for (var i=0;i0) {offX=(offX%iW)-iW;} if (offY<0) {offY=offY-Math.floor(offY/iH)*iH;} if (offY>0) {offY=(offY%iH)-iH;} for (var y=offY;y=2) {Sounds[url].currentTime=0;Sounds[url].volume=Math.pow(volume*Game.volume/100,2);} Sounds[url].play(); } var SoundInsts=[]; var SoundI=0; for (var i=0;i<12;i++){SoundInsts[i]=new Audio();} var pitchSupport=false; //note : Chrome turns out to not support webkitPreservesPitch despite the specifications claiming otherwise, and Firefox clips some short sounds when changing playbackRate, so i'm turning the feature off completely until browsers get it together //if (SoundInsts[0].preservesPitch || SoundInsts[0].mozPreservesPitch || SoundInsts[0].webkitPreservesPitch) pitchSupport=true; var PlaySound=function(url,vol,pitchVar) { //url : the url of the sound to play (will be cached so it only loads once) //vol : volume between 0 and 1 (multiplied by game volume setting); defaults to 1 (full volume) //(DISABLED) pitchVar : pitch variance in browsers that support it (Firefox only at the moment); defaults to 0.05 (which means pitch can be up to -5% or +5% anytime the sound plays) var volume=1; if (typeof vol!=='undefined') volume=vol; if (!Game.volume || volume==0) return 0; if (!Sounds[url]) { //sound isn't loaded, cache it Sounds[url]=new Audio(url); Sounds[url].onloadeddata=function(e){PlaySound(url,vol,pitchVar);} } else if (Sounds[url].readyState>=2) { var sound=SoundInsts[SoundI]; SoundI++; if (SoundI>=12) SoundI=0; sound.src=Sounds[url].src; //sound.currentTime=0; sound.volume=Math.pow(volume*Game.volume/100,2); if (pitchSupport) { var pitchVar=(typeof pitchVar==='undefined')?0.05:pitchVar; var rate=1+(Math.random()*2-1)*pitchVar; sound.preservesPitch=false; sound.mozPreservesPitch=false; sound.webkitPreservesPitch=false; sound.playbackRate=rate; } sound.play(); } } if (!Date.now){Date.now=function now() {return new Date().getTime();};} triggerAnim=function(element,anim) { if (!element) return; element.classList.remove(anim); void element.offsetWidth; element.classList.add(anim); }; var debugStr=''; var Debug=function(what) { if (!debugStr) debugStr=what; else debugStr+='; '+what; } var Timer={}; Timer.t=Date.now(); Timer.labels=[]; Timer.smoothed=[]; Timer.reset=function() { Timer.labels=[]; Timer.t=Date.now(); } Timer.track=function(label) { if (!Game.sesame) return; var now=Date.now(); if (!Timer.smoothed[label]) Timer.smoothed[label]=0; Timer.smoothed[label]+=((now-Timer.t)-Timer.smoothed[label])*0.1; Timer.labels[label]='
'+label+' : '+Math.round(Timer.smoothed[label])+'ms
'; Timer.t=now; } Timer.clean=function() { if (!Game.sesame) return; var now=Date.now(); Timer.t=now; } Timer.say=function(label) { if (!Game.sesame) return; Timer.labels[label]='
'; } /*===================================================================================== GAME INITIALIZATION =======================================================================================*/ var Game={}; Game.Launch=function() { Game.version=VERSION; Game.beta=BETA; if (window.location.href.indexOf('/beta')>-1) Game.beta=1; Game.https=(location.protocol!='https:')?false:true; Game.mobile=0; Game.touchEvents=0; //if (/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) Game.mobile=1; //if (Game.mobile) Game.touchEvents=1; //if ('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement) Game.touchEvents=1; var css=document.createElement('style'); css.type='text/css'; css.innerHTML='body .icon,body .crate,body .usesIcon{background-image:url(img/icons.png?v='+Game.version+');}'; document.head.appendChild(css); Game.baseSeason='';//halloween, christmas, valentines, fools, easter //automatic season detection (might not be 100% accurate) var year=new Date().getFullYear(); var leap=(((year%4==0)&&(year%100!=0))||(year%400==0))?1:0; var day=Math.floor((new Date()-new Date(year,0,0))/(1000*60*60*24)); if (day>=41 && day<=46) Game.baseSeason='valentines'; else if (day+leap>=90 && day<=92+leap) Game.baseSeason='fools'; else if (day>=304-7+leap && day<=304+leap) Game.baseSeason='halloween'; else if (day>=349+leap && day<=365+leap) Game.baseSeason='christmas'; else { //easter is a pain goddamn var easterDay=function(Y){var C = Math.floor(Y/100);var N = Y - 19*Math.floor(Y/19);var K = Math.floor((C - 17)/25);var I = C - Math.floor(C/4) - Math.floor((C - K)/3) + 19*N + 15;I = I - 30*Math.floor((I/30));I = I - Math.floor(I/28)*(1 - Math.floor(I/28)*Math.floor(29/(I + 1))*Math.floor((21 - N)/11));var J = Y + Math.floor(Y/4) + I + 2 - C + Math.floor(C/4);J = J - 7*Math.floor(J/7);var L = I - J;var M = 3 + Math.floor((L + 40)/44);var D = L + 28 - 31*Math.floor(M/4);return new Date(Y,M-1,D);}(year); easterDay=Math.floor((easterDay-new Date(easterDay.getFullYear(),0,0))/(1000*60*60*24)); if (day>=easterDay-7 && day<=easterDay) Game.baseSeason='easter'; } Game.updateLog= '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
Cookie Clicker is a javascript game by Orteil and Opti.
'+ //'
We have an official Discord, as well as a forum; '+ '
We have an official Discord; '+ 'if you\'re looking for help, you may also want to visit the subreddit '+ 'or the wiki.
'+ '
News and teasers are usually posted on my tumblr and twitter.
'+ '
Cookie Clicker is 100% free, forever. Want to support us so we can keep developing games? Here\'s some ways you can help :
'+ '
• support us on Patreon (there\'s perks!)'+ '
to our PayPal (note: PayPal takes at least $0.32 in fees so only amounts above that reach us!)'+ '
• disable your adblocker
• check out our rad cookie shirts, hoodies and stickers!
• (if you want!)
'+ '
Note : if you find a new bug after an update and you\'re using a 3rd-party add-on, make sure it\'s not just your add-on causing it!
'+ '
Warning : clearing your browser cache or cookies (what else?) will result in your save being wiped. Export your save and back it up first!
'+ '
'+ '
Version history
'+ '
'+ '
01/11/2020 - alternate reality
'+ '
• new building
'+ '
• new upgrade tier
'+ '
• new achievement tier
'+ '
• new heavenly upgrades
'+ '
• new modding API
'+ '
• new rebalancing (ascension slot prices, finger upgrades...)
'+ '
• new fixes (leap years, ghost swaps, carryover seeds...)
'+ '
• new stuff
'+ '
'+ '
23/08/2020 - money me, money now
'+ '
• finalized stock market minigame beta and added it to live version
'+ '
• dark mode added to stock market minigame
'+ '
• can no longer select a milk before unlocking it; milk selector layout has been improved
'+ '
• stock market goods have higher value caps and a larger spread; can also shift-click the hide buttons to hide/show all other stocks
'+ '
'+ '
08/08/2020 - checking account (beta)
'+ '
• stock market layout has been revised
'+ '
• selling stocks no longer increases cookies baked all time
'+ '
• stock prices are now defined by your highest raw CpS this ascension (which is now displayed in the stats screen)
'+ '
• can no longer buy and sell a stock in the same tick
'+ '
• warehouse space now gains +10 per associated building level (up from +5)
'+ '
• bank level now improves average (and maximum) stock values
'+ '
• later stocks are worth more
'+ '
• Cookie Clicker turns 7!
'+ '
'+ '
18/06/2020 - making bank (beta)
'+ '
• added the stock market minigame, accessible with level 1 banks or above; buy low, sell high!
'+ '
• (minigame subject to heavy rebalancing over the coming patches)
'+ '
• added a couple heavenly upgrades, including one that lets you pet your dragon
'+ '
• added a new tier of building upgrades and achievements
'+ '
• reindeer clicks now properly count for shimmering veil
'+ '
• numbers in scientific notation should display better with Short numbers off
'+ '
• replaced ツ in the javascript console building display with more accurate ッ
'+ '
'+ '
28/09/2019 - going off-script
'+ '
• added a new building
'+ '
• added fortune cookies (a new heavenly upgrade)
'+ '
• more upgrades, achievements etc
'+ '
• updated the Russian bread cookies icon to better reflect their cyrillic origins
'+ '
stealth update : the sugar lump refill timeout (not sugar lump growth) now no longer ticks down while the game is closed (this fixes an exploit)
'+ '
• also released the official Android version of Cookie Clicker, playable here (iOS version will come later)
'+ '
'+ '
01/04/2019 - 2.019 (the "this year" update)
'+ '
• game has been renamed to "Cookie Clicker" to avoid confusion
'+ '
• can now click the big cookie to generate cookies for free
'+ '
• removed fall damage
'+ //'
• fixed various typos : player\'s name is now correctly spelled as "[bakeryName]"
'+ '
• removed all references to computer-animated movie Hoodwinked! (2005)
'+ '
• went back in time and invented cookies and computer mice, ensuring Cookie Clicker would one day come to exist
'+ '
• game now fully compliant with Geneva Conventions
'+ '
• dropped support for TI-84 version
'+ '
• released a low-res retro version of the game, playable here : orteil.dashnet.org/experiments/cookie
'+ '
• updated version number
'+ '
'+ '
05/03/2019 - cookies for days
'+ '
• added over 20 new cookies, all previously suggested by our supporters on Patreon
'+ '
• added 2 heavenly upgrades
'+ '
• the Golden goose egg now counts as a golden cookie upgrade for Residual luck purposes
'+ '
• golden sugar lumps now either double your cookies, or give you 24 hours of your CpS, whichever is lowest (previously was doubling cookies with no cap)
'+ '
• the amount of heralds is now saved with your game, and is used to compute offline CpS the next time the game is loaded; previously, on page load, the offline calculation assumed heralds to be 0
'+ '
• added a system to counteract the game freezing up (and not baking cookies) after being inactive for a long while on slower computers; instead, this will now trigger sleep mode, during which you still produce cookies as if the game was closed; to enable this feature, use the "Sleep mode timeout" option in the settings
'+ '
• vaulting upgrades is now done with shift-click, as ctrl-click was posing issues for Mac browsers
'+ '
• made tooltips for building CpS boosts from synergies hopefully clearer
'+ '
• fixed an exploit with gambler\'s fever dream working across exports and ascensions
'+ '
• can now hide tooltips in the garden by keeping the shift key pressed to make it easier to see where you\'re planting
'+ '
• fixed a bug with golden cookies/reindeer not disappearing properly in some circumstances
'+ '
• the Dragon\'s Curve aura should now properly make sugar lumps twice as weird
'+ '
• the ctrl key should less often register incorrectly as pressed
'+ '
• added a new ad slot in the top-right, as while our playerbase is strong and supportive as ever, our ad revenue sometimes fluctuates badly; we may remove the ad again should our income stabilize
'+ '
• made a few adjustments to make the game somewhat playable in mobile browsers; it\'s not perfect and can get buggy, but it\'s functional! (you may need to zoom out or scroll around to view the game properly)
'+ '
• speaking of which, we also got some good progress on the mobile app version (built from scratch for mobile), so stay tuned!
'+ '
'+ '
25/10/2018 - feedback loop
'+ '
• added a new building
'+ '
• launched our Patreon (the link is orange so you\'ll notice it!)
'+ '
• added a bunch of new heavenly upgrades, one of which ties into our Patreon but benefits everyone (this is still experimental!)
'+ '
• when hovering over grandmas, you can now see their names and ages
'+ '
• "make X cookies just from Y" requirements are now higher
'+ '
• tweaked the prices of some heavenly upgrades to better fit the current cookie economy (it turns out billions of heavenly chips is now very achievable)
'+ '
• building tooltips now display what % of CpS they contribute through synergy upgrades
'+ '
• queenbeets now give up to 4% of bank, down from 6%
'+ '
• among other things, season switches now display how many seasonal upgrades you\'re missing, and permanent upgrade slots now display the name of the slotted upgrade
'+ '
• season switches have reworked prices
'+ '
• season switches can now be cancelled by clicking them again
'+ '
• can no longer accidentally click wrinklers through other elements
'+ '
• sugar frenzy now triples your CpS for an hour instead of doubling it
'+ '
• this text is now selectable
'+ '
• progress on dungeons minigame is still very much ongoing
'+ '
'+ '
08/08/2018 - hey now
'+ '
• Cookie Clicker somehow turns 5, going against doctors\' most optimistic estimates
'+ '
• added a new tier of building achievements, all named after Smash Mouth\'s classic 1999 hit "All Star"
'+ '
• added a new tier of building upgrades, all named after nothing in particular
'+ '
to our players : thank you so much for sticking with us all those years and allowing us to keep making the dumbest game known to mankind
'+ '
• resumed work on the dungeons minigame
'+ '
'+ '
01/08/2018 - buy buy buy
'+ '
• added a heavenly upgrade that lets you buy all your upgrades instantly
'+ '
• added a heavenly upgrade that lets you see upgrade tiers (feature was previously removed due to being confusing)
'+ '
• added a new wrinkler-related heavenly upgrade
'+ '
• added a new upgrade tier
'+ '
• added a couple new cookies and achievements
'+ '
• new "extra buttons" setting; turning it on adds buttons that let you minimize buildings
'+ '
• new "lump confirmation" setting; turning it on will show a confirmation prompt when you spend sugar lumps
'+ '
• buildings now sell back for 25% of their current price (down from 50%); Earth Shatterer modified accordingly, now gives back 50% (down from 85%)
'+ '
• farm soils now unlock correctly based on current amount of farms
'+ '
• cheapcaps have a new exciting nerf
'+ '
• wrinklegill spawns a bunch more
'+ '
• can now ctrl-shift-click on "Harvest all" to only harvest mature, non-immortal plants
'+ '
• added a new rare type of sugar lump
'+ '
'+ '
20/04/2018 - weeding out some bugs
'+ '
• golden clovers and wrinklegills should spawn a bit more often
'+ '
• cronerice matures a lot sooner
'+ '
• mature elderworts stay mature after reloading
'+ '
• garden interface occupies space more intelligently
'+ '
• seed price displays should be better behaved with short numbers disabled
'+ '
• minigame animations are now turned off if using the "Fancy graphics" option is disabled
'+ '
• CpS achievement requirements were dialed down a wee tad
'+ '
'+ '
19/04/2018 - garden patch
'+ '
• upgrades dropped by garden plants now stay unlocked forever (but drop much more rarely)
'+ '
• garden sugar lump refill now also makes plants spread and mutate 3 times more during the bonus tick
'+ '
• a few new upgrades
'+ '
• a couple bug fixes and rephrasings
'+ '
'+ '
18/04/2018 - your garden-variety update
'+ '
• added the garden, a minigame unlocked by having at least level 1 farms
'+ '
• added a little arrow and a blinky label to signal the game has updated since you last played it (hi!)
'+ '
• new cookies, milk flavors and achievements
'+ '
• sugar lumps are now unlocked whenever you\'ve baked at least a billion cookies, instead of on your first ascension
'+ '
• sugar lump type now saves correctly
'+ '
• minigame sugar lump refills can now only be done every 15 minutes (timer shared across all minigames)
'+ '
• CpS achievements now have steeper requirements
'+ '
• golden cookies now last 5% shorter for every other golden cookie on the screen
'+ '
• the game now remembers which minigames are closed or open
'+ '
• added a popup that shows when a season starts (so people won\'t be so confused about "the game looking weird today")
'+ '
• permanent upgrade slots now show a tooltip for the selected upgrade
'+ '
• finally fixed the save corruption bug, hopefully
'+ '
'+ '
24/02/2018 - sugar coating
'+ '
• added link to official Discord server
'+ '
• felt weird about pushing an update without content so :
'+ '
• added a handful of new cookies
'+ '
• added 3 new heavenly upgrades
'+ '
• short numbers should now be displayed up to novemnonagintillions
'+ '
• cookie chains no longer spawn from the Force the Hand of Fate spell
'+ '
• bigger, better Cookie Clicker content coming later this year
'+ '
'+ '
08/08/2017 - 4 more years
'+ '
• new building : Chancemakers
'+ '
• new milk, new kittens, new dragon aura, new cookie, new upgrade tier
'+ '
• buffs no longer affect offline CpS
'+ '
• Godzamok\'s hunger was made less potent (this is a nerf, very sorry)
'+ '
• grimoire spell costs and maximum magic work differently
'+ '
• Spontaneous Edifice has been reworked
'+ '
• changed unlock levels and prices for some cursor upgrades
'+ '
• fixed buggy pantheon slots, hopefully
'+ '
• fixed "Legacy started a long while ago" showing as "a few seconds ago"
'+ '
• Cookie Clicker just turned 4. Thank you for sticking with us this long!
'+ '
'+ '
15/07/2017 - the spiritual update
'+ '
• implemented sugar lumps, which start coalescing if you\'ve ascended at least once and can be used as currency for special things
'+ '
• buildings can now level up by using sugar lumps in the main buildings display, permanently boosting their CpS
'+ '
• added two new features unlocked by levelling up their associated buildings, Temples and Wizard towers; more building-related minigames will be implemented in the future
'+ '
• active buffs are now saved
'+ '
• the background selector upgrade is now functional
'+ '
• the top menu no longer scrolls with the rest
'+ '
• timespans are written nicer
'+ '
• Dragonflights now tend to supercede Click frenzies, you will rarely have both at the same time
'+ '
• some old bugs were phased out and replaced by new ones
'+ '
'+ '
24/07/2016 - golden cookies overhaul
'+ '
• golden cookies and reindeer now follow a new system involving explicitly defined buffs
'+ '
• a bunch of new golden cookie effects have been added
'+ '
• CpS gains from eggs are now multiplicative
'+ '
• shiny wrinklers are now saved
'+ '
• reindeer have been rebalanced ever so slightly
'+ '
• added a new cookie upgrade near the root of the heavenly upgrade tree; this is intended to boost early ascensions and speed up the game as a whole
'+ '
• due to EU legislation, implemented a warning message regarding browser cookies; do understand that the irony is not lost on us
'+ '
'+ '
08/02/2016 - legacy
'+ '
Everything that was implemented during the almost 2-year-long beta has been added to the live game. To recap :
'+ '
• 3 new buildings : banks, temples, and wizard towers; these have been added in-between existing buildings and as such, may disrupt some building-related achievements
'+ '
• the ascension system has been redone from scratch, with a new heavenly upgrade tree
'+ '
• mysterious new features such as angel-powered offline progression, challenge runs, and a cookie dragon
'+ '
• sounds have been added (can be disabled in the options)
'+ '
• heaps of rebalancing and bug fixes
'+ '
• a couple more upgrades and achievements, probably
'+ '
• fresh new options to further customize your cookie-clicking experience
'+ '
• quality-of-life improvements : better bulk-buy, better switches etc
'+ '
• added some general polish
'+/* i liked this dumb pun too much to let it go unnoticed */ '
• tons of other little things we can\'t even remember right now
'+ '
Miss the old version? Your old save was automatically exported here!
'+ '
'+ '
05/02/2016 - legacy beta, more fixes
'+ '
• added challenge modes, which can be selected when ascending (only 1 for now : "Born again")
'+ '
• changed the way bulk-buying and bulk-selling works
'+ '
• more bugs ironed out
'+ '
'+ '
03/02/2016 - legacy beta, part III
'+ '
• Not all bugs have been fixed, but everything should be much less broken.
'+ '
• Additions'+ '
'+ '-a few more achievements
'+ '-new option for neat, but slow CSS effects (disabled by default)
'+ '-new option for a less grating cookie sound (enabled by default)
'+ '-new option to bring back the boxes around icons in the stats screen
'+ '-new buttons for saving and loading your game to a text file
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
• Changes'+ '
'+ '-early game should be a bit faster and very late game was kindly asked to tone it down a tad
'+ '-dragonflight should be somewhat less ridiculously overpowered
'+ '-please let me know if the rebalancing was too heavy or not heavy enough
'+ '-santa and easter upgrades now depend on Santa level and amount of eggs owned, respectively, instead of costing several minutes worth of CpS
'+ '-cookie upgrades now stack multiplicatively rather than additively
'+ '-golden switch now gives +50% CpS, and residual luck is +10% CpS per golden cookie upgrade (up from +25% and +1%, respectively)
'+ '-lucky cookies and cookie chain payouts have been modified a bit, possibly for the better, who knows!
'+ '-wrinklers had previously been reduced to a maximum of 8 (10 with a heavenly upgrade), but are now back to 10 (12 with the upgrade)
'+ /*'-all animations are now handled by requestAnimationFrame(), which should hopefully help make the game less resource-intensive
'+*/ '-an ascension now only counts for achievement purposes if you earned at least 1 prestige level from it
'+ '-the emblematic Cookie Clicker font (Kavoon) was bugged in Firefox, and has been replaced with a new font (Merriweather)
'+ '-the mysterious wrinkly creature is now even rarer, but has a shadow achievement tied to it
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
• Fixes'+ '
'+ '-prestige now grants +1% CpS per level as intended, instead of +100%
'+ '-heavenly chips should no longer add up like crazy when you ascend
'+ '-upgrades in the store should no longer randomly go unsorted
'+ '-window can be resized to any size again
'+ '-the "Stats" and "Options" buttons have been swapped again
'+ '-the golden cookie sound should be somewhat clearer
'+ '-the ascend screen should be less CPU-hungry
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
20/12/2015 - legacy beta, part II
'+ '
• existing beta saves have been wiped due to format inconsistencies and just plain broken balance; you\'ll have to start over from scratch - which will allow you to fully experience the update and find all the awful little bugs that no doubt plague it
'+ '
• importing your save from the live version is also fine
'+ '
• we took so long to make this update, Cookie Clicker turned 2 years old in the meantime! Hurray!
'+ '
• heaps of new upgrades and achievements
'+ '
• fixed a whole bunch of bugs
'+ '
• did a lot of rebalancing
'+ '
• reworked heavenly chips and heavenly cookies (still experimenting, will probably rebalance things further)
'+ '
• you may now unlock a dragon friend
'+ '
• switches and season triggers now have their own store section
'+ '
• ctrl-s and ctrl-o now save the game and open the import menu, respectively
'+ '
• added some quick sounds, just as a test
'+ '
• a couple more options
'+ '
• even more miscellaneous changes and additions
'+ '
'+ '
25/08/2014 - legacy beta, part I
'+ '
• 3 new buildings
'+ '
• price and CpS curves revamped
'+ '
• CpS calculations revamped; cookie upgrades now stack multiplicatively
'+ '
• prestige system redone from scratch, with a whole new upgrade tree
'+ '
• added some general polish
'+ '
• tons of other miscellaneous fixes and additions
'+ '
• Cookie Clicker is now 1 year old! (Thank you guys for all the support!)
'+ '
• Note : this is a beta; you are likely to encounter bugs and oversights. Feel free to send me feedback if you find something fishy!
'+ '
'+ '
18/05/2014 - better late than easter
'+ '
• bunnies and eggs, somehow
'+ '
• prompts now have keyboard shortcuts like system prompts would
'+ '
• naming your bakery? you betcha
'+ '
• "Fast notes" option to make all notifications close faster; new button to close all notifications
'+ '
• the dungeons beta is now available on /betadungeons
'+ '
'+ '
09/04/2014 - nightmare in heaven
'+ '
• broke a thing; heavenly chips were corrupted for some people
'+ '
• will probably update to /beta first in the future
'+ '
• sorry again
'+ '
'+ '
09/04/2014 - quality of life
'+ '
• new upgrade and achievement tier
'+ '
• popups and prompts are much nicer
'+ '
• tooltips on buildings are more informative
'+ '
• implemented a simplified version of the Frozen Cookies add-on\'s short number formatting
'+ '
• you can now buy 10 and sell all of a building at a time
'+ '
• tons of optimizations and subtler changes
'+ ''+ '
'+ '
05/04/2014 - pity the fool
'+ '
• wrinklers should now be saved so you don\'t have to pop them everytime you refresh the game
'+ '
• you now properly win 1 cookie upon reaching 10 billion cookies and making it on the local news
'+ '
• miscellaneous fixes and tiny additions
'+ '
• added a few very rudimentary mod hooks
'+ '
• the game should work again in Opera
'+ '
• don\'t forget to check out RandomGen, our all-purpose random generator maker!
'+ '
'+ '
01/04/2014 - fooling around
'+ '
• it\'s about time : Cookie Clicker has turned into the much more realistic Cookie Baker
'+ '
• season triggers are cheaper and properly unlock again when they run out
'+ '
• buildings should properly unlock (reminder : building unlocking is completely cosmetic and does not change the gameplay)
'+ '
'+ '
14/02/2014 - lovely rainbowcalypse
'+ '
• new building (it\'s been a while). More to come!
'+ '
• you can now trigger seasonal events to your heart\'s content (upgrade unlocks at 5000 heavenly chips)
'+ '
• new ultra-expensive batch of seasonal cookie upgrades you\'ll love to hate
'+ '
• new timer bars for golden cookie buffs
'+ '
• buildings are now hidden when you start out and appear as they become available
'+ '
• technical stuff : the game is now saved through localstorage instead of browser cookies, therefore ruining a perfectly good pun
'+ '
'+ '
22/12/2013 - merry fixmas
'+ '
• some issues with the christmas upgrades have been fixed
'+ '
• reindeer cookie drops are now more common
'+ '
• reindeers are now reindeer
'+ '
'+ '
20/12/2013 - Christmas is here
'+ '
• there is now a festive new evolving upgrade in store
'+ '
• reindeer are running amok (catch them if you can!)
'+ '
• added a new option to warn you when you close the window, so you don\'t lose your un-popped wrinklers
'+ '
• also added a separate option for displaying cursors
'+ '
• all the Halloween features are still there (and having the Spooky cookies achievements makes the Halloween cookies drop much more often)
'+ '
• oh yeah, we now have Cookie Clicker shirts, stickers and hoodies! (they\'re really rad)
'+ '
'+ '
29/10/2013 - spooky update
'+ '
• the Grandmapocalypse now spawns wrinklers, hideous elderly creatures that damage your CpS when they reach your big cookie. Thankfully, you can click on them to make them explode (you\'ll even gain back the cookies they\'ve swallowed - with interest!).
'+ '
• wrath cookie now 27% spookier
'+ '
• some other stuff
'+ '
• you should totally go check out Candy Box 2, the sequel to the game that inspired Cookie Clicker
'+ '
'+ '
15/10/2013 - it\'s a secret
'+ '
• added a new heavenly upgrade that gives you 5% of your heavenly chips power for 11 cookies (if you purchased the Heavenly key, you might need to buy it again, sorry)
'+ '
• golden cookie chains should now work properly
'+ '
'+ '
15/10/2013 - player-friendly
'+ '
• heavenly upgrades are now way, way cheaper
'+ '
• tier 5 building upgrades are 5 times cheaper
'+ '
• cursors now just plain disappear with Fancy Graphics off, I might add a proper option to toggle only the cursors later
'+ '
• warning : the Cookie Monster add-on seems to be buggy with this update, you might want to wait until its programmer updates it
'+ '
'+ '
15/10/2013 - a couple fixes
'+ '
• golden cookies should no longer spawn embarrassingly often
'+ '
• cursors now stop moving if Fancy Graphics is turned off
'+ '
'+ '
14/10/2013 - going for the gold
'+ '
• golden cookie chains work a bit differently
'+ '
• golden cookie spawns are more random
'+ '
• CpS achievements are no longer affected by golden cookie frenzies
'+ '
• revised cookie-baking achievement requirements
'+ '
• heavenly chips now require upgrades to function at full capacity
'+ '
• added 4 more cookie upgrades, unlocked after reaching certain amounts of Heavenly Chips
'+ '
• speed baking achievements now require you to have no heavenly upgrades; as such, they have been reset for everyone (along with the Hardcore achievement) to better match their initially intended difficulty
'+ '
• made good progress on the mobile port
'+ '
'+ '
01/10/2013 - smoothing it out
'+ '
• some visual effects have been completely rewritten and should now run more smoothly (and be less CPU-intensive)
'+ '
• new upgrade tier
'+ '
• new milk tier
'+ '
• cookie chains have different capping mechanics
'+ '
• antimatter condensers are back to their previous price
'+ '
• heavenly chips now give +2% CpS again (they will be extensively reworked in the future)
'+ '
• farms have been buffed a bit (to popular demand)
'+ '
• dungeons still need a bit more work and will be released soon - we want them to be just right! (you can test an unfinished version in the beta)
'+ '
'+ '
28/09/2013 - dungeon beta
'+ '
• from now on, big updates will come through a beta stage first (you can try it here)
'+ '
• first dungeons! (you need 50 factories to unlock them!)
'+ '
• cookie chains can be longer
'+ '
• antimatter condensers are a bit more expensive
'+ '
• heavenly chips now only give +1% cps each (to account for all the cookies made from condensers)
'+ '
• added flavor text on all upgrades
'+ '
'+ '
15/09/2013 - anticookies
'+ '
• ran out of regular matter to make your cookies? Try our new antimatter condensers!
'+ '
• renamed Hard-reset to "Wipe save" to avoid confusion
'+ '
• reset achievements are now regular achievements and require cookies baked all time, not cookies in bank
'+ '
• heavenly chips have been nerfed a bit (and are now awarded following a geometric progression : 1 trillion for the first, 2 for the second, etc); the prestige system will be extensively reworked in a future update (after dungeons)
'+ '
• golden cookie clicks are no longer reset by soft-resets
'+ '
• you can now see how long you\'ve been playing in the stats
'+ '
'+ '
08/09/2013 - everlasting cookies
'+ '
• added a prestige system - resetting gives you permanent CpS boosts (the more cookies made before resetting, the bigger the boost!)
'+ '
• save format has been slightly modified to take less space
'+ '
• Leprechaun has been bumped to 777 golden cookies clicked and is now shadow; Fortune is the new 77 golden cookies achievement
'+ '
• clicking frenzy is now x777
'+ '
'+ '
04/09/2013 - smarter cookie
'+ '
• golden cookies only have 20% chance of giving the same outcome twice in a row now
'+ '
• added a golden cookie upgrade
'+ '
• added an upgrade that makes pledges last twice as long (requires having pledged 10 times)
'+ '
• Quintillion fingers is now twice as efficient
'+ '
• Uncanny clicker was really too unpredictable; it is now a regular achievement and no longer requires a world record, just *pretty fast* clicking
'+ '
'+ '
02/09/2013 - a better way out
'+ '
• Elder Covenant is even cheaper, and revoking it is cheaper still (also added a new achievement for getting it)
'+ '
• each grandma upgrade now requires 15 of the matching building
'+ '
• the dreaded bottom cursor has been fixed with a new cursor display style
'+ '
• added an option for faster, cheaper graphics
'+ '
• base64 encoding has been redone; this might make saving possible again on some older browsers
'+ '
• shadow achievements now have their own section
'+ '
• raspberry juice is now named raspberry milk, despite raspberry juice being delicious and going unquestionably well with cookies
'+ '
• HOTFIX : cursors now click; fancy graphics button renamed; cookies amount now more visible against cursors
'+ '
'+ '
01/09/2013 - sorting things out
'+ '
• upgrades and achievements are properly sorted in the stats screen
'+ '
• made Elder Covenant much cheaper and less harmful
'+ '
• importing from the first version has been disabled, as promised
'+ '
• "One mind" now actually asks you to confirm the upgrade
'+ '
'+ '
31/08/2013 - hotfixes
'+ '
• added a way to permanently stop the grandmapocalypse
'+ '
• Elder Pledge price is now capped
'+ '
• One Mind and other grandma research upgrades are now a little more powerful, if not 100% accurate
'+ '
• "golden" cookie now appears again during grandmapocalypse; Elder Pledge-related achievements are now unlockable
'+ '
'+ '
31/08/2013 - too many grandmas
'+ '
• the grandmapocalypse is back, along with more grandma types
'+ '
• added some upgrades that boost your clicking power and make it scale with your cps
'+ '
• clicking achievements made harder; Neverclick is now a shadow achievement; Uncanny clicker should now truly be a world record
'+ '
'+ '
28/08/2013 - over-achiever
'+ '
• added a few more achievements
'+ '
• reworked the "Bake X cookies" achievements so they take longer to achieve
'+ '
'+ '
27/08/2013 - a bad idea
'+ '
• due to popular demand, retired 5 achievements (the "reset your game" and "cheat" ones); they can still be unlocked, but do not count toward your total anymore. Don\'t worry, there will be many more achievements soon!
'+ '
• made some achievements hidden for added mystery
'+ '
'+ '
27/08/2013 - a sense of achievement
'+ '
• added achievements (and milk)
'+ '
(this is a big update, please don\'t get too mad if you lose some data!)
'+ '
'+ '
26/08/2013 - new upgrade tier
'+ '
• added some more upgrades (including a couple golden cookie-related ones)
'+ '
• added clicking stats
'+ '
'+ '
26/08/2013 - more tweaks
'+ '
• tweaked a couple cursor upgrades
'+ '
• made time machines less powerful
'+ '
• added offline mode option
'+ '
'+ '
25/08/2013 - tweaks
'+ '
• rebalanced progression curve (mid- and end-game objects cost more and give more)
'+ '
• added some more cookie upgrades
'+ '
• added CpS for cursors
'+ '
• added sell button
'+ '
• made golden cookie more useful
'+ '
'+ '
24/08/2013 - hotfixes
'+ '
• added import/export feature, which also allows you to retrieve a save game from the old version (will be disabled in a week to prevent too much cheating)
'+ '
• upgrade store now has unlimited slots (just hover over it), due to popular demand
'+ '
• added update log
'+ '
'+ '
24/08/2013 - big update!
'+ '
• revamped the whole game (new graphics, new game mechanics)
'+ '
• added upgrades
'+ '
• much safer saving
'+ '
'+ '
08/08/2013 - game launch
'+ '
• made the game in a couple hours, for laughs
'+ '
• kinda starting to regret it
'+ '
• ah well
'+ '
'+ '
' ; Game.ready=0; Game.Load=function() { //l('javascriptError').innerHTML='
'; Game.Loader=new Loader(); Game.Loader.domain='img/'; Game.Loader.loaded=Game.Init; Game.Loader.Load(['filler.png']); } Game.ErrorFrame=function() { l('javascriptError').innerHTML= '
Oops. Wrong address!
'+ '
It looks like you\'re accessing Cookie Clicker from another URL than the official one.
'+ 'You can play Cookie Clicker over here!
'+ '(If for any reason, you are unable to access the game on the official URL, we are currently working on a second domain.)
'; } Game.timedout=false; Game.Timeout=function() { Game.WriteSave(); Game.killShimmers(); l('javascriptError').innerHTML='Cookie Clicker is in sleep mode'+(Game.Has('Twin Gates of Transcendence')?' and generating offline cookies':'')+'.
Click here to resume from your save file.
(this happens when too many frames are skipped at once,
usually when the game has been running in the background for a while)
(you can turn this feature off in the settings menu)
'; l('javascriptError').style.display='block'; Game.timedout=true; console.log('[=== Game timed out and has been put in sleep mode. Data was saved. ===]'); } Game.Resume=function() { l('javascriptError').innerHTML=''; l('javascriptError').style.display='none'; Game.timedout=false; Game.time=Date.now(); Game.accumulatedDelay=0; Game.delayTimeouts=0; Game.lastActivity=Date.now(); Game.Loop(); Game.LoadSave(); console.log('[=== Game resumed! Data was loaded. ===]'); } Game.Init=function() { Game.ready=1; /*===================================================================================== VARIABLES AND PRESETS =======================================================================================*/ Game.T=0; Game.drawT=0; Game.loopT=0; Game.fps=30; Game.season=Game.baseSeason; Game.l=l('game'); Game.bounds=0;//rectangle defining screen limits (right,left,bottom,top) updated every logic frame if (Game.mobile==1) { l('wrapper').className='mobile'; } Game.clickStr=Game.touchEvents?'ontouchend':'onclick'; Game.SaveTo='CookieClickerGame'; if (Game.beta) Game.SaveTo='CookieClickerGameBeta'; l('versionNumber').innerHTML='v. '+Game.version+'
'+(Game.beta?' beta':''); if (Game.beta) {var me=l('linkVersionBeta');me.parentNode.removeChild(me);} else if (Game.version==1.0466) {var me=l('linkVersionOld');me.parentNode.removeChild(me);} else {var me=l('linkVersionLive');me.parentNode.removeChild(me);} //l('links').innerHTML=(Game.beta?'Live version | ':'Try the beta! | ')+'Classic'; //l('links').innerHTML='Cookie Clicker Classic'; Game.lastActivity=Date.now();//reset on mouse move, key press or click //latency compensator stuff Game.time=Date.now(); Game.accumulatedDelay=0; Game.delayTimeouts=0;//how many times we've gone over the timeout delay Game.catchupLogic=0; Game.fpsStartTime=0; Game.frameNumber=0; Game.currentFps=Game.fps; Game.previousFps=Game.currentFps; Game.getFps=function() { Game.frameNumber++; var currentTime=(Date.now()-Game.fpsStartTime )/1000; var result=Math.floor((Game.frameNumber/currentTime)); if (currentTime>1) { Game.fpsStartTime=Date.now(); Game.frameNumber=0; } return result; } Game.cookiesEarned=0;//all cookies earned during gameplay Game.cookies=0;//cookies Game.cookiesd=0;//cookies display Game.cookiesPs=1;//cookies per second (to recalculate with every new purchase) Game.cookiesPsRaw=0;//raw cookies per second Game.cookiesPsRawHighest=0;//highest raw cookies per second this ascension Game.cookiesReset=0;//cookies lost to resetting (used to determine prestige and heavenly chips) Game.cookieClicks=0;//+1 for each click on the cookie Game.goldenClicks=0;//+1 for each golden cookie clicked (all time) Game.goldenClicksLocal=0;//+1 for each golden cookie clicked (this game only) Game.missedGoldenClicks=0;//+1 for each golden cookie missed Game.handmadeCookies=0;//all the cookies made from clicking the cookie Game.milkProgress=0;//you gain a little bit for each achievement. Each increment of 1 is a different milk displayed. Game.milkH=Game.milkProgress/2;//milk height, between 0 and 1 (although should never go above 0.5) Game.milkHd=0;//milk height display Game.milkType=0;//custom milk Game.bgType=0;//custom background Game.chimeType=0;//golden cookie chime Game.prestige=0;//prestige level (recalculated depending on Game.cookiesReset) Game.heavenlyChips=0;//heavenly chips the player currently has Game.heavenlyChipsDisplayed=0;//ticks up or down to match Game.heavenlyChips Game.heavenlyChipsSpent=0;//heavenly chips spent on cookies, upgrades and such Game.heavenlyCookies=0;//how many cookies have we baked from chips (unused) Game.permanentUpgrades=[-1,-1,-1,-1,-1]; Game.ascensionMode=0;//type of challenge run if any Game.resets=0;//reset counter Game.lumps=-1;//sugar lumps Game.lumpsTotal=-1;//sugar lumps earned across all playthroughs (-1 means they haven't even started yet) Game.lumpT=Date.now();//time when the current lump started forming Game.lumpRefill=0;//time left before a sugar lump can be used again (on minigame refills etc) in logic frames Game.makeSeed=function() { var chars='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'.split(''); var str=''; for (var i=0;i<5;i++){str+=choose(chars);} return str; } Game.seed=Game.makeSeed();//each run has its own seed, used for deterministic random stuff Game.volume=50;//sound volume Game.elderWrath=0; Game.elderWrathOld=0; Game.elderWrathD=0; Game.pledges=0; Game.pledgeT=0; Game.researchT=0; Game.nextResearch=0; Game.cookiesSucked=0;//cookies sucked by wrinklers Game.cpsSucked=0;//percent of CpS being sucked by wrinklers Game.wrinklersPopped=0; Game.santaLevel=0; Game.reindeerClicked=0; Game.seasonT=0; Game.seasonUses=0; Game.dragonLevel=0; Game.dragonAura=0; Game.dragonAura2=0; Game.fortuneGC=0; Game.fortuneCPS=0; Game.blendModesOn=(document.createElement('detect').style.mixBlendMode===''); Game.bg='';//background (grandmas and such) Game.bgFade='';//fading to background Game.bgR=0;//ratio (0 - not faded, 1 - fully faded) Game.bgRd=0;//ratio displayed Game.windowW=window.innerWidth; Game.windowH=window.innerHeight; window.addEventListener('resize',function(event) { Game.windowW=window.innerWidth; Game.windowH=window.innerHeight; for (var i in Game.Objects) { var me=Game.Objects[i]; me.toResize=true; if (me.minigame && me.minigame.onResize) me.minigame.onResize(); } }); Game.startDate=parseInt(Date.now());//when we started playing Game.fullDate=parseInt(Date.now());//when we started playing (carries over with resets) Game.lastDate=parseInt(Date.now());//when we last saved the game (used to compute "cookies made since we closed the game" etc) Game.prefs=[]; Game.DefaultPrefs=function() { Game.prefs.particles=1;//particle effects : falling cookies etc Game.prefs.numbers=1;//numbers that pop up when clicking the cookie Game.prefs.autosave=1;//save the game every minute or so Game.prefs.autoupdate=1;//send an AJAX request to the server every 30 minutes (note : ignored) Game.prefs.milk=1;//display milk Game.prefs.fancy=1;//CSS shadow effects (might be heavy on some browsers) Game.prefs.warn=0;//warn before closing the window Game.prefs.cursors=1;//display cursors Game.prefs.focus=1;//make the game refresh less frequently when off-focus Game.prefs.popups=0;//use old-style popups Game.prefs.format=0;//shorten numbers Game.prefs.notifs=0;//notifications fade faster Game.prefs.animate=1;//animate buildings Game.prefs.wobbly=1;//wobbly cookie Game.prefs.monospace=0;//alt monospace font for cookies Game.prefs.filters=0;//CSS filter effects (might be heavy on some browsers) Game.prefs.cookiesound=1;//use new cookie click sound Game.prefs.crates=0;//show crates around icons in stats Game.prefs.altDraw=0;//use requestAnimationFrame to update drawing instead of fixed 30 fps setTimeout Game.prefs.showBackupWarning=1;//if true, show a "Have you backed up your save?" message on save load; set to false when save is exported Game.prefs.extraButtons=1;//if true, show Mute buttons and the building master bar Game.prefs.askLumps=0;//if true, show a prompt before spending lumps Game.prefs.customGrandmas=1;//if true, show patreon names for grandmas Game.prefs.timeout=0;//if true, game may show pause screen when timed out } Game.DefaultPrefs(); window.onbeforeunload=function(event) { if (Game.prefs && Game.prefs.warn) { if (typeof event=='undefined') event=window.event; if (event) event.returnValue='Are you sure you want to close Cookie Clicker?'; } } Game.Mobile=function() { if (!Game.mobile) { l('wrapper').className='mobile'; Game.mobile=1; } else { l('wrapper').className=''; Game.mobile=0; } } Game.showBackupWarning=function() { Game.Notify('Back up your save!','Hello again! Just a reminder that you may want to back up your Cookie Clicker save every once in a while, just in case.
To do so, go to Options and hit "Export save" or "Save to file"!
Don\'t show this again',[25,7]); } /*===================================================================================== MODDING API =======================================================================================*/ /* to use: -have your mod call Game.registerMod("unique id",mod object) -the "unique id" value is a string the mod will use to index and retrieve its save data; special characters are ignored -the "mod object" value is an object structured like so: { init:function(){ //this function is called as soon as the mod is registered //declare hooks here }, save:function(){ //use this to store persistent data associated with your mod return 'a string to be saved'; }, load:function(str){ //do stuff with the string data you saved previously }, } -the mod object may also contain any other data or functions you want, for instance to make them accessible to other mods -your mod and its data can be accessed with Game.mods['mod id'] -hooks are functions the game calls automatically in certain circumstances, like when calculating cookies per click or when redrawing the screen -to add a hook: Game.registerHook('hook id',yourFunctionHere) - note: you can also declare whole arrays of hooks, ie. Game.registerHook('hook id',[function1,function2,...]) -to remove a hook: Game.removeHook('hook id',theSameFunctionHere) -some hooks are fed a parameter you can use in the function -list of valid hook ids: 'logic' - called every logic tick 'draw' - called every draw tick 'reset' - called whenever the player resets; parameter is true if this is a hard reset, false if it's an ascension 'reincarnate' - called when the player has reincarnated after an ascension 'ticker' - called when determining news ticker text; should return an array of possible choices to add 'cps' - called when determining the CpS; parameter is the current CpS; should return the modified CpS 'cookiesPerClick' - called when determining the cookies per click; parameter is the current value; should return the modified value 'click' - called when the big cookie is clicked 'create' - called after the game declares all buildings, upgrades and achievs; use this to declare your own - note that saving/loading functionality for custom content is not explicitly implemented and may be unpredictable and broken 'check' - called every few seconds when we check for upgrade/achiev unlock conditions; you can also use this for other checks that you don't need happening every logic frame -function hooks are provided for convenience and more advanced mod functionality will probably involve manual code injection -please be mindful of the length of the data you save, as it does inflate the export-save-to-string feature NOTE: modding API is susceptible to change and may not always function super-well */ Game.mods={}; Game.sortedMods=[]; Game.modSaveData={}; Game.modHooks={}; Game.modHooksNames=['logic','draw','reset','reincarnate','ticker','cps','cookiesPerClick','click','create','check']; for (var i=0;i'; if (Game.mods[i]) str+=' (loaded)'; str+='
'; str+='
'+Game.modSaveData[i].length+' chars X'; str+='
'; str+=''; modsN++; } if (modsN==0) str+='No mod data present.'; else str+='
Delete all
'; Game.Prompt('

Mod data

These are the mods present in your save data. You may delete some of this data to make your save file smaller.
',['Back']); } Game.LoadMod=function(url)//this loads the mod at the given URL and gives the script an automatic id (URL "http://example.com/my_mod.js" gives the id "modscript_my_mod") { var js=document.createElement('script'); var id=url.split('/');id=id[id.length-1].split('.')[0]; js.setAttribute('type','text/javascript'); js.setAttribute('id','modscript_'+id); js.setAttribute('src',url); document.head.appendChild(js); console.log('Loaded the mod '+url+', '+id+'.'); } if (false) { //EXAMPLE MOD Game.registerMod('test mod',{ /* what this example mod does: -double your CpS -display a little popup for half a second whenever you click the big cookie -add a little intro text above your bakery name, and generate that intro text at random if you don't already have one -save and load your intro text */ init:function(){ Game.registerHook('reincarnate',function(){Game.mods['test mod'].addIntro();}); Game.registerHook('check',function(){if (!Game.playerIntro){Game.mods['test mod'].addIntro();}}); Game.registerHook('click',function(){Game.Notify(choose(['A good click.','A solid click.','A mediocre click.','An excellent click!']),'',0,0.5);}); Game.registerHook('cps',function(cps){return cps*2;}); }, save:function(){ //note: we use stringified JSON for ease and clarity but you could store any type of string return JSON.stringify({text:Game.playerIntro}) }, load:function(str){ var data=JSON.parse(str); if (data.text) Game.mods['test mod'].addIntro(data.text); }, addIntro:function(text){ //note: this is not a mod hook, just a function that's part of the mod Game.playerIntro=text||choose(['oh snap, it\'s','watch out, it\'s','oh no! here comes','hide your cookies, for here comes','behold! it\'s']); if (!l('bakerySubtitle')) l('bakeryName').insertAdjacentHTML('afterend','
'); l('bakerySubtitle').textContent='~'+Game.playerIntro+'~'; }, }); } //replacing an existing canvas picture with a new one at runtime : Game.Loader.Replace('perfectCookie.png','imperfectCookie.png'); //upgrades and achievements can use other pictures than icons.png; declare their icon with [posX,posY,'http://example.com/myIcons.png'] //check out the "UNLOCKING STUFF" section to see how unlocking achievs and upgrades is done /*===================================================================================== BAKERY NAME =======================================================================================*/ Game.RandomBakeryName=function() { return (Math.random()>0.05?(choose(['Magic','Fantastic','Fancy','Sassy','Snazzy','Pretty','Cute','Pirate','Ninja','Zombie','Robot','Radical','Urban','Cool','Hella','Sweet','Awful','Double','Triple','Turbo','Techno','Disco','Electro','Dancing','Wonder','Mutant','Space','Science','Medieval','Future','Captain','Bearded','Lovely','Tiny','Big','Fire','Water','Frozen','Metal','Plastic','Solid','Liquid','Moldy','Shiny','Happy','Happy Little','Slimy','Tasty','Delicious','Hungry','Greedy','Lethal','Professor','Doctor','Power','Chocolate','Crumbly','Choklit','Righteous','Glorious','Mnemonic','Psychic','Frenetic','Hectic','Crazy','Royal','El','Von'])+' '):'Mc')+choose(['Cookie','Biscuit','Muffin','Scone','Cupcake','Pancake','Chip','Sprocket','Gizmo','Puppet','Mitten','Sock','Teapot','Mystery','Baker','Cook','Grandma','Click','Clicker','Spaceship','Factory','Portal','Machine','Experiment','Monster','Panic','Burglar','Bandit','Booty','Potato','Pizza','Burger','Sausage','Meatball','Spaghetti','Macaroni','Kitten','Puppy','Giraffe','Zebra','Parrot','Dolphin','Duckling','Sloth','Turtle','Goblin','Pixie','Gnome','Computer','Pirate','Ninja','Zombie','Robot']); } Game.GetBakeryName=function() {return Game.RandomBakeryName();} Game.bakeryName=Game.GetBakeryName(); Game.bakeryNameL=l('bakeryName'); Game.bakeryNameL.textContent=Game.bakeryName+'\'s bakery'; Game.bakeryNameSet=function(what) { Game.bakeryName=what.replace(/\W+/g,' '); Game.bakeryName=Game.bakeryName.substring(0,28); Game.bakeryNameRefresh(); } Game.bakeryNameRefresh=function() { var name=Game.bakeryName; if (name.slice(-1).toLowerCase()=='s') name+='\' bakery'; else name+='\'s bakery'; Game.bakeryNameL.textContent=name; name=Game.bakeryName.toLowerCase(); if (name=='orteil') Game.Win('God complex'); if (name.indexOf('saysopensesame',name.length-('saysopensesame').length)>0 && !Game.sesame) Game.OpenSesame(); Game.recalculateGains=1; } Game.bakeryNamePrompt=function() { Game.Prompt('

Name your bakery

What should your bakery\'s name be?
',[['Confirm','if (l(\'bakeryNameInput\').value.length>0) {Game.bakeryNameSet(l(\'bakeryNameInput\').value);Game.Win(\'What\\\'s in a name\');Game.ClosePrompt();}'],['Random','Game.bakeryNamePromptRandom();'],'Cancel']); l('bakeryNameInput').focus(); l('bakeryNameInput').select(); } Game.bakeryNamePromptRandom=function() { l('bakeryNameInput').value=Game.RandomBakeryName(); } AddEvent(Game.bakeryNameL,'click',Game.bakeryNamePrompt); /*===================================================================================== TOOLTIP =======================================================================================*/ Game.tooltip={text:'',x:0,y:0,origin:'',on:0,tt:l('tooltip'),tta:l('tooltipAnchor'),shouldHide:1,dynamic:0,from:0}; Game.tooltip.draw=function(from,text,origin) { this.shouldHide=0; this.text=text; this.from=from; //this.x=x; //this.y=y; this.origin=origin; var tt=this.tt; var tta=this.tta; tt.style.left='auto'; tt.style.top='auto'; tt.style.right='auto'; tt.style.bottom='auto'; if (typeof this.text==='function') { var text=this.text(); if (text=='') tta.style.opacity='0'; else { tt.innerHTML=unescape(text); tta.style.opacity='1'; } } else tt.innerHTML=unescape(this.text); //tt.innerHTML=(typeof this.text==='function')?unescape(this.text()):unescape(this.text); tta.style.display='block'; tta.style.visibility='hidden'; Game.tooltip.update(); tta.style.visibility='visible'; this.on=1; } Game.tooltip.update=function() { var X=0; var Y=0; var width=this.tt.offsetWidth; var height=this.tt.offsetHeight; if (this.origin=='store') { X=Game.windowW-332-width; Y=Game.mouseY-32; if (Game.onCrate) Y=Game.onCrate.getBoundingClientRect().top-42; Y=Math.max(0,Math.min(Game.windowH-height-44,Y)); /*this.tta.style.right='308px';//'468px'; this.tta.style.left='auto'; if (Game.onCrate) Y=Game.onCrate.getBoundingClientRect().top-2; this.tta.style.top=Math.max(0,Math.min(Game.windowH-this.tt.clientHeight-64,Y-48))+'px';*/ } else { if (Game.onCrate) { var rect=Game.onCrate.getBoundingClientRect(); rect={left:rect.left,top:rect.top,right:rect.right,bottom:rect.bottom}; if (rect.left==0 && rect.top==0)//if we get that bug where we get stuck in the top-left, move to the mouse (REVISION : just do nothing) {return false;/*rect.left=Game.mouseX-24;rect.right=Game.mouseX+24;rect.top=Game.mouseY-24;rect.bottom=Game.mouseY+24;*/} if (this.origin=='left') { X=rect.left-width-16; Y=rect.top+(rect.bottom-rect.top)/2-height/2-38; Y=Math.max(0,Math.min(Game.windowH-height-19,Y)); if (X<0) X=rect.right; } else { X=rect.left+(rect.right-rect.left)/2-width/2-8; Y=rect.top-height-48; X=Math.max(0,Math.min(Game.windowW-width-16,X)); if (Y<0) Y=rect.bottom-32; } } else if (this.origin=='bottom-right') { X=Game.mouseX+8; Y=Game.mouseY-32; X=Math.max(0,Math.min(Game.windowW-width-16,X)); Y=Math.max(0,Math.min(Game.windowH-height-64,Y)); } else if (this.origin=='bottom') { X=Game.mouseX-width/2-8; Y=Game.mouseY+24; X=Math.max(0,Math.min(Game.windowW-width-16,X)); Y=Math.max(0,Math.min(Game.windowH-height-64,Y)); } else if (this.origin=='left') { X=Game.mouseX-width-24; Y=Game.mouseY-height/2-8; X=Math.max(0,Math.min(Game.windowW-width-16,X)); Y=Math.max(0,Math.min(Game.windowH-height-64,Y)); } else if (this.origin=='this' && this.from) { var rect=this.from.getBoundingClientRect(); X=(rect.left+rect.right)/2-width/2-8; Y=(rect.top)-this.tt.clientHeight-48; X=Math.max(0,Math.min(Game.windowW-width-16,X)); //Y=Math.max(0,Math.min(Game.windowH-this.tt.clientHeight-64,Y)); if (Y<0) Y=(rect.bottom-24); if (Y+height+40>Game.windowH) { X=rect.right+8; Y=rect.top+(rect.bottom-rect.top)/2-height/2-38; Y=Math.max(0,Math.min(Game.windowH-height-19,Y)); } } else { X=Game.mouseX-width/2-8; Y=Game.mouseY-height-32; X=Math.max(0,Math.min(Game.windowW-width-16,X)); Y=Math.max(0,Math.min(Game.windowH-height-64,Y)); } } this.tta.style.left=X+'px'; this.tta.style.right='auto'; this.tta.style.top=Y+'px'; this.tta.style.bottom='auto'; if (this.shouldHide) {this.hide();this.shouldHide=0;} else if (Game.drawT%10==0 && typeof(this.text)==='function') { var text=this.text(); if (text=='') this.tta.style.opacity='0'; else { this.tt.innerHTML=unescape(text); this.tta.style.opacity='1'; } } } Game.tooltip.hide=function() { this.tta.style.display='none'; this.dynamic=0; this.on=0; } Game.getTooltip=function(text,origin,isCrate) { origin=(origin?origin:'middle'); if (isCrate) return 'onMouseOut="Game.setOnCrate(0);Game.tooltip.shouldHide=1;" onMouseOver="if (!Game.mouseDown) {Game.setOnCrate(this);Game.tooltip.dynamic=0;Game.tooltip.draw(this,\''+escape(text)+'\',\''+origin+'\');Game.tooltip.wobble();}"'; else return 'onMouseOut="Game.tooltip.shouldHide=1;" onMouseOver="Game.tooltip.dynamic=0;Game.tooltip.draw(this,\''+escape(text)+'\',\''+origin+'\');Game.tooltip.wobble();"'; } Game.getDynamicTooltip=function(func,origin,isCrate) { origin=(origin?origin:'middle'); if (isCrate) return 'onMouseOut="Game.setOnCrate(0);Game.tooltip.shouldHide=1;" onMouseOver="if (!Game.mouseDown) {Game.setOnCrate(this);Game.tooltip.dynamic=1;Game.tooltip.draw(this,'+'function(){return '+func+'();}'+',\''+origin+'\');Game.tooltip.wobble();}"'; return 'onMouseOut="Game.tooltip.shouldHide=1;" onMouseOver="Game.tooltip.dynamic=1;Game.tooltip.draw(this,'+'function(){return '+func+'();}'+',\''+origin+'\');Game.tooltip.wobble();"'; } Game.attachTooltip=function(el,func,origin) { if (typeof func==='string') { var str=func; func=function(str){return function(){return str;};}(str); } origin=(origin?origin:'middle'); AddEvent(el,'mouseover',function(func,el,origin){return function(){Game.tooltip.dynamic=1;Game.tooltip.draw(el,func,origin);};}(func,el,origin)); AddEvent(el,'mouseout',function(){return function(){Game.tooltip.shouldHide=1;};}()); } Game.tooltip.wobble=function() { //disabled because this effect doesn't look good with the slight slowdown it might or might not be causing. if (false) { this.tt.className='framed'; void this.tt.offsetWidth; this.tt.className='framed wobbling'; } } /*===================================================================================== UPDATE CHECKER =======================================================================================*/ Game.CheckUpdates=function() { ajax('server.php?q=checkupdate',Game.CheckUpdatesResponse); } Game.CheckUpdatesResponse=function(response) { var r=response.split('|'); var str=''; if (r[0]=='alert') { if (r[1]) str=r[1]; } else if (parseFloat(r[0])>Game.version) { str='New version available : v. '+r[0]+'!'; if (r[1]) str+='
Update note : "'+r[1]+'"'; str+='
Refresh to get it!'; } if (str!='') { l('alert').innerHTML=str; l('alert').style.display='block'; } } /*===================================================================================== DATA GRABBER =======================================================================================*/ Game.externalDataLoaded=false; Game.grandmaNames=['Granny','Gusher','Ethel','Edna','Doris','Maud','Hilda','Gladys','Michelle','Michele','Phyllis','Millicent','Muriel','Myrtle','Mildred','Mavis','Helen','Gloria','Sheila','Betty','Gertrude','Agatha','Beryl','Agnes','Pearl','Precious','Ruby','Vera','Bonnie','Ada','Bunny','Cookie','Darling','Gaga','GamGam','Memaw','Mimsy','Peanut','Nana','Nan','Tootsie','Warty','Stinky','Heinous']; Game.customGrandmaNames=[]; Game.heralds=0; Game.GrabData=function() { ajax('/patreon/grab.php',Game.GrabDataResponse); } Game.GrabDataResponse=function(response) { /* response should be formatted as {"herald":3,"grandma":"a|b|c|...} */ var r={}; try{ r=JSON.parse(response); if (typeof r['herald']!=='undefined') { Game.heralds=parseInt(r['herald']); Game.heralds=Math.max(0,Math.min(100,Game.heralds)); } if (typeof r['grandma']!=='undefined' && r['grandma']!='') { Game.customGrandmaNames=r['grandma'].split('|'); Game.customGrandmaNames=Game.customGrandmaNames.filter(function(el){return el!='';}); } l('heraldsAmount').textContent=Game.heralds; Game.externalDataLoaded=true; }catch(e){} } Game.attachTooltip(l('httpsSwitch'),'
You are currently playing Cookie Clicker on the '+(Game.https?'HTTPS':'HTTP')+' protocol.
The '+(Game.https?'HTTP':'HTTPS')+' version uses a different save slot than this one.
Click this lock to reload the page and switch to the '+(Game.https?'HTTP':'HTTPS')+' version!
','this'); AddEvent(l('httpsSwitch'),'click',function(){ PlaySound('snd/pop'+Math.floor(Math.random()*3+1)+'.mp3',0.75); if (location.protocol=='https:') location.href='http:'+window.location.href.substring(window.location.protocol.length); else if (location.protocol=='http:') location.href='https:'+window.location.href.substring(window.location.protocol.length); }); Game.attachTooltip(l('topbarOrteil'),'
Back to Orteil\'s subdomain!
Lots of other games in there!
','this'); Game.attachTooltip(l('topbarDashnet'),'
Back to our homepage!
','this'); Game.attachTooltip(l('topbarTwitter'),'
Orteil\'s twitter, which frequently features game updates.
','this'); Game.attachTooltip(l('topbarTumblr'),'
Orteil\'s tumblr, which frequently features game updates.
','this'); Game.attachTooltip(l('topbarDiscord'),'
Our official discord server.
You can share tips and questions about Cookie Clicker and all our other games!
','this'); Game.attachTooltip(l('topbarPatreon'),'
Support us on Patreon and help us keep updating Cookie Clicker!
There\'s neat rewards for patrons too!
','this'); Game.attachTooltip(l('topbarMerch'),'
Cookie Clicker shirts, hoodies and stickers!
','this'); Game.attachTooltip(l('topbarMobileCC'),'
Play Cookie Clicker on your phone!
(Android only; iOS version will be released later)
','this'); Game.attachTooltip(l('topbarRandomgen'),'
A thing we made that lets you write random generators.
','this'); Game.attachTooltip(l('topbarIGM'),'
A thing we made that lets you create your own idle games using a simple scripting language.
','this'); Game.attachTooltip(l('heralds'),function(){ var str=''; if (!Game.externalDataLoaded) str+='Heralds couldn\'t be loaded. There may be an issue with our servers, or you are playing the game locally.'; else { if (Game.heralds==0) str+='There are no heralds at the moment. Please consider donating to our Patreon!'; else { str+=(Game.heralds==1?'1 herald is':''+Game.heralds+' heralds are')+' selflessly inspiring a boost in production for everyone, resulting in
+'+Game.heralds+'% cookies per second
.'; str+='
'; if (Game.ascensionMode==1) str+='You are in a Born again run, and are not currently benefiting from heralds.'; else if (Game.Has('Heralds')) str+='You own the Heralds upgrade, and therefore benefit from the production boost.'; else str+='To benefit from the herald bonus, you need a special upgrade you do not yet own. You will permanently unlock it later in the game.'; } } str+='
Heralds are people who have donated to our highest Patreon tier, and are limited to 100.
Each herald gives everyone +1% CpS.
Heralds benefit everyone playing the game, regardless of whether you donated.
'; str+='
'; return '


'; },'this'); l('heraldsAmount').textContent='?'; l('heralds').style.display='inline-block'; Game.GrabData(); Game.useLocalStorage=1; Game.localStorageGet=function(key) { var local=0; try {local=window.localStorage.getItem(key);} catch (exception) {} return local; } Game.localStorageSet=function(key,str) { var local=0; try {local=window.localStorage.setItem(key,str);} catch (exception) {} return local; } //window.localStorage.clear();//won't switch back to cookie-based if there is localStorage info /*===================================================================================== SAVE =======================================================================================*/ Game.ExportSave=function() { Game.prefs.showBackupWarning=0; Game.Prompt('

Export save

This is your save code.
Copy it and keep it somewhere safe!
',['All done!']);//prompt('Copy this text and keep it somewhere safe!',Game.WriteSave(1)); l('textareaPrompt').focus();l('textareaPrompt').select(); } Game.ImportSave=function() { Game.Prompt('

Import save

Please paste in the code that was given to you on save export.
',[['Load','if (l(\'textareaPrompt\').value.length>0) {Game.ImportSaveCode(l(\'textareaPrompt\').value);Game.ClosePrompt();}'],'Nevermind']);//prompt('Please paste in the text that was given to you on save export.',''); l('textareaPrompt').focus(); } Game.ImportSaveCode=function(save) { if (save && save!='') Game.LoadSave(save); } Game.FileSave=function() { Game.prefs.showBackupWarning=0; var filename=Game.bakeryName.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/g,'')+'Bakery'; var text=Game.WriteSave(1); var blob=new Blob([text],{type:'text/plain;charset=utf-8'}); saveAs(blob,filename+'.txt'); } Game.FileLoad=function(e) { if (e.target.files.length==0) return false; var file=e.target.files[0]; var reader=new FileReader(); reader.onload=function(e) { Game.ImportSaveCode(e.target.result); } reader.readAsText(file); } Game.toSave=false; Game.WriteSave=function(type) { Game.toSave=false; //type : none is default, 1=return string only, 2=return uncompressed string, 3=return uncompressed, commented string Game.lastDate=parseInt(Game.time); var str=''; if (type==3) str+='\nGame version\n'; str+=Game.version+'|'; str+='|';//just in case we need some more stuff here if (type==3) str+='\n\nRun details'; str+=//save stats (type==3?'\n run start date : ':'')+parseInt(Game.startDate)+';'+ (type==3?'\n legacy start date : ':'')+parseInt(Game.fullDate)+';'+ (type==3?'\n date when we last opened the game : ':'')+parseInt(Game.lastDate)+';'+ (type==3?'\n bakery name : ':'')+(Game.bakeryName)+';'+ (type==3?'\n seed : ':'')+(Game.seed)+ '|'; if (type==3) str+='\n\nPacked preferences bitfield\n '; var str2=//prefs (Game.prefs.particles?'1':'0')+ (Game.prefs.numbers?'1':'0')+ (Game.prefs.autosave?'1':'0')+ (Game.prefs.autoupdate?'1':'0')+ (Game.prefs.milk?'1':'0')+ (Game.prefs.fancy?'1':'0')+ (Game.prefs.warn?'1':'0')+ (Game.prefs.cursors?'1':'0')+ (Game.prefs.focus?'1':'0')+ (Game.prefs.format?'1':'0')+ (Game.prefs.notifs?'1':'0')+ (Game.prefs.wobbly?'1':'0')+ (Game.prefs.monospace?'1':'0')+ (Game.prefs.filters?'1':'0')+ (Game.prefs.cookiesound?'1':'0')+ (Game.prefs.crates?'1':'0')+ (Game.prefs.showBackupWarning?'1':'0')+ (Game.prefs.extraButtons?'1':'0')+ (Game.prefs.askLumps?'1':'0')+ (Game.prefs.customGrandmas?'1':'0')+ (Game.prefs.timeout?'1':'0')+ ''; str2=pack3(str2); str+=str2+'|'; if (type==3) str+='\n\nMisc game data'; str+= (type==3?'\n cookies : ':'')+parseFloat(Game.cookies).toString()+';'+ (type==3?'\n total cookies earned : ':'')+parseFloat(Game.cookiesEarned).toString()+';'+ (type==3?'\n cookie clicks : ':'')+parseInt(Math.floor(Game.cookieClicks))+';'+ (type==3?'\n golden cookie clicks : ':'')+parseInt(Math.floor(Game.goldenClicks))+';'+ (type==3?'\n cookies made by clicking : ':'')+parseFloat(Game.handmadeCookies).toString()+';'+ (type==3?'\n golden cookies missed : ':'')+parseInt(Math.floor(Game.missedGoldenClicks))+';'+ (type==3?'\n background type : ':'')+parseInt(Math.floor(Game.bgType))+';'+ (type==3?'\n milk type : ':'')+parseInt(Math.floor(Game.milkType))+';'+ (type==3?'\n cookies from past runs : ':'')+parseFloat(Game.cookiesReset).toString()+';'+ (type==3?'\n elder wrath : ':'')+parseInt(Math.floor(Game.elderWrath))+';'+ (type==3?'\n pledges : ':'')+parseInt(Math.floor(Game.pledges))+';'+ (type==3?'\n pledge time left : ':'')+parseInt(Math.floor(Game.pledgeT))+';'+ (type==3?'\n currently researching : ':'')+parseInt(Math.floor(Game.nextResearch))+';'+ (type==3?'\n research time left : ':'')+parseInt(Math.floor(Game.researchT))+';'+ (type==3?'\n ascensions : ':'')+parseInt(Math.floor(Game.resets))+';'+ (type==3?'\n golden cookie clicks (this run) : ':'')+parseInt(Math.floor(Game.goldenClicksLocal))+';'+ (type==3?'\n cookies sucked by wrinklers : ':'')+parseFloat(Game.cookiesSucked).toString()+';'+ (type==3?'\n wrinkles popped : ':'')+parseInt(Math.floor(Game.wrinklersPopped))+';'+ (type==3?'\n santa level : ':'')+parseInt(Math.floor(Game.santaLevel))+';'+ (type==3?'\n reindeer clicked : ':'')+parseInt(Math.floor(Game.reindeerClicked))+';'+ (type==3?'\n season time left : ':'')+parseInt(Math.floor(Game.seasonT))+';'+ (type==3?'\n season switcher uses : ':'')+parseInt(Math.floor(Game.seasonUses))+';'+ (type==3?'\n current season : ':'')+(Game.season?Game.season:'')+';'; var wrinklers=Game.SaveWrinklers(); str+= (type==3?'\n amount of cookies contained in wrinklers : ':'')+parseFloat(Math.floor(wrinklers.amount))+';'+ (type==3?'\n number of wrinklers : ':'')+parseInt(Math.floor(wrinklers.number))+';'+ (type==3?'\n prestige level : ':'')+parseFloat(Game.prestige).toString()+';'+ (type==3?'\n heavenly chips : ':'')+parseFloat(Game.heavenlyChips).toString()+';'+ (type==3?'\n heavenly chips spent : ':'')+parseFloat(Game.heavenlyChipsSpent).toString()+';'+ (type==3?'\n heavenly cookies : ':'')+parseFloat(Game.heavenlyCookies).toString()+';'+ (type==3?'\n ascension mode : ':'')+parseInt(Math.floor(Game.ascensionMode))+';'+ (type==3?'\n permanent upgrades : ':'')+parseInt(Math.floor(Game.permanentUpgrades[0]))+';'+parseInt(Math.floor(Game.permanentUpgrades[1]))+';'+parseInt(Math.floor(Game.permanentUpgrades[2]))+';'+parseInt(Math.floor(Game.permanentUpgrades[3]))+';'+parseInt(Math.floor(Game.permanentUpgrades[4]))+';'+ (type==3?'\n dragon level : ':'')+parseInt(Math.floor(Game.dragonLevel))+';'+ (type==3?'\n dragon aura : ':'')+parseInt(Math.floor(Game.dragonAura))+';'+ (type==3?'\n dragon aura 2 : ':'')+parseInt(Math.floor(Game.dragonAura2))+';'+ (type==3?'\n chime type : ':'')+parseInt(Math.floor(Game.chimeType))+';'+ (type==3?'\n volume : ':'')+parseInt(Math.floor(Game.volume))+';'+ (type==3?'\n number of shiny wrinklers : ':'')+parseInt(Math.floor(wrinklers.shinies))+';'+ (type==3?'\n amount of cookies contained in shiny wrinklers : ':'')+parseFloat(Math.floor(wrinklers.amountShinies))+';'+ (type==3?'\n current amount of sugar lumps : ':'')+parseFloat(Math.floor(Game.lumps))+';'+ (type==3?'\n total amount of sugar lumps made : ':'')+parseFloat(Math.floor(Game.lumpsTotal))+';'+ (type==3?'\n time when current sugar lump started : ':'')+parseFloat(Math.floor(Game.lumpT))+';'+ (type==3?'\n time when last refilled a minigame with a sugar lump : ':'')+parseFloat(Math.floor(Game.lumpRefill))+';'+ (type==3?'\n sugar lump type : ':'')+parseInt(Math.floor(Game.lumpCurrentType))+';'+ (type==3?'\n vault : ':'')+Game.vault.join(',')+';'+ (type==3?'\n heralds : ':'')+parseInt(Game.heralds)+';'+ (type==3?'\n golden cookie fortune : ':'')+parseInt(Game.fortuneGC)+';'+ (type==3?'\n CpS fortune : ':'')+parseInt(Game.fortuneCPS)+';'+ (type==3?'\n highest raw CpS : ':'')+parseFloat(Game.cookiesPsRawHighest)+';'+ '|';//cookies and lots of other stuff if (type==3) str+='\n\nBuildings : amount, bought, cookies produced, level, minigame data'; for (var i in Game.Objects)//buildings { var me=Game.Objects[i]; if (type==3) str+='\n '+me.name+' : '; if (me.vanilla) { str+=me.amount+','+me.bought+','+parseFloat(Math.floor(me.totalCookies))+','+parseInt(me.level); if (Game.isMinigameReady(me)) str+=','+me.minigame.save(); else str+=','; str+=','+(me.muted?'1':'0'); str+=','+me.highest; str+=';'; } } str+='|'; if (type==3) str+='\n\nPacked upgrades bitfield (unlocked and bought)\n '; var toCompress=[]; for (var i in Game.UpgradesById)//upgrades { var me=Game.UpgradesById[i]; if (me.vanilla) toCompress.push(Math.min(me.unlocked,1),Math.min(me.bought,1)); }; toCompress=pack3(toCompress.join(''));//toCompress=pack(toCompress);//CompressLargeBin(toCompress); str+=toCompress; str+='|'; if (type==3) str+='\n\nPacked achievements bitfield (won)\n '; var toCompress=[]; for (var i in Game.AchievementsById)//achievements { var me=Game.AchievementsById[i]; if (me.vanilla) toCompress.push(Math.min(me.won)); } toCompress=pack3(toCompress.join(''));//toCompress=pack(toCompress);//CompressLargeBin(toCompress); str+=toCompress; str+='|'; if (type==3) str+='\n\nBuffs : type, maxTime, time, arg1, arg2, arg3'; for (var i in Game.buffs) { var me=Game.buffs[i]; if (me.type) { if (type==3) str+='\n '+me.type.name+' : '; if (me.type.vanilla) { str+=me.type.id+','+me.maxTime+','+me.time; if (typeof me.arg1!=='undefined') str+=','+parseFloat(me.arg1); if (typeof me.arg2!=='undefined') str+=','+parseFloat(me.arg2); if (typeof me.arg3!=='undefined') str+=','+parseFloat(me.arg3); str+=';'; } } } if (type==3) str+='\n\nCustom :\n'; str+='|'; str+=Game.saveModData(); if (type==2 || type==3) { return str; } else if (type==1) { str=escape(utf8_to_b64(str)+'!END!'); return str; } else { if (Game.useLocalStorage) { //so we used to save the game using browser cookies, which was just really neat considering the game's name //we're using localstorage now, which is more efficient but not as cool //a moment of silence for our fallen puns str=utf8_to_b64(str)+'!END!'; if (str.length<10) { if (Game.prefs.popups) Game.Popup('Error while saving.
Purchasing an upgrade might fix this.'); else Game.Notify('Saving failed!','Purchasing an upgrade and saving again might fix this.
This really shouldn\'t happen; please notify Orteil on his tumblr.'); } else { str=escape(str); Game.localStorageSet(Game.SaveTo,str);//aaand save if (!Game.localStorageGet(Game.SaveTo)) { if (Game.prefs.popups) Game.Popup('Error while saving.
Export your save instead!'); else Game.Notify('Error while saving','Export your save instead!'); } else if (document.hasFocus()) { if (Game.prefs.popups) Game.Popup('Game saved'); else Game.Notify('Game saved','','',1,1); } } } else//legacy system { //that's right //we're using cookies //yeah I went there var now=new Date();//we storin dis for 5 years, people now.setFullYear(now.getFullYear()+5);//mmh stale cookies str=utf8_to_b64(str)+'!END!'; Game.saveData=escape(str); str=Game.SaveTo+'='+escape(str)+'; expires='+now.toUTCString()+';'; document.cookie=str;//aaand save if (document.cookie.indexOf(Game.SaveTo)<0) { if (Game.prefs.popups) Game.Popup('Error while saving.
Export your save instead!'); else Game.Notify('Error while saving','Export your save instead!','',0,1); } else if (document.hasFocus()) { if (Game.prefs.popups) Game.Popup('Game saved'); else Game.Notify('Game saved','','',1,1); } } } } /*===================================================================================== LOAD =======================================================================================*/ Game.salvageSave=function() { //for when Cookie Clicker won't load and you need your save console.log('==================================================='); console.log('This is your save data. Copypaste it (without quotation marks) into another version using the "Import save" feature.'); console.log(Game.localStorageGet(Game.SaveTo)); } Game.LoadSave=function(data) { var str=''; if (data) str=unescape(data); else { if (Game.useLocalStorage) { var local=Game.localStorageGet(Game.SaveTo); if (!local)//no localstorage save found? let's get the cookie one last time { if (document.cookie.indexOf(Game.SaveTo)>=0) { str=unescape(document.cookie.split(Game.SaveTo+'=')[1]); document.cookie=Game.SaveTo+'=;expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT;'; } else return false; } else { str=unescape(local); } } else//legacy system { if (document.cookie.indexOf(Game.SaveTo)>=0) str=unescape(document.cookie.split(Game.SaveTo+'=')[1]);//get cookie here else return false; } } if (str!='') { var version=0; var oldstr=str.split('|'); if (oldstr[0]<1) {} else { str=str.split('!END!')[0]; str=b64_to_utf8(str); } if (str!='') { var spl=''; str=str.split('|'); version=parseFloat(str[0]); if (isNaN(version) || str.length<5) { if (Game.prefs.popups) Game.Popup('Oops, looks like the import string is all wrong!'); else Game.Notify('Error importing save','Oops, looks like the import string is all wrong!','',6,1); return false; } if (version>=1 && version>Game.version) { if (Game.prefs.popups) Game.Popup('Error : you are attempting to load a save from a future version (v. '+version+'; you are using v. '+Game.version+').'); else Game.Notify('Error importing save','You are attempting to load a save from a future version (v. '+version+'; you are using v. '+Game.version+').','',6,1); return false; } if (version==1.0501)//prompt if we loaded from the 2014 beta { setTimeout(function(){Game.Prompt('

New beta

Hey there! Unfortunately, your old beta save won\'t work here anymore; you\'ll have to start fresh or import your save from the live version.
Thank you for beta-testing Cookie Clicker, we hope you\'ll enjoy it and find strange and interesting bugs!
',[['Alright then!','Game.ClosePrompt();']]);},200); return false; } else if (version<1.0501)//prompt if we loaded from the 2014 live version { setTimeout(function(){Game.Prompt('


Hey there! Cookie Clicker just received a pretty substantial update, and you might notice that some things have been moved around. Don\'t panic!
Your building numbers may look strange, making it seem like you own buildings you\'ve never bought; this is because we\'ve added 3 new buildings after factories (and swapped mines and factories), offsetting everything after them. Likewise, some building-related upgrades and achievements may look a tad shuffled around. This is all perfectly normal!
We\'ve also rebalanced Heavenly Chips amounts and behavior. Your amount of chips might be lower or higher than before.
You can now ascend through the Legacy button at the top!
Thank you for playing Cookie Clicker. We\'ve put a lot of work and care into this update and we hope you\'ll enjoy it!
',[['Neat!','Game.ClosePrompt();']]);},200); } if (version>=1) { Game.T=0; spl=str[2].split(';');//save stats Game.startDate=parseInt(spl[0]); Game.fullDate=parseInt(spl[1]); Game.lastDate=parseInt(spl[2]); Game.bakeryNameSet(spl[3]?spl[3]:Game.GetBakeryName()); Game.seed=spl[4]?spl[4]:Game.makeSeed(); //prefs if (version<1.0503) spl=str[3].split(''); else if (version<2.0046) spl=unpack2(str[3]).split(''); else spl=(str[3]).split(''); Game.prefs.particles=parseInt(spl[0]); Game.prefs.numbers=parseInt(spl[1]); Game.prefs.autosave=parseInt(spl[2]); Game.prefs.autoupdate=spl[3]?parseInt(spl[3]):1; Game.prefs.milk=spl[4]?parseInt(spl[4]):1; Game.prefs.fancy=parseInt(spl[5]);if (Game.prefs.fancy) Game.removeClass('noFancy'); else if (!Game.prefs.fancy) Game.addClass('noFancy'); Game.prefs.warn=spl[6]?parseInt(spl[6]):0; Game.prefs.cursors=spl[7]?parseInt(spl[7]):0; Game.prefs.focus=spl[8]?parseInt(spl[8]):0; Game.prefs.format=spl[9]?parseInt(spl[9]):0; Game.prefs.notifs=spl[10]?parseInt(spl[10]):0; Game.prefs.wobbly=spl[11]?parseInt(spl[11]):0; Game.prefs.monospace=spl[12]?parseInt(spl[12]):0; Game.prefs.filters=parseInt(spl[13]);if (Game.prefs.filters) Game.removeClass('noFilters'); else if (!Game.prefs.filters) Game.addClass('noFilters'); Game.prefs.cookiesound=spl[14]?parseInt(spl[14]):1; Game.prefs.crates=spl[15]?parseInt(spl[15]):0; Game.prefs.showBackupWarning=spl[16]?parseInt(spl[16]):1; Game.prefs.extraButtons=spl[17]?parseInt(spl[17]):1;if (!Game.prefs.extraButtons) Game.removeClass('extraButtons'); else if (Game.prefs.extraButtons) Game.addClass('extraButtons'); Game.prefs.askLumps=spl[18]?parseInt(spl[18]):0; Game.prefs.customGrandmas=spl[19]?parseInt(spl[19]):1; Game.prefs.timeout=spl[20]?parseInt(spl[20]):0; BeautifyAll(); spl=str[4].split(';');//cookies and lots of other stuff Game.cookies=parseFloat(spl[0]); Game.cookiesEarned=parseFloat(spl[1]); Game.cookieClicks=spl[2]?parseInt(spl[2]):0; Game.goldenClicks=spl[3]?parseInt(spl[3]):0; Game.handmadeCookies=spl[4]?parseFloat(spl[4]):0; Game.missedGoldenClicks=spl[5]?parseInt(spl[5]):0; Game.bgType=spl[6]?parseInt(spl[6]):0; Game.milkType=spl[7]?parseInt(spl[7]):0; Game.cookiesReset=spl[8]?parseFloat(spl[8]):0; Game.elderWrath=spl[9]?parseInt(spl[9]):0; Game.pledges=spl[10]?parseInt(spl[10]):0; Game.pledgeT=spl[11]?parseInt(spl[11]):0; Game.nextResearch=spl[12]?parseInt(spl[12]):0; Game.researchT=spl[13]?parseInt(spl[13]):0; Game.resets=spl[14]?parseInt(spl[14]):0; Game.goldenClicksLocal=spl[15]?parseInt(spl[15]):0; Game.cookiesSucked=spl[16]?parseFloat(spl[16]):0; Game.wrinklersPopped=spl[17]?parseInt(spl[17]):0; Game.santaLevel=spl[18]?parseInt(spl[18]):0; Game.reindeerClicked=spl[19]?parseInt(spl[19]):0; Game.seasonT=spl[20]?parseInt(spl[20]):0; Game.seasonUses=spl[21]?parseInt(spl[21]):0; Game.season=spl[22]?spl[22]:Game.baseSeason; var wrinklers={amount:spl[23]?parseFloat(spl[23]):0,number:spl[24]?parseInt(spl[24]):0}; Game.prestige=spl[25]?parseFloat(spl[25]):0; Game.heavenlyChips=spl[26]?parseFloat(spl[26]):0; Game.heavenlyChipsSpent=spl[27]?parseFloat(spl[27]):0; Game.heavenlyCookies=spl[28]?parseFloat(spl[28]):0; Game.ascensionMode=spl[29]?parseInt(spl[29]):0; Game.permanentUpgrades[0]=spl[30]?parseInt(spl[30]):-1;Game.permanentUpgrades[1]=spl[31]?parseInt(spl[31]):-1;Game.permanentUpgrades[2]=spl[32]?parseInt(spl[32]):-1;Game.permanentUpgrades[3]=spl[33]?parseInt(spl[33]):-1;Game.permanentUpgrades[4]=spl[34]?parseInt(spl[34]):-1; //if (version<1.05) {Game.heavenlyChipsEarned=Game.HowMuchPrestige(Game.cookiesReset);Game.heavenlyChips=Game.heavenlyChipsEarned;} Game.dragonLevel=spl[35]?parseInt(spl[35]):0; if (version<2.0041 && Game.dragonLevel==Game.dragonLevels.length-2) {Game.dragonLevel=Game.dragonLevels.length-1;} Game.dragonAura=spl[36]?parseInt(spl[36]):0; Game.dragonAura2=spl[37]?parseInt(spl[37]):0; Game.chimeType=spl[38]?parseInt(spl[38]):0; Game.volume=spl[39]?parseInt(spl[39]):50; wrinklers.shinies=spl[40]?parseInt(spl[40]):0; wrinklers.amountShinies=spl[41]?parseFloat(spl[41]):0; Game.lumps=spl[42]?parseFloat(spl[42]):-1; Game.lumpsTotal=spl[43]?parseFloat(spl[43]):-1; Game.lumpT=spl[44]?parseInt(spl[44]):Date.now(); Game.lumpRefill=spl[45]?parseInt(spl[45]):0; if (version<2.022) Game.lumpRefill=Game.fps*60; Game.lumpCurrentType=spl[46]?parseInt(spl[46]):0; Game.vault=spl[47]?spl[47].split(','):[]; for (var i in Game.vault){Game.vault[i]=parseInt(Game.vault[i]);} var actualHeralds=Game.heralds;//we store the actual amount of heralds to restore it later; here we used the amount present in the save to compute offline CpS Game.heralds=spl[48]?parseInt(spl[48]):Game.heralds; Game.fortuneGC=spl[49]?parseInt(spl[49]):0; Game.fortuneCPS=spl[50]?parseInt(spl[50]):0; Game.cookiesPsRawHighest=spl[51]?parseFloat(spl[51]):0; spl=str[5].split(';');//buildings Game.BuildingsOwned=0; for (var i in Game.ObjectsById) { var me=Game.ObjectsById[i]; me.switchMinigame(false); me.pics=[]; if (spl[i]) { var mestr=spl[i].toString().split(','); me.amount=parseInt(mestr[0]);me.bought=parseInt(mestr[1]);me.totalCookies=parseFloat(mestr[2]);me.level=parseInt(mestr[3]||0);me.highest=(version>=2.024?parseInt(mestr[6]):me.amount); if (me.minigame && me.minigameLoaded && me.minigame.reset) {me.minigame.reset(true);me.minigame.load(mestr[4]||'');} else me.minigameSave=(mestr[4]||0); me.muted=parseInt(mestr[5])||0; Game.BuildingsOwned+=me.amount; if (version<2.003) me.level=0; } else { me.amount=0;me.unlocked=0;me.bought=0;me.highest=0;me.totalCookies=0;me.level=0; } } Game.LoadMinigames(); if (version<1.035)//old non-binary algorithm { spl=str[6].split(';');//upgrades Game.UpgradesOwned=0; for (var i in Game.UpgradesById) { var me=Game.UpgradesById[i]; if (spl[i]) { var mestr=spl[i].split(','); me.unlocked=parseInt(mestr[0]);me.bought=parseInt(mestr[1]); if (me.bought && Game.CountsAsUpgradeOwned(me.pool)) Game.UpgradesOwned++; } else { me.unlocked=0;me.bought=0; } } if (str[7]) spl=str[7].split(';'); else spl=[];//achievements Game.AchievementsOwned=0; for (var i in Game.AchievementsById) { var me=Game.AchievementsById[i]; if (spl[i]) { var mestr=spl[i].split(','); me.won=parseInt(mestr[0]); } else { me.won=0; } if (me.won && Game.CountsAsAchievementOwned(me.pool)) Game.AchievementsOwned++; } } else if (version<1.0502)//old awful packing system { if (str[6]) spl=str[6]; else spl=[];//upgrades if (version<1.05) spl=UncompressLargeBin(spl); else spl=unpack(spl); Game.UpgradesOwned=0; for (var i in Game.UpgradesById) { var me=Game.UpgradesById[i]; if (spl[i*2]) { var mestr=[spl[i*2],spl[i*2+1]]; me.unlocked=parseInt(mestr[0]);me.bought=parseInt(mestr[1]); if (me.bought && Game.CountsAsUpgradeOwned(me.pool)) Game.UpgradesOwned++; } else { me.unlocked=0;me.bought=0; } } if (str[7]) spl=str[7]; else spl=[];//achievements if (version<1.05) spl=UncompressLargeBin(spl); else spl=unpack(spl); Game.AchievementsOwned=0; for (var i in Game.AchievementsById) { var me=Game.AchievementsById[i]; if (spl[i]) { var mestr=[spl[i]]; me.won=parseInt(mestr[0]); } else { me.won=0; } if (me.won && Game.CountsAsAchievementOwned(me.pool)) Game.AchievementsOwned++; } } else { if (str[6]) spl=str[6]; else spl=[];//upgrades if (version<2.0046) spl=unpack2(spl).split(''); else spl=(spl).split(''); Game.UpgradesOwned=0; for (var i in Game.UpgradesById) { var me=Game.UpgradesById[i]; if (spl[i*2]) { var mestr=[spl[i*2],spl[i*2+1]]; me.unlocked=parseInt(mestr[0]);me.bought=parseInt(mestr[1]); if (me.bought && Game.CountsAsUpgradeOwned(me.pool)) Game.UpgradesOwned++; } else { me.unlocked=0;me.bought=0; } } if (str[7]) spl=str[7]; else spl=[];//achievements if (version<2.0046) spl=unpack2(spl).split(''); else spl=(spl).split(''); Game.AchievementsOwned=0; for (var i in Game.AchievementsById) { var me=Game.AchievementsById[i]; if (spl[i]) { var mestr=[spl[i]]; me.won=parseInt(mestr[0]); } else { me.won=0; } if (me.won && Game.CountsAsAchievementOwned(me.pool)) Game.AchievementsOwned++; } } Game.killBuffs(); var buffsToLoad=[]; spl=(str[8]||'').split(';');//buffs for (var i in spl) { if (spl[i]) { var mestr=spl[i].toString().split(','); buffsToLoad.push(mestr); } } spl=(str[9]||'').split(';');//mod data for (var i in spl) { if (spl[i]) { var data=spl[i].split(':'); var modId=data[0]; data.shift(); data=Game.safeLoadString(data.join(':')); Game.modSaveData[modId]=data; } } for (var i in Game.ObjectsById) { var me=Game.ObjectsById[i]; if (me.buyFunction) me.buyFunction(); me.refresh(); if (me.id>0) { if (me.muted) me.mute(1); } } if (version<1.0503)//upgrades that used to be regular, but are now heavenly { var me=Game.Upgrades['Persistent memory'];me.unlocked=0;me.bought=0; var me=Game.Upgrades['Season switcher'];me.unlocked=0;me.bought=0; } if (Game.bgType==-1) Game.bgType=0; if (Game.milkType==-1) Game.milkType=0; //advance timers var framesElapsed=Math.ceil(((Date.now()-Game.lastDate)/1000)*Game.fps); if (Game.pledgeT>0) Game.pledgeT=Math.max(Game.pledgeT-framesElapsed,1); if (Game.seasonT>0) Game.seasonT=Math.max(Game.seasonT-framesElapsed,1); if (Game.researchT>0) Game.researchT=Math.max(Game.researchT-framesElapsed,1); Game.ResetWrinklers(); Game.LoadWrinklers(wrinklers.amount,wrinklers.number,wrinklers.shinies,wrinklers.amountShinies); //recompute season trigger prices if (Game.Has('Season switcher')) {for (var i in Game.seasons) {Game.Unlock(Game.seasons[i].trigger);}} Game.computeSeasonPrices(); //recompute prestige Game.prestige=Math.floor(Game.HowMuchPrestige(Game.cookiesReset)); //if ((Game.heavenlyChips+Game.heavenlyChipsSpent)Beta patch
We\'ve tweaked some things and fixed some others, please check the update notes!
Of note : due to changes in prestige balancing, all your heavenly upgrades have been removed and your heavenly chips refunded; you\'ll be able to reallocate them next time you ascend.
Thank you again for beta-testing Cookie Clicker!
',[['Alright then!','Game.ClosePrompt();']]);},200); } if (version<=1.0466)//are we loading from the old live version? reset HCs { Game.heavenlyChips=Game.prestige; Game.heavenlyChipsSpent=0; } if (Game.ascensionMode!=1) { if (Game.Has('Starter kit')) Game.Objects['Cursor'].free=10; if (Game.Has('Starter kitchen')) Game.Objects['Grandma'].free=5; } Game.CalculateGains(); var timeOffline=(Date.now()-Game.lastDate)/1000; if (Math.random()<1/10000) Game.TOYS=1;//teehee! //compute cookies earned while the game was closed if (Game.mobile || Game.Has('Perfect idling') || Game.Has('Twin Gates of Transcendence')) { if (Game.Has('Perfect idling')) { var maxTime=60*60*24*1000000000; var percent=100; } else { var maxTime=60*60; if (Game.Has('Belphegor')) maxTime*=2; if (Game.Has('Mammon')) maxTime*=2; if (Game.Has('Abaddon')) maxTime*=2; if (Game.Has('Satan')) maxTime*=2; if (Game.Has('Asmodeus')) maxTime*=2; if (Game.Has('Beelzebub')) maxTime*=2; if (Game.Has('Lucifer')) maxTime*=2; var percent=5; if (Game.Has('Angels')) percent+=10; if (Game.Has('Archangels')) percent+=10; if (Game.Has('Virtues')) percent+=10; if (Game.Has('Dominions')) percent+=10; if (Game.Has('Cherubim')) percent+=10; if (Game.Has('Seraphim')) percent+=10; if (Game.Has('God')) percent+=10; if (Game.Has('Chimera')) {maxTime+=60*60*24*2;percent+=5;} if (Game.Has('Fern tea')) percent+=3; if (Game.Has('Ichor syrup')) percent+=7; if (Game.Has('Fortune #102')) percent+=1; } var timeOfflineOptimal=Math.min(timeOffline,maxTime); var timeOfflineReduced=Math.max(0,timeOffline-timeOfflineOptimal); var amount=(timeOfflineOptimal+timeOfflineReduced*0.1)*Game.cookiesPs*(percent/100); if (amount>0) { if (Game.prefs.popups) Game.Popup('Earned '+Beautify(amount)+' cookie'+(Math.floor(amount)==1?'':'s')+' while you were away'); else Game.Notify('Welcome back!','You earned '+Beautify(amount)+' cookie'+(Math.floor(amount)==1?'':'s')+' while you were away.
('+Game.sayTime(timeOfflineOptimal*Game.fps,-1)+' at '+Math.floor(percent)+'% CpS'+(timeOfflineReduced?', plus '+Game.sayTime(timeOfflineReduced*Game.fps,-1)+' at '+(Math.floor(percent*10)/100)+'%':'')+'.)',[Math.floor(Math.random()*16),11]); Game.Earn(amount); } } //we load buffs after everything as we do not want them to interfer with offline CpS for (var i in buffsToLoad) { var mestr=buffsToLoad[i]; var type=Game.buffTypes[parseInt(mestr[0])]; Game.gainBuff(type.name,parseFloat(mestr[1])/Game.fps,parseFloat(mestr[3]||0),parseFloat(mestr[4]||0),parseFloat(mestr[5]||0)).time=parseFloat(mestr[2]); } Game.loadLumps(timeOffline); Game.bakeryNameRefresh(); } else//importing old version save { Game.Notify('Error importing save','Sorry, you can\'t import saves from the old version anymore.','',6,1); return false; } Game.RebuildUpgrades(); Game.TickerAge=0; Game.TickerEffect=0; Game.elderWrathD=0; Game.recalculateGains=1; Game.storeToRefresh=1; Game.upgradesToRebuild=1; Game.buyBulk=1;Game.buyMode=1;Game.storeBulkButton(-1); Game.specialTab=''; Game.ToggleSpecialMenu(0); Game.killShimmers(); if (Game.T>Game.fps*5 && Game.ReincarnateTimer==0)//fade out of black and pop the cookie { Game.ReincarnateTimer=1; Game.addClass('reincarnating'); Game.BigCookieSize=0; } if (versionValentine\'s season!
Love\'s in the air and cookies are just that much sweeter!',[20,3],60*3); else if (Game.season=='fools') Game.Notify('Business Day!','It\'s Business season!
Don\'t panic! Things are gonna be looking a little more corporate for a few days.',[17,6],60*3); else if (Game.season=='halloween') Game.Notify('Halloween!','It\'s Halloween season!
Everything is just a little bit spookier!',[13,8],60*3); else if (Game.season=='christmas') Game.Notify('Christmas time!','It\'s Christmas season!
Bring good cheer to all and you just may get cookies in your stockings!',[12,10],60*3); else if (Game.season=='easter') Game.Notify('Easter!','It\'s Easter season!
Keep an eye out and you just might click a rabbit or two!',[0,12],60*3); } Game.heralds=actualHeralds; if (Game.prefs.popups) Game.Popup('Game loaded'); else Game.Notify('Game loaded','','',1,1); if (Game.prefs.showBackupWarning==1) Game.showBackupWarning(); } } else return false; return true; } /*===================================================================================== RESET =======================================================================================*/ Game.Reset=function(hard) { Game.T=0; var cookiesForfeited=Game.cookiesEarned; if (!hard) { if (cookiesForfeited>=1000000) Game.Win('Sacrifice'); if (cookiesForfeited>=1000000000) Game.Win('Oblivion'); if (cookiesForfeited>=1000000000000) Game.Win('From scratch'); if (cookiesForfeited>=1000000000000000) Game.Win('Nihilism'); if (cookiesForfeited>=1000000000000000000) Game.Win('Dematerialize'); if (cookiesForfeited>=1000000000000000000000) Game.Win('Nil zero zilch'); if (cookiesForfeited>=1000000000000000000000000) Game.Win('Transcendence'); if (cookiesForfeited>=1000000000000000000000000000) Game.Win('Obliterate'); if (cookiesForfeited>=1000000000000000000000000000000) Game.Win('Negative void'); if (cookiesForfeited>=1000000000000000000000000000000000) Game.Win('To crumbs, you say?'); if (cookiesForfeited>=1000000000000000000000000000000000000) Game.Win('You get nothing'); if (cookiesForfeited>=1000000000000000000000000000000000000000) Game.Win('Humble rebeginnings'); if (cookiesForfeited>=1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) Game.Win('The end of the world'); if (cookiesForfeited>=1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) Game.Win('Oh, you\'re back'); if (cookiesForfeited>=1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) Game.Win('Lazarus'); if (cookiesForfeited>=1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) Game.Win('Smurf account'); if (cookiesForfeited>=1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) Game.Win('If at first you don\'t succeed'); if (Math.round(Game.cookies)==1000000000000) Game.Win('When the cookies ascend just right'); } Game.killBuffs(); Game.seed=Game.makeSeed(); Game.cookiesReset+=Game.cookiesEarned; Game.cookies=0; Game.cookiesEarned=0; Game.cookieClicks=0; Game.goldenClicksLocal=0; //Game.goldenClicks=0; //Game.missedGoldenClicks=0; Game.handmadeCookies=0; Game.cookiesPsRawHighest=0; if (hard) { Game.bgType=0; Game.milkType=0; Game.chimeType=0; Game.vault=[]; } Game.pledges=0; Game.pledgeT=0; Game.elderWrath=0; Game.nextResearch=0; Game.researchT=0; Game.seasonT=0; Game.seasonUses=0; Game.season=Game.baseSeason; Game.computeSeasonPrices(); Game.startDate=parseInt(Date.now()); Game.lastDate=parseInt(Date.now()); Game.cookiesSucked=0; Game.wrinklersPopped=0; Game.ResetWrinklers(); Game.santaLevel=0; Game.reindeerClicked=0; Game.dragonLevel=0; Game.dragonAura=0; Game.dragonAura2=0; Game.fortuneGC=0; Game.fortuneCPS=0; Game.TickerClicks=0; if (Game.gainedPrestige>0) Game.resets++; if (!hard && Game.canLumps() && Game.ascensionMode!=1) Game.addClass('lumpsOn'); else Game.removeClass('lumpsOn'); Game.gainedPrestige=0; for (var i in Game.ObjectsById) { var me=Game.ObjectsById[i]; me.amount=0;me.bought=0;me.highest=0;me.free=0;me.totalCookies=0; me.switchMinigame(false); if (hard) {me.muted=0;} me.pics=[]; me.refresh(); } for (var i in Game.UpgradesById) { var me=Game.UpgradesById[i]; if (hard || me.pool!='prestige') me.bought=0; if (hard) me.unlocked=0; if (me.pool!='prestige' && !me.lasting) { if (Game.Has('Keepsakes') && Game.seasonDrops.indexOf(me.name)!=-1 && Math.random()<1/5){} else if (Game.ascensionMode==1 && Game.HasAchiev('O Fortuna') && me.tier=='fortune'){} else if (Game.HasAchiev('O Fortuna') && me.tier=='fortune' && Math.random()<0.4){} else me.unlocked=0; } } Game.BuildingsOwned=0; Game.UpgradesOwned=0; Game.cookiesPsByType={}; Game.cookiesMultByType={}; if (!hard) { if (Game.ascensionMode!=1) { for (var i in Game.permanentUpgrades) { if (Game.permanentUpgrades[i]!=-1) {Game.UpgradesById[Game.permanentUpgrades[i]].earn();} } if (Game.Has('Season switcher')) {for (var i in Game.seasons) {Game.Unlock(Game.seasons[i].trigger);}} if (Game.Has('Starter kit')) Game.Objects['Cursor'].getFree(10); if (Game.Has('Starter kitchen')) Game.Objects['Grandma'].getFree(5); } } /*for (var i in Game.AchievementsById) { var me=Game.AchievementsById[i]; me.won=0; }*/ //Game.DefaultPrefs(); BeautifyAll(); Game.RebuildUpgrades(); Game.TickerAge=0; Game.TickerEffect=0; Game.recalculateGains=1; Game.storeToRefresh=1; Game.upgradesToRebuild=1; Game.killShimmers(); Game.buyBulk=1;Game.buyMode=1;Game.storeBulkButton(-1); Game.LoadMinigames(); for (var i in Game.ObjectsById) { var me=Game.ObjectsById[i]; if (hard && me.minigame && me.minigame.launch) {me.minigame.launch();me.minigame.reset(true);} else if (!hard && me.minigame && me.minigame.reset) me.minigame.reset(); } l('toggleBox').style.display='none'; l('toggleBox').innerHTML=''; Game.choiceSelectorOn=-1; Game.ToggleSpecialMenu(0); Game.specialTab=''; l('logButton').classList.remove('hasUpdate'); Game.runModHook('reset',hard); if (hard) { if (Game.T>Game.fps*5 && Game.ReincarnateTimer==0)//fade out of black and pop the cookie { Game.ReincarnateTimer=1; Game.addClass('reincarnating'); Game.BigCookieSize=0; } if (Game.prefs.popups) Game.Popup('Game reset'); else Game.Notify('Game reset','So long, cookies.',[21,6],6); } } Game.HardReset=function(bypass) { if (!bypass) { Game.Prompt('

Wipe save

Do you REALLY want to wipe your save?
You will lose your progress, your achievements, and your heavenly chips!
',[['Yes!','Game.ClosePrompt();Game.HardReset(1);'],'No']); } else if (bypass==1) { Game.Prompt('

Wipe save

Whoah now, are you really, REALLY sure you want to go through with this?
Don\'t say we didn\'t warn you!
',[['Do it!','Game.ClosePrompt();Game.HardReset(2);'],'No']); } else { for (var i in Game.AchievementsById) { var me=Game.AchievementsById[i]; me.won=0; } for (var i in Game.ObjectsById) { var me=Game.ObjectsById[i]; me.level=0; } Game.AchievementsOwned=0; Game.goldenClicks=0; Game.missedGoldenClicks=0; Game.Reset(1); Game.resets=0; Game.fullDate=parseInt(Date.now()); Game.bakeryName=Game.GetBakeryName(); Game.bakeryNameRefresh(); Game.cookiesReset=0; Game.prestige=0; Game.heavenlyChips=0; Game.heavenlyChipsSpent=0; Game.heavenlyCookies=0; Game.permanentUpgrades=[-1,-1,-1,-1,-1]; Game.ascensionMode=0; Game.lumps=-1; Game.lumpsTotal=-1; Game.lumpT=Date.now(); Game.lumpRefill=0; Game.removeClass('lumpsOn'); } } Game.onCrate=0; Game.setOnCrate=function(what) { Game.onCrate=what; } Game.crate=function(me,context,forceClickStr,id) { //produce a crate with associated tooltip for an upgrade or achievement //me is an object representing the upgrade or achievement //context can be "store", "ascend", "stats" or undefined //forceClickStr changes what is done when the crate is clicked //id is the resulting div's desired id var classes='crate'; var enabled=0; var noFrame=0; var attachment='top'; var neuromancy=0; if (context=='stats' && (Game.Has('Neuromancy') || (Game.sesame && me.pool=='debug'))) neuromancy=1; var mysterious=0; var clickStr=''; if (me.type=='upgrade') { var canBuy=(context=='store'?me.canBuy():true); if (context=='stats' && me.bought==0 && !Game.Has('Neuromancy') && (!Game.sesame || me.pool!='debug')) return ''; else if (context=='stats' && (Game.Has('Neuromancy') || (Game.sesame && me.pool=='debug'))) neuromancy=1; else if (context=='store' && !canBuy) enabled=0; else if (context=='ascend' && me.bought==0) enabled=0; else enabled=1; if (me.bought>0) enabled=1; if (context=='stats' && !Game.prefs.crates) noFrame=1; classes+=' upgrade'; if (me.pool=='prestige') classes+=' heavenly'; if (neuromancy) clickStr='Game.UpgradesById['+me.id+'].toggle();'; } else if (me.type=='achievement') { if (context=='stats' && me.won==0 && me.pool!='normal') return ''; else if (context!='stats') enabled=1; if (context=='stats' && !Game.prefs.crates) noFrame=1; classes+=' achievement'; if (me.pool=='shadow') classes+=' shadow'; if (me.won>0) enabled=1; else mysterious=1; if (!enabled) clickStr='Game.AchievementsById['+me.id+'].click();'; if (neuromancy) clickStr='Game.AchievementsById['+me.id+'].toggle();'; } if (context=='store') attachment='store'; if (forceClickStr) clickStr=forceClickStr; if (me.choicesFunction) classes+=' selector'; var icon=me.icon; if (mysterious) icon=[0,7]; if (me.iconFunction) icon=me.iconFunction(); if (me.bought && context=='store') enabled=0; if (enabled) classes+=' enabled';// else classes+=' disabled'; if (noFrame) classes+=' noFrame'; var text=[]; if (Game.sesame) { if (Game.debuggedUpgradeCpS[me.name] || Game.debuggedUpgradeCpClick[me.name]) { text.push('x'+Beautify(1+Game.debuggedUpgradeCpS[me.name],2));text.push(Game.debugColors[Math.floor(Math.max(0,Math.min(Game.debugColors.length-1,Math.pow(Game.debuggedUpgradeCpS[me.name]/2,0.5)*Game.debugColors.length)))]); text.push('x'+Beautify(1+Game.debuggedUpgradeCpClick[me.name],2));text.push(Game.debugColors[Math.floor(Math.max(0,Math.min(Game.debugColors.length-1,Math.pow(Game.debuggedUpgradeCpClick[me.name]/2,0.5)*Game.debugColors.length)))]); } if (Game.extraInfo) {text.push(Math.floor(me.order)+(me.power?'
P:'+me.power:''));text.push('#fff');} } var textStr=''; for (var i=0;i'+text[i]+''; } return ''+ textStr+ (me.choicesFunction?'
':'')+ ''; } Game.crateTooltip=function(me,context) { var tags=[]; mysterious=0; var neuromancy=0; var price=''; if (context=='stats' && (Game.Has('Neuromancy') || (Game.sesame && me.pool=='debug'))) neuromancy=1; if (me.type=='upgrade') { if (me.pool=='prestige') tags.push('Heavenly','#efa438'); else if (me.pool=='tech') tags.push('Tech','#36a4ff'); else if (me.pool=='cookie') tags.push('Cookie',0); else if (me.pool=='debug') tags.push('Debug','#00c462'); else if (me.pool=='toggle') tags.push('Switch',0); else tags.push('Upgrade',0); if (me.tier!=0 && Game.Has('Label printer')) tags.push('Tier : '+Game.Tiers[me.tier].name,Game.Tiers[me.tier].color); if (me.name=='Label printer' && Game.Has('Label printer')) tags.push('Tier : Self-referential','#ff00ea'); if (me.isVaulted()) tags.push('Vaulted','#4e7566'); if (me.bought>0) { if (me.pool=='tech') tags.push('Researched',0); else if (me.kitten) tags.push('Purrchased',0); else tags.push('Purchased',0); } if (me.lasting && me.unlocked) tags.push('Unlocked forever','#f2ff87'); if (neuromancy && me.bought==0) tags.push('Click to learn!','#00c462'); else if (neuromancy && me.bought>0) tags.push('Click to unlearn!','#00c462'); var canBuy=(context=='store'?me.canBuy():true); var cost=me.getPrice(); if (me.priceLumps>0) cost=me.priceLumps; if (me.priceLumps==0 && cost==0) price=''; else { price='
'+Beautify(Math.round(cost))+''+((me.pool!='prestige' && me.priceLumps==0)?Game.costDetails(cost):'')+'
'; } } else if (me.type=='achievement') { if (me.pool=='shadow') tags.push('Shadow Achievement','#9700cf'); else tags.push('Achievement',0); if (me.won>0) tags.push('Unlocked',0); else {tags.push('Locked',0);mysterious=1;} if (neuromancy && me.won==0) tags.push('Click to win!','#00c462'); else if (neuromancy && me.won>0) tags.push('Click to lose!','#00c462'); } var tagsStr=''; for (var i=0;i['+tags[i]+']'; } tagsStr=tagsStr.substring(1); var icon=me.icon; if (mysterious) icon=[0,7]; if (me.iconFunction) icon=me.iconFunction(); var tip=''; if (context=='store') { if (me.pool!='toggle' && me.pool!='tech') { var purchase=me.kitten?'purrchase':'purchase'; if (Game.Has('Inspired checklist')) { if (me.isVaulted()) tip='Upgrade is vaulted and will not be auto-'+purchase+'d.
Click to '+purchase+'. Shift-click to unvault.'; else tip='Click to '+purchase+'. Shift-click to vault.'; if (Game.keys[16]) tip+='
(You are holding Shift.)'; else tip+='
(You are not holding Shift.)'; } else tip='Click to '+purchase+'.'; } else if (me.pool=='toggle' && me.choicesFunction) tip='Click to open selector.'; else if (me.pool=='toggle') tip='Click to toggle.'; else if (me.pool=='tech') tip='Click to research.'; } var desc=me.desc; if (me.descFunc) desc=me.descFunc(context); if (me.bought && context=='store' && me.displayFuncWhenOwned) desc=me.displayFuncWhenOwned()+'
'+desc; if (me.unlockAt) { if (me.unlockAt.require) { var it=Game.Upgrades[me.unlockAt.require]; desc='
'+desc; } /*else if (me.unlockAt.season) { var it=Game.seasons[me.unlockAt.season]; desc='
'+desc; }*/ else if (me.unlockAt.text) { var it=Game.Upgrades[me.unlockAt.require]; desc='
From '+text+'
'+desc; } } return '
'+ '
'+ (me.bought && context=='store'?'':price)+ '
'+ tagsStr+ '
'+ (tip!=''?('
'):'')+ (Game.sesame?('
Id : '+me.id+' | Order : '+Math.floor(me.order)+(me.tier?' | Tier : '+me.tier:'')+'
'):''); } Game.costDetails=function(cost) { if (!Game.Has('Genius accounting')) return ''; if (!cost) return ''; var priceInfo=''; var cps=Game.cookiesPs*(1-Game.cpsSucked); if (cost>Game.cookies) priceInfo+='in '+Game.sayTime(((cost-Game.cookies)/cps+1)*Game.fps)+'
'; priceInfo+=Game.sayTime((cost/cps+1)*Game.fps)+' worth
'; priceInfo+=Beautify((cost/Game.cookies)*100,1)+'% of bank
'; return '
'; } /*===================================================================================== PRESTIGE =======================================================================================*/ Game.HCfactor=3; Game.HowMuchPrestige=function(cookies)//how much prestige [cookies] should land you { return Math.pow(cookies/1000000000000,1/Game.HCfactor); } Game.HowManyCookiesReset=function(chips)//how many cookies [chips] are worth { //this must be the inverse of the above function (ie. if cookies=chips^2, chips=cookies^(1/2) ) return Math.pow(chips,Game.HCfactor)*1000000000000; } Game.gainedPrestige=0; Game.EarnHeavenlyChips=function(cookiesForfeited) { //recalculate prestige and chips owned var prestige=Math.floor(Game.HowMuchPrestige(Game.cookiesReset+cookiesForfeited)); if (prestige>Game.prestige)//did we gain prestige levels? { var prestigeDifference=prestige-Game.prestige; Game.gainedPrestige=prestigeDifference; Game.heavenlyChips+=prestigeDifference; Game.prestige=prestige; if (Game.prefs.popups) Game.Popup('You gain '+Beautify(prestigeDifference)+' prestige level'+(prestigeDifference==1?'':'s')+'!'); else Game.Notify('You forfeit your '+Beautify(cookiesForfeited)+' cookies.','You gain '+Beautify(prestigeDifference)+' prestige level'+(prestigeDifference==1?'':'s')+'!',[19,7]); } } Game.GetHeavenlyMultiplier=function() { var heavenlyMult=0; if (Game.Has('Heavenly chip secret')) heavenlyMult+=0.05; if (Game.Has('Heavenly cookie stand')) heavenlyMult+=0.20; if (Game.Has('Heavenly bakery')) heavenlyMult+=0.25; if (Game.Has('Heavenly confectionery')) heavenlyMult+=0.25; if (Game.Has('Heavenly key')) heavenlyMult+=0.25; //if (Game.hasAura('Dragon God')) heavenlyMult*=1.05; heavenlyMult*=1+Game.auraMult('Dragon God')*0.05; if (Game.Has('Lucky digit')) heavenlyMult*=1.01; if (Game.Has('Lucky number')) heavenlyMult*=1.01; if (Game.Has('Lucky payout')) heavenlyMult*=1.01; if (Game.hasGod) { var godLvl=Game.hasGod('creation'); if (godLvl==1) heavenlyMult*=0.7; else if (godLvl==2) heavenlyMult*=0.8; else if (godLvl==3) heavenlyMult*=0.9; } return heavenlyMult; } Game.ascensionModes={ 0:{name:'None',desc:'No special modifiers.',icon:[10,0]}, 1:{name:'Born again',desc:'This run will behave as if you\'d just started the game from scratch. Prestige levels and heavenly upgrades will have no effect, as will sugar lumps and building levels. Perma-upgrades and minigames will be unavailable.
Some achievements are only available in this mode.',icon:[2,7]}/*, 2:{name:'Trigger finger',desc:'In this run, scrolling your mouse wheel on the cookie counts as clicking it. Some upgrades introduce new clicking behaviors.
No clicking achievements may be obtained in this mode.
Reaching 1 quadrillion cookies in this mode unlocks a special heavenly upgrade.',icon:[12,0]}*/ }; Game.ascendMeterPercent=0; Game.ascendMeterPercentT=0; Game.ascendMeterLevel=100000000000000000000000000000; Game.nextAscensionMode=0; Game.UpdateAscensionModePrompt=function() { var icon=Game.ascensionModes[Game.nextAscensionMode].icon; var name=Game.ascensionModes[Game.nextAscensionMode].name; l('ascendModeButton').innerHTML= '
Challenge mode for the next run :
Challenge modes apply special modifiers to your next ascension.
Click to change.
' ,'bottom-right')+' style="opacity:1;float:none;display:block;background-position:'+(-icon[0]*48)+'px '+(-icon[1]*48)+'px;">'; } Game.PickAscensionMode=function() { PlaySound('snd/tick.mp3'); Game.tooltip.hide(); var str=''; for (var i in Game.ascensionModes) { var icon=Game.ascensionModes[i].icon; str+='
'; } Game.Prompt('

Select a challenge mode

'+ '


' ,[['Confirm','Game.UpdateAscensionModePrompt();Game.ClosePrompt();']],0,'widePrompt'); } Game.UpdateLegacyPrompt=function() { if (!l('legacyPromptData')) return 0; var date=new Date(); date.setTime(Date.now()-Game.startDate); var timeInSeconds=date.getTime()/1000; var startDate=Game.sayTime(timeInSeconds*Game.fps,-1); var ascendNowToGet=Math.floor(Game.HowMuchPrestige(Game.cookiesReset+Game.cookiesEarned)-Game.HowMuchPrestige(Game.cookiesReset)); var cookiesToNext=Math.floor(Game.HowManyCookiesReset(Game.HowMuchPrestige(Game.cookiesReset+Game.cookiesEarned)+1)-Game.cookiesReset-Game.cookiesEarned); l('legacyPromptData').innerHTML=''+ '
'+ '
Run duration : '+(startDate==''?'tiny':(startDate))+'
'+ //'
Earned : '+Beautify(Game.cookiesEarned)+', Reset : '+Beautify(Game.cookiesReset)+'
'+ '
Prestige level : '+Beautify(Game.prestige)+'
'+ '
Heavenly chips : '+Beautify(Game.heavenlyChips)+'
'+ (ascendNowToGet>=1?('
Ascending now will produce : '+Beautify(ascendNowToGet)+' heavenly chip'+((ascendNowToGet)==1?'':'s')+'
'): ('
'+Beautify(cookiesToNext)+' more cookie'+((cookiesToNext)==1?'':'s')+' for the next prestige level.
You may ascend now, but will gain no benefits.
'))+ ''; if (1 || ascendNowToGet>=1) l('promptOption0').style.display='inline-block'; else l('promptOption0').style.display='none'; } l('ascendOverlay').innerHTML= '
'+ '
Each prestige level grants you a permanent +1% CpS.
The more levels you have, the more cookies they require.
' ,'bottom-right')+' style="margin-top:8px;">

'+ '
Heavenly chips are used to buy heavenly upgrades.
You gain 1 chip every time you gain a prestige level.
' ,'bottom-right')+'>

'+ 'Click this once you\'ve bought
everything you need!' ,'bottom-right')+' style="font-size:16px;margin-top:0px;">Reincarnate
'+ ''+ ''+ '
You are ascending.
Drag the screen around
or use arrow keys!
When you\'re ready,
click Reincarnate.
'; Game.UpdateAscensionModePrompt(); AddEvent(l('ascendButton'),'click',function(){ PlaySound('snd/tick.mp3'); Game.Reincarnate(); }); Game.ascendl=l('ascend'); Game.ascendContentl=l('ascendContent'); Game.ascendZoomablel=l('ascendZoomable'); Game.ascendUpgradesl=l('ascendUpgrades'); Game.OnAscend=0; Game.AscendTimer=0;//how far we are into the ascend animation Game.AscendDuration=Game.fps*5;//how long the ascend animation is Game.AscendBreakpoint=Game.AscendDuration*0.5;//at which point the cookie explodes during the ascend animation Game.UpdateAscendIntro=function() { if (Game.AscendTimer==1) PlaySound('snd/charging.mp3'); if (Game.AscendTimer==Math.floor(Game.AscendBreakpoint)) PlaySound('snd/thud.mp3'); Game.AscendTimer++; if (Game.AscendTimer>Game.AscendDuration)//end animation and launch ascend screen { PlaySound('snd/cymbalRev.mp3',0.5); PlaySound('snd/choir.mp3'); Game.EarnHeavenlyChips(Game.cookiesEarned); Game.AscendTimer=0; Game.OnAscend=1;Game.removeClass('ascendIntro'); Game.addClass('ascending'); Game.BuildAscendTree(); Game.heavenlyChipsDisplayed=Game.heavenlyChips; Game.nextAscensionMode=0; Game.ascensionMode=0; Game.UpdateAscensionModePrompt(); } } Game.ReincarnateTimer=0;//how far we are into the reincarnation animation Game.ReincarnateDuration=Game.fps*1;//how long the reincarnation animation is Game.UpdateReincarnateIntro=function() { if (Game.ReincarnateTimer==1) PlaySound('snd/pop'+Math.floor(Math.random()*3+1)+'.mp3',0.75); Game.ReincarnateTimer++; if (Game.ReincarnateTimer>Game.ReincarnateDuration)//end animation and launch regular game { Game.ReincarnateTimer=0; Game.removeClass('reincarnating'); } } Game.Reincarnate=function(bypass) { if (!bypass) Game.Prompt('


Are you ready to return to the mortal world?
',[['Yes','Game.ClosePrompt();Game.Reincarnate(1);'],'No']); else { Game.ascendUpgradesl.innerHTML=''; Game.ascensionMode=Game.nextAscensionMode; Game.nextAscensionMode=0; Game.Reset(); if (Game.HasAchiev('Rebirth')) { if (Game.prefs.popups) Game.Popup('Reincarnated'); else Game.Notify('Reincarnated','Hello, cookies!',[10,0],4); } if (Game.resets>=1000) Game.Win('Endless cycle'); if (Game.resets>=100) Game.Win('Reincarnation'); if (Game.resets>=10) Game.Win('Resurrection'); if (Game.resets>=1) Game.Win('Rebirth'); Game.removeClass('ascending'); Game.OnAscend=0; //trigger the reincarnate animation Game.ReincarnateTimer=1; Game.addClass('reincarnating'); Game.BigCookieSize=0; Game.runModHook('reincarnate'); } } Game.GiveUpAscend=function(bypass) { if (!bypass) Game.Prompt('

Give up

Are you sure? You\'ll have to start this run over and won\'t gain any heavenly chips!
',[['Yes','Game.ClosePrompt();Game.GiveUpAscend(1);'],'No']); else { if (Game.prefs.popups) Game.Popup('Game reset'); else Game.Notify('Gave up','Let\'s try this again!',[0,5],4); Game.Reset(); } } Game.Ascend=function(bypass) { if (!bypass) Game.Prompt('


Do you REALLY want to ascend?
You will lose your progress and start over from scratch.
All your cookies will be converted into prestige and heavenly chips.
You will keep your achievements'+(Game.canLumps()?', building levels and sugar lumps':'')+'.
',[['Yes!','Game.ClosePrompt();Game.Ascend(1);'],'No']); else { if (Game.prefs.popups) Game.Popup('Ascending'); else Game.Notify('Ascending','So long, cookies.',[20,7],4); Game.OnAscend=0;Game.removeClass('ascending'); Game.addClass('ascendIntro'); //trigger the ascend animation Game.AscendTimer=1; Game.killShimmers(); l('toggleBox').style.display='none'; l('toggleBox').innerHTML=''; Game.choiceSelectorOn=-1; Game.ToggleSpecialMenu(0); Game.AscendOffX=0; Game.AscendOffY=0; Game.AscendOffXT=0; Game.AscendOffYT=0; Game.AscendZoomT=1; Game.AscendZoom=0.2; } } Game.DebuggingPrestige=0; Game.AscendDragX=0; Game.AscendDragY=0; Game.AscendOffX=0; Game.AscendOffY=0; Game.AscendZoom=1; Game.AscendOffXT=0; Game.AscendOffYT=0; Game.AscendZoomT=1; Game.AscendDragging=0; Game.AscendGridSnap=24; Game.heavenlyBounds={left:0,right:0,top:0,bottom:0}; Game.UpdateAscend=function() { if (Game.keys[37]) Game.AscendOffXT+=16*(1/Game.AscendZoomT); if (Game.keys[38]) Game.AscendOffYT+=16*(1/Game.AscendZoomT); if (Game.keys[39]) Game.AscendOffXT-=16*(1/Game.AscendZoomT); if (Game.keys[40]) Game.AscendOffYT-=16*(1/Game.AscendZoomT); if (Game.AscendOffXT>-Game.heavenlyBounds.left) Game.AscendOffXT=-Game.heavenlyBounds.left; if (Game.AscendOffXT<-Game.heavenlyBounds.right) Game.AscendOffXT=-Game.heavenlyBounds.right; if (Game.AscendOffYT>-Game.heavenlyBounds.top) Game.AscendOffYT=-Game.heavenlyBounds.top; if (Game.AscendOffYT<-Game.heavenlyBounds.bottom) Game.AscendOffYT=-Game.heavenlyBounds.bottom; Game.AscendOffX+=(Game.AscendOffXT-Game.AscendOffX)*0.5; Game.AscendOffY+=(Game.AscendOffYT-Game.AscendOffY)*0.5; Game.AscendZoom+=(Game.AscendZoomT-Game.AscendZoom)*0.25; if (Math.abs(Game.AscendZoomT-Game.AscendZoom)<0.005) Game.AscendZoom=Game.AscendZoomT; if (Game.DebuggingPrestige) { for (var i in Game.PrestigeUpgrades) { var me=Game.PrestigeUpgrades[i]; AddEvent(l('heavenlyUpgrade'+me.id),'mousedown',function(me){return function(){ if (!Game.DebuggingPrestige) return; Game.SelectedHeavenlyUpgrade=me; }}(me)); AddEvent(l('heavenlyUpgrade'+me.id),'mouseup',function(me){return function(){ if (Game.SelectedHeavenlyUpgrade==me) {Game.SelectedHeavenlyUpgrade=0;Game.BuildAscendTree();} }}(me)); } } if (Game.mouseDown && !Game.promptOn) { if (!Game.AscendDragging) { Game.AscendDragX=Game.mouseX; Game.AscendDragY=Game.mouseY; } Game.AscendDragging=1; if (Game.DebuggingPrestige) { if (Game.SelectedHeavenlyUpgrade) { Game.tooltip.hide(); //drag upgrades around var me=Game.SelectedHeavenlyUpgrade; me.posX+=(Game.mouseX-Game.AscendDragX)*(1/Game.AscendZoomT); me.posY+=(Game.mouseY-Game.AscendDragY)*(1/Game.AscendZoomT); var posX=me.posX;//Math.round(me.posX/Game.AscendGridSnap)*Game.AscendGridSnap; var posY=me.posY;//Math.round(me.posY/Game.AscendGridSnap)*Game.AscendGridSnap; l('heavenlyUpgrade'+me.id).style.left=Math.floor(posX)+'px'; l('heavenlyUpgrade'+me.id).style.top=Math.floor(posY)+'px'; for (var ii in me.parents) { var origX=0; var origY=0; var targX=me.posX+28; var targY=me.posY+28; if (me.parents[ii]!=-1) {origX=me.parents[ii].posX+28;origY=me.parents[ii].posY+28;} var rot=-(Math.atan((targY-origY)/(origX-targX))/Math.PI)*180; if (targX<=origX) rot+=180; var dist=Math.floor(Math.sqrt((targX-origX)*(targX-origX)+(targY-origY)*(targY-origY))); //l('heavenlyLink'+me.id+'-'+ii).style='width:'+dist+'px;-webkit-transform:rotate('+rot+'deg);-moz-transform:rotate('+rot+'deg);-ms-transform:rotate('+rot+'deg);-o-transform:rotate('+rot+'deg);transform:rotate('+rot+'deg);left:'+(origX)+'px;top:'+(origY)+'px;'; l('heavenlyLink'+me.id+'-'+ii).style='width:'+dist+'px;transform:rotate('+rot+'deg);left:'+(origX)+'px;top:'+(origY)+'px;'; } } } if (!Game.SelectedHeavenlyUpgrade) { Game.AscendOffXT+=(Game.mouseX-Game.AscendDragX)*(1/Game.AscendZoomT); Game.AscendOffYT+=(Game.mouseY-Game.AscendDragY)*(1/Game.AscendZoomT); } Game.AscendDragX=Game.mouseX; Game.AscendDragY=Game.mouseY; } else { /*if (Game.SelectedHeavenlyUpgrade) { var me=Game.SelectedHeavenlyUpgrade; me.posX=Math.round(me.posX/Game.AscendGridSnap)*Game.AscendGridSnap; me.posY=Math.round(me.posY/Game.AscendGridSnap)*Game.AscendGridSnap; l('heavenlyUpgrade'+me.id).style.left=me.posX+'px'; l('heavenlyUpgrade'+me.id).style.top=me.posY+'px'; }*/ Game.AscendDragging=0; Game.SelectedHeavenlyUpgrade=0; } if (Game.Click || Game.promptOn) { Game.AscendDragging=0; } //Game.ascendl.style.backgroundPosition=Math.floor(Game.AscendOffX/2)+'px '+Math.floor(Game.AscendOffY/2)+'px'; //Game.ascendl.style.backgroundPosition=Math.floor(Game.AscendOffX/2)+'px '+Math.floor(Game.AscendOffY/2)+'px,'+Math.floor(Game.AscendOffX/4)+'px '+Math.floor(Game.AscendOffY/4)+'px'; //Game.ascendContentl.style.left=Math.floor(Game.AscendOffX)+'px'; //Game.ascendContentl.style.top=Math.floor(Game.AscendOffY)+'px'; Game.ascendContentl.style.webkitTransform='translate('+Math.floor(Game.AscendOffX)+'px,'+Math.floor(Game.AscendOffY)+'px)'; Game.ascendContentl.style.msTransform='translate('+Math.floor(Game.AscendOffX)+'px,'+Math.floor(Game.AscendOffY)+'px)'; Game.ascendContentl.style.oTransform='translate('+Math.floor(Game.AscendOffX)+'px,'+Math.floor(Game.AscendOffY)+'px)'; Game.ascendContentl.style.mozTransform='translate('+Math.floor(Game.AscendOffX)+'px,'+Math.floor(Game.AscendOffY)+'px)'; Game.ascendContentl.style.transform='translate('+Math.floor(Game.AscendOffX)+'px,'+Math.floor(Game.AscendOffY)+'px)'; Game.ascendZoomablel.style.webkitTransform='scale('+(Game.AscendZoom)+','+(Game.AscendZoom)+')'; Game.ascendZoomablel.style.msTransform='scale('+(Game.AscendZoom)+','+(Game.AscendZoom)+')'; Game.ascendZoomablel.style.oTransform='scale('+(Game.AscendZoom)+','+(Game.AscendZoom)+')'; Game.ascendZoomablel.style.mozTransform='scale('+(Game.AscendZoom)+','+(Game.AscendZoom)+')'; Game.ascendZoomablel.style.transform='scale('+(Game.AscendZoom)+','+(Game.AscendZoom)+')'; //if (Game.Scroll!=0) Game.ascendContentl.style.transformOrigin=Math.floor(Game.windowW/2-Game.mouseX)+'px '+Math.floor(Game.windowH/2-Game.mouseY)+'px'; if (Game.Scroll<0 && !Game.promptOn) {Game.AscendZoomT=0.5;} if (Game.Scroll>0 && !Game.promptOn) {Game.AscendZoomT=1;} if (Game.T%2==0) { l('ascendPrestige').innerHTML='Prestige level :
'+SimpleBeautify(Game.prestige); l('ascendHCs').innerHTML='Heavenly chips :
'+SimpleBeautify(Math.round(Game.heavenlyChipsDisplayed))+''; if (Game.prestige>0) l('ascendModeButton').style.display='block'; else l('ascendModeButton').style.display='none'; } Game.heavenlyChipsDisplayed+=(Game.heavenlyChips-Game.heavenlyChipsDisplayed)*0.4; if (Game.DebuggingPrestige && Game.T%10==0) { var str=''; for (var i in Game.PrestigeUpgrades) { var me=Game.PrestigeUpgrades[i]; str+=me.id+':['+Math.floor(me.posX)+','+Math.floor(me.posY)+'],'; } l('upgradePositions').value='Game.UpgradePositions={'+str+'};'; } //if (Game.T%5==0) Game.BuildAscendTree(); } Game.AscendRefocus=function() { Game.AscendOffX=0; Game.AscendOffY=0; Game.ascendl.className=''; } Game.SelectedHeavenlyUpgrade=0; Game.PurchaseHeavenlyUpgrade=function(what) { //if (Game.Has('Neuromancy')) Game.UpgradesById[what].toggle(); else if (Game.UpgradesById[what].buy()) { if (l('heavenlyUpgrade'+what)){var rect=l('heavenlyUpgrade'+what).getBoundingClientRect();Game.SparkleAt((rect.left+rect.right)/2,(rect.top+rect.bottom)/2-24);} //Game.BuildAscendTree(); } } Game.BuildAscendTree=function() { var str=''; Game.heavenlyBounds={left:0,right:0,top:0,bottom:0}; if (Game.DebuggingPrestige) l('upgradePositions').style.display='block'; else l('upgradePositions').style.display='none'; for (var i in Game.PrestigeUpgrades) { var me=Game.PrestigeUpgrades[i]; me.canBePurchased=1; if (!me.bought && !Game.DebuggingPrestige) { if (me.showIf && !me.showIf()) me.canBePurchased=0; else { for (var ii in me.parents) { if (me.parents[ii]!=-1 && !me.parents[ii].bought) me.canBePurchased=0; } } } } str+='
';//chrome is still bad at these for (var i in Game.PrestigeUpgrades) { var me=Game.PrestigeUpgrades[i]; var ghosted=0; if (me.canBePurchased || Game.Has('Neuromancy')) { str+=Game.crate(me,'ascend','Game.PurchaseHeavenlyUpgrade('+me.id+');','heavenlyUpgrade'+me.id); } else { for (var ii in me.parents) { if (me.parents[ii]!=-1 && me.parents[ii].canBePurchased) ghosted=1; } if (me.showIf && !me.showIf()) ghosted=0; if (ghosted) { //maybe replace this with Game.crate() str+='
'; } } if (me.canBePurchased || Game.Has('Neuromancy') || ghosted) { if (me.posXGame.heavenlyBounds.right) Game.heavenlyBounds.right=me.posX; if (me.posYGame.heavenlyBounds.bottom) Game.heavenlyBounds.bottom=me.posY; } for (var ii in me.parents)//create pulsing links { if (me.parents[ii]!=-1 && (me.canBePurchased || ghosted)) { var origX=0; var origY=0; var targX=me.posX+28; var targY=me.posY+28; if (me.parents[ii]!=-1) {origX=me.parents[ii].posX+28;origY=me.parents[ii].posY+28;} var rot=-(Math.atan((targY-origY)/(origX-targX))/Math.PI)*180; if (targX<=origX) rot+=180; var dist=Math.floor(Math.sqrt((targX-origX)*(targX-origX)+(targY-origY)*(targY-origY))); str+=''; } } } Game.heavenlyBounds.left-=128; Game.heavenlyBounds.top-=128; Game.heavenlyBounds.right+=128+64; Game.heavenlyBounds.bottom+=128+64; //str+='
'; str+='
'; Game.ascendUpgradesl.innerHTML=str; } /*===================================================================================== COALESCING SUGAR LUMPS =======================================================================================*/ Game.lumpMatureAge=1; Game.lumpRipeAge=1; Game.lumpOverripeAge=1; Game.lumpCurrentType=0; l('comments').innerHTML=l('comments').innerHTML+ '
'; Game.lumpTooltip=function() { var str='
'+ 'You have '+Beautify(Game.lumps)+' sugar lump'+(Game.lumps==1?'':'s')+'.'+ '
'+ 'A sugar lump is coalescing here, attracted by your accomplishments.'; var age=Date.now()-Game.lumpT; str+='
'; if (age<0) str+='This sugar lump has been exposed to time travel shenanigans and will take an excruciating '+Game.sayTime(((Game.lumpMatureAge-age)/1000+1)*Game.fps,-1)+' to reach maturity.'; else if (age to reach maturity.'; else if (age.
You may click it to harvest it now, but there is a 50% chance you won\'t get anything.'; else if (age.'; var phase=(age/Game.lumpOverripeAge)*7; if (phase>=3) { if (Game.lumpCurrentType!=0) str+='
'; if (Game.lumpCurrentType==1) str+='This sugar lump grew to be bifurcated; harvesting it has a 50% chance of yielding two lumps.'; else if (Game.lumpCurrentType==2) str+='This sugar lump grew to be golden; harvesting it will yield 2 to 7 lumps, your current cookies will be doubled (capped to a gain of 24 hours of your CpS), and you will find 10% more golden cookies for the next 24 hours.'; else if (Game.lumpCurrentType==3) str+='This sugar lump was affected by the elders and grew to be meaty; harvesting it will yield between 0 and 2 lumps.'; else if (Game.lumpCurrentType==4) str+='This sugar lump is caramelized, its stickiness binding it to unexpected things; harvesting it will yield between 1 and 3 lumps and will refill your sugar lump cooldowns.'; } str+='
'; str+='Your sugar lumps mature after '+Game.sayTime((Game.lumpMatureAge/1000)*Game.fps,-1)+',
ripen after '+Game.sayTime((Game.lumpRipeAge/1000)*Game.fps,-1)+',
and fall after '+Game.sayTime((Game.lumpOverripeAge/1000)*Game.fps,-1)+'.'; str+='
'+ '• Sugar lumps can be harvested when mature, though if left alone beyond that point they will start ripening (increasing the chance of harvesting them) and will eventually fall and be auto-harvested after some time.
• Sugar lumps are delicious and may be used as currency for all sorts of things.
• Once a sugar lump is harvested, another one will start growing in its place.
• Note that sugar lumps keep growing when the game is closed.'; str+='
'; return str; } Game.computeLumpTimes=function() { var hour=1000*60*60; Game.lumpMatureAge=hour*20; Game.lumpRipeAge=hour*23; if (Game.Has('Stevia Caelestis')) Game.lumpRipeAge-=hour; if (Game.Has('Diabetica Daemonicus')) Game.lumpMatureAge-=hour; if (Game.Has('Ichor syrup')) Game.lumpMatureAge-=1000*60*7; if (Game.Has('Sugar aging process')) Game.lumpRipeAge-=6000*Math.min(600,Game.Objects['Grandma'].amount);//capped at 600 grandmas if (Game.hasGod && Game.BuildingsOwned%10==0) { var godLvl=Game.hasGod('order'); if (godLvl==1) Game.lumpRipeAge-=hour; else if (godLvl==2) Game.lumpRipeAge-=(hour/3)*2; else if (godLvl==3) Game.lumpRipeAge-=(hour/3); } //if (Game.hasAura('Dragon\'s Curve')) {Game.lumpMatureAge/=1.05;Game.lumpRipeAge/=1.05;} Game.lumpMatureAge/=1+Game.auraMult('Dragon\'s Curve')*0.05;Game.lumpRipeAge/=1+Game.auraMult('Dragon\'s Curve')*0.05; Game.lumpOverripeAge=Game.lumpRipeAge+hour; if (Game.Has('Glucose-charged air')) {Game.lumpMatureAge/=2000;Game.lumpRipeAge/=2000;Game.lumpOverripeAge/=2000;} } Game.loadLumps=function(time) { Game.computeLumpTimes(); //Game.computeLumpType(); if (!Game.canLumps()) Game.removeClass('lumpsOn'); else { if (Game.ascensionMode!=1) Game.addClass('lumpsOn'); Game.lumpT=Math.min(Date.now(),Game.lumpT); var age=Math.max(Date.now()-Game.lumpT,0); var amount=Math.floor(age/Game.lumpOverripeAge);//how many lumps did we harvest since we closed the game? if (amount>=1) { Game.harvestLumps(1,true); Game.lumpCurrentType=0;//all offline lumps after the first one have a normal type if (amount>1) Game.harvestLumps(amount-1,true); if (Game.prefs.popups) Game.Popup('Harvested '+Beautify(amount)+' sugar lump'+(amount==1?'':'s')+' while you were away'); else Game.Notify('','You harvested '+Beautify(amount)+' sugar lump'+(amount==1?'':'s')+' while you were away.',[29,14]); Game.lumpT=Date.now()-(age-amount*Game.lumpOverripeAge); Game.computeLumpType(); } } } Game.gainLumps=function(total) { if (Game.lumpsTotal==-1){Game.lumpsTotal=0;Game.lumps=0;} Game.lumps+=total; Game.lumpsTotal+=total; if (Game.lumpsTotal>=7) Game.Win('Dude, sweet'); if (Game.lumpsTotal>=30) Game.Win('Sugar rush'); if (Game.lumpsTotal>=365) Game.Win('Year\'s worth of cavities'); } Game.clickLump=function() { if (!Game.canLumps()) return; var age=Date.now()-Game.lumpT; if (age+10% golden cookies for the next 24 hours.',[29,16]); } else if (Game.lumpCurrentType==3) total*=choose([0,0,1,2,2]); else if (Game.lumpCurrentType==4) { total*=choose([1,2,3]); Game.lumpRefill=0;//Date.now()-Game.getLumpRefillMax(); if (Game.prefs.popups) Game.Popup('Sugar lump cooldowns cleared!'); else Game.Notify('Sugar lump cooldowns cleared!','',[29,27]); } total=Math.floor(total); Game.gainLumps(total); if (Game.lumpCurrentType==1) Game.Win('Sugar sugar'); else if (Game.lumpCurrentType==2) Game.Win('All-natural cane sugar'); else if (Game.lumpCurrentType==3) Game.Win('Sweetmeats'); else if (Game.lumpCurrentType==4) Game.Win('Maillard reaction'); if (!silent) { var rect=l('lumpsIcon2').getBoundingClientRect();Game.SparkleAt((rect.left+rect.right)/2,(rect.top+rect.bottom)/2-24); if (total>0) Game.Popup('+'+Beautify(total)+' sugar lump'+(total==1?'':'s')+'',(rect.left+rect.right)/2,(rect.top+rect.bottom)/2-48); else Game.Popup('Botched harvest!',(rect.left+rect.right)/2,(rect.top+rect.bottom)/2-48); PlaySound('snd/pop'+Math.floor(Math.random()*3+1)+'.mp3',0.75); } Game.computeLumpTimes(); } Game.computeLumpType=function() { Math.seedrandom(Game.seed+'/'+Game.lumpT); var types=[0]; var loop=1; //if (Game.hasAura('Dragon\'s Curve')) loop=2; loop+=Game.auraMult('Dragon\'s Curve'); loop=randomFloor(loop); for (var i=0;i-1 || (Game.ascensionMode!=1 && (Game.cookiesEarned+Game.cookiesReset)>=1000000000)) return true; return false; } Game.getLumpRefillMax=function() { return Game.fps*60*15;//1000*60*15;//15 minutes } Game.getLumpRefillRemaining=function() { return Game.lumpRefill;//Game.getLumpRefillMax()-(Date.now()-Game.lumpRefill); } Game.canRefillLump=function() { return Game.lumpRefill<=0;//((Date.now()-Game.lumpRefill)>=Game.getLumpRefillMax()); } Game.refillLump=function(n,func) { if (Game.lumps>=n && Game.canRefillLump()) { Game.spendLump(n,'refill',function() { if (!Game.sesame) Game.lumpRefill=Game.getLumpRefillMax();//Date.now(); func(); })(); } } Game.spendLump=function(n,str,func) { //ask if we want to spend N lumps return function() { if (Game.lumps
Do you want to spend '+Beautify(n)+' lump'+(n!=1?'s':'')+' to '+str+'?
',[['Yes','Game.lumps-='+n+';Game.promptConfirmFunc();Game.promptConfirmFunc=0;Game.recalculateGains=1;Game.ClosePrompt();'],'No']); return false; } else { Game.lumps-=n; func(); Game.recalculateGains=1; } } } Game.doLumps=function() { if (Game.lumpRefill>0) Game.lumpRefill--; if (!Game.canLumps()) {Game.removeClass('lumpsOn');return;} if (Game.lumpsTotal==-1) { //first time ! if (Game.ascensionMode!=1) Game.addClass('lumpsOn'); Game.lumpT=Date.now(); Game.lumpsTotal=0; Game.lumps=0; Game.computeLumpType(); Game.Notify('Sugar lumps!','Because you\'ve baked a billion cookies in total, you are now attracting sugar lumps. They coalesce quietly near the top of your screen, under the Stats button.
You will be able to harvest them when they\'re ripe, after which you may spend them on all sorts of things!',[23,14]); } var age=Date.now()-Game.lumpT; if (age>Game.lumpOverripeAge) { age=0; Game.harvestLumps(1); Game.computeLumpType(); } var phase=Math.min(6,Math.floor((age/Game.lumpOverripeAge)*7)); var phase2=Math.min(6,Math.floor((age/Game.lumpOverripeAge)*7)+1); var row=14; var row2=14; var type=Game.lumpCurrentType; if (type==1)//double { //if (phase>=6) row=15; if (phase2>=6) row2=15; } else if (type==2)//golden { if (phase>=4) row=16; if (phase2>=4) row2=16; } else if (type==3)//meaty { if (phase>=4) row=17; if (phase2>=4) row2=17; } else if (type==4)//caramelized { if (phase>=4) row=27; if (phase2>=4) row2=27; } var icon=[23+Math.min(phase,5),row]; var icon2=[23+phase2,row2]; if (age<0){icon=[17,5];icon2=[17,5];} var opacity=Math.min(6,(age/Game.lumpOverripeAge)*7)%1; if (phase>=6) {opacity=1;} l('lumpsIcon').style.backgroundPosition=(-icon[0]*48)+'px '+(-icon[1]*48)+'px'; l('lumpsIcon2').style.backgroundPosition=(-icon2[0]*48)+'px '+(-icon2[1]*48)+'px'; l('lumpsIcon2').style.opacity=opacity; l('lumpsAmount').textContent=Beautify(Game.lumps); } /*===================================================================================== COOKIE ECONOMICS =======================================================================================*/ Game.Earn=function(howmuch) { Game.cookies+=howmuch; Game.cookiesEarned+=howmuch; } Game.Spend=function(howmuch) { Game.cookies-=howmuch; } Game.Dissolve=function(howmuch) { Game.cookies-=howmuch; Game.cookiesEarned-=howmuch; Game.cookies=Math.max(0,Game.cookies); Game.cookiesEarned=Math.max(0,Game.cookiesEarned); } Game.mouseCps=function() { var add=0; if (Game.Has('Thousand fingers')) add+= 0.1; if (Game.Has('Million fingers')) add*= 5; if (Game.Has('Billion fingers')) add*= 10; if (Game.Has('Trillion fingers')) add*= 20; if (Game.Has('Quadrillion fingers')) add*= 20; if (Game.Has('Quintillion fingers')) add*= 20; if (Game.Has('Sextillion fingers')) add*= 20; if (Game.Has('Septillion fingers')) add*= 20; if (Game.Has('Octillion fingers')) add*= 20; if (Game.Has('Nonillion fingers')) add*= 20; var num=0; for (var i in Game.Objects) {num+=Game.Objects[i].amount;} num-=Game.Objects['Cursor'].amount; add=add*num; if (Game.Has('Plastic mouse')) add+=Game.cookiesPs*0.01; if (Game.Has('Iron mouse')) add+=Game.cookiesPs*0.01; if (Game.Has('Titanium mouse')) add+=Game.cookiesPs*0.01; if (Game.Has('Adamantium mouse')) add+=Game.cookiesPs*0.01; if (Game.Has('Unobtainium mouse')) add+=Game.cookiesPs*0.01; if (Game.Has('Eludium mouse')) add+=Game.cookiesPs*0.01; if (Game.Has('Wishalloy mouse')) add+=Game.cookiesPs*0.01; if (Game.Has('Fantasteel mouse')) add+=Game.cookiesPs*0.01; if (Game.Has('Nevercrack mouse')) add+=Game.cookiesPs*0.01; if (Game.Has('Armythril mouse')) add+=Game.cookiesPs*0.01; if (Game.Has('Technobsidian mouse')) add+=Game.cookiesPs*0.01; if (Game.Has('Plasmarble mouse')) add+=Game.cookiesPs*0.01; if (Game.Has('Miraculite mouse')) add+=Game.cookiesPs*0.01; if (Game.Has('Fortune #104')) add+=Game.cookiesPs*0.01; var mult=1; if (Game.Has('Santa\'s helpers')) mult*=1.1; if (Game.Has('Cookie egg')) mult*=1.1; if (Game.Has('Halo gloves')) mult*=1.1; if (Game.Has('Dragon claw')) mult*=1.03; if (Game.Has('Aura gloves')) { mult*=1+0.05*Math.min(Game.Objects['Cursor'].level,Game.Has('Luminous gloves')?20:10); } mult*=Game.eff('click'); if (Game.hasGod) { var godLvl=Game.hasGod('labor'); if (godLvl==1) mult*=1.15; else if (godLvl==2) mult*=1.1; else if (godLvl==3) mult*=1.05; } for (var i in Game.buffs) { if (typeof Game.buffs[i].multClick != 'undefined') mult*=Game.buffs[i].multClick; } //if (Game.hasAura('Dragon Cursor')) mult*=1.05; mult*=1+Game.auraMult('Dragon Cursor')*0.05; var out=mult*Game.ComputeCps(1,Game.Has('Reinforced index finger')+Game.Has('Carpal tunnel prevention cream')+Game.Has('Ambidextrous'),add); out=Game.runModHookOnValue('cookiesPerClick',out); if (Game.hasBuff('Cursed finger')) out=Game.buffs['Cursed finger'].power; return out; } Game.computedMouseCps=1; Game.globalCpsMult=1; Game.unbuffedCps=0; Game.buildingCps=0; Game.lastClick=0; Game.CanClick=1; Game.autoclickerDetected=0; Game.BigCookieState=0;//0 = normal, 1 = clicked (small), 2 = released/hovered (big) Game.BigCookieSize=0; Game.BigCookieSizeD=0; Game.BigCookieSizeT=1; Game.cookieClickSound=Math.floor(Math.random()*7)+1; Game.playCookieClickSound=function() { if (Game.prefs.cookiesound) PlaySound('snd/clickb'+(Game.cookieClickSound)+'.mp3',0.5); else PlaySound('snd/click'+(Game.cookieClickSound)+'.mp3',0.5); Game.cookieClickSound+=Math.floor(Math.random()*4)+1; if (Game.cookieClickSound>7) Game.cookieClickSound-=7; } Game.ClickCookie=function(e,amount) { var now=Date.now(); if (e) e.preventDefault(); if (Game.OnAscend || Game.AscendTimer>0 || Game.T<3 || now-Game.lastClick<1000/250) {} else { if (now-Game.lastClick<1000/15) { Game.autoclickerDetected+=Game.fps; if (Game.autoclickerDetected>=Game.fps*5) Game.Win('Uncanny clicker'); } Game.loseShimmeringVeil('click'); var amount=amount?amount:Game.computedMouseCps; Game.Earn(amount); Game.handmadeCookies+=amount; if (Game.prefs.particles) { Game.particleAdd(); Game.particleAdd(Game.mouseX,Game.mouseY,Math.random()*4-2,Math.random()*-2-2,Math.random()*0.5+0.75,1,2); } if (Game.prefs.numbers) Game.particleAdd(Game.mouseX+Math.random()*8-4,Game.mouseY-8+Math.random()*8-4,0,-2,1,4,2,'','+'+Beautify(amount,1)); Game.runModHook('click'); Game.playCookieClickSound(); Game.cookieClicks++; } Game.lastClick=now; Game.Click=0; } Game.mouseX=0; Game.mouseY=0; Game.mouseX2=0; Game.mouseY2=0; Game.mouseMoved=0; Game.GetMouseCoords=function(e) { var posx=0; var posy=0; if (!e) var e=window.event; if (e.pageX||e.pageY) { posx=e.pageX; posy=e.pageY; } else if (e.clientX || e.clientY) { posx=e.clientX+document.body.scrollLeft+document.documentElement.scrollLeft; posy=e.clientY+document.body.scrollTop+document.documentElement.scrollTop; } var x=0; var y=32; /* var el=l('sectionLeft'); while(el && !isNaN(el.offsetLeft) && !isNaN(el.offsetTop)) { x+=el.offsetLeft-el.scrollLeft; y+=el.offsetTop-el.scrollTop; el=el.offsetParent; }*/ Game.mouseX2=Game.mouseX; Game.mouseY2=Game.mouseY; Game.mouseX=posx-x; Game.mouseY=posy-y; Game.mouseMoved=1; Game.lastActivity=Game.time; } var bigCookie=l('bigCookie'); bigCookie.setAttribute('alt','Big clickable cookie'); Game.Click=0; Game.lastClickedEl=0; Game.clickFrom=0; Game.Scroll=0; Game.mouseDown=0; if (!Game.touchEvents) { AddEvent(bigCookie,'click',Game.ClickCookie); AddEvent(bigCookie,'mousedown',function(event){Game.BigCookieState=1;if (Game.prefs.cookiesound) {Game.playCookieClickSound();}if (event) event.preventDefault();}); AddEvent(bigCookie,'mouseup',function(event){Game.BigCookieState=2;if (event) event.preventDefault();}); AddEvent(bigCookie,'mouseout',function(event){Game.BigCookieState=0;}); AddEvent(bigCookie,'mouseover',function(event){Game.BigCookieState=2;}); AddEvent(document,'mousemove',Game.GetMouseCoords); AddEvent(document,'mousedown',function(event){Game.lastActivity=Game.time;Game.mouseDown=1;Game.clickFrom=event.target;}); AddEvent(document,'mouseup',function(event){Game.lastActivity=Game.time;Game.mouseDown=0;Game.clickFrom=0;}); AddEvent(document,'click',function(event){Game.lastActivity=Game.time;Game.Click=1;Game.lastClickedEl=event.target;Game.clickFrom=0;}); Game.handleScroll=function(e) { if (!e) e=event; Game.Scroll=(e.detail<0||e.wheelDelta>0)?1:-1; Game.lastActivity=Game.time; }; AddEvent(document,'DOMMouseScroll',Game.handleScroll); AddEvent(document,'mousewheel',Game.handleScroll); } else { //touch events AddEvent(bigCookie,'touchend',Game.ClickCookie); AddEvent(bigCookie,'touchstart',function(event){Game.BigCookieState=1;if (event) event.preventDefault();}); AddEvent(bigCookie,'touchend',function(event){Game.BigCookieState=0;if (event) event.preventDefault();}); //AddEvent(document,'touchmove',Game.GetMouseCoords); AddEvent(document,'mousemove',Game.GetMouseCoords); AddEvent(document,'touchstart',function(event){Game.lastActivity=Game.time;Game.mouseDown=1;}); AddEvent(document,'touchend',function(event){Game.lastActivity=Game.time;Game.mouseDown=0;}); AddEvent(document,'touchend',function(event){Game.lastActivity=Game.time;Game.Click=1;}); } Game.keys=[]; AddEvent(window,'keyup',function(e){ Game.lastActivity=Game.time; if (e.keyCode==27) { Game.ClosePrompt(); if (Game.AscendTimer>0) Game.AscendTimer=Game.AscendDuration; }//esc closes prompt else if (e.keyCode==13) Game.ConfirmPrompt();//enter confirms prompt Game.keys[e.keyCode]=0; }); AddEvent(window,'keydown',function(e){ if (!Game.OnAscend && Game.AscendTimer==0) { if (e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode==83) {Game.toSave=true;e.preventDefault();}//ctrl-s saves the game else if (e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode==79) {Game.ImportSave();e.preventDefault();}//ctrl-o opens the import menu } if ((e.keyCode==16 || e.keyCode==17) && Game.tooltip.dynamic) Game.tooltip.update(); Game.keys[e.keyCode]=1; }); AddEvent(window,'visibilitychange',function(e){ Game.keys=[];//reset all key pressed on visibility change (should help prevent ctrl still being down after ctrl-tab) }); /*===================================================================================== CPS RECALCULATOR =======================================================================================*/ Game.heavenlyPower=1;//how many CpS percents a single heavenly chip gives Game.recalculateGains=1; Game.cookiesPsByType={}; Game.cookiesMultByType={}; //display bars with http://codepen.io/anon/pen/waGyEJ Game.effs={}; Game.eff=function(name,def){if (typeof Game.effs[name]==='undefined') return (typeof def==='undefined'?1:def); else return Game.effs[name];}; Game.CalculateGains=function() { Game.cookiesPs=0; var mult=1; //add up effect bonuses from building minigames var effs={}; for (var i in Game.Objects) { if (Game.Objects[i].minigameLoaded && Game.Objects[i].minigame.effs) { var myEffs=Game.Objects[i].minigame.effs; for (var ii in myEffs) { if (effs[ii]) effs[ii]*=myEffs[ii]; else effs[ii]=myEffs[ii]; } } } Game.effs=effs; if (Game.ascensionMode!=1) mult+=parseFloat(Game.prestige)*0.01*Game.heavenlyPower*Game.GetHeavenlyMultiplier(); mult*=Game.eff('cps'); if (Game.Has('Heralds') && Game.ascensionMode!=1) mult*=1+0.01*Game.heralds; for (var i in Game.cookieUpgrades) { var me=Game.cookieUpgrades[i]; if (Game.Has(me.name)) { mult*=(1+(typeof(me.power)==='function'?me.power(me):me.power)*0.01); } } if (Game.Has('Specialized chocolate chips')) mult*=1.01; if (Game.Has('Designer cocoa beans')) mult*=1.02; if (Game.Has('Underworld ovens')) mult*=1.03; if (Game.Has('Exotic nuts')) mult*=1.04; if (Game.Has('Arcane sugar')) mult*=1.05; if (Game.Has('Increased merriness')) mult*=1.15; if (Game.Has('Improved jolliness')) mult*=1.15; if (Game.Has('A lump of coal')) mult*=1.01; if (Game.Has('An itchy sweater')) mult*=1.01; if (Game.Has('Santa\'s dominion')) mult*=1.2; if (Game.Has('Fortune #100')) mult*=1.01; if (Game.Has('Fortune #101')) mult*=1.07; if (Game.Has('Dragon scale')) mult*=1.03; var buildMult=1; if (Game.hasGod) { var godLvl=Game.hasGod('asceticism'); if (godLvl==1) mult*=1.15; else if (godLvl==2) mult*=1.1; else if (godLvl==3) mult*=1.05; var godLvl=Game.hasGod('ages'); if (godLvl==1) mult*=1+0.15*Math.sin((Date.now()/1000/(60*60*3))*Math.PI*2); else if (godLvl==2) mult*=1+0.15*Math.sin((Date.now()/1000/(60*60*12))*Math.PI*2); else if (godLvl==3) mult*=1+0.15*Math.sin((Date.now()/1000/(60*60*24))*Math.PI*2); var godLvl=Game.hasGod('decadence'); if (godLvl==1) buildMult*=0.93; else if (godLvl==2) buildMult*=0.95; else if (godLvl==3) buildMult*=0.98; var godLvl=Game.hasGod('industry'); if (godLvl==1) buildMult*=1.1; else if (godLvl==2) buildMult*=1.06; else if (godLvl==3) buildMult*=1.03; var godLvl=Game.hasGod('labor'); if (godLvl==1) buildMult*=0.97; else if (godLvl==2) buildMult*=0.98; else if (godLvl==3) buildMult*=0.99; } if (Game.Has('Santa\'s legacy')) mult*=1+(Game.santaLevel+1)*0.03; Game.milkProgress=Game.AchievementsOwned/25; var milkMult=1; if (Game.Has('Santa\'s milk and cookies')) milkMult*=1.05; //if (Game.hasAura('Breath of Milk')) milkMult*=1.05; milkMult*=1+Game.auraMult('Breath of Milk')*0.05; if (Game.hasGod) { var godLvl=Game.hasGod('mother'); if (godLvl==1) milkMult*=1.1; else if (godLvl==2) milkMult*=1.05; else if (godLvl==3) milkMult*=1.03; } milkMult*=Game.eff('milk'); var catMult=1; if (Game.Has('Kitten helpers')) catMult*=(1+Game.milkProgress*0.1*milkMult); if (Game.Has('Kitten workers')) catMult*=(1+Game.milkProgress*0.125*milkMult); if (Game.Has('Kitten engineers')) catMult*=(1+Game.milkProgress*0.15*milkMult); if (Game.Has('Kitten overseers')) catMult*=(1+Game.milkProgress*0.175*milkMult); if (Game.Has('Kitten managers')) catMult*=(1+Game.milkProgress*0.2*milkMult); if (Game.Has('Kitten accountants')) catMult*=(1+Game.milkProgress*0.2*milkMult); if (Game.Has('Kitten specialists')) catMult*=(1+Game.milkProgress*0.2*milkMult); if (Game.Has('Kitten experts')) catMult*=(1+Game.milkProgress*0.2*milkMult); if (Game.Has('Kitten consultants')) catMult*=(1+Game.milkProgress*0.2*milkMult); if (Game.Has('Kitten assistants to the regional manager')) catMult*=(1+Game.milkProgress*0.175*milkMult); if (Game.Has('Kitten marketeers')) catMult*=(1+Game.milkProgress*0.15*milkMult); if (Game.Has('Kitten analysts')) catMult*=(1+Game.milkProgress*0.125*milkMult); if (Game.Has('Kitten executives')) catMult*=(1+Game.milkProgress*0.115*milkMult); if (Game.Has('Kitten angels')) catMult*=(1+Game.milkProgress*0.1*milkMult); if (Game.Has('Fortune #103')) catMult*=(1+Game.milkProgress*0.05*milkMult); Game.cookiesMultByType['kittens']=catMult; for (var i in Game.Objects) { var me=Game.Objects[i]; me.storedCps=me.cps(me); if (Game.ascensionMode!=1) me.storedCps*=(1+me.level*0.01)*buildMult; if (me.id==1 && Game.Has('Milkhelp® lactose intolerance relief tablets')) me.storedCps*=1+0.05*Game.milkProgress*milkMult;//this used to be "me.storedCps*=1+0.1*Math.pow(catMult-1,0.5)" which was. hmm me.storedTotalCps=me.amount*me.storedCps; Game.cookiesPs+=me.storedTotalCps; Game.cookiesPsByType[me.name]=me.storedTotalCps; } //cps from buildings only Game.buildingCps=Game.cookiesPs; if (Game.Has('"egg"')) {Game.cookiesPs+=9;Game.cookiesPsByType['"egg"']=9;}//"egg" mult*=catMult; var eggMult=1; if (Game.Has('Chicken egg')) eggMult*=1.01; if (Game.Has('Duck egg')) eggMult*=1.01; if (Game.Has('Turkey egg')) eggMult*=1.01; if (Game.Has('Quail egg')) eggMult*=1.01; if (Game.Has('Robin egg')) eggMult*=1.01; if (Game.Has('Ostrich egg')) eggMult*=1.01; if (Game.Has('Cassowary egg')) eggMult*=1.01; if (Game.Has('Salmon roe')) eggMult*=1.01; if (Game.Has('Frogspawn')) eggMult*=1.01; if (Game.Has('Shark egg')) eggMult*=1.01; if (Game.Has('Turtle egg')) eggMult*=1.01; if (Game.Has('Ant larva')) eggMult*=1.01; if (Game.Has('Century egg')) { //the boost increases a little every day, with diminishing returns up to +10% on the 100th day var day=Math.floor((Date.now()-Game.startDate)/1000/10)*10/60/60/24; day=Math.min(day,100); eggMult*=1+(1-Math.pow(1-day/100,3))*0.1; } Game.cookiesMultByType['eggs']=eggMult; mult*=eggMult; if (Game.Has('Sugar baking')) mult*=(1+Math.min(100,Game.lumps)*0.01); //if (Game.hasAura('Radiant Appetite')) mult*=2; mult*=1+Game.auraMult('Radiant Appetite'); var rawCookiesPs=Game.cookiesPs*mult; for (var i in Game.CpsAchievements) { if (rawCookiesPs>=Game.CpsAchievements[i].threshold) Game.Win(Game.CpsAchievements[i].name); } Game.cookiesPsRaw=rawCookiesPs; Game.cookiesPsRawHighest=Math.max(Game.cookiesPsRawHighest,rawCookiesPs); var n=Game.shimmerTypes['golden'].n; var auraMult=Game.auraMult('Dragon\'s Fortune'); for (var i=0;i=0;i--) { Game.shimmers[i].die(); } for (var i in Game.shimmerTypes) { var me=Game.shimmerTypes[i]; if (me.reset) me.reset(); me.n=0; if (me.spawnsOnTimer) { me.time=0; me.spawned=0; me.minTime=me.getMinTime(me); me.maxTime=me.getMaxTime(me); } } } Game.shimmerTypes={ //in these, "me" refers to the shimmer itself, and "this" to the shimmer's type object 'golden':{ reset:function() { this.chain=0; this.totalFromChain=0; this.last=''; }, initFunc:function(me) { if (!this.spawned && Game.chimeType==1 && Game.ascensionMode!=1) PlaySound('snd/chime.mp3'); //set image var bgPic='img/goldCookie.png'; var picX=0;var picY=0; if ((!me.forceObj || !me.forceObj.noWrath) && ((me.forceObj && me.forceObj.wrath) || (Game.elderWrath==1 && Math.random()<1/3) || (Game.elderWrath==2 && Math.random()<2/3) || (Game.elderWrath==3) || (Game.hasGod && Game.hasGod('scorn')))) { me.wrath=1; if (Game.season=='halloween') bgPic='img/spookyCookie.png'; else bgPic='img/wrathCookie.png'; } else { me.wrath=0; } if (Game.season=='valentines') { bgPic='img/hearts.png'; picX=Math.floor(Math.random()*8); } else if (Game.season=='fools') { bgPic='img/contract.png'; if (me.wrath) bgPic='img/wrathContract.png'; } else if (Game.season=='easter') { bgPic='img/bunnies.png'; picX=Math.floor(Math.random()*4); picY=0; if (me.wrath) picY=1; } me.x=Math.floor(Math.random()*Math.max(0,(Game.bounds.right-300)-Game.bounds.left-128)+Game.bounds.left+64)-64; me.y=Math.floor(Math.random()*Math.max(0,Game.bounds.bottom-Game.bounds.top-128)+Game.bounds.top+64)-64; me.l.style.left=me.x+'px'; me.l.style.top=me.y+'px'; me.l.style.width='96px'; me.l.style.height='96px'; me.l.style.backgroundImage='url('+bgPic+')'; me.l.style.backgroundPosition=(-picX*96)+'px '+(-picY*96)+'px'; me.l.style.opacity='0'; me.l.style.display='block'; me.l.setAttribute('alt',me.wrath?'Wrath cookie':'Golden cookie'); me.life=1;//the cookie's current progression through its lifespan (in frames) me.dur=13;//duration; the cookie's lifespan in seconds before it despawns var dur=13; if (Game.Has('Lucky day')) dur*=2; if (Game.Has('Serendipity')) dur*=2; if (Game.Has('Decisive fate')) dur*=1.05; if (Game.Has('Lucky digit')) dur*=1.01; if (Game.Has('Lucky number')) dur*=1.01; if (Game.Has('Lucky payout')) dur*=1.01; if (!me.wrath) dur*=Game.eff('goldenCookieDur'); else dur*=Game.eff('wrathCookieDur'); dur*=Math.pow(0.95,Game.shimmerTypes['golden'].n-1);//5% shorter for every other golden cookie on the screen if (this.chain>0) dur=Math.max(2,10/this.chain);//this is hilarious me.dur=dur; me.life=Math.ceil(Game.fps*me.dur); me.force=''; me.sizeMult=1; }, updateFunc:function(me) { var curve=1-Math.pow((me.life/(Game.fps*me.dur))*2-1,4); me.l.style.opacity=curve; //this line makes each golden cookie pulse in a unique way if (Game.prefs.fancy) me.l.style.transform='rotate('+(Math.sin(me.id*0.69)*24+Math.sin(Game.T*(0.35+Math.sin(me.id*0.97)*0.15)+me.id/*+Math.sin(Game.T*0.07)*2+2*/)*(3+Math.sin(me.id*0.36)*2))+'deg) scale('+(me.sizeMult*(1+Math.sin(me.id*0.53)*0.2)*curve*(1+(0.06+Math.sin(me.id*0.41)*0.05)*(Math.sin(Game.T*(0.25+Math.sin(me.id*0.73)*0.15)+me.id))))+')'; me.life--; if (me.life<=0) {this.missFunc(me);me.die();} }, popFunc:function(me) { //get achievs and stats if (me.spawnLead) { Game.goldenClicks++; Game.goldenClicksLocal++; if (Game.goldenClicks>=1) Game.Win('Golden cookie'); if (Game.goldenClicks>=7) Game.Win('Lucky cookie'); if (Game.goldenClicks>=27) Game.Win('A stroke of luck'); if (Game.goldenClicks>=77) Game.Win('Fortune'); if (Game.goldenClicks>=777) Game.Win('Leprechaun'); if (Game.goldenClicks>=7777) Game.Win('Black cat\'s paw'); if (Game.goldenClicks>=27777) Game.Win('Seven horseshoes'); if (Game.goldenClicks>=7) Game.Unlock('Lucky day'); if (Game.goldenClicks>=27) Game.Unlock('Serendipity'); if (Game.goldenClicks>=77) Game.Unlock('Get lucky'); if ((me.life/Game.fps)>(me.dur-1)) Game.Win('Early bird'); if (me.life0) list.push('clot','multiply cookies','ruin cookies'); else list.push('frenzy','multiply cookies'); if (me.wrath>0 && Game.hasGod && Game.hasGod('scorn')) list.push('clot','ruin cookies','clot','ruin cookies'); if (me.wrath>0 && Math.random()<0.3) list.push('blood frenzy','chain cookie','cookie storm'); else if (Math.random()<0.03 && Game.cookiesEarned>=100000) list.push('chain cookie','cookie storm'); if (Math.random()<0.05 && Game.season=='fools') list.push('everything must go'); if (Math.random()<0.1 && (Math.random()<0.05 || !Game.hasBuff('Dragonflight'))) list.push('click frenzy'); if (me.wrath && Math.random()<0.1) list.push('cursed finger'); if (Game.BuildingsOwned>=10 && Math.random()<0.25) list.push('building special'); if (Game.canLumps() && Math.random()<0.0005) list.push('free sugar lump'); if ((me.wrath==0 && Math.random()<0.15) || Math.random()<0.05) { //if (Game.hasAura('Reaper of Fields')) list.push('dragon harvest'); if (Math.random()0) choice='chain cookie'; if (me.force!='') {this.chain=0;choice=me.force;me.force='';} if (choice!='chain cookie') this.chain=0; this.last=choice; //create buff for effect //buff duration multiplier var effectDurMod=1; if (Game.Has('Get lucky')) effectDurMod*=2; if (Game.Has('Lasting fortune')) effectDurMod*=1.1; if (Game.Has('Lucky digit')) effectDurMod*=1.01; if (Game.Has('Lucky number')) effectDurMod*=1.01; if (Game.Has('Green yeast digestives')) effectDurMod*=1.01; if (Game.Has('Lucky payout')) effectDurMod*=1.01; //if (Game.hasAura('Epoch Manipulator')) effectDurMod*=1.05; effectDurMod*=1+Game.auraMult('Epoch Manipulator')*0.05; if (!me.wrath) effectDurMod*=Game.eff('goldenCookieEffDur'); else effectDurMod*=Game.eff('wrathCookieEffDur'); if (Game.hasGod) { var godLvl=Game.hasGod('decadence'); if (godLvl==1) effectDurMod*=1.07; else if (godLvl==2) effectDurMod*=1.05; else if (godLvl==3) effectDurMod*=1.02; } //effect multiplier (from lucky etc) var mult=1; //if (me.wrath>0 && Game.hasAura('Unholy Dominion')) mult*=1.1; //else if (me.wrath==0 && Game.hasAura('Ancestral Metamorphosis')) mult*=1.1; if (me.wrath>0) mult*=1+Game.auraMult('Unholy Dominion')*0.1; else if (me.wrath==0) mult*=1+Game.auraMult('Ancestral Metamorphosis')*0.1; if (Game.Has('Green yeast digestives')) mult*=1.01; if (Game.Has('Dragon fang')) mult*=1.03; if (!me.wrath) mult*=Game.eff('goldenCookieGain'); else mult*=Game.eff('wrathCookieGain'); var popup=''; var buff=0; if (choice=='building special') { var time=Math.ceil(30*effectDurMod); var list=[]; for (var i in Game.Objects) { if (Game.Objects[i].amount>=10) list.push(Game.Objects[i].id); } if (list.length==0) {choice='frenzy';}//default to frenzy if no proper building else { var obj=choose(list); var pow=Game.ObjectsById[obj].amount/10+1; if (me.wrath && Math.random()<0.3) { buff=Game.gainBuff('building debuff',time,pow,obj); } else { buff=Game.gainBuff('building buff',time,pow,obj); } } } if (choice=='free sugar lump') { Game.gainLumps(1); popup='Sweet!
Found 1 sugar lump!
'; } else if (choice=='frenzy') { buff=Game.gainBuff('frenzy',Math.ceil(77*effectDurMod),7); } else if (choice=='dragon harvest') { buff=Game.gainBuff('dragon harvest',Math.ceil(60*effectDurMod),15); } else if (choice=='everything must go') { buff=Game.gainBuff('everything must go',Math.ceil(8*effectDurMod),5); } else if (choice=='multiply cookies') { var moni=mult*Math.min(Game.cookies*0.15,Game.cookiesPs*60*15)+13;//add 15% to cookies owned (+13), or 15 minutes of cookie production - whichever is lowest Game.Earn(moni); popup='Lucky!
+'+Beautify(moni)+' cookies!
'; } else if (choice=='ruin cookies') { var moni=Math.min(Game.cookies*0.05,Game.cookiesPs*60*10)+13;//lose 5% of cookies owned (-13), or 10 minutes of cookie production - whichever is lowest moni=Math.min(Game.cookies,moni); Game.Spend(moni); popup='Ruin!
Lost '+Beautify(moni)+' cookies!
'; } else if (choice=='blood frenzy') { buff=Game.gainBuff('blood frenzy',Math.ceil(6*effectDurMod),666); } else if (choice=='clot') { buff=Game.gainBuff('clot',Math.ceil(66*effectDurMod),0.5); } else if (choice=='cursed finger') { buff=Game.gainBuff('cursed finger',Math.ceil(10*effectDurMod),Game.cookiesPs*Math.ceil(10*effectDurMod)); } else if (choice=='click frenzy') { buff=Game.gainBuff('click frenzy',Math.ceil(13*effectDurMod),777); } else if (choice=='dragonflight') { buff=Game.gainBuff('dragonflight',Math.ceil(10*effectDurMod),1111); if (Math.random()<0.8) Game.killBuff('Click frenzy'); } else if (choice=='chain cookie') { //fix by Icehawk78 if (this.chain==0) this.totalFromChain=0; this.chain++; var digit=me.wrath?6:7; if (this.chain==1) this.chain+=Math.max(0,Math.ceil(Math.log(Game.cookies)/Math.LN10)-10); var maxPayout=Math.min(Game.cookiesPs*60*60*6,Game.cookies*0.5)*mult; var moni=Math.max(digit,Math.min(Math.floor(1/9*Math.pow(10,this.chain)*digit*mult),maxPayout)); var nextMoni=Math.max(digit,Math.min(Math.floor(1/9*Math.pow(10,this.chain+1)*digit*mult),maxPayout)); this.totalFromChain+=moni; var moniStr=Beautify(moni); //break the chain if we're above 5 digits AND it's more than 50% of our bank, it grants more than 6 hours of our CpS, or just a 1% chance each digit (update : removed digit limit) if (Math.random()<0.01 || nextMoni>=maxPayout) { this.chain=0; popup='Cookie chain
+'+moniStr+' cookies!
Cookie chain over. You made '+Beautify(this.totalFromChain)+' cookies.
'; } else { popup='Cookie chain
+'+moniStr+' cookies!
';// } Game.Earn(moni); } else if (choice=='cookie storm') { buff=Game.gainBuff('cookie storm',Math.ceil(7*effectDurMod),7); } else if (choice=='cookie storm drop') { var moni=Math.max(mult*(Game.cookiesPs*60*Math.floor(Math.random()*7+1)),Math.floor(Math.random()*7+1));//either 1-7 cookies or 1-7 minutes of cookie production, whichever is highest Game.Earn(moni); popup='
+'+Beautify(moni)+' cookies!
'; } else if (choice=='blab')//sorry (it's really rare) { var str=choose([ 'Cookie crumbliness x3 for 60 seconds!', 'Chocolatiness x7 for 77 seconds!', 'Dough elasticity halved for 66 seconds!', 'Golden cookie shininess doubled for 3 seconds!', 'World economy halved for 30 seconds!', 'Grandma kisses 23% stingier for 45 seconds!', 'Thanks for clicking!', 'Fooled you! This one was just a test.', 'Golden cookies clicked +1!', 'Your click has been registered. Thank you for your cooperation.', 'Thanks! That hit the spot!', 'Thank you. A team has been dispatched.', 'They know.', 'Oops. This was just a chocolate cookie with shiny aluminium foil.' ]); popup=str; } if (popup=='' && buff && buff.name && buff.desc) popup=buff.name+'
'; if (popup!='') Game.Popup(popup,me.x+me.l.offsetWidth/2,me.y); Game.DropEgg(0.9); //sparkle and kill the shimmer Game.SparkleAt(me.x+48,me.y+48); if (choice=='cookie storm drop') { if (Game.prefs.cookiesound) PlaySound('snd/clickb'+Math.floor(Math.random()*7+1)+'.mp3',0.75); else PlaySound('snd/click'+Math.floor(Math.random()*7+1)+'.mp3',0.75); } else PlaySound('snd/shimmerClick.mp3'); me.die(); }, missFunc:function(me) { if (this.chain>0 && this.totalFromChain>0) { Game.Popup('Cookie chain broken.
You made '+Beautify(this.totalFromChain)+' cookies.
',me.x+me.l.offsetWidth/2,me.y); this.chain=0;this.totalFromChain=0; } if (me.spawnLead) Game.missedGoldenClicks++; }, spawnsOnTimer:true, spawnConditions:function() { if (!Game.Has('Golden switch [off]')) return true; else return false; }, spawned:0, time:0, minTime:0, maxTime:0, getTimeMod:function(me,m) { if (Game.Has('Lucky day')) m/=2; if (Game.Has('Serendipity')) m/=2; if (Game.Has('Golden goose egg')) m*=0.95; if (Game.Has('Heavenly luck')) m*=0.95; if (Game.Has('Green yeast digestives')) m*=0.99; //if (Game.hasAura('Arcane Aura')) m*=0.95; m*=1-Game.auraMult('Arcane Aura')*0.05; if (Game.hasBuff('Sugar blessing')) m*=0.9; if (Game.season=='easter' && Game.Has('Starspawn')) m*=0.98; else if (Game.season=='halloween' && Game.Has('Starterror')) m*=0.98; else if (Game.season=='valentines' && Game.Has('Starlove')) m*=0.98; else if (Game.season=='fools' && Game.Has('Startrade')) m*=0.95; if (!me.wrath) m*=1/Game.eff('goldenCookieFreq'); else m*=1/Game.eff('wrathCookieFreq'); if (Game.hasGod) { var godLvl=Game.hasGod('industry'); if (godLvl==1) m*=1.1; else if (godLvl==2) m*=1.06; else if (godLvl==3) m*=1.03; var godLvl=Game.hasGod('mother'); if (godLvl==1) m*=1.15; else if (godLvl==2) m*=1.1; else if (godLvl==3) m*=1.05; if (Game.season!='') { var godLvl=Game.hasGod('seasons'); if (Game.season!='fools') { if (godLvl==1) m*=0.97; else if (godLvl==2) m*=0.98; else if (godLvl==3) m*=0.99; } else { if (godLvl==1) m*=0.955; else if (godLvl==2) m*=0.97; else if (godLvl==3) m*=0.985; } } } if (this.chain>0) m=0.05; if (Game.Has('Gold hoard')) m=0.01; return Math.ceil(Game.fps*60*m); }, getMinTime:function(me) { var m=5; return this.getTimeMod(me,m); }, getMaxTime:function(me) { var m=15; return this.getTimeMod(me,m); }, last:'', }, 'reindeer':{ reset:function() { }, initFunc:function(me) { if (!this.spawned && Game.chimeType==1 && Game.ascensionMode!=1) PlaySound('snd/jingle.mp3'); me.x=-128; me.y=Math.floor(Math.random()*Math.max(0,Game.bounds.bottom-Game.bounds.top-256)+Game.bounds.top+128)-128; //me.l.style.left=me.x+'px'; //me.l.style.top=me.y+'px'; me.l.style.width='167px'; me.l.style.height='212px'; me.l.style.backgroundImage='url(img/frostedReindeer.png)'; me.l.style.opacity='0'; //me.l.style.transform='rotate('+(Math.random()*60-30)+'deg) scale('+(Math.random()*1+0.25)+')'; me.l.style.display='block'; me.l.setAttribute('alt','Reindeer'); me.life=1;//the reindeer's current progression through its lifespan (in frames) me.dur=4;//duration; the cookie's lifespan in seconds before it despawns var dur=4; if (Game.Has('Weighted sleighs')) dur*=2; dur*=Game.eff('reindeerDur'); me.dur=dur; me.life=Math.ceil(Game.fps*me.dur); me.sizeMult=1; }, updateFunc:function(me) { var curve=1-Math.pow((me.life/(Game.fps*me.dur))*2-1,12); me.l.style.opacity=curve; me.l.style.transform='translate('+(me.x+(Game.bounds.right-Game.bounds.left)*(1-me.life/(Game.fps*me.dur)))+'px,'+(me.y-Math.abs(Math.sin(me.life*0.1))*128)+'px) rotate('+(Math.sin(me.life*0.2+0.3)*10)+'deg) scale('+(me.sizeMult*(1+Math.sin(me.id*0.53)*0.1))+')'; me.life--; if (me.life<=0) {this.missFunc(me);me.die();} }, popFunc:function(me) { //get achievs and stats if (me.spawnLead) { Game.reindeerClicked++; } var val=Game.cookiesPs*60; if (Game.hasBuff('Elder frenzy')) val*=0.5;//very sorry if (Game.hasBuff('Frenzy')) val*=0.75;//I sincerely apologize var moni=Math.max(25,val);//1 minute of cookie production, or 25 cookies - whichever is highest if (Game.Has('Ho ho ho-flavored frosting')) moni*=2; moni*=Game.eff('reindeerGain'); Game.Earn(moni); if (Game.hasBuff('Elder frenzy')) Game.Win('Eldeer'); var cookie=''; var failRate=0.8; if (Game.HasAchiev('Let it snow')) failRate=0.6; failRate*=1/Game.dropRateMult(); if (Game.Has('Starsnow')) failRate*=0.95; if (Game.hasGod) { var godLvl=Game.hasGod('seasons'); if (godLvl==1) failRate*=0.9; else if (godLvl==2) failRate*=0.95; else if (godLvl==3) failRate*=0.97; } if (Math.random()>failRate)//christmas cookie drops { cookie=choose(['Christmas tree biscuits','Snowflake biscuits','Snowman biscuits','Holly biscuits','Candy cane biscuits','Bell biscuits','Present biscuits']); if (!Game.HasUnlocked(cookie) && !Game.Has(cookie)) { Game.Unlock(cookie); } else cookie=''; } var popup=''; if (Game.prefs.popups) Game.Popup('You found '+choose(['Dasher','Dancer','Prancer','Vixen','Comet','Cupid','Donner','Blitzen','Rudolph'])+'!
The reindeer gives you '+Beautify(moni)+' cookies.'+(cookie==''?'':'
You are also rewarded with '+cookie+'!')); else Game.Notify('You found '+choose(['Dasher','Dancer','Prancer','Vixen','Comet','Cupid','Donner','Blitzen','Rudolph'])+'!','The reindeer gives you '+Beautify(moni)+' cookies.'+(cookie==''?'':'
You are also rewarded with '+cookie+'!'),[12,9],6); popup='
+'+Beautify(moni)+' cookies!
'; if (popup!='') Game.Popup(popup,Game.mouseX,Game.mouseY); //sparkle and kill the shimmer Game.SparkleAt(Game.mouseX,Game.mouseY); PlaySound('snd/jingleClick.mp3'); me.die(); }, missFunc:function(me) { }, spawnsOnTimer:true, spawnConditions:function() { if (Game.season=='christmas') return true; else return false; }, spawned:0, time:0, minTime:0, maxTime:0, getTimeMod:function(me,m) { if (Game.Has('Reindeer baking grounds')) m/=2; if (Game.Has('Starsnow')) m*=0.95; if (Game.hasGod) { var godLvl=Game.hasGod('seasons'); if (godLvl==1) m*=0.9; else if (godLvl==2) m*=0.95; else if (godLvl==3) m*=0.97; } m*=1/Game.eff('reindeerFreq'); if (Game.Has('Reindeer season')) m=0.01; return Math.ceil(Game.fps*60*m); }, getMinTime:function(me) { var m=3; return this.getTimeMod(me,m); }, getMaxTime:function(me) { var m=6; return this.getTimeMod(me,m); }, } }; Game.goldenCookieChoices=[ "Frenzy","frenzy", "Lucky","multiply cookies", "Ruin","ruin cookies", "Elder frenzy","blood frenzy", "Clot","clot", "Click frenzy","click frenzy", "Cursed finger","cursed finger", "Cookie chain","chain cookie", "Cookie storm","cookie storm", "Building special","building special", "Dragon Harvest","dragon harvest", "Dragonflight","dragonflight", "Sweet","free sugar lump", "Blab","blab" ]; Game.goldenCookieBuildingBuffs={ 'Cursor':['High-five','Slap to the face'], 'Grandma':['Congregation','Senility'], 'Farm':['Luxuriant harvest','Locusts'], 'Mine':['Ore vein','Cave-in'], 'Factory':['Oiled-up','Jammed machinery'], 'Bank':['Juicy profits','Recession'], 'Temple':['Fervent adoration','Crisis of faith'], 'Wizard tower':['Manabloom','Magivores'], 'Shipment':['Delicious lifeforms','Black holes'], 'Alchemy lab':['Breakthrough','Lab disaster'], 'Portal':['Righteous cataclysm','Dimensional calamity'], 'Time machine':['Golden ages','Time jam'], 'Antimatter condenser':['Extra cycles','Predictable tragedy'], 'Prism':['Solar flare','Eclipse'], 'Chancemaker':['Winning streak','Dry spell'], 'Fractal engine':['Macrocosm','Microcosm'], 'Javascript console':['Refactoring','Antipattern'], 'Idleverse':['Cosmic nursery','Big crunch'], }; /*===================================================================================== PARTICLES =======================================================================================*/ //generic particles (falling cookies etc) //only displayed on left section Game.particles=[]; Game.particlesN=50; for (var i=0;i=Game.fps*me.dur) { me.life=-1; } } } } Game.particleAdd=function(x,y,xd,yd,size,dur,z,pic,text) { //Game.particleAdd(pos X,pos Y,speed X,speed Y,size (multiplier),duration (seconds),layer,picture,text); //pick the first free (or the oldest) particle to replace it if (1 || Game.prefs.particles) { var highest=0; var highestI=0; for (var i=0;ihighest) { highest=Game.particles[i].life; highestI=i; } } var auto=0; if (x) auto=1; var i=highestI; var x=x||-64; if (Game.LeftBackground && !auto) x=Math.floor(Math.random()*Game.LeftBackground.canvas.width); var y=y||-64; var me=Game.particles[i]; me.life=0; me.x=x; me.y=y; me.xd=xd||0; me.yd=yd||0; me.size=size||1; me.z=z||0; me.dur=dur||2; me.r=Math.floor(Math.random()*360); me.picId=Math.floor(Math.random()*10000); if (!pic) { if (Game.season=='fools') pic='smallDollars.png'; else { var cookies=[[10,0]]; for (var i in Game.Upgrades) { var cookie=Game.Upgrades[i]; if (cookie.bought>0 && cookie.pool=='cookie') cookies.push(cookie.icon); } me.picPos=choose(cookies); if (Game.bakeryName.toLowerCase()=='ortiel' || Math.random()<1/10000) me.picPos=[17,5]; pic='icons.png'; } } else if (pic!=='string'){me.picPos=pic;pic='icons.png';} me.pic=pic||'smallCookies.png'; me.text=text||0; return me; } return {}; } Game.particlesDraw=function(z) { var ctx=Game.LeftBackground; ctx.fillStyle='#fff'; ctx.font='20px Merriweather'; ctx.textAlign='center'; for (var i=0;i'; } l('particles').innerHTML=str; Game.textParticlesUpdate=function() { for (var i in Game.textParticles) { var me=Game.textParticles[i]; if (me.life!=-1) { me.life++; if (me.life>=Game.fps*4) { var el=me.l; me.life=-1; el.style.opacity=0; el.style.display='none'; } } } } Game.textParticlesAdd=function(text,el,posX,posY) { //pick the first free (or the oldest) particle to replace it var highest=0; var highestI=0; for (var i in Game.textParticles) { if (Game.textParticles[i].life==-1) {highestI=i;break;} if (Game.textParticles[i].life>highest) { highest=Game.textParticles[i].life; highestI=i; } } var i=highestI; var noStack=0; if (typeof posX!=='undefined' && typeof posY!=='undefined') { x=posX; y=posY; noStack=1; } else { var x=(Math.random()-0.5)*40; var y=0;//+(Math.random()-0.5)*40; if (!el) { var rect=Game.bounds; var x=Math.floor((rect.left+rect.right)/2); var y=Math.floor((rect.bottom))-(Game.mobile*64); x+=(Math.random()-0.5)*40; y+=0;//(Math.random()-0.5)*40; } } if (!noStack) y-=Game.textParticlesY; x=Math.max(Game.bounds.left+200,x); x=Math.min(Game.bounds.right-200,x); y=Math.max(Game.bounds.top+32,y); var me=Game.textParticles[i]; if (!me.l) me.l=l('particle'+i); me.life=0; me.x=x; me.y=y; me.text=text; me.l.innerHTML=text; me.l.style.left=Math.floor(Game.textParticles[i].x-200)+'px'; me.l.style.bottom=Math.floor(-Game.textParticles[i].y)+'px'; for (var ii in Game.textParticles) {if (ii!=i) (Game.textParticles[ii].l||l('particle'+ii)).style.zIndex=100000000;} me.l.style.zIndex=100000001; me.l.style.display='block'; me.l.className='particle title'; void me.l.offsetWidth; me.l.className='particle title risingUpLinger'; if (!noStack) Game.textParticlesY+=60; } Game.popups=1; Game.Popup=function(text,x,y) { if (Game.popups) Game.textParticlesAdd(text,0,x,y); } //display sparkles at a set position Game.sparkles=l('sparkles'); Game.sparklesT=0; Game.sparklesFrames=16; Game.SparkleAt=function(x,y) { if (Game.blendModesOn) { Game.sparklesT=Game.sparklesFrames+1; Game.sparkles.style.backgroundPosition='0px 0px'; Game.sparkles.style.left=Math.floor(x-64)+'px'; Game.sparkles.style.top=Math.floor(y-64)+'px'; Game.sparkles.style.display='block'; } } Game.SparkleOn=function(el) { var rect=el.getBoundingClientRect(); Game.SparkleAt((rect.left+rect.right)/2,(rect.top+rect.bottom)/2-24); } /*===================================================================================== NOTIFICATIONS =======================================================================================*/ //maybe do all this mess with proper DOM instead of rewriting the innerHTML Game.Notes=[]; Game.NotesById=[]; Game.noteId=0; Game.noteL=l('notes'); Game.Note=function(title,desc,pic,quick) { this.title=title; this.desc=desc||''; this.pic=pic||''; this.id=Game.noteId; this.date=Date.now(); this.quick=quick||0; this.life=(this.quick||1)*Game.fps; this.l=0; this.height=0; Game.noteId++; Game.NotesById[this.id]=this; Game.Notes.unshift(this); if (Game.Notes.length>50) Game.Notes.pop(); //Game.Notes.push(this); //if (Game.Notes.length>50) Game.Notes.shift(); Game.UpdateNotes(); } Game.CloseNote=function(id) { var me=Game.NotesById[id]; Game.Notes.splice(Game.Notes.indexOf(me),1); //Game.NotesById.splice(Game.NotesById.indexOf(me),1); Game.NotesById[id]=null; Game.UpdateNotes(); } Game.CloseNotes=function() { Game.Notes=[]; Game.NotesById=[]; Game.UpdateNotes(); } Game.UpdateNotes=function() { var str=''; var remaining=Game.Notes.length; for (var i in Game.Notes) { if (i<5) { var me=Game.Notes[i]; var pic=''; if (me.pic!='') pic='
'; str='


'+str; remaining--; } } if (remaining>0) str='
+'+remaining+' more notification'+(remaining==1?'':'s')+'.
'+str; if (Game.Notes.length>1) { str+='
'; } Game.noteL.innerHTML=str; for (var i in Game.Notes) { me.l=0; if (i<5) { var me=Game.Notes[i]; me.l=l('note-'+me.id); } } } Game.NotesLogic=function() { for (var i in Game.Notes) { if (Game.Notes[i].quick>0) { var me=Game.Notes[i]; me.life--; if (me.life<=0) Game.CloseNote(me.id); } } } Game.NotesDraw=function() { for (var i in Game.Notes) { if (Game.Notes[i].quick>0) { var me=Game.Notes[i]; if (me.l) { if (me.life<10) { me.l.style.opacity=(me.life/10); } } } } } Game.Notify=function(title,desc,pic,quick,noLog) { if (Game.prefs.notifs) { quick=Math.min(6,quick); if (!quick) quick=6; } desc=replaceAll('==CLOSETHIS()==','Game.CloseNote('+Game.noteId+');',desc); if (Game.popups) new Game.Note(title,desc,pic,quick); if (!noLog) Game.AddToLog(''+title+' | '+desc); } /*===================================================================================== PROMPT =======================================================================================*/ Game.darkenL=l('darken'); AddEvent(Game.darkenL,'click',function(){Game.Click=0;Game.ClosePrompt();}); Game.promptL=l('promptContent'); Game.promptAnchorL=l('promptAnchor'); Game.promptWrapL=l('prompt'); Game.promptConfirm=''; Game.promptOn=0; Game.promptUpdateFunc=0; Game.UpdatePrompt=function() { if (Game.promptUpdateFunc) Game.promptUpdateFunc(); Game.promptAnchorL.style.top=Math.floor((Game.windowH-Game.promptWrapL.offsetHeight)/2-16)+'px'; } Game.Prompt=function(content,options,updateFunc,style) { if (updateFunc) Game.promptUpdateFunc=updateFunc; if (style) Game.promptWrapL.className='framed '+style; else Game.promptWrapL.className='framed'; var str=''; str+=content; var opts=''; for (var i in options) { if (options[i]=='br')//just a linebreak {opts+='
';} else { if (typeof options[i]=='string') options[i]=[options[i],'Game.ClosePrompt();']; options[i][1]=options[i][1].replace(/'/g,''').replace(/"/g,'"'); opts+=''+options[i][0]+''; } } Game.promptL.innerHTML=str+'
'; Game.promptAnchorL.style.display='block'; Game.darkenL.style.display='block'; Game.promptL.focus(); Game.promptOn=1; Game.UpdatePrompt(); } Game.ClosePrompt=function() { Game.promptAnchorL.style.display='none'; Game.darkenL.style.display='none'; Game.promptOn=0; Game.promptUpdateFunc=0; } Game.ConfirmPrompt=function() { if (Game.promptOn && l('promptOption0') && l('promptOption0').style.display!='none') FireEvent(l('promptOption0'),'click'); } /*===================================================================================== MENUS =======================================================================================*/ Game.cssClasses=[]; Game.addClass=function(what) {if (Game.cssClasses.indexOf(what)==-1) Game.cssClasses.push(what);Game.updateClasses();} Game.removeClass=function(what) {var i=Game.cssClasses.indexOf(what);if(i!=-1) {Game.cssClasses.splice(i,1);}Game.updateClasses();} Game.updateClasses=function() {Game.l.className=Game.cssClasses.join(' ');} Game.WriteButton=function(prefName,button,on,off,callback,invert) { var invert=invert?1:0; if (!callback) callback=''; callback+='PlaySound(\'snd/tick.mp3\');'; return ''+(Game.prefs[prefName]?on:off)+''; } Game.Toggle=function(prefName,button,on,off,invert) { if (Game.prefs[prefName]) { l(button).innerHTML=off; Game.prefs[prefName]=0; } else { l(button).innerHTML=on; Game.prefs[prefName]=1; } l(button).className='option'+((Game.prefs[prefName]^invert)?'':' off'); } Game.ToggleFancy=function() { if (Game.prefs.fancy) Game.removeClass('noFancy'); else if (!Game.prefs.fancy) Game.addClass('noFancy'); } Game.ToggleFilters=function() { if (Game.prefs.filters) Game.removeClass('noFilters'); else if (!Game.prefs.filters) Game.addClass('noFilters'); } Game.ToggleExtraButtons=function() { if (!Game.prefs.extraButtons) Game.removeClass('extraButtons'); else if (Game.prefs.extraButtons) Game.addClass('extraButtons'); for (var i in Game.Objects) { Game.Objects[i].mute(0); } } Game.WriteSlider=function(slider,leftText,rightText,startValueFunction,callback) { if (!callback) callback=''; return '
'; } Game.onPanel='Left'; Game.addClass('focus'+Game.onPanel); Game.ShowPanel=function(what) { if (!what) what=''; if (Game.onPanel!=what) { Game.removeClass('focus'+Game.onPanel); Game.addClass('focus'+what); } Game.onPanel=what; } Game.onMenu=''; Game.ShowMenu=function(what) { if (!what || what=='') what=Game.onMenu; if (Game.onMenu=='' && what!='') Game.addClass('onMenu'); else if (Game.onMenu!='' && what!=Game.onMenu) Game.addClass('onMenu'); else if (what==Game.onMenu) {Game.removeClass('onMenu');what='';} //if (what=='log') l('donateBox').className='on'; else l('donateBox').className=''; Game.onMenu=what; l('prefsButton').className=(Game.onMenu=='prefs')?'button selected':'button'; l('statsButton').className=(Game.onMenu=='stats')?'button selected':'button'; l('logButton').className=(Game.onMenu=='log')?'button selected':'button'; if (Game.onMenu=='') PlaySound('snd/clickOff.mp3'); else PlaySound('snd/clickOn.mp3'); Game.UpdateMenu(); if (what=='') { for (var i in Game.Objects) { var me=Game.Objects[i]; if (me.minigame && me.minigame.onResize) me.minigame.onResize(); } } } Game.sayTime=function(time,detail) { //time is a value where one second is equal to Game.fps (30). //detail skips days when >1, hours when >2, minutes when >3 and seconds when >4. //if detail is -1, output something like "3 hours, 9 minutes, 48 seconds" if (time<=0) return ''; var str=''; var detail=detail||0; time=Math.floor(time); if (detail==-1) { //var months=0; var days=0; var hours=0; var minutes=0; var seconds=0; //if (time>=Game.fps*60*60*24*30) months=(Math.floor(time/(Game.fps*60*60*24*30))); if (time>=Game.fps*60*60*24) days=(Math.floor(time/(Game.fps*60*60*24))); if (time>=Game.fps*60*60) hours=(Math.floor(time/(Game.fps*60*60))); if (time>=Game.fps*60) minutes=(Math.floor(time/(Game.fps*60))); if (time>=Game.fps) seconds=(Math.floor(time/(Game.fps))); //days-=months*30; hours-=days*24; minutes-=hours*60+days*24*60; seconds-=minutes*60+hours*60*60+days*24*60*60; if (days>10) {hours=0;} if (days) {minutes=0;seconds=0;} if (hours) {seconds=0;} var bits=[]; //if (months>0) bits.push(Beautify(months)+' month'+(days==1?'':'s')); if (days>0) bits.push(Beautify(days)+' day'+(days==1?'':'s')); if (hours>0) bits.push(Beautify(hours)+' hour'+(hours==1?'':'s')); if (minutes>0) bits.push(Beautify(minutes)+' minute'+(minutes==1?'':'s')); if (seconds>0) bits.push(Beautify(seconds)+' second'+(seconds==1?'':'s')); if (bits.length==0) str='less than 1 second'; else str=bits.join(', '); } else { /*if (time>=Game.fps*60*60*24*30*2 && detail<1) str=Beautify(Math.floor(time/(Game.fps*60*60*24*30)))+' months'; else if (time>=Game.fps*60*60*24*30 && detail<1) str='1 month'; else */if (time>=Game.fps*60*60*24*2 && detail<2) str=Beautify(Math.floor(time/(Game.fps*60*60*24)))+' days'; else if (time>=Game.fps*60*60*24 && detail<2) str='1 day'; else if (time>=Game.fps*60*60*2 && detail<3) str=Beautify(Math.floor(time/(Game.fps*60*60)))+' hours'; else if (time>=Game.fps*60*60 && detail<3) str='1 hour'; else if (time>=Game.fps*60*2 && detail<4) str=Beautify(Math.floor(time/(Game.fps*60)))+' minutes'; else if (time>=Game.fps*60 && detail<4) str='1 minute'; else if (time>=Game.fps*2 && detail<5) str=Beautify(Math.floor(time/(Game.fps)))+' seconds'; else if (time>=Game.fps && detail<5) str='1 second'; else str='less than 1 second'; } return str; } Game.tinyCookie=function() { if (!Game.HasAchiev('Tiny cookie')) { return '
'; } return ''; } Game.ClickTinyCookie=function(){if (!Game.HasAchiev('Tiny cookie')){PlaySound('snd/tick.mp3');Game.Win('Tiny cookie');}} Game.setVolume=function(what) { Game.volume=what; /*for (var i in Sounds) { Sounds[i].volume=Game.volume; }*/ } Game.UpdateMenu=function() { var str=''; if (Game.onMenu!='') { str+=''; //str+='
'; } if (Game.onMenu=='prefs') { str+='
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
Export saveImport save
'+ '
Save to fileLoad from file
'+ '
Wipe save
'+ '
'+ '
'+ Game.WriteSlider('volumeSlider','Volume','[$]%',function(){return Game.volume;},'Game.setVolume(Math.round(l(\'volumeSlider\').value));l(\'volumeSliderRightText\').innerHTML=Game.volume+\'%\';')+'
'+ Game.WriteButton('fancy','fancyButton','Fancy graphics ON','Fancy graphics OFF','Game.ToggleFancy();')+'
'+ Game.WriteButton('filters','filtersButton','CSS filters ON','CSS filters OFF','Game.ToggleFilters();')+'
'+ Game.WriteButton('particles','particlesButton','Particles ON','Particles OFF')+'
'+ Game.WriteButton('numbers','numbersButton','Numbers ON','Numbers OFF')+'
'+ Game.WriteButton('milk','milkButton','Milk ON','Milk OFF')+'
'+ Game.WriteButton('cursors','cursorsButton','Cursors ON','Cursors OFF')+'
'+ Game.WriteButton('wobbly','wobblyButton','Wobbly cookie ON','Wobbly cookie OFF')+'
'+ Game.WriteButton('cookiesound','cookiesoundButton','Alt cookie sound ON','Alt cookie sound OFF')+'
'+ Game.WriteButton('crates','cratesButton','Icon crates ON','Icon crates OFF')+'
'+ Game.WriteButton('monospace','monospaceButton','Alt font ON','Alt font OFF')+'
'+ Game.WriteButton('format','formatButton','Short numbers OFF','Short numbers ON','BeautifyAll();Game.RefreshStore();Game.upgradesToRebuild=1;',1)+'
'+ Game.WriteButton('notifs','notifsButton','Fast notes ON','Fast notes OFF')+'
'+ //Game.WriteButton('autoupdate','autoupdateButton','Offline mode OFF','Offline mode ON',0,1)+'
'+ Game.WriteButton('warn','warnButton','Closing warning ON','Closing warning OFF')+'
'+ Game.WriteButton('focus','focusButton','Defocus OFF','Defocus ON',0,1)+'
'+ Game.WriteButton('extraButtons','extraButtonsButton','Extra buttons ON','Extra buttons OFF','Game.ToggleExtraButtons();')+'
'+ Game.WriteButton('askLumps','askLumpsButton','Lump confirmation ON','Lump confirmation OFF')+'
'+ Game.WriteButton('customGrandmas','customGrandmasButton','Custom grandmas ON','Custom grandmas OFF')+'
'+ Game.WriteButton('timeout','timeoutButton','Sleep mode timeout ON','Sleep mode timeout OFF')+'
'+ '
'+ //'
'+Game.WriteButton('autosave','autosaveButton','Autosave ON','Autosave OFF')+'
'+ '
Check mod data
'+ '
'+ '
' ; } else if (Game.onMenu=='main') { str+= '
This isn\'t really finished
'+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''; } else if (Game.onMenu=='log') { str+=replaceAll('[bakeryName]',Game.bakeryName,Game.updateLog); if (!Game.HasAchiev('Olden days')) str+='
'; } else if (Game.onMenu=='stats') { var buildingsOwned=0; buildingsOwned=Game.BuildingsOwned; var upgrades=''; var cookieUpgrades=''; var hiddenUpgrades=''; var prestigeUpgrades=''; var upgradesTotal=0; var upgradesOwned=0; var prestigeUpgradesTotal=0; var prestigeUpgradesOwned=0; var list=[]; //sort the upgrades for (var i in Game.Upgrades){list.push(Game.Upgrades[i]);}//clone first var sortMap=function(a,b) { if (a.order>b.order) return 1; else if (a.orderb.order) return 1; else if (a.order0) achievementsTotal++; if (Game.CountsAsAchievementOwned(me.pool)) achievementsTotal++; var pool=me.pool; if (!achievements[pool]) achievements[pool]=''; achievements[pool]+=Game.crate(me,'stats'); if (me.won) { if (Game.CountsAsAchievementOwned(me.pool)) achievementsOwned++; else achievementsOwnedOther++; } } var achievementsStr=''; var pools={ 'dungeon':'Dungeon achievements (Not technically achievable yet.)', 'shadow':'Shadow achievements (These are feats that are either unfair or difficult to attain. They do not give milk.)' }; for (var i in achievements) { if (achievements[i]!='') { if (pools[i]) achievementsStr+='
'; achievementsStr+='
'; } } var milkStr=''; for (var i=0;i=i) { var milk=Game.Milks[i]; milkStr+='


('+(i==0?'starter milk':('for '+Beautify(i*25)+' achievements'))+')
' ,'top')+' style="background:url(img/icons.png?v='+Game.version+') '+(-milk.icon[0]*48)+'px '+(-milk.icon[1]*48)+'px;margin:2px 0px;" class="trophy">'; } } milkStr+='
'; var santaStr=''; var frames=15; if (Game.Has('A festive hat')) { for (var i=0;i<=Game.santaLevel;i++) { santaStr+='


' ,'top')+' style="background:url(img/santa.png) '+(-i*48)+'px 0px;background-size:'+(frames*48)+'px 48px;" class="trophy">'; } santaStr+='
'; } var dragonStr=''; var frames=9; var mainLevels=[0,4,8,23,24,25]; if (Game.Has('A crumbly egg')) { for (var i=0;i<=mainLevels.length;i++) { if (Game.dragonLevel>=mainLevels[i]) { var level=Game.dragonLevels[mainLevels[i]]; dragonStr+='
' '


' ,'top')+' style="background:url(img/dragon.png?v='+Game.version+') '+(-level.pic*48)+'px 0px;background-size:'+(frames*48)+'px 48px;" class="trophy">'; } } dragonStr+='
'; } var ascensionModeStr=''; var icon=Game.ascensionModes[Game.ascensionMode].icon; if (Game.resets>0) ascensionModeStr=''+Game.ascensionModes[Game.ascensionMode].desc+'' ,'top')+'>
'; var milkName=Game.Milk.name; var researchStr=Game.sayTime(Game.researchT,-1); var pledgeStr=Game.sayTime(Game.pledgeT,-1); var wrathStr=''; if (Game.elderWrath==1) wrathStr='awoken'; else if (Game.elderWrath==2) wrathStr='displeased'; else if (Game.elderWrath==3) wrathStr='angered'; else if (Game.elderWrath==0 && Game.pledges>0) wrathStr='appeased'; var date=new Date(); date.setTime(Date.now()-Game.startDate); var timeInSeconds=date.getTime()/1000; var startDate=Game.sayTime(timeInSeconds*Game.fps,-1); date.setTime(Date.now()-Game.fullDate); var fullDate=Game.sayTime(date.getTime()/1000*Game.fps,-1); if (!Game.fullDate || !fullDate || fullDate.length<1) fullDate='a long while'; /*date.setTime(new Date().getTime()-Game.lastDate); var lastDate=Game.sayTime(date.getTime()/1000*Game.fps,2);*/ var heavenlyMult=Game.GetHeavenlyMultiplier(); var seasonStr=Game.sayTime(Game.seasonT,-1); str+='
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
Cookies in bank :
'+ '
Cookies baked (this ascension) :
'+ '
Cookies baked (all time) :
'+ (Game.cookiesReset>0?'
Cookies forfeited by ascending :
':'')+ (Game.resets?('
Legacy started : '+(fullDate==''?'just now':(fullDate+' ago'))+', with '+Beautify(Game.resets)+' ascension'+(Game.resets==1?'':'s')+'
'):'')+ '
Run started : '+(startDate==''?'just now':(startDate+' ago'))+'
'+ '
Buildings owned : '+Beautify(buildingsOwned)+'
'+ '
Cookies per second : '+Beautify(Game.cookiesPs,1)+' '+ '(multiplier : '+Beautify(Math.round(Game.globalCpsMult*100),1)+'%)'+ (Game.cpsSucked>0?' (withered : '+Beautify(Math.round(Game.cpsSucked*100),1)+'%)':'')+ '
'+ '
Raw cookies per second : '+Beautify(Game.cookiesPsRaw,1)+' '+ '(highest this ascension : '+Beautify(Game.cookiesPsRawHighest,1)+')'+ '
'+ '
Cookies per click : '+Beautify(Game.computedMouseCps,1)+'
'+ '
Cookie clicks : '+Beautify(Game.cookieClicks)+'
'+ '
Hand-made cookies : '+Beautify(Game.handmadeCookies)+'
'+ '
Golden cookie clicks : '+Beautify(Game.goldenClicksLocal)+' (all time : '+Beautify(Game.goldenClicks)+')
'+ '
Running version : '+Game.version+'
'+ ((researchStr!='' || wrathStr!='' || pledgeStr!='' || santaStr!='' || dragonStr!='' || Game.season!='' || ascensionModeStr!='' || Game.canLumps())?( '
'+ '
'+ (ascensionModeStr!=''?'
Challenge mode :'+ascensionModeStr+'
':'')+ (Game.season!=''?'
Seasonal event : '+Game.seasons[Game.season].name+ (seasonStr!=''?' ('+seasonStr+' remaining)':'')+ '
':'')+ (Game.season=='fools'? '
Money made from selling cookies : '+Beautify(Game.cookiesEarned*0.08,2)+' cookie dollars
'+ (Game.Objects['Portal'].highest>0?'
TV show seasons produced : '+Beautify(Math.floor((timeInSeconds/60/60)*(Game.Objects['Portal'].highest*0.13)+1))+'
':'') :'')+ (researchStr!=''?'
Research : '+researchStr+' remaining
':'')+ (wrathStr!=''?'
Grandmatriarchs status : '+wrathStr+'
':'')+ (pledgeStr!=''?'
Pledge : '+pledgeStr+' remaining
':'')+ (Game.wrinklersPopped>0?'
Wrinklers popped : '+Beautify(Game.wrinklersPopped)+'
':'')+ ((Game.canLumps() && Game.lumpsTotal>-1)?'
Sugar lumps harvested :
':'')+ //(Game.cookiesSucked>0?'
Withered : '+Beautify(Game.cookiesSucked)+' cookies
':'')+ (Game.reindeerClicked>0?'
Reindeer found : '+Beautify(Game.reindeerClicked)+'
':'')+ (santaStr!=''?'
Santa stages unlocked :
':'')+ (dragonStr!=''?'
Dragon training :
':'')+ '' ):'')+ ((Game.prestige>0 || prestigeUpgrades!='')?( '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
Prestige level : '+Beautify(Game.prestige)+' at '+Beautify(heavenlyMult*100,1)+'% of its potential (+'+Beautify(parseFloat(Game.prestige)*Game.heavenlyPower*heavenlyMult,1)+'% CpS)
Heavenly chips : '+Beautify(Game.heavenlyChips)+'
'+ '
'+ (prestigeUpgrades!=''?( '
Prestige upgrades unlocked : '+prestigeUpgradesOwned+'/'+prestigeUpgradesTotal+' ('+Math.floor((prestigeUpgradesOwned/prestigeUpgradesTotal)*100)+'%)
'+ '
'):'')+ ''):'')+ '
'+ '
'+ (hiddenUpgrades!=''?('
'+ '
'):'')+ '
Upgrades unlocked : '+upgradesOwned+'/'+upgradesTotal+' ('+Math.floor((upgradesOwned/upgradesTotal)*100)+'%)
'+ '
'+ (cookieUpgrades!=''?('
'+ '
'):'')+ '
'+ '
'+ '
Achievements unlocked : '+achievementsOwned+'/'+achievementsTotal+' ('+Math.floor((achievementsOwned/achievementsTotal)*100)+'%)'+(achievementsOwnedOther>0?(' (+'+achievementsOwnedOther+')'):'')+'
'+ (Game.cookiesMultByType['kittens']>1?('
Kitten multiplier : '+Beautify((Game.cookiesMultByType['kittens'])*100)+'%
'):'')+ '
Milk : '+milkName+'
'+ (milkStr!=''?'
Milk flavors unlocked :
':'')+ '
(Milk is gained with each achievement. It can unlock unique upgrades over time.)
'+ achievementsStr+ '
'+ '
' ; } //str='
'; l('menu').innerHTML=str; /*AddEvent(l('selectionKeeper'),'mouseup',function(e){ console.log('selection:',window.getSelection()); });*/ } AddEvent(l('prefsButton'),'click',function(){Game.ShowMenu('prefs');}); AddEvent(l('statsButton'),'click',function(){Game.ShowMenu('stats');}); AddEvent(l('logButton'),'click',function(){Game.ShowMenu('log');}); AddEvent(l('legacyButton'),'click',function(){PlaySound('snd/tick.mp3');Game.Ascend();}); Game.ascendMeter=l('ascendMeter'); Game.ascendNumber=l('ascendNumber'); Game.lastPanel=''; if (Game.touchEvents) { AddEvent(l('focusLeft'),'touchend',function(){Game.ShowMenu('');Game.ShowPanel('Left');}); AddEvent(l('focusMiddle'),'touchend',function(){Game.ShowMenu('');Game.ShowPanel('Middle');}); AddEvent(l('focusRight'),'touchend',function(){Game.ShowMenu('');Game.ShowPanel('Right');}); AddEvent(l('focusMenu'),'touchend',function(){Game.ShowMenu('main');Game.ShowPanel('Menu');}); } else { AddEvent(l('focusLeft'),'click',function(){Game.ShowMenu('');Game.ShowPanel('Left');}); AddEvent(l('focusMiddle'),'click',function(){Game.ShowMenu('');Game.ShowPanel('Middle');}); AddEvent(l('focusRight'),'click',function(){Game.ShowMenu('');Game.ShowPanel('Right');}); AddEvent(l('focusMenu'),'click',function(){Game.ShowMenu('main');Game.ShowPanel('Menu');}); } //AddEvent(l('focusMenu'),'touchend',function(){if (Game.onPanel=='Menu' && Game.lastPanel!='') {Game.ShowMenu('main');Game.ShowPanel(Game.lastPanel);} else {Game.lastPanel=Game.onPanel;Game.ShowMenu('main');Game.ShowPanel('Menu');}}); /*===================================================================================== NEWS TICKER =======================================================================================*/ Game.Ticker=''; Game.TickerAge=0; Game.TickerEffect=0; Game.TickerN=0; Game.TickerClicks=0; Game.UpdateTicker=function() { Game.TickerAge--; if (Game.TickerAge<=0) Game.getNewTicker(); else if (Game.Ticker=='') Game.getNewTicker(true); } Game.getNewTicker=function(manual)//note : "manual" is true if the ticker was clicked, but may also be true on startup etc { var list=[]; if (Game.TickerN%2==0 || Game.cookiesEarned>=10100000000) { var animals=['newts','penguins','scorpions','axolotls','puffins','porpoises','blowfish','horses','crayfish','slugs','humpback whales','nurse sharks','giant squids','polar bears','fruit bats','frogs','sea squirts','velvet worms','mole rats','paramecia','nematodes','tardigrades','giraffes','monkfish','wolfmen','goblins','hippies']; if (Math.random()<0.75 || Game.cookiesEarned<10000) { if (Game.Objects['Grandma'].amount>0) list.push(choose([ 'Moist cookies.grandma', 'We\'re nice grandmas.grandma', 'Indentured servitude.grandma', 'Come give grandma a kiss.grandma', 'Why don\'t you visit more often?grandma', 'Call me...grandma' ])); if (Game.Objects['Grandma'].amount>=50) list.push(choose([ 'Absolutely disgusting.grandma', 'You make me sick.grandma', 'You disgust me.grandma', 'We rise.grandma', 'It begins.grandma', 'It\'ll all be over soon.grandma', 'You could have stopped it.grandma' ])); if (Game.HasAchiev('Just wrong') && Math.random()<0.4) list.push(choose([ 'News : cookie manufacturer downsizes, sells own grandmother!', 'It has betrayed us, the filthy little thing.grandma', 'It tried to get rid of us, the nasty little thing.grandma', 'It thought we would go away by selling us. How quaint.grandma', 'I can smell your rotten cookies.grandma' ])); if (Game.Objects['Grandma'].amount>=1 && Game.pledges>0 && Game.elderWrath==0) list.push(choose([ 'shrivelgrandma', 'writhegrandma', 'throbgrandma', 'gnawgrandma', 'We will rise again.grandma', 'A mere setback.grandma', 'We are not satiated.grandma', 'Too late.grandma' ])); if (Game.Objects['Farm'].amount>0) list.push(choose([ 'News : cookie farms suspected of employing undeclared elderly workforce!', 'News : cookie farms release harmful chocolate in our rivers, says scientist!', 'News : genetically-modified chocolate controversy strikes cookie farmers!', 'News : free-range farm cookies popular with today\'s hip youth, says specialist.', 'News : farm cookies deemed unfit for vegans, says nutritionist.' ])); if (Game.Objects['Mine'].amount>0) list.push(choose([ 'News : is our planet getting lighter? Experts examine the effects of intensive chocolate mining.', 'News : '+Math.floor(Math.random()*1000+2)+' miners trapped in collapsed chocolate mine!', 'News : chocolate mines found to cause earthquakes and sinkholes!', 'News : chocolate mine goes awry, floods village in chocolate!', 'News : depths of chocolate mines found to house "peculiar, chocolaty beings"!' ])); if (Game.Objects['Factory'].amount>0) list.push(choose([ 'News : cookie factories linked to global warming!', 'News : cookie factories involved in chocolate weather controversy!', 'News : cookie factories on strike, robotic minions employed to replace workforce!', 'News : cookie factories on strike - workers demand to stop being paid in cookies!', 'News : factory-made cookies linked to obesity, says study.' ])); if (Game.Objects['Bank'].amount>0) list.push(choose([ 'News : cookie loans on the rise as people can no longer afford them with regular money.', 'News : cookies slowly creeping up their way as a competitor to traditional currency!', 'News : most bakeries now fitted with ATMs to allow for easy cookie withdrawals and deposits.', 'News : cookie economy now strong enough to allow for massive vaults doubling as swimming pools!', 'News : "Tomorrow\'s wealthiest people will be calculated by their worth in cookies", predict specialists.' ])); if (Game.Objects['Temple'].amount>0) list.push(choose([ 'News : explorers bring back ancient artifact from abandoned temple; archeologists marvel at the centuries-old '+choose(['magic','carved','engraved','sculpted','royal','imperial','mummified','ritual','golden','silver','stone','cursed','plastic','bone','blood','holy','sacred','sacrificial','electronic','singing','tapdancing'])+' '+choose(['spoon','fork','pizza','washing machine','calculator','hat','piano','napkin','skeleton','gown','dagger','sword','shield','skull','emerald','bathtub','mask','rollerskates','litterbox','bait box','cube','sphere','fungus'])+'!', 'News : recently-discovered chocolate temples now sparking new cookie-related cult; thousands pray to Baker in the sky!', 'News : just how extensive is the cookie pantheon? Theologians speculate about possible '+choose(['god','goddess'])+' of '+choose([choose(animals),choose(['kazoos','web design','web browsers','kittens','atheism','handbrakes','hats','aglets','elevator music','idle games','the letter "P"','memes','hamburgers','bad puns','kerning','stand-up comedy','failed burglary attempts','clickbait','one weird tricks'])])+'.', 'News : theists of the world discover new cookie religion - "Oh boy, guess we were wrong all along!"', 'News : cookie heaven allegedly "sports elevator instead of stairway"; cookie hell "paved with flagstone, as good intentions make for poor building material".' ])); if (Game.Objects['Wizard tower'].amount>0) list.push(choose([ 'News : all '+choose([choose(animals),choose(['public restrooms','clouds','politicians','moustaches','hats','shoes','pants','clowns','encyclopedias','websites','potted plants','lemons','household items','bodily fluids','cutlery','national landmarks','yogurt','rap music','underwear'])])+' turned into '+choose([choose(animals),choose(['public restrooms','clouds','politicians','moustaches','hats','shoes','pants','clowns','encyclopedias','websites','potted plants','lemons','household items','bodily fluids','cutlery','national landmarks','yogurt','rap music','underwear'])])+' in freak magic catastrophe!', 'News : heavy dissent rages between the schools of '+choose(['water','fire','earth','air','lightning','acid','song','battle','peace','pencil','internet','space','time','brain','nature','techno','plant','bug','ice','poison','crab','kitten','dolphin','bird','punch','fart'])+' magic and '+choose(['water','fire','earth','air','lightning','acid','song','battle','peace','pencil','internet','space','time','brain','nature','techno','plant','bug','ice','poison','crab','kitten','dolphin','bird','punch','fart'])+' magic!', 'News : get your new charms and curses at the yearly National Spellcrafting Fair! Exclusive prices on runes and spellbooks.', 'News : cookie wizards deny involvement in shockingly ugly newborn - infant is "honestly grody-looking, but natural", say doctors.', 'News : "Any sufficiently crude magic is indistinguishable from technology", claims renowned technowizard.' ])); if (Game.Objects['Shipment'].amount>0) list.push(choose([ 'News : new chocolate planet found, becomes target of cookie-trading spaceships!', 'News : massive chocolate planet found with 99.8% certified pure dark chocolate core!', 'News : space tourism booming as distant planets attract more bored millionaires!', 'News : chocolate-based organisms found on distant planet!', 'News : ancient baking artifacts found on distant planet; "terrifying implications", experts say.' ])); if (Game.Objects['Alchemy lab'].amount>0) list.push(choose([ 'News : national gold reserves dwindle as more and more of the precious mineral is turned to cookies!', 'News : chocolate jewelry found fashionable, gold and diamonds "just a fad", says specialist.', 'News : silver found to also be transmutable into white chocolate!', 'News : defective alchemy lab shut down, found to convert cookies to useless gold.', 'News : alchemy-made cookies shunned by purists!' ])); if (Game.Objects['Portal'].amount>0) list.push(choose([ 'News : nation worried as more and more unsettling creatures emerge from dimensional portals!', 'News : dimensional portals involved in city-engulfing disaster!', 'News : tourism to cookieverse popular with bored teenagers! Casualty rate as high as 73%!', 'News : cookieverse portals suspected to cause fast aging and obsession with baking, says study.', 'News : "do not settle near portals," says specialist; "your children will become strange and corrupted inside."' ])); if (Game.Objects['Time machine'].amount>0) list.push(choose([ 'News : time machines involved in history-rewriting scandal! Or are they?', 'News : time machines used in unlawful time tourism!', 'News : cookies brought back from the past "unfit for human consumption", says historian.', 'News : various historical figures inexplicably replaced with talking lumps of dough!', 'News : "I have seen the future," says time machine operator, "and I do not wish to go there again."' ])); if (Game.Objects['Antimatter condenser'].amount>0) list.push(choose([ 'News : whole town seemingly swallowed by antimatter-induced black hole; more reliable sources affirm town "never really existed"!', 'News : "explain to me again why we need particle accelerators to bake cookies?" asks misguided local woman.', 'News : first antimatter condenser successfully turned on, doesn\'t rip apart reality!', 'News : researchers conclude that what the cookie industry needs, first and foremost, is "more magnets".', 'News : "unravelling the fabric of reality just makes these cookies so much tastier", claims scientist.' ])); if (Game.Objects['Prism'].amount>0) list.push(choose([ 'News : new cookie-producing prisms linked to outbreak of rainbow-related viral videos.', 'News : scientists warn against systematically turning light into matter - "One day, we\'ll end up with all matter and no light!"', 'News : cookies now being baked at the literal speed of light thanks to new prismatic contraptions.', 'News : "Can\'t you sense the prism watching us?", rambles insane local man. "No idea what he\'s talking about", shrugs cookie magnate/government official.', 'News : world citizens advised "not to worry" about frequent atmospheric flashes.', ])); if (Game.Objects['Chancemaker'].amount>0) list.push(choose([ 'News : strange statistical anomalies continue as weather forecast proves accurate an unprecedented 3 days in a row!', 'News : local casino ruined as all gamblers somehow hit a week-long winning streak! "We might still be okay", says owner before being hit by lightning 47 times.', 'News : neighboring nation somehow elects president with sensible policies in freak accident of random chance!', 'News : million-to-one event sees gritty movie reboot turning out better than the original! "We have no idea how this happened", say movie execs.', 'News : all scratching tickets printed as winners, prompting national economy to crash and, against all odds, recover overnight.', ])); if (Game.Objects['Fractal engine'].amount>0) list.push(choose([ 'News : local man "done with Cookie Clicker", finds the constant self-references "grating and on-the-nose".', 'News : local man sails around the world to find himself - right where he left it.', 'News : local guru claims "there\'s a little bit of ourselves in everyone", under investigation for alleged cannibalism.', 'News : news writer finds herself daydreaming about new career. Or at least a raise.', 'News : polls find idea of cookies made of cookies "acceptable" - "at least we finally know what\'s in them", says interviewed citizen.', ])); if (Game.Objects['Javascript console'].amount>0) list.push(choose([ 'News : strange fad has parents giving their newborns names such as Emma.js or Liam.js. At least one Baby.js reported.', 'News : coding is hip! More and more teenagers turn to technical fields like programming, ensuring a future robot apocalypse and the doom of all mankind.', 'News : developers unsure what to call their new javascript libraries as all combinations of any 3 dictionary words have already been taken.', 'News : nation holds breath as nested ifs about to hatch.', 'News : clueless copywriter forgets to escape a quote, ends news line prematurely; last words reported to be "Huh, why isn', ])); if (Game.Objects['Idleverse'].amount>0) list.push(choose([ 'News : is another you living out their dreams in an alternate universe? Probably, you lazy bum!', 'News : public recoils at the notion of a cosmos made of infinite idle games. "I kinda hoped there\'d be more to it", says distraught citizen.', 'News : with an infinity of parallel universes, people turn to reassuring alternate dimensions, which only number "in the high 50s".', 'News : "I find solace in the knowledge that at least some of my alternate selves are probably doing fine out there", says citizen\'s last remaining exemplar in the multiverse.', 'News : comic book writers point to actual multiverse in defense of dubious plot points. "See? I told you it wasn\'t \'hackneyed and contrived\'!"' ])); if (Game.season=='halloween' && Game.cookiesEarned>=1000) list.push(choose([ 'News : strange twisting creatures amass around cookie factories, nibble at assembly lines.', 'News : ominous wrinkly monsters take massive bites out of cookie production; "this can\'t be hygienic", worries worker.', 'News : pagan rituals on the rise as children around the world dress up in strange costumes and blackmail homeowners for candy.', 'News : new-age terrorism strikes suburbs as houses find themselves covered in eggs and toilet paper.', 'News : children around the world "lost and confused" as any and all Halloween treats have been replaced by cookies.' ])); if (Game.season=='christmas' && Game.cookiesEarned>=1000) list.push(choose([ 'News : bearded maniac spotted speeding on flying sleigh! Investigation pending.', 'News : Santa Claus announces new brand of breakfast treats to compete with cookie-flavored cereals! "They\'re ho-ho-horrible!" says Santa.', 'News : "You mean he just gives stuff away for free?!", concerned moms ask. "Personally, I don\'t trust his beard."', 'News : obese jolly lunatic still on the loose, warn officials. "Keep your kids safe and board up your chimneys. We mean it."', 'News : children shocked as they discover Santa Claus isn\'t just their dad in a costume after all!
"I\'m reassessing my life right now", confides Laura, aged 6.', 'News : mysterious festive entity with quantum powers still wrecking havoc with army of reindeer, officials say.', 'News : elves on strike at toy factory! "We will not be accepting reindeer chow as payment anymore. And stop calling us elves!"', 'News : elves protest around the nation; wee little folks in silly little outfits spread mayhem, destruction; rabid reindeer running rampant through streets.', 'News : scholars debate regarding the plural of reindeer(s) in the midst of elven world war.', 'News : elves "unrelated to gnomes despite small stature and merry disposition", find scientists.', 'News : elves sabotage radioactive frosting factory, turn hundreds blind in vicinity - "Who in their right mind would do such a thing?" laments outraged mayor.', 'News : drama unfolds at North Pole as rumors crop up around Rudolph\'s red nose; "I may have an addiction or two", admits reindeer.' ])); if (Game.season=='valentines' && Game.cookiesEarned>=1000) list.push(choose([ 'News : organ-shaped confectioneries being traded in schools all over the world; gruesome practice undergoing investigation.', 'News : heart-shaped candies overtaking sweets business, offering competition to cookie empire. "It\'s the economy, cupid!"', 'News : love\'s in the air, according to weather specialists. Face masks now offered in every city to stunt airborne infection.', 'News : marrying a cookie - deranged practice, or glimpse of the future?', 'News : boyfriend dumped after offering his lover cookies for Valentine\'s Day, reports say. "They were off-brand", shrugs ex-girlfriend.' ])); if (Game.season=='easter' && Game.cookiesEarned>=1000) list.push(choose([ 'News : long-eared critters with fuzzy tails invade suburbs, spread terror and chocolate!', 'News : eggs have begun to materialize in the most unexpected places; "no place is safe", warn experts.', 'News : packs of rampaging rabbits cause billions in property damage; new strain of myxomatosis being developed.', 'News : egg-laying rabbits "not quite from this dimension", warns biologist; advises against petting, feeding, or cooking the creatures.', 'News : mysterious rabbits found to be egg-layers, but mammalian, hinting at possible platypus ancestry.' ])); } if (Math.random()<0.05) { if (Game.HasAchiev('Base 10')) list.push('News : cookie manufacturer completely forgoes common sense, lets strange obsession with round numbers drive building decisions!'); if (Game.HasAchiev('From scratch')) list.push('News : follow the tear-jerking, riches-to-rags story about a local cookie manufacturer who decided to give it all up!'); if (Game.HasAchiev('A world filled with cookies')) list.push('News : known universe now jammed with cookies! No vacancies!'); if (Game.HasAchiev('Last Chance to See')) list.push('News : incredibly rare albino wrinkler on the brink of extinction poached by cookie-crazed pastry magnate!'); if (Game.Has('Serendipity')) list.push('News : local cookie manufacturer becomes luckiest being alive!'); if (Game.Has('Season switcher')) list.push('News : seasons are all out of whack! "We need to get some whack back into them seasons", says local resident.'); if (Game.Has('Kitten helpers')) list.push('News : faint meowing heard around local cookie facilities; suggests new ingredient being tested.'); if (Game.Has('Kitten workers')) list.push('News : crowds of meowing kittens with little hard hats reported near local cookie facilities.'); if (Game.Has('Kitten engineers')) list.push('News : surroundings of local cookie facilities now overrun with kittens in adorable little suits. Authorities advise to stay away from the premises.'); if (Game.Has('Kitten overseers')) list.push('News : locals report troupe of bossy kittens meowing adorable orders at passersby.'); if (Game.Has('Kitten managers')) list.push('News : local office cubicles invaded with armies of stern-looking kittens asking employees "what\'s happening, meow".'); if (Game.Has('Kitten accountants')) list.push('News : tiny felines show sudden and amazing proficiency with fuzzy mathematics and pawlinomials, baffling scientists and pet store owners.'); if (Game.Has('Kitten specialists')) list.push('News : new kitten college opening next week, offers courses on cookie-making and catnip studies.'); if (Game.Has('Kitten experts')) list.push('News : unemployment rates soaring as woefully adorable little cats nab jobs on all levels of expertise, says study.'); if (Game.Has('Kitten consultants')) list.push('News : "In the future, your job will most likely be done by a cat", predicts suspiciously furry futurologist.'); if (Game.Has('Kitten assistants to the regional manager')) list.push('News : strange kittens with peculiar opinions on martial arts spotted loitering on local beet farms!'); if (Game.Has('Kitten marketeers')) list.push('News : nonsensical billboards crop up all over countryside, trying to sell people the cookies they already get for free!'); if (Game.Has('Kitten analysts')) list.push('News : are your spending habits sensible? For a hefty fee, these analysts will tell you!'); if (Game.Has('Kitten executives')) list.push('News : kittens strutting around in hot little business suits shouting cut-throat orders at their assistants, possibly the cutest thing this reporter has ever seen!'); if (Game.Has('Kitten angels')) list.push('News : "Try to ignore any ghostly felines that may be purring inside your ears," warn scientists. "They\'ll just lure you into making poor life choices."'); if (Game.Has('Kitten wages')) list.push('News : kittens break glass ceiling! Do they have any idea how expensive those are!'); if (Game.HasAchiev('Jellicles')) list.push('News : local kittens involved in misguided musical production, leave audience perturbed and unnerved.'); } if (Game.HasAchiev('Dude, sweet') && Math.random()<0.2) list.push(choose([ 'News : major sugar-smuggling ring dismantled by authorities; '+Math.floor(Math.random()*30+3)+' tons of sugar lumps seized, '+Math.floor(Math.random()*48+2)+' suspects apprehended.', 'News : authorities warn tourists not to buy bootleg sugar lumps from street peddlers - "You think you\'re getting a sweet deal, but what you\'re being sold is really just ordinary cocaine", says agent.', 'News : pro-diabetes movement protests against sugar-shaming. "I\'ve eaten nothing but sugar lumps for the past '+Math.floor(Math.random()*10+4)+' years and I\'m feeling great!", says woman with friable skin.', 'News : experts in bitter disagreement over whether sugar consumption turns children sluggish or hyperactive.', 'News : fishermen deplore upturn in fish tooth decay as sugar lumps-hauling cargo sinks into the ocean.', 'News : rare black sugar lump that captivated millions in unprecedented auction revealed to be common toxic fungus.', 'News : "Back in my day, sugar lumps were these little cubes you\'d put in your tea, not those fist-sized monstrosities people eat for lunch", whines curmudgeon with failing memory.', 'News : sugar lump-snacking fad sweeps the nation; dentists everywhere rejoice.' ])); if (Math.random()<0.001)//apologies to Will Wright { list.push( 'You have been chosen. They will come soon.', 'They\'re coming soon. Maybe you should think twice about opening the door.', 'The end is near. Make preparations.', 'News : broccoli tops for moms, last for kids; dads indifferent.', 'News : middle age a hoax, declares study; turns out to be bad posture after all.', 'News : kitties want answers in possible Kitty Kibble shortage.' ); } if (Game.cookiesEarned>=10000) list.push( 'News : '+choose([ 'cookies found to '+choose(['increase lifespan','sensibly increase intelligence','reverse aging','decrease hair loss','prevent arthritis','cure blindness'])+' in '+choose(animals)+'!', 'cookies found to make '+choose(animals)+' '+choose(['more docile','more handsome','nicer','less hungry','more pragmatic','tastier'])+'!', 'cookies tested on '+choose(animals)+', found to have no ill effects.', 'cookies unexpectedly popular among '+choose(animals)+'!', 'unsightly lumps found on '+choose(animals)+' near cookie facility; "they\'ve pretty much always looked like that", say biologists.', 'new species of '+choose(animals)+' discovered in distant country; "yup, tastes like cookies", says biologist.', 'cookies go well with '+choose([choose(['roasted','toasted','boiled','sauteed','minced'])+' '+choose(animals),choose(['sushi','soup','carpaccio','steak','nuggets'])+' made from '+choose(animals)])+', says controversial chef.', '"do your cookies contain '+choose(animals)+'?", asks PSA warning against counterfeit cookies.', 'doctors recommend twice-daily consumption of fresh cookies.', 'doctors warn against chocolate chip-snorting teen fad.', 'doctors advise against new cookie-free fad diet.', 'doctors warn mothers about the dangers of "home-made cookies".' ]), 'News : "'+choose([ 'I\'m all about cookies', 'I just can\'t stop eating cookies. I think I seriously need help', 'I guess I have a cookie problem', 'I\'m not addicted to cookies. That\'s just speculation by fans with too much free time', 'my upcoming album contains 3 songs about cookies', 'I\'ve had dreams about cookies 3 nights in a row now. I\'m a bit worried honestly', 'accusations of cookie abuse are only vile slander', 'cookies really helped me when I was feeling low', 'cookies are the secret behind my perfect skin', 'cookies helped me stay sane while filming my upcoming movie', 'cookies helped me stay thin and healthy', 'I\'ll say one word, just one : cookies', 'alright, I\'ll say it - I\'ve never eaten a single cookie in my life' ])+'", reveals celebrity.', choose([ 'News : scientist predicts imminent cookie-related "end of the world"; becomes joke among peers.', 'News : man robs bank, buys cookies.', 'News : scientists establish that the deal with airline food is, in fact, a critical lack of cookies.', 'News : hundreds of tons of cookies dumped into starving country from airplanes; thousands dead, nation grateful.', 'News : new study suggests cookies neither speed up nor slow down aging, but instead "take you in a different direction".', 'News : overgrown cookies found in fishing nets, raise questions about hormone baking.', 'News : "all-you-can-eat" cookie restaurant opens in big city; waiters trampled in minutes.', 'News : man dies in cookie-eating contest; "a less-than-impressive performance", says judge.', 'News : what makes cookies taste so right? "Probably all the [*****] they put in them", says anonymous tipper.', 'News : man found allergic to cookies; "what a weirdo", says family.', 'News : foreign politician involved in cookie-smuggling scandal.', 'News : cookies now more popular than '+choose(['cough drops','broccoli','smoked herring','cheese','video games','stable jobs','relationships','time travel','cat videos','tango','fashion','television','nuclear warfare','whatever it is we ate before','politics','oxygen','lamps'])+', says study.', 'News : obesity epidemic strikes nation; experts blame '+choose(['twerking','that darn rap music','video-games','lack of cookies','mysterious ghostly entities','aliens','parents','schools','comic-books','cookie-snorting fad'])+'.', 'News : cookie shortage strikes town, people forced to eat cupcakes; "just not the same", concedes mayor.', 'News : "you gotta admit, all this cookie stuff is a bit ominous", says confused idiot.', //'News : scientists advise getting used to cookies suffusing every aspect of life; "this is the new normal", expert says.', //'News : doctors advise against wearing face masks when going outside. "You never know when you might need a cookie... a mask would just get in the way."',//these were written back when covid hadn't really done much damage yet but they just feel in poor taste now 'News : is there life on Mars? Various chocolate bar manufacturers currently under investigation for bacterial contaminants.', 'News : "so I guess that\'s a thing now", scientist comments on cookie particles now present in virtually all steel manufactured since cookie production ramped up worldwide.', 'News : trace amounts of cookie particles detected in most living creatures, some of which adapting them as part of new and exotic metabolic processes.', ]), choose([ 'News : movie cancelled from lack of actors; "everybody\'s at home eating cookies", laments director.', 'News : comedian forced to cancel cookie routine due to unrelated indigestion.', 'News : new cookie-based religion sweeps the nation.', 'News : fossil records show cookie-based organisms prevalent during Cambrian explosion, scientists say.', 'News : mysterious illegal cookies seized; "tastes terrible", says police.', 'News : man found dead after ingesting cookie; investigators favor "mafia snitch" hypothesis.', 'News : "the universe pretty much loops on itself," suggests researcher; "it\'s cookies all the way down."', 'News : minor cookie-related incident turns whole town to ashes; neighboring cities asked to chip in for reconstruction.', 'News : is our media controlled by the cookie industry? This could very well be the case, says crackpot conspiracy theorist.', 'News : '+choose(['cookie-flavored popcorn pretty damn popular; "we kinda expected that", say scientists.','cookie-flavored cereals break all known cereal-related records','cookies popular among all age groups, including fetuses, says study.','cookie-flavored popcorn sales exploded during screening of Grandmothers II : The Moistening.']), 'News : all-cookie restaurant opening downtown. Dishes such as braised cookies, cookie thermidor, and for dessert : crepes.', 'News : "Ook", says interviewed orangutan.', 'News : cookies could be the key to '+choose(['eternal life','infinite riches','eternal youth','eternal beauty','curing baldness','world peace','solving world hunger','ending all wars world-wide','making contact with extraterrestrial life','mind-reading','better living','better eating','more interesting TV shows','faster-than-light travel','quantum baking','chocolaty goodness','gooder thoughtness'])+', say scientists.', 'News : flavor text '+choose(['not particularly flavorful','kind of unsavory'])+', study finds.', ]), choose([ 'News : what do golden cookies taste like? Study reveals a flavor "somewhere between spearmint and liquorice".', 'News : what do wrath cookies taste like? Study reveals a flavor "somewhere between blood sausage and seawater".', 'News : '+Game.bakeryName+'-brand cookies "'+choose(['much less soggy','much tastier','relatively less crappy','marginally less awful','less toxic','possibly more edible','more fashionable','slightly nicer','trendier','arguably healthier','objectively better choice','slightly less terrible','decidedly cookier','a tad cheaper'])+' than competitors", says consumer survey.', 'News : "'+Game.bakeryName+'" set to be this year\'s most popular baby name.', 'News : new popularity survey says '+Game.bakeryName+'\'s the word when it comes to cookies.', 'News : major city being renamed '+Game.bakeryName+'ville after world-famous cookie manufacturer.', 'News : '+choose(['street','school','nursing home','stadium','new fast food chain','new planet','new disease','flesh-eating bacteria','deadly virus','new species of '+choose(animals),'new law','baby','programming language'])+' to be named after '+Game.bakeryName+', the world-famous cookie manufacturer.', 'News : don\'t miss tonight\'s biopic on '+Game.bakeryName+'\'s irresistible rise to success!', 'News : don\'t miss tonight\'s interview of '+Game.bakeryName+' by '+choose(['Bloprah','Blavid Bletterman','Blimmy Blimmel','Blellen Blegeneres','Blimmy Blallon','Blonan Blo\'Brien','Blay Bleno','Blon Blewart','Bleven Blolbert','Lord Toxikhron of dimension 7-B19',Game.bakeryName+'\'s own evil clone'])+'!', 'News : people all over the internet still scratching their heads over nonsensical reference : "Okay, but why an egg?"', 'News : viral video "Too Many Cookies" could be "a grim commentary on the impending crisis our world is about to face", says famous economist.', 'News : "memes from last year somehow still relevant", deplore experts.', 'News : cookie emoji most popular among teenagers, far ahead of "judgemental OK hand sign" and "shifty-looking dark moon", says study.', ]), choose([ 'News : births of suspiciously bald babies on the rise; ancient alien cabal denies involvement.', 'News : "at this point, cookies permeate the economy", says economist. "If we start eating anything else, we\'re all dead."', 'News : pun in headline infuriates town, causes riot. 21 wounded, 5 dead; mayor still missing.', 'Nws : ky btwn W and R brokn, plas snd nw typwritr ASAP.', 'Neeeeews : "neeeew EEEEEE keeeeey working fineeeeeeeee", reeeports gleeeeeeeeful journalist.', 'News : cookies now illegal in some backwards country nobody cares about. Political tensions rising; war soon, hopefully.', 'News : irate radio host rambles about pixelated icons. "None of the cookies are aligned! Can\'t anyone else see it? I feel like I\'m taking crazy pills!"', 'News : nation cheers as legislators finally outlaw '+choose(['cookie criticism','playing other games than Cookie Clicker','pineapple on pizza','lack of cheerfulness','mosquitoes','broccoli','the human spleen','bad weather','clickbait','dabbing','the internet','memes','millenials'])+'!', 'News : '+choose(['local','area'])+' '+choose(['man','woman'])+' goes on journey of introspection, finds cookies : "I honestly don\'t know what I was expecting."', 'News : '+choose(['man','woman'])+' wakes up from coma, '+choose(['tries cookie for the first time, dies.','regrets it instantly.','wonders "why everything is cookies now".','babbles incoherently about some supposed "non-cookie food" we used to eat.','cites cookies as main motivator.','asks for cookies.']), 'News : pet '+choose(animals)+', dangerous fad or juicy new market?', 'News : person typing these wouldn\'t mind someone else breaking the news to THEM, for a change.', 'News : "average person bakes '+Beautify(Math.ceil(Game.cookiesEarned/7300000000))+' cookie'+(Math.ceil(Game.cookiesEarned/7300000000)==1?'':'s')+' a year" factoid actually just statistical error; '+Game.bakeryName+', who has produced '+Beautify(Game.cookiesEarned)+' cookies in their lifetime, is an outlier and should not have been counted.' ]) ); } if (list.length==0) { if (Game.cookiesEarned<5) list.push('You feel like making cookies. But nobody wants to eat your cookies.'); else if (Game.cookiesEarned<50) list.push('Your first batch goes to the trash. The neighborhood raccoon barely touches it.'); else if (Game.cookiesEarned<100) list.push('Your family accepts to try some of your cookies.'); else if (Game.cookiesEarned<500) list.push('Your cookies are popular in the neighborhood.'); else if (Game.cookiesEarned<1000) list.push('People are starting to talk about your cookies.'); else if (Game.cookiesEarned<5000) list.push('Your cookies are talked about for miles around.'); else if (Game.cookiesEarned<10000) list.push('Your cookies are renowned in the whole town!'); else if (Game.cookiesEarned<50000) list.push('Your cookies bring all the boys to the yard.'); else if (Game.cookiesEarned<100000) list.push('Your cookies now have their own website!'); else if (Game.cookiesEarned<500000) list.push('Your cookies are worth a lot of money.'); else if (Game.cookiesEarned<1000000) list.push('Your cookies sell very well in distant countries.'); else if (Game.cookiesEarned<5000000) list.push('People come from very far away to get a taste of your cookies.'); else if (Game.cookiesEarned<10000000) list.push('Kings and queens from all over the world are enjoying your cookies.'); else if (Game.cookiesEarned<50000000) list.push('There are now museums dedicated to your cookies.'); else if (Game.cookiesEarned<100000000) list.push('A national day has been created in honor of your cookies.'); else if (Game.cookiesEarned<500000000) list.push('Your cookies have been named a part of the world wonders.'); else if (Game.cookiesEarned<1000000000) list.push('History books now include a whole chapter about your cookies.'); else if (Game.cookiesEarned<5000000000) list.push('Your cookies have been placed under government surveillance.'); else if (Game.cookiesEarned<10000000000) list.push('The whole planet is enjoying your cookies!'); else if (Game.cookiesEarned<50000000000) list.push('Strange creatures from neighboring planets wish to try your cookies.'); else if (Game.cookiesEarned<100000000000) list.push('Elder gods from the whole cosmos have awoken to taste your cookies.'); else if (Game.cookiesEarned<500000000000) list.push('Beings from other dimensions lapse into existence just to get a taste of your cookies.'); else if (Game.cookiesEarned<1000000000000) list.push('Your cookies have achieved sentience.'); else if (Game.cookiesEarned<5000000000000) list.push('The universe has now turned into cookie dough, to the molecular level.'); else if (Game.cookiesEarned<10000000000000) list.push('Your cookies are rewriting the fundamental laws of the universe.'); else if (Game.cookiesEarned<10000000000000) list.push('A local news station runs a 10-minute segment about your cookies. Success!
(you win a cookie)'); else if (Game.cookiesEarned<10100000000000) list.push('it\'s time to stop playing');//only show this for 100 millions (it's funny for a moment) } //if (Game.elderWrath>0 && (Game.pledges==0 || Math.random()<0.2)) if (Game.elderWrath>0 && (((Game.pledges==0 && Game.resets==0) && Math.random()<0.5) || Math.random()<0.05)) { list=[]; if (Game.elderWrath==1) list.push(choose([ 'News : millions of old ladies reported missing!', 'News : processions of old ladies sighted around cookie facilities!', 'News : families around the continent report agitated, transfixed grandmothers!', 'News : doctors swarmed by cases of old women with glassy eyes and a foamy mouth!', 'News : nurses report "strange scent of cookie dough" around female elderly patients!' ])); if (Game.elderWrath==2) list.push(choose([ 'News : town in disarray as strange old ladies break into homes to abduct infants and baking utensils!', 'News : sightings of old ladies with glowing eyes terrify local population!', 'News : retirement homes report "female residents slowly congealing in their seats"!', 'News : whole continent undergoing mass exodus of old ladies!', 'News : old women freeze in place in streets, ooze warm sugary syrup!' ])); if (Game.elderWrath==3) list.push(choose([ 'News : large "flesh highways" scar continent, stretch between various cookie facilities!', 'News : wrinkled "flesh tendrils" visible from space!', 'News : remains of "old ladies" found frozen in the middle of growing fleshy structures!', 'News : all hope lost as writhing mass of flesh and dough engulfs whole city!', 'News : nightmare continues as wrinkled acres of flesh expand at alarming speeds!' ])); } if (Game.season=='fools') { list=[]; if (Game.cookiesEarned>=1000) list.push(choose([ 'Your office chair is really comfortable.', 'Business meetings are such a joy!', 'You\'ve spent the whole day '+choose(['signing contracts','filling out forms','touching base with the team','examining exciting new prospects','playing with your desk toys','getting new nameplates done','attending seminars','videoconferencing','hiring dynamic young executives','meeting new investors','playing minigolf in your office'])+'!', 'The word of the day is : '+choose(['viral','search engine optimization','blags and wobsites','social networks','web 3.0','logistics','leveraging','branding','proactive','synergizing','market research','demographics','pie charts','blogular','blogulacious','blogastic','authenticity','electronic mail','cellular phones','rap music','cookies, I guess'])+'.', 'Profit\'s in the air!' ])); if (Game.cookiesEarned>=1000 && Math.random()<0.1) list.push(choose([ 'If you could get some more cookies baked, that\'d be great.', 'So. About those TPS reports.', 'Another day in paradise!', 'Working hard, or hardly working?' ])); if (Game.TickerN%2==0 || Game.cookiesEarned>=10100000000) { if (Game.Objects['Grandma'].amount>0) list.push(choose([ 'Your rolling pins are rolling and pinning!', 'Production is steady!' ])); if (Game.Objects['Grandma'].amount>0) list.push(choose([ 'Your ovens are diligently baking more and more cookies.', 'Your ovens burn a whole batch. Ah well! Still good.' ])); if (Game.Objects['Farm'].amount>0) list.push(choose([ 'Scores of cookies come out of your kitchens.', 'Today, new recruits are joining your kitchens!' ])); if (Game.Objects['Factory'].amount>0) list.push(choose([ 'Your factories are producing an unending stream of baked goods.', 'Your factory workers decide to go on strike!', 'It\'s safety inspection day in your factories.' ])); if (Game.Objects['Mine'].amount>0) list.push(choose([ 'Your secret recipes are kept safely inside a giant underground vault.', 'Your chefs are working on new secret recipes!' ])); if (Game.Objects['Shipment'].amount>0) list.push(choose([ 'Your supermarkets are bustling with happy, hungry customers.', 'Your supermarkets are full of cookie merch!' ])); if (Game.Objects['Alchemy lab'].amount>0) list.push(choose([ 'It\'s a new trading day at the stock exchange, and traders can\'t get enough of your shares!', 'Your stock is doubling in value by the minute!' ])); if (Game.Objects['Portal'].amount>0) list.push(choose([ 'You just released a new TV show episode!', 'Your cookie-themed TV show is being adapted into a new movie!' ])); if (Game.Objects['Time machine'].amount>0) list.push(choose([ 'Your theme parks are doing well - puddles of vomit and roller-coaster casualties are being swept under the rug!', 'Visitors are stuffing themselves with cookies before riding your roller-coasters. You might want to hire more clean-up crews.' ])); if (Game.Objects['Antimatter condenser'].amount>0) list.push(choose([ 'Cookiecoin is officially the most mined digital currency in the history of mankind!', 'Cookiecoin piracy is rampant!' ])); if (Game.Objects['Prism'].amount>0) list.push(choose([ 'Your corporate nations just gained a new parliament!', 'You\'ve just annexed a new nation!', 'A new nation joins the grand cookie conglomerate!' ])); if (Game.Objects['Chancemaker'].amount>0) list.push(choose([ 'Your intergalactic federation of cookie-sponsored planets reports record-breaking profits!', 'Billions of unwashed aliens are pleased to join your workforce as you annex their planet!', 'New toll opened on interstellar highway, funnelling more profits into the cookie economy!' ])); if (Game.Objects['Fractal engine'].amount>0) list.push(choose([ 'Your cookie-based political party is doing fantastic in the polls!', 'New pro-cookie law passes without a hitch thanks to your firm grasp of the political ecosystem!', 'Your appointed senators are overturning cookie bans left and right!' ])); if (Game.Objects['Javascript console'].amount>0) list.push(choose([ 'Cookies are now one of the defining aspects of mankind! Congratulations!', 'Time travelers report that this era will later come to be known, thanks to you, as the cookie millennium!', 'Cookies now deeply rooted in human culture, likely puzzling future historians!' ])); if (Game.Objects['Idleverse'].amount>0) list.push(choose([ 'Public aghast as all remaining aspects of their lives overtaken by universal cookie industry!', 'Every single product currently sold in the observable universe can be traced back to your company! And that\'s a good thing.', 'Antitrust laws let out a helpless whimper before being engulfed by your sprawling empire!' ])); } if (Game.cookiesEarned<5) list.push('Such a grand day to begin a new business.'); else if (Game.cookiesEarned<50) list.push('You\'re baking up a storm!'); else if (Game.cookiesEarned<100) list.push('You are confident that one day, your cookie company will be the greatest on the market!'); else if (Game.cookiesEarned<1000) list.push('Business is picking up!'); else if (Game.cookiesEarned<5000) list.push('You\'re making sales left and right!'); else if (Game.cookiesEarned<20000) list.push('Everyone wants to buy your cookies!'); else if (Game.cookiesEarned<50000) list.push('You are now spending most of your day signing contracts!'); else if (Game.cookiesEarned<500000) list.push('You\'ve been elected "business tycoon of the year"!'); else if (Game.cookiesEarned<1000000) list.push('Your cookies are a worldwide sensation! Well done, old chap!'); else if (Game.cookiesEarned<5000000) list.push('Your brand has made its way into popular culture. Children recite your slogans and adults reminisce them fondly!'); else if (Game.cookiesEarned<1000000000) list.push('A business day like any other. It\'s good to be at the top!'); else if (Game.cookiesEarned<10100000000) list.push('You look back at your career. It\'s been a fascinating journey, building your baking empire from the ground up.');//only show this for 100 millions } for (var i=0;iGame.fps*10 && Game.Has('Fortune cookies') && Math.random()<(Game.HasAchiev('O Fortuna')?0.04:0.02)) { var fortunes=[]; for (var i in Game.Tiers['fortune'].upgrades) { var it=Game.Tiers['fortune'].upgrades[i]; if (!Game.HasUnlocked(it.name)) fortunes.push(it); } if (!Game.fortuneGC) fortunes.push('fortuneGC'); if (!Game.fortuneCPS) fortunes.push('fortuneCPS'); if (fortunes.length>0) { list=[]; var me=choose(fortunes); Game.TickerEffect={type:'fortune',sub:me}; Math.seedrandom(Game.seed+'-fortune'); if (me=='fortuneGC') me='Today is your lucky day!';/*
Click here for a golden cookie.';*/ else if (me=='fortuneCPS') me='Your lucky numbers are : '+Math.floor(Math.random()*100)+' '+Math.floor(Math.random()*100)+' '+Math.floor(Math.random()*100)+' '+Math.floor(Math.random()*100)/*+'
Click here to gain one hour of your CpS.'*/; else { me=me.name.substring(me.name.indexOf('#'))+' : '+me.baseDesc.substring(me.baseDesc.indexOf('')+3); me=me.substring(0,me.length-4); } me='
'; Math.seedrandom(); list=[me]; } } Game.TickerAge=Game.fps*10; Game.Ticker=choose(list); Game.AddToLog(Game.Ticker); Game.TickerN++; Game.TickerDraw(); } Game.tickerL=l('commentsText'); Game.tickerBelowL=l('commentsTextBelow'); Game.tickerCompactL=l('compactCommentsText'); Game.TickerDraw=function() { var str=''; if (Game.Ticker!='') str=Game.Ticker; Game.tickerBelowL.innerHTML=Game.tickerL.innerHTML; Game.tickerL.innerHTML=str; Game.tickerCompactL.innerHTML=str; Game.tickerBelowL.className='commentsText'; void Game.tickerBelowL.offsetWidth; Game.tickerBelowL.className='commentsText risingAway'; Game.tickerL.className='commentsText'; void Game.tickerL.offsetWidth; Game.tickerL.className='commentsText risingUp'; } AddEvent(Game.tickerL,'click',function(event){ Game.Ticker=''; Game.TickerClicks++; if (Game.TickerClicks==50) {Game.Win('Tabloid addiction');} if (Game.TickerEffect && Game.TickerEffect.type=='fortune') { PlaySound('snd/fortune.mp3',1); Game.SparkleAt(Game.mouseX,Game.mouseY); var effect=Game.TickerEffect.sub; if (effect=='fortuneGC') { Game.Notify('Fortune!','A golden cookie has appeared.',[10,32]); Game.fortuneGC=1; var newShimmer=new Game.shimmer('golden',{noWrath:true}); } else if (effect=='fortuneCPS') { Game.Notify('Fortune!','You gain one hour of your CpS (capped at double your bank).',[10,32]); Game.fortuneCPS=1; Game.Earn(Math.min(Game.cookiesPs*60*60,Game.cookies)); } else { Game.Notify(effect.name,'You\'ve unlocked a new upgrade.',effect.icon); effect.unlock(); } } Game.TickerEffect=0; }); Game.Log=[]; Game.AddToLog=function(what) { Game.Log.unshift(what); if (Game.Log.length>100) Game.Log.pop(); } Game.vanilla=1; /*===================================================================================== BUILDINGS =======================================================================================*/ Game.last=0; Game.storeToRefresh=1; Game.priceIncrease=1.15; Game.buyBulk=1; Game.buyMode=1;//1 for buy, -1 for sell Game.buyBulkOld=Game.buyBulk;//used to undo changes from holding Shift or Ctrl Game.buyBulkShortcut=0;//are we pressing Shift or Ctrl? Game.Objects={}; Game.ObjectsById=[]; Game.ObjectsN=0; Game.BuildingsOwned=0; Game.Object=function(name,commonName,desc,icon,iconColumn,art,price,cps,buyFunction) { this.id=Game.ObjectsN; this.name=name; this.displayName=this.name; commonName=commonName.split('|'); this.single=commonName[0]; this.plural=commonName[1]; this.actionName=commonName[2]; this.extraName=commonName[3]; this.extraPlural=commonName[4]; this.desc=desc; this.basePrice=price; this.price=this.basePrice; this.bulkPrice=this.price; this.cps=cps; this.baseCps=this.cps; this.mouseOn=false; this.mousePos=[-100,-100]; this.productionAchievs=[]; this.n=this.id; if (this.n!=0) { //new automated price and CpS curves //this.baseCps=Math.ceil(((this.n*0.5)*Math.pow(this.n*1,this.n*0.9))*10)/10; //this.baseCps=Math.ceil((Math.pow(this.n*1,this.n*0.5+2.35))*10)/10;//by a fortunate coincidence, this gives the 3rd, 4th and 5th buildings a CpS of 10, 69 and 420 this.baseCps=Math.ceil((Math.pow(this.n*1,this.n*0.5+2))*10)/10;//0.45 used to be 0.5 //this.baseCps=Math.ceil((Math.pow(this.n*1,this.n*0.45+2.10))*10)/10; //clamp 14,467,199 to 14,000,000 (there's probably a more elegant way to do that) var digits=Math.pow(10,(Math.ceil(Math.log(Math.ceil(this.baseCps))/Math.LN10)))/100; this.baseCps=Math.round(this.baseCps/digits)*digits; this.basePrice=(this.n*1+9+(this.n<5?0:Math.pow(this.n-5,1.75)*5))*Math.pow(10,this.n)*(Math.max(1,this.n-14)); //this.basePrice=(this.n*2.5+7.5)*Math.pow(10,this.n); var digits=Math.pow(10,(Math.ceil(Math.log(Math.ceil(this.basePrice))/Math.LN10)))/100; this.basePrice=Math.round(this.basePrice/digits)*digits; if (this.id>=16) this.basePrice*=10; if (this.id>=17) this.basePrice*=10; if (this.id>=18) this.basePrice*=10; if (this.id>=19) this.basePrice*=10; this.price=this.basePrice; this.bulkPrice=this.price; } this.totalCookies=0; this.storedCps=0; this.storedTotalCps=0; this.icon=icon; this.iconColumn=iconColumn; this.art=art; if (art.base) {art.pic=art.base+'.png';art.bg=art.base+'Background.png';} this.buyFunction=buyFunction; this.locked=1; this.level=0; this.vanilla=Game.vanilla; this.tieredUpgrades=[]; this.tieredAchievs=[]; this.synergies=[]; this.fortune=0; this.amount=0; this.bought=0; this.highest=0; this.free=0; this.eachFrame=0; this.minigameUrl=0;//if this is defined, load the specified script if the building's level is at least 1 this.minigameName=0; this.onMinigame=false; this.minigameLoaded=false; this.switchMinigame=function(on)//change whether we're on the building's minigame { if (!Game.isMinigameReady(this)) on=false; if (on==-1) on=!this.onMinigame; this.onMinigame=on; if (this.id!=0) { if (this.onMinigame) { l('row'+this.id).classList.add('onMinigame'); //l('rowSpecial'+this.id).style.display='block'; //l('rowCanvas'+this.id).style.display='none'; if (this.minigame.onResize) this.minigame.onResize(); } else { l('row'+this.id).classList.remove('onMinigame'); //l('rowSpecial'+this.id).style.display='none'; //l('rowCanvas'+this.id).style.display='block'; } } this.refresh(); } this.getPrice=function(n) { var price=this.basePrice*Math.pow(Game.priceIncrease,Math.max(0,this.amount-this.free)); price=Game.modifyBuildingPrice(this,price); return Math.ceil(price); } this.getSumPrice=function(amount)//return how much it would cost to buy [amount] more of this building { var price=0; for (var i=Math.max(0,this.amount);i=price) { bought++; moni+=price; Game.Spend(price); this.amount++; this.bought++; price=this.getPrice(); this.price=price; if (this.buyFunction) this.buyFunction(); Game.recalculateGains=1; if (this.amount==1 && this.id!=0) l('row'+this.id).classList.add('enabled'); this.highest=Math.max(this.highest,this.amount); Game.BuildingsOwned++; success=1; } } if (success) {PlaySound('snd/buy'+choose([1,2,3,4])+'.mp3',0.75);this.refresh();} //if (moni>0 && amount>1) Game.Notify(this.name,'Bought '+bought+' for '+Beautify(moni)+' cookies','',2); } this.sell=function(amount,bypass) { var success=0; var moni=0; var sold=0; if (amount==-1) amount=this.amount; if (!amount) amount=Game.buyBulk; for (var i=0;i0) { sold++; moni+=price; Game.cookies+=price; Game.cookiesEarned=Math.max(Game.cookies,Game.cookiesEarned);//this is to avoid players getting the cheater achievement when selling buildings that have a higher price than they used to this.amount--; price=this.getPrice(); this.price=price; if (this.sellFunction) this.sellFunction(); Game.recalculateGains=1; if (this.amount==0 && this.id!=0) l('row'+this.id).classList.remove('enabled'); Game.BuildingsOwned--; success=1; } } if (success && Game.hasGod) { var godLvl=Game.hasGod('ruin'); var old=Game.hasBuff('Devastation'); if (old) { if (godLvl==1) old.multClick+=sold*0.01; else if (godLvl==2) old.multClick+=sold*0.005; else if (godLvl==3) old.multClick+=sold*0.0025; } else { if (godLvl==1) Game.gainBuff('devastation',10,1+sold*0.01); else if (godLvl==2) Game.gainBuff('devastation',10,1+sold*0.005); else if (godLvl==3) Game.gainBuff('devastation',10,1+sold*0.0025); } } if (success && Game.shimmerTypes['golden'].n<=0 && Game.auraMult('Dragon Orbs')>0) { var highestBuilding=0; for (var i in Game.Objects) {if (Game.Objects[i].amount>0) highestBuilding=Game.Objects[i];} if (highestBuilding==this && Math.random()0) Game.Notify(this.name,'Sold '+sold+' for '+Beautify(moni)+' cookies','',2); } this.sacrifice=function(amount)//sell without getting back any money { var success=0; //var moni=0; var sold=0; if (amount==-1) amount=this.amount; if (!amount) amount=1; for (var i=0;i0) { sold++; //moni+=price; //Game.cookies+=price; //Game.cookiesEarned=Math.max(Game.cookies,Game.cookiesEarned); this.amount--; price=this.getPrice(); this.price=price; if (this.sellFunction) this.sellFunction(); Game.recalculateGains=1; if (this.amount==0 && this.id!=0) l('row'+this.id).classList.remove('enabled'); Game.BuildingsOwned--; success=1; } } if (success) {this.refresh();} //if (moni>0) Game.Notify(this.name,'Sold '+sold+' for '+Beautify(moni)+' cookies','',2); } this.buyFree=function(amount)//unlike getFree, this still increases the price { for (var i=0;i=price) { this.amount++; this.bought++; this.price=this.getPrice(); Game.recalculateGains=1; if (this.amount==1 && this.id!=0) l('row'+this.id).classList.add('enabled'); this.highest=Math.max(this.highest,this.amount); Game.BuildingsOwned++; } } this.refresh(); } this.getFree=function(amount)//get X of this building for free, with the price behaving as if you still didn't have them { this.amount+=amount; this.bought+=amount; this.free+=amount; this.highest=Math.max(this.highest,this.amount); Game.BuildingsOwned+=amount; this.highest=Math.max(this.highest,this.amount); this.refresh(); } this.getFreeRanks=function(amount)//this building's price behaves as if you had X less of it { this.free+=amount; this.refresh(); } this.tooltip=function() { var me=this; var desc=me.desc; var name=me.name; if (Game.season=='fools') { if (!Game.foolObjects[me.name]) { name=Game.foolObjects['Unknown'].name; desc=Game.foolObjects['Unknown'].desc; } else { name=Game.foolObjects[me.name].name; desc=Game.foolObjects[me.name].desc; } } var icon=[me.iconColumn,0]; if (me.locked) { name='???'; desc=''; icon=[0,7]; } //if (l('rowInfo'+me.id) && Game.drawT%10==0) l('rowInfoContent'+me.id).innerHTML='• '+me.amount+' '+(me.amount==1?me.single:me.plural)+'
• producing '+Beautify(me.storedTotalCps,1)+' '+(me.storedTotalCps==1?'cookie':'cookies')+' per second
• total : '+Beautify(me.totalCookies)+' '+(Math.floor(me.totalCookies)==1?'cookie':'cookies')+' '+me.actionName; var canBuy=false; var price=me.bulkPrice; if ((Game.buyMode==1 && Game.cookies>=price) || (Game.buyMode==-1 && me.amount>0)) canBuy=true; var synergiesStr=''; //note : might not be entirely accurate, math may need checking if (me.amount>0) { var synergiesWith={}; var synergyBoost=0; if (me.name=='Grandma') { for (var i in Game.GrandmaSynergies) { if (Game.Has(Game.GrandmaSynergies[i])) { var other=Game.Upgrades[Game.GrandmaSynergies[i]].buildingTie; var mult=me.amount*0.01*(1/(other.id-1)); var boost=(other.storedTotalCps*Game.globalCpsMult)-(other.storedTotalCps*Game.globalCpsMult)/(1+mult); synergyBoost+=boost; if (!synergiesWith[other.plural]) synergiesWith[other.plural]=0; synergiesWith[other.plural]+=mult; } } } else if (me.name=='Portal' && Game.Has('Elder Pact')) { var other=Game.Objects['Grandma']; var boost=(me.amount*0.05*other.amount)*Game.globalCpsMult; synergyBoost+=boost; if (!synergiesWith[other.plural]) synergiesWith[other.plural]=0; synergiesWith[other.plural]+=boost/(other.storedTotalCps*Game.globalCpsMult); } for (var i in me.synergies) { var it=me.synergies[i]; if (Game.Has(it.name)) { var weight=0.05; var other=it.buildingTie1; if (me==it.buildingTie1) {weight=0.001;other=it.buildingTie2;} var boost=(other.storedTotalCps*Game.globalCpsMult)-(other.storedTotalCps*Game.globalCpsMult)/(1+me.amount*weight); synergyBoost+=boost; if (!synergiesWith[other.plural]) synergiesWith[other.plural]=0; synergiesWith[other.plural]+=me.amount*weight; //synergiesStr+='Synergy with '+other.name+'; we boost it by '+Beautify((me.amount*weight)*100,1)+'%, producing '+Beautify(boost)+' CpS. My synergy boost is now '+Beautify((synergyBoost/Game.cookiesPs)*100,1)+'%.
'; } } if (synergyBoost>0) { for (var i in synergiesWith) { if (synergiesStr!='') synergiesStr+=', '; synergiesStr+=i+' +'+Beautify(synergiesWith[i]*100,1)+'%'; } //synergiesStr='...along with '+Beautify(synergyBoost,1)+' cookies through synergies with other buildings ('+synergiesStr+'; '+Beautify((synergyBoost/Game.cookiesPs)*100,1)+'% of total CpS)'; //synergiesStr='...also boosting some other buildings, accounting for '+Beautify(synergyBoost,1)+' cookies per second (a combined '+Beautify((synergyBoost/Game.cookiesPs)*100,1)+'% of total CpS) : '+synergiesStr+''; synergiesStr='...also boosting some other buildings : '+synergiesStr+' - all combined, these boosts account for '+Beautify(synergyBoost,1)+' cookies per second ('+Beautify((synergyBoost/Game.cookiesPs)*100,1)+'% of total CpS)'; } } return '
'+'[owned : '+me.amount+']'+(me.free>0?' [free : '+me.free+'!]':'')+ '
'+ (me.totalCookies>0?( '
'+ (me.amount>0?'• each '+me.single+' produces '+Beautify((me.storedTotalCps/me.amount)*Game.globalCpsMult,1)+' '+((me.storedTotalCps/me.amount)*Game.globalCpsMult==1?'cookie':'cookies')+' per second
':'')+ '• '+me.amount+' '+(me.amount==1?me.single:me.plural)+' producing '+Beautify(me.storedTotalCps*Game.globalCpsMult,1)+' '+(me.storedTotalCps*Game.globalCpsMult==1?'cookie':'cookies')+' per second ('+Beautify(Game.cookiesPs>0?((me.amount>0?((me.storedTotalCps*Game.globalCpsMult)/Game.cookiesPs):0)*100):0,1)+'% of total CpS)
'+ (synergiesStr?('• '+synergiesStr+'
'):'')+ '• '+Beautify(me.totalCookies)+' '+(Math.floor(me.totalCookies)==1?'cookie':'cookies')+' '+me.actionName+' so far
' ):'')+ '
'; } this.levelTooltip=function() { var me=this; return '
Level '+Beautify(me.level)+' '+me.plural+'
'+(me.level==1?me.extraName:me.extraPlural).replace('[X]',Beautify(me.level))+' granting +'+Beautify(me.level)+'% '+me.name+' CpS.
Click to level up for '+Beautify(me.level+1)+' sugar lump'+(me.level==0?'':'s')+'.'+((me.level==0 && me.minigameUrl)?'
Levelling up this building unlocks a minigame.':'')+'
'; } /*this.levelUp=function() { var me=this; if (Game.lumps=10 && me.levelAchiev10) Game.Win(me.levelAchiev10.name); PlaySound('snd/upgrade.mp3',0.6); Game.LoadMinigames(); me.refresh(); if (l('productLevel'+me.id)){var rect=l('productLevel'+me.id).getBoundingClientRect();Game.SparkleAt((rect.left+rect.right)/2,(rect.top+rect.bottom)/2-24);} Game.recalculateGains=1; if (me.minigame && me.minigame.onLevel) me.minigame.onLevel(me.level); }*/ this.levelUp=function(me){ return function(){Game.spendLump(me.level+1,'level up your '+me.plural,function() { me.level+=1; if (me.level>=10 && me.levelAchiev10) Game.Win(me.levelAchiev10.name); PlaySound('snd/upgrade.mp3',0.6); Game.LoadMinigames(); me.refresh(); if (l('productLevel'+me.id)){var rect=l('productLevel'+me.id).getBoundingClientRect();Game.SparkleAt((rect.left+rect.right)/2,(rect.top+rect.bottom)/2-24);} if (me.minigame && me.minigame.onLevel) me.minigame.onLevel(me.level); })();}; }(this); this.refresh=function()//show/hide the building display based on its amount, and redraw it { this.price=this.getPrice(); if (Game.buyMode==1) this.bulkPrice=this.getSumPrice(Game.buyBulk); else if (Game.buyMode==-1 && Game.buyBulk==-1) this.bulkPrice=this.getReverseSumPrice(1000); else if (Game.buyMode==-1) this.bulkPrice=this.getReverseSumPrice(Game.buyBulk); this.rebuild(); if (this.amount==0 && this.id!=0) l('row'+this.id).classList.remove('enabled'); else if (this.amount>0 && this.id!=0) l('row'+this.id).classList.add('enabled'); if (this.muted>0 && this.id!=0) {l('row'+this.id).classList.add('muted');l('mutedProduct'+this.id).style.display='inline-block';} else if (this.id!=0) {l('row'+this.id).classList.remove('muted');l('mutedProduct'+this.id).style.display='none';} //if (!this.onMinigame && !this.muted) {} //else this.pics=[]; } this.rebuild=function() { var me=this; //var classes='product'; var price=me.bulkPrice; /*if (Game.cookiesEarned>=me.basePrice || me.bought>0) {classes+=' unlocked';me.locked=0;} else {classes+=' locked';me.locked=1;} if (Game.cookies>=price) classes+=' enabled'; else classes+=' disabled'; if (me.l.className.indexOf('toggledOff')!=-1) classes+=' toggledOff'; */ var icon=[0,me.icon]; var iconOff=[1,me.icon]; if (me.iconFunc) icon=me.iconFunc(); var desc=me.desc; var name=me.name; var displayName=me.displayName; if (Game.season=='fools') { if (!Game.foolObjects[me.name]) { icon=[2,0]; iconOff=[3,0]; name=Game.foolObjects['Unknown'].name; desc=Game.foolObjects['Unknown'].desc; } else { icon=[2,me.icon]; iconOff=[3,me.icon]; name=Game.foolObjects[me.name].name; desc=Game.foolObjects[me.name].desc; } displayName=name; if (name.length>16) displayName=''+name+''; } icon=[icon[0]*64,icon[1]*64]; iconOff=[iconOff[0]*64,iconOff[1]*64]; //me.l.className=classes; //l('productIcon'+me.id).style.backgroundImage='url(img/'+icon+')'; l('productIcon'+me.id).style.backgroundPosition='-'+icon[0]+'px -'+icon[1]+'px'; //l('productIconOff'+me.id).style.backgroundImage='url(img/'+iconOff+')'; l('productIconOff'+me.id).style.backgroundPosition='-'+iconOff[0]+'px -'+iconOff[1]+'px'; l('productName'+me.id).innerHTML=displayName; l('productOwned'+me.id).textContent=me.amount?me.amount:''; l('productPrice'+me.id).textContent=Beautify(Math.round(price)); l('productPriceMult'+me.id).textContent=(Game.buyBulk>1)?('x'+Game.buyBulk+' '):''; l('productLevel'+me.id).textContent='lvl '+Beautify(me.level); if (Game.isMinigameReady(me) && Game.ascensionMode!=1) { l('productMinigameButton'+me.id).style.display='block'; if (!me.onMinigame) l('productMinigameButton'+me.id).textContent='View '+me.minigameName; else l('productMinigameButton'+me.id).textContent='Close '+me.minigameName; } else l('productMinigameButton'+me.id).style.display='none'; } this.muted=false; this.mute=function(val) { if (this.id==0) return false; this.muted=val; if (val) {l('productMute'+this.id).classList.add('on');l('row'+this.id).classList.add('muted');l('mutedProduct'+this.id).style.display='inline-block';} else {l('productMute'+this.id).classList.remove('on');l('row'+this.id).classList.remove('muted');l('mutedProduct'+this.id).style.display='none';} }; this.draw=function(){}; if (this.id==0) { var str='
'; str+='
'; str+='
'; str+='
'; l('sectionLeftExtra').innerHTML=l('sectionLeftExtra').innerHTML+str; } else { var str='
'; str+='
'; str+='
'; str+='
'; str+='
(Minimize this building)
','this')+' onclick="Game.ObjectsById['+this.id+'].mute(1);PlaySound(Game.ObjectsById['+this.id+'].muted?\'snd/clickOff.mp3\':\'snd/clickOn.mp3\');" id="productMute'+this.id+'">Mute
'; str+='
'; str+=''; str+='
'; str+=''; l('rows').innerHTML=l('rows').innerHTML+str; //building canvas this.pics=[]; this.toResize=true; this.redraw=function() { var me=this; me.pics=[]; } this.draw=function() { if (this.amount<=0) return false; if (this.toResize) { this.canvas.width=this.canvas.clientWidth; this.canvas.height=this.canvas.clientHeight; this.toResize=false; } var ctx=this.ctx; //clear //ctx.clearRect(0,0,this.canvas.width,this.canvas.height); ctx.globalAlpha=1; //pic : a loaded picture or a function returning a loaded picture //bg : a loaded picture or a function returning a loaded picture - tiled as the background, 128x128 //xV : the pictures will have a random horizontal shift by this many pixels //yV : the pictures will have a random vertical shift by this many pixels //w : how many pixels between each picture (or row of pictures) //x : horizontal offset //y : vertical offset (+32) //rows : if >1, arrange the pictures in rows containing this many pictures //frames : if present, slice the pic in [frames] horizontal slices and pick one at random var pic=this.art.pic; var bg=this.art.bg; var xV=this.art.xV||0; var yV=this.art.yV||0; var w=this.art.w||48; var h=this.art.h||48; var offX=this.art.x||0; var offY=this.art.y||0; var rows=this.art.rows||1; var frames=this.art.frames||1; if (typeof(bg)=='string') ctx.fillPattern(Pic(this.art.bg),0,0,this.canvas.width,this.canvas.height,128,128); else bg(this,ctx); /* ctx.globalAlpha=0.5; if (typeof(bg)=='string')//test { ctx.fillPattern(Pic(this.art.bg),-128+Game.T%128,0,this.canvas.width+128,this.canvas.height,128,128); ctx.fillPattern(Pic(this.art.bg),-128+Math.floor(Game.T/2)%128,-128+Math.floor(Game.T/2)%128,this.canvas.width+128,this.canvas.height+128,128,128); } ctx.globalAlpha=1; */ var maxI=Math.floor(this.canvas.width/(w/rows)+1); var iT=Math.min(this.amount,maxI); var i=this.pics.length; var x=0; var y=0; var added=0; if (i!=iT) { //for (var iter=0;iter<3;iter++) //{ while (i1) frame=Math.floor(Math.random()*frames); this.pics.push({x:Math.floor(x),y:Math.floor(y),z:y,pic:usedPic,id:i,frame:frame}); i++; added++; } while (i>iT) //else if (i>iT) { this.pics.sort(Game.sortSpritesById); this.pics.pop(); i--; added--; } //} this.pics.sort(Game.sortSprites); } var len=this.pics.length; if (this.mouseOn) { var selected=-1; if (this.name=='Grandma') { //mouse detection only fits grandma sprites for now var marginW=-18; var marginH=-10; for (var i=0;i=pic.x-marginW && this.mousePos[0]=pic.y-marginH && this.mousePos[1]0) { var str='Names in white were submitted by our supporters on Patreon.'; ctx.globalAlpha=0.75; ctx.fillStyle='#000'; ctx.font='9px Merriweather'; ctx.textAlign='left'; ctx.fillRect(0,0,ctx.measureText(str).width+4,12); ctx.globalAlpha=1; ctx.fillStyle='rgba(255,255,255,0.7)'; ctx.fillText(str,2,8); ctx.fillStyle='rgba(255,255,255,1)'; ctx.fillText('white',2+ctx.measureText('Names in ').width,8); } } } Math.seedrandom(); for (var i=0;i0 && Math.random()<0.2) {name=choose(Game.customGrandmaNames);custom=true;} var text=name+', age '+Beautify(Math.floor(70+Math.random()*30+years+this.level)); var width=ctx.measureText(text).width+12; var x=Math.max(0,Math.min(pic.x+32-width/2+Math.random()*32-16,this.canvas.width-width)); var y=4+Math.random()*8-4; Math.seedrandom(); ctx.fillStyle='#000'; ctx.strokeStyle='#000'; ctx.lineWidth=8; ctx.globalAlpha=0.75; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(pic.x+32,pic.y+32); ctx.lineTo(Math.floor(x+width/2),Math.floor(y+20)); ctx.stroke(); ctx.fillRect(Math.floor(x),Math.floor(y),Math.floor(width),24); ctx.globalAlpha=1; if (custom) ctx.fillStyle='#fff'; else ctx.fillStyle='rgba(255,255,255,0.7)'; ctx.fillText(text,Math.floor(x+width/2),Math.floor(y+16)); ctx.drawImage(sprite,Math.floor(pic.x+Math.random()*4-2),Math.floor(pic.y+Math.random()*4-2)); } //else if (1) ctx.drawImage(sprite,0,0,sprite.width,sprite.height,pic.x,pic.y,sprite.width,sprite.height); else if (pic.frame!=-1) ctx.drawImage(sprite,(sprite.width/frames)*pic.frame,0,sprite.width/frames,sprite.height,pic.x,pic.y,(sprite.width/frames),sprite.height); else ctx.drawImage(sprite,pic.x,pic.y); } /* var picX=this.id; var picY=12; var w=1; var h=1; var w=Math.abs(Math.cos(Game.T*0.2+this.id*2-0.3))*0.2+0.8; var h=Math.abs(Math.sin(Game.T*0.2+this.id*2))*0.3+0.7; var x=64+Math.cos(Game.T*0.19+this.id*2)*8-24*w; var y=128-Math.abs(Math.pow(Math.sin(Game.T*0.2+this.id*2),5)*16)-48*h; ctx.drawImage(Pic('icons.png'),picX*48,picY*48,48,48,Math.floor(x),Math.floor(y),48*w,48*h); */ } } Game.last=this; Game.Objects[this.name]=this; Game.ObjectsById[this.id]=this; Game.ObjectsN++; return this; } Game.DrawBuildings=function()//draw building displays with canvas { if (Game.drawT%3==0) { for (var i in Game.Objects) { var me=Game.Objects[i]; if (me.id>0 && !me.onMinigame && !me.muted) me.draw(); else me.pics=[]; } } } Game.sortSprites=function(a,b) { if (a.z>b.z) return 1; else if (a.zb.id) return 1; else if (a.idYou can also press Ctrl to bulk-buy or sell 10 of a building at a time, or Shift for 100.' ,'store')+ '>'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ ''; for (var i in Game.Objects) { var me=Game.Objects[i]; str+='
'+ /*'
Buy 10
Sell 1
Sell all
'+*/ '
'; } l('products').innerHTML=str; Game.storeBulkButton(-1); var SellAllPrompt=function(id) { return function(id){Game.Prompt('
Do you really want to sell your '+Game.ObjectsById[id].amount+' '+(Game.ObjectsById[id].amount==1?Game.ObjectsById[id].single:Game.ObjectsById[id].plural)+'?
',[['Yes','Game.ObjectsById['+id+'].sell(-1);Game.ClosePrompt();'],['No','Game.ClosePrompt();']]);}(id); } Game.ClickProduct=function(what) { Game.ObjectsById[what].buy(); } for (var i in Game.Objects) { var me=Game.Objects[i]; me.l=l('product'+me.id); //these are a bit messy but ah well if (!Game.touchEvents) { AddEvent(me.l,'click',function(what){return function(e){Game.ClickProduct(what);e.preventDefault();};}(me.id)); } else { AddEvent(me.l,'touchend',function(what){return function(e){Game.ClickProduct(what);e.preventDefault();};}(me.id)); } } } Game.RefreshStore=function()//refresh the store's buildings { for (var i in Game.Objects) { Game.Objects[i].refresh(); } Game.storeToRefresh=0; } Game.ComputeCps=function(base,mult,bonus) { if (!bonus) bonus=0; return ((base)*(Math.pow(2,mult))+bonus); } Game.isMinigameReady=function(me) {return (me.minigameUrl && me.minigameLoaded && me.level>0);} Game.scriptBindings=[]; Game.LoadMinigames=function()//load scripts for each minigame { for (var i in Game.Objects) { var me=Game.Objects[i]; if (me.minigameUrl && me.level>0 && !me.minigameLoaded && !me.minigameLoading && !l('minigameScript-'+me.id)) { me.minigameLoading=true; //we're only loading the minigame scripts that aren't loaded yet and which have enough building level //we call this function on building level up and on load //console.log('Loading script '+me.minigameUrl+'...'); setTimeout(function(me){return function(){ var script=document.createElement('script'); script.id='minigameScript-'+me.id; Game.scriptBindings['minigameScript-'+me.id]=me; script.setAttribute('src',me.minigameUrl+'?r='+Game.version); script.onload=function(me,script){return function(){ if (!me.minigameLoaded) Game.scriptLoaded(me,script); }}(me,'minigameScript-'+me.id); document.head.appendChild(script); }}(me),10); } } } Game.scriptLoaded=function(who,script) { who.minigameLoading=false; who.minigameLoaded=true; who.refresh(); who.minigame.launch(); if (who.minigameSave) {who.minigame.reset(true);who.minigame.load(who.minigameSave);who.minigameSave=0;} } Game.magicCpS=function(what) { /* if (Game.Objects[what].amount>=250) { //this makes buildings give 1% more cookies for every building over 250. //this turns out to be rather stupidly overpowered. var n=Game.Objects[what].amount-250; return 1+Math.pow(1.01,n); } else return 1; */ return 1; } //define objects new Game.Object('Cursor','cursor|cursors|clicked|[X] extra finger|[X] extra fingers','Autoclicks once every 10 seconds.',0,0,{},15,function(me){ var add=0; if (Game.Has('Thousand fingers')) add+= 0.1; if (Game.Has('Million fingers')) add*= 5; if (Game.Has('Billion fingers')) add*= 10; if (Game.Has('Trillion fingers')) add*= 20; if (Game.Has('Quadrillion fingers')) add*= 20; if (Game.Has('Quintillion fingers')) add*= 20; if (Game.Has('Sextillion fingers')) add*= 20; if (Game.Has('Septillion fingers')) add*= 20; if (Game.Has('Octillion fingers')) add*= 20; if (Game.Has('Nonillion fingers')) add*= 20; var mult=1; var num=0; for (var i in Game.Objects) {if (Game.Objects[i].name!='Cursor') num+=Game.Objects[i].amount;} add=add*num; mult*=Game.GetTieredCpsMult(me); mult*=Game.magicCpS('Cursor'); mult*=Game.eff('cursorCps'); return Game.ComputeCps(0.1,Game.Has('Reinforced index finger')+Game.Has('Carpal tunnel prevention cream')+Game.Has('Ambidextrous'),add)*mult; },function(){ if (this.amount>=1) Game.Unlock(['Reinforced index finger','Carpal tunnel prevention cream']); if (this.amount>=10) Game.Unlock('Ambidextrous'); if (this.amount>=25) Game.Unlock('Thousand fingers'); if (this.amount>=50) Game.Unlock('Million fingers'); if (this.amount>=100) Game.Unlock('Billion fingers'); if (this.amount>=150) Game.Unlock('Trillion fingers'); if (this.amount>=200) Game.Unlock('Quadrillion fingers'); if (this.amount>=250) Game.Unlock('Quintillion fingers'); if (this.amount>=300) Game.Unlock('Sextillion fingers'); if (this.amount>=350) Game.Unlock('Septillion fingers'); if (this.amount>=400) Game.Unlock('Octillion fingers'); if (this.amount>=450) Game.Unlock('Nonillion fingers'); if (this.amount>=1) Game.Win('Click');if (this.amount>=2) Game.Win('Double-click');if (this.amount>=50) Game.Win('Mouse wheel');if (this.amount>=100) Game.Win('Of Mice and Men');if (this.amount>=200) Game.Win('The Digital');if (this.amount>=300) Game.Win('Extreme polydactyly');if (this.amount>=400) Game.Win('Dr. T');if (this.amount>=500) Game.Win('Thumbs, phalanges, metacarpals');if (this.amount>=600) Game.Win('With her finger and her thumb');if (this.amount>=700) Game.Win('Gotta hand it to you');if (this.amount>=800) Game.Win('The devil\'s workshop'); }); Game.SpecialGrandmaUnlock=15; new Game.Object('Grandma','grandma|grandmas|baked|Grandmas are [X] year older|Grandmas are [X] years older','A nice grandma to bake more cookies.',1,1,{pic:function(i){ var list=['grandma']; if (Game.Has('Farmer grandmas')) list.push('farmerGrandma'); if (Game.Has('Worker grandmas')) list.push('workerGrandma'); if (Game.Has('Miner grandmas')) list.push('minerGrandma'); if (Game.Has('Cosmic grandmas')) list.push('cosmicGrandma'); if (Game.Has('Transmuted grandmas')) list.push('transmutedGrandma'); if (Game.Has('Altered grandmas')) list.push('alteredGrandma'); if (Game.Has('Grandmas\' grandmas')) list.push('grandmasGrandma'); if (Game.Has('Antigrandmas')) list.push('antiGrandma'); if (Game.Has('Rainbow grandmas')) list.push('rainbowGrandma'); if (Game.Has('Banker grandmas')) list.push('bankGrandma'); if (Game.Has('Priestess grandmas')) list.push('templeGrandma'); if (Game.Has('Witch grandmas')) list.push('witchGrandma'); if (Game.Has('Lucky grandmas')) list.push('luckyGrandma'); if (Game.Has('Metagrandmas')) list.push('metaGrandma'); if (Game.Has('Script grannies')) list.push('scriptGrandma'); if (Game.Has('Alternate grandmas')) list.push('alternateGrandma'); if (Game.season=='christmas') list.push('elfGrandma'); if (Game.season=='easter') list.push('bunnyGrandma'); return choose(list)+'.png'; },bg:'grandmaBackground.png',xV:8,yV:8,w:32,rows:3,x:0,y:16},100,function(me){ var mult=1; for (var i in Game.GrandmaSynergies) { if (Game.Has(Game.GrandmaSynergies[i])) mult*=2; } if (Game.Has('Bingo center/Research facility')) mult*=4; if (Game.Has('Ritual rolling pins')) mult*=2; if (Game.Has('Naughty list')) mult*=2; if (Game.Has('Elderwort biscuits')) mult*=1.02; mult*=Game.eff('grandmaCps'); if (Game.Has('Cat ladies')) { for (var i=0;i=Game.SpecialGrandmaUnlock && Game.Objects['Grandma'].amount>0) Game.Unlock(this.grandma.name); }); Game.last.minigameUrl='minigameGarden.js'; Game.last.minigameName='Garden'; new Game.Object('Mine','mine|mines|mined|[X] mile deeper|[X] miles deeper','Mines out cookie dough and chocolate chips.',4,3,{base:'mine',xV:16,yV:16,w:64,rows:2,x:0,y:24},10000,function(me){ var mult=1; mult*=Game.GetTieredCpsMult(me); mult*=Game.magicCpS(me.name); return me.baseCps*mult; },function(){ Game.UnlockTiered(this); if (this.amount>=Game.SpecialGrandmaUnlock && Game.Objects['Grandma'].amount>0) Game.Unlock(this.grandma.name); }); new Game.Object('Factory','factory|factories|mass-produced|[X] additional patent|[X] additional patents','Produces large quantities of cookies.',5,4,{base:'factory',xV:8,yV:0,w:64,rows:1,x:0,y:-22},3000,function(me){ var mult=1; mult*=Game.GetTieredCpsMult(me); mult*=Game.magicCpS(me.name); return me.baseCps*mult; },function(){ Game.UnlockTiered(this); if (this.amount>=Game.SpecialGrandmaUnlock && Game.Objects['Grandma'].amount>0) Game.Unlock(this.grandma.name); }); //Game.last.minigameUrl='minigameDungeon.js';//not yet Game.last.minigameName='Dungeon'; new Game.Object('Bank','bank|banks|banked|Interest rates [X]% better|Interest rates [X]% better','Generates cookies from interest.',6,15,{base:'bank',xV:8,yV:4,w:56,rows:1,x:0,y:13},0,function(me){ var mult=1; mult*=Game.GetTieredCpsMult(me); mult*=Game.magicCpS(me.name); return me.baseCps*mult; },function(){ Game.UnlockTiered(this); if (this.amount>=Game.SpecialGrandmaUnlock && Game.Objects['Grandma'].amount>0) Game.Unlock(this.grandma.name); }); Game.last.minigameUrl='minigameMarket.js'; Game.last.minigameName='Stock Market'; new Game.Object('Temple','temple|temples|discovered|[X] sacred artifact retrieved|[X] sacred artifacts retrieved','Full of precious, ancient chocolate.',7,16,{base:'temple',xV:8,yV:4,w:72,rows:2,x:0,y:-5},0,function(me){ var mult=1; mult*=Game.GetTieredCpsMult(me); mult*=Game.magicCpS(me.name); return me.baseCps*mult; },function(){ Game.UnlockTiered(this); if (this.amount>=Game.SpecialGrandmaUnlock && Game.Objects['Grandma'].amount>0) Game.Unlock(this.grandma.name); }); Game.last.minigameUrl='minigamePantheon.js'; Game.last.minigameName='Pantheon'; new Game.Object('Wizard tower','wizard tower|wizard towers|summoned|Incantations have [X] more syllable|Incantations have [X] more syllables','Summons cookies with magic spells.',8,17,{base:'wizardtower',xV:16,yV:16,w:48,rows:2,x:0,y:20},0,function(me){ var mult=1; mult*=Game.GetTieredCpsMult(me); mult*=Game.magicCpS(me.name); return me.baseCps*mult; },function(){ Game.UnlockTiered(this); if (this.amount>=Game.SpecialGrandmaUnlock && Game.Objects['Grandma'].amount>0) Game.Unlock(this.grandma.name); }); Game.last.displayName='Wizard tower';//shrink Game.last.minigameUrl='minigameGrimoire.js'; Game.last.minigameName='Grimoire'; new Game.Object('Shipment','shipment|shipments|shipped|[X] galaxy fully explored|[X] galaxies fully explored','Brings in fresh cookies from the cookie planet.',9,5,{base:'shipment',xV:16,yV:16,w:64,rows:1,x:0,y:0},40000,function(me){ var mult=1; mult*=Game.GetTieredCpsMult(me); mult*=Game.magicCpS(me.name); return me.baseCps*mult; },function(){ Game.UnlockTiered(this); if (this.amount>=Game.SpecialGrandmaUnlock && Game.Objects['Grandma'].amount>0) Game.Unlock(this.grandma.name); }); new Game.Object('Alchemy lab','alchemy lab|alchemy labs|transmuted|[X] primordial element mastered|[X] primordial elements mastered','Turns gold into cookies!',10,6,{base:'alchemylab',xV:16,yV:16,w:64,rows:2,x:0,y:16},200000,function(me){ var mult=1; mult*=Game.GetTieredCpsMult(me); mult*=Game.magicCpS(me.name); return me.baseCps*mult; },function(){ Game.UnlockTiered(this); if (this.amount>=Game.SpecialGrandmaUnlock && Game.Objects['Grandma'].amount>0) Game.Unlock(this.grandma.name); }); Game.last.displayName='Alchemy lab';//shrink new Game.Object('Portal','portal|portals|retrieved|[X] dimension enslaved|[X] dimensions enslaved','Opens a door to the Cookieverse.',11,7,{base:'portal',xV:32,yV:32,w:64,rows:2,x:0,y:0},1666666,function(me){ var mult=1; mult*=Game.GetTieredCpsMult(me); mult*=Game.magicCpS(me.name); return me.baseCps*mult; },function(){ Game.UnlockTiered(this); if (this.amount>=Game.SpecialGrandmaUnlock && Game.Objects['Grandma'].amount>0) Game.Unlock(this.grandma.name); }); new Game.Object('Time machine','time machine|time machines|recovered|[X] century secured|[X] centuries secured','Brings cookies from the past, before they were even eaten.',12,8,{base:'timemachine',xV:32,yV:32,w:64,rows:1,x:0,y:0},123456789,function(me){ var mult=1; mult*=Game.GetTieredCpsMult(me); mult*=Game.magicCpS(me.name); return me.baseCps*mult; },function(){ Game.UnlockTiered(this); if (this.amount>=Game.SpecialGrandmaUnlock && Game.Objects['Grandma'].amount>0) Game.Unlock(this.grandma.name); }); Game.last.displayName='Time machine';//shrink new Game.Object('Antimatter condenser','antimatter condenser|antimatter condensers|condensed|[X] extra quark flavor|[X] extra quark flavors','Condenses the antimatter in the universe into cookies.',13,13,{base:'antimattercondenser',xV:0,yV:64,w:64,rows:1,x:0,y:0},3999999999,function(me){ var mult=1; mult*=Game.GetTieredCpsMult(me); mult*=Game.magicCpS(me.name); return me.baseCps*mult; },function(){ Game.UnlockTiered(this); if (this.amount>=Game.SpecialGrandmaUnlock && Game.Objects['Grandma'].amount>0) Game.Unlock(this.grandma.name); }); Game.last.displayName='Antim. condenser';//shrink new Game.Object('Prism','prism|prisms|converted|[X] new color discovered|[X] new colors discovered','Converts light itself into cookies.',14,14,{base:'prism',xV:16,yV:4,w:64,rows:1,x:0,y:20},75000000000,function(me){ var mult=1; mult*=Game.GetTieredCpsMult(me); mult*=Game.magicCpS(me.name); return me.baseCps*mult; },function(){ Game.UnlockTiered(this); if (this.amount>=Game.SpecialGrandmaUnlock && Game.Objects['Grandma'].amount>0) Game.Unlock(this.grandma.name); }); new Game.Object('Chancemaker','chancemaker|chancemakers|spontaneously generated|Chancemakers are powered by [X]-leaf clovers|Chancemakers are powered by [X]-leaf clovers','Generates cookies out of thin air through sheer luck.',15,19,{base:'chancemaker',xV:8,yV:64,w:64,rows:1,x:0,y:0,rows:2},77777777777,function(me){ var mult=1; mult*=Game.GetTieredCpsMult(me); mult*=Game.magicCpS(me.name); return me.baseCps*mult; },function(){ Game.UnlockTiered(this); if (this.amount>=Game.SpecialGrandmaUnlock && Game.Objects['Grandma'].amount>0) Game.Unlock(this.grandma.name); }); Game.last.displayName='Chancemaker';//shrink new Game.Object('Fractal engine','fractal engine|fractal engines|made from cookies|[X] iteration deep|[X] iterations deep','Turns cookies into even more cookies.',16,20,{base:'fractalEngine',xV:8,yV:64,w:64,rows:1,x:0,y:0},12345678987654321,function(me){ var mult=1; mult*=Game.GetTieredCpsMult(me); mult*=Game.magicCpS(me.name); return me.baseCps*mult; },function(){ Game.UnlockTiered(this); if (this.amount>=Game.SpecialGrandmaUnlock && Game.Objects['Grandma'].amount>0) Game.Unlock(this.grandma.name); }); Game.last.displayName='Fractal engine';//shrink new Game.Object('Javascript console','javascript console|javascript consoles|programmed|Equipped with [X] external library|Equipped with [X] external libraries','Creates cookies from the very code this game was written in.',17,32,{base:'javascriptconsole',xV:8,yV:64,w:14,rows:1,x:8,y:-32,frames:2},12345678987654321,function(me){ var mult=1; mult*=Game.GetTieredCpsMult(me); mult*=Game.magicCpS(me.name); return me.baseCps*mult; },function(){ Game.UnlockTiered(this); if (this.amount>=Game.SpecialGrandmaUnlock && Game.Objects['Grandma'].amount>0) Game.Unlock(this.grandma.name); }); Game.last.displayName='Javascript console';//shrink new Game.Object('Idleverse','idleverse|idleverses|hijacked|[X] manifold|[X] manifolds','There\'s been countless other idle universes running alongside our own. You\'ve finally found a way to hijack their production and convert whatever they\'ve been making into cookies!',18,33,{base:'idleverse',xV:8,yV:64,w:48,rows:2,x:0,y:0,frames:4},12345678987654321,function(me){ var mult=1; mult*=Game.GetTieredCpsMult(me); mult*=Game.magicCpS(me.name); return me.baseCps*mult; },function(){ Game.UnlockTiered(this); if (this.amount>=Game.SpecialGrandmaUnlock && Game.Objects['Grandma'].amount>0) Game.Unlock(this.grandma.name); }); Game.foolObjects={ 'Unknown':{name:'Investment',desc:'You\'re not sure what this does, you just know it means profit.',icon:0}, 'Cursor':{name:'Rolling pin',desc:'Essential in flattening dough. The first step in cookie-making.',icon:0}, 'Grandma':{name:'Oven',desc:'A crucial element of baking cookies.',icon:1}, 'Farm':{name:'Kitchen',desc:'The more kitchens, the more cookies your employees can produce.',icon:2}, 'Mine':{name:'Secret recipe',desc:'These give you the edge you need to outsell those pesky competitors.',icon:3}, 'Factory':{name:'Factory',desc:'Mass production is the future of baking. Seize the day, and synergize!',icon:4}, 'Bank':{name:'Investor',desc:'Business folks with a nose for profit, ready to finance your venture as long as there\'s money to be made.',icon:5}, 'Temple':{name:'Like',desc:'Your social media page is going viral! Amassing likes is the key to a lasting online presence and juicy advertising deals.',icon:9}, 'Wizard tower':{name:'Meme',desc:'Cookie memes are all the rage! With just the right amount of social media astroturfing, your brand image will be all over the cyberspace.',icon:6}, 'Shipment':{name:'Supermarket',desc:'A gigantic cookie emporium - your very own retail chain.',icon:7}, 'Alchemy lab':{name:'Stock share',desc:'You\'re officially on the stock market, and everyone wants a piece!',icon:8}, 'Portal':{name:'TV show',desc:'Your cookies have their own sitcom! Hilarious baking hijinks set to the cheesiest laughtrack.',icon:10}, 'Time machine':{name:'Theme park',desc:'Cookie theme parks, full of mascots and roller-coasters. Build one, build a hundred!',icon:11}, 'Antimatter condenser':{name:'Cookiecoin',desc:'A virtual currency, already replacing regular money in some small countries.',icon:12}, 'Prism':{name:'Corporate country',desc:'You\'ve made it to the top, and you can now buy entire nations to further your corporate greed. Godspeed.',icon:13}, 'Chancemaker':{name:'Privatized planet',desc:'Actually, you know what\'s cool? A whole planet dedicated to producing, advertising, selling, and consuming your cookies.',icon:15}, 'Fractal engine':{name:'Senate seat',desc:'Only through political dominion can you truly alter this world to create a brighter, more cookie-friendly future.',icon:16}, 'Javascript console':{name:'Doctrine',desc:'Taking many forms -religion, culture, philosophy- a doctrine may, when handled properly, cause a lasting impact on civilizations, reshaping minds and people and ensuring all future generations share a singular goal - the production, and acquisition, of more cookies.',icon:17}, 'Idleverse':{name:'Lateral expansions',desc:'Sometimes the best way to keep going up is sideways. Diversify your ventures through non-cookie investments.',icon:18}, }; //build store Game.BuildStore(); //build master bar var str=''; str+='
'; str+='
'; l('buildingsMaster').innerHTML=str; //build object displays var muteStr='
Muted :
'; for (var i in Game.Objects) { var me=Game.Objects[i]; if (me.id>0) { me.canvas=l('rowCanvas'+me.id); me.ctx=me.canvas.getContext('2d',{alpha:false}); me.pics=[]; var icon=[0*64,me.icon*64]; muteStr+=''; //muteStr+='')+'>'; AddEvent(me.canvas,'mouseover',function(me){return function(){me.mouseOn=true;}}(me)); AddEvent(me.canvas,'mouseout',function(me){return function(){me.mouseOn=false;}}(me)); AddEvent(me.canvas,'mousemove',function(me){return function(e){var box=this.getBoundingClientRect();me.mousePos[0]=e.pageX-box.left;me.mousePos[1]=e.pageY-box.top;}}(me)); } } Game.mutedBuildingTooltip=function(id) { return function(){ var me=Game.ObjectsById[id]; return '
'+(me.plural.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+me.plural.slice(1))+(me.level>0?' (lvl. '+me.level+')':'')+'
Click to unmute '+me.plural+'
(display this building)
'; } } l('buildingsMute').innerHTML=muteStr; /*===================================================================================== UPGRADES =======================================================================================*/ Game.upgradesToRebuild=1; Game.Upgrades=[]; Game.UpgradesById=[]; Game.UpgradesN=0; Game.UpgradesInStore=[]; Game.UpgradesOwned=0; Game.Upgrade=function(name,desc,price,icon,buyFunction) { this.id=Game.UpgradesN; this.name=name; this.desc=desc; this.baseDesc=this.desc; this.desc=BeautifyInText(this.baseDesc); this.basePrice=price; this.priceLumps=0;//note : doesn't do much on its own, you still need to handle the buying yourself this.icon=icon; this.iconFunction=0; this.buyFunction=buyFunction; /*this.unlockFunction=unlockFunction; this.unlocked=(this.unlockFunction?0:1);*/ this.unlocked=0; this.bought=0; this.order=this.id; if (order) this.order=order+this.id*0.001; this.pool='';//can be '', cookie, toggle, debug, prestige, prestigeDecor, tech, or unused if (pool) this.pool=pool; this.power=0; if (power) this.power=power; this.vanilla=Game.vanilla; this.unlockAt=0; this.techUnlock=[]; this.parents=[]; this.type='upgrade'; this.tier=0; this.buildingTie=0;//of what building is this a tiered upgrade of ? Game.last=this; Game.Upgrades[this.name]=this; Game.UpgradesById[this.id]=this; Game.UpgradesN++; return this; } Game.Upgrade.prototype.getPrice=function() { var price=this.basePrice; if (this.priceFunc) price=this.priceFunc(this); if (price==0) return 0; if (this.pool!='prestige') { if (Game.Has('Toy workshop')) price*=0.95; if (Game.Has('Five-finger discount')) price*=Math.pow(0.99,Game.Objects['Cursor'].amount/100); if (Game.Has('Santa\'s dominion')) price*=0.98; if (Game.Has('Faberge egg')) price*=0.99; if (Game.Has('Divine sales')) price*=0.99; if (Game.Has('Fortune #100')) price*=0.99; if (this.kitten && Game.Has('Kitten wages')) price*=0.9; if (Game.hasBuff('Haggler\'s luck')) price*=0.98; if (Game.hasBuff('Haggler\'s misery')) price*=1.02; //if (Game.hasAura('Master of the Armory')) price*=0.98; price*=1-Game.auraMult('Master of the Armory')*0.02; price*=Game.eff('upgradeCost'); if (this.pool=='cookie' && Game.Has('Divine bakeries')) price/=5; } return Math.ceil(price); } Game.Upgrade.prototype.canBuy=function() { if (this.canBuyFunc) return this.canBuyFunc(); if (Game.cookies>=this.getPrice()) return true; else return false; } Game.storeBuyAll=function() { if (!Game.Has('Inspired checklist')) return false; for (var i in Game.UpgradesInStore) { var me=Game.UpgradesInStore[i]; if (!me.isVaulted() && me.pool!='toggle' && me.pool!='tech') me.buy(1); } } Game.vault=[]; Game.Upgrade.prototype.isVaulted=function() { if (Game.vault.indexOf(this.id)!=-1) return true; else return false; } Game.Upgrade.prototype.vault=function() { if (!this.isVaulted()) Game.vault.push(this.id); } Game.Upgrade.prototype.unvault=function() { if (this.isVaulted()) Game.vault.splice(Game.vault.indexOf(this.id),1); } Game.Upgrade.prototype.click=function(e) { if ((e && e.shiftKey) || Game.keys[16]) { if (this.pool=='toggle' || this.pool=='tech') {} else if (Game.Has('Inspired checklist')) { if (this.isVaulted()) this.unvault(); else this.vault(); Game.upgradesToRebuild=1; PlaySound('snd/tick.mp3'); } } else this.buy(); } Game.Upgrade.prototype.buy=function(bypass) { var success=0; var cancelPurchase=0; if (this.clickFunction && !bypass) cancelPurchase=!this.clickFunction(); if (!cancelPurchase) { if (this.choicesFunction) { if (Game.choiceSelectorOn==this.id) { l('toggleBox').style.display='none'; l('toggleBox').innerHTML=''; Game.choiceSelectorOn=-1; PlaySound('snd/tick.mp3'); } else { Game.choiceSelectorOn=this.id; var choices=this.choicesFunction(); if (choices.length>0) { var selected=0; for (var i in choices) {if (choices[i].selected) selected=i;} Game.choiceSelectorChoices=choices;//this is a really dumb way of doing this i am so sorry Game.choiceSelectorSelected=selected; var str=''; str+='
'; str+='


'+ '
'+ '


'+ '
'; for (var i in choices) { choices[i].id=i; choices[i].order=choices[i].order||0; } var sortMap=function(a,b) { if (a.order>b.order) return 1; else if (a.order'; } } l('toggleBox').innerHTML=str; l('toggleBox').style.display='block'; l('toggleBox').focus(); Game.tooltip.hide(); PlaySound('snd/tick.mp3'); success=1; } } else if (this.pool!='prestige') { var price=this.getPrice(); if (this.canBuy() && !this.bought) { Game.Spend(price); this.bought=1; if (this.buyFunction) this.buyFunction(); if (this.toggleInto) { Game.Lock(this.toggleInto); Game.Unlock(this.toggleInto); } Game.upgradesToRebuild=1; Game.recalculateGains=1; if (Game.CountsAsUpgradeOwned(this.pool)) Game.UpgradesOwned++; Game.setOnCrate(0); Game.tooltip.hide(); PlaySound('snd/buy'+choose([1,2,3,4])+'.mp3',0.75); success=1; } } else { var price=this.getPrice(); if (Game.heavenlyChips>=price && !this.bought) { Game.heavenlyChips-=price; Game.heavenlyChipsSpent+=price; this.unlocked=1; this.bought=1; if (this.buyFunction) this.buyFunction(); Game.BuildAscendTree(); PlaySound('snd/buy'+choose([1,2,3,4])+'.mp3',0.75); PlaySound('snd/shimmerClick.mp3'); //PlaySound('snd/buyHeavenly.mp3'); success=1; } } } if (this.bought && this.activateFunction) this.activateFunction(); return success; } Game.Upgrade.prototype.earn=function()//just win the upgrades without spending anything { this.unlocked=1; this.bought=1; if (this.buyFunction) this.buyFunction(); Game.upgradesToRebuild=1; Game.recalculateGains=1; if (Game.CountsAsUpgradeOwned(this.pool)) Game.UpgradesOwned++; } Game.Upgrade.prototype.unearn=function()//remove the upgrade, but keep it unlocked { this.bought=0; Game.upgradesToRebuild=1; Game.recalculateGains=1; if (Game.CountsAsUpgradeOwned(this.pool)) Game.UpgradesOwned--; } Game.Upgrade.prototype.unlock=function() { this.unlocked=1; Game.upgradesToRebuild=1; } Game.Upgrade.prototype.lose=function() { this.unlocked=0; this.bought=0; Game.upgradesToRebuild=1; Game.recalculateGains=1; if (Game.CountsAsUpgradeOwned(this.pool)) Game.UpgradesOwned--; } Game.Upgrade.prototype.toggle=function()//cheating only { if (!this.bought) { this.bought=1; if (this.buyFunction) this.buyFunction(); Game.upgradesToRebuild=1; Game.recalculateGains=1; if (Game.CountsAsUpgradeOwned(this.pool)) Game.UpgradesOwned++; PlaySound('snd/buy'+choose([1,2,3,4])+'.mp3',0.75); if (this.pool=='prestige' || this.pool=='debug') PlaySound('snd/shimmerClick.mp3'); } else { this.bought=0; Game.upgradesToRebuild=1; Game.recalculateGains=1; if (Game.CountsAsUpgradeOwned(this.pool)) Game.UpgradesOwned--; PlaySound('snd/sell'+choose([1,2,3,4])+'.mp3',0.75); if (this.pool=='prestige' || this.pool=='debug') PlaySound('snd/shimmerClick.mp3'); } if (Game.onMenu=='stats') Game.UpdateMenu(); } Game.CountsAsUpgradeOwned=function(pool) { if (pool=='' || pool=='cookie' || pool=='tech') return true; else return false; } /*AddEvent(l('toggleBox'),'blur',function()//if we click outside of the selector, close it { //this has a couple problems, such as when clicking on the upgrade - this toggles it off and back on instantly l('toggleBox').style.display='none'; l('toggleBox').innerHTML=''; Game.choiceSelectorOn=-1; } );*/ Game.RequiresConfirmation=function(upgrade,prompt) { upgrade.clickFunction=function(){Game.Prompt(prompt,[['Yes','Game.UpgradesById['+upgrade.id+'].buy(1);Game.ClosePrompt();'],'No']);return false;}; } Game.Unlock=function(what) { if (typeof what==='string') { if (Game.Upgrades[what]) { if (Game.Upgrades[what].unlocked==0) { Game.Upgrades[what].unlocked=1; Game.upgradesToRebuild=1; Game.recalculateGains=1; /*if (Game.prefs.popups) {} else Game.Notify('Upgrade unlocked','
',Game.Upgrades[what].icon,6);*/ } } } else {for (var i in what) {Game.Unlock(what[i]);}} } Game.Lock=function(what) { if (typeof what==='string') { if (Game.Upgrades[what]) { Game.Upgrades[what].unlocked=0; Game.upgradesToRebuild=1; if (Game.Upgrades[what].bought==1 && Game.CountsAsUpgradeOwned(Game.Upgrades[what].pool)) Game.UpgradesOwned--; Game.Upgrades[what].bought=0; Game.recalculateGains=1; } } else {for (var i in what) {Game.Lock(what[i]);}} } Game.Has=function(what) { var it=Game.Upgrades[what]; if (Game.ascensionMode==1 && (it.pool=='prestige' || it.tier=='fortune')) return 0; return (it?it.bought:0); } Game.HasUnlocked=function(what) { return (Game.Upgrades[what]?Game.Upgrades[what].unlocked:0); } Game.RebuildUpgrades=function()//recalculate the upgrades you can buy { Game.upgradesToRebuild=0; var list=[]; for (var i in Game.Upgrades) { var me=Game.Upgrades[i]; if (!me.bought && me.pool!='debug' && me.pool!='prestige' && me.pool!='prestigeDecor' && (Game.ascensionMode!=1 || (!me.lasting && me.tier!='fortune'))) { if (me.unlocked) list.push(me); } else if (me.displayFuncWhenOwned && me.bought) list.push(me); } var sortMap=function(a,b) { var ap=a.pool=='toggle'?a.order:a.getPrice(); var bp=b.pool=='toggle'?b.order:b.getPrice(); if (ap>bp) return 1; else if (apWill instantly purchase every upgrade you can afford, starting from the cheapest one.
Upgrades in the vault will not be auto-purchased.
You may place an upgrade into the vault by Shift-clicking on it.' ,'store')+ '>'+ '
Buy all upgrades
'+ ''; l('upgrades').classList.add('hasMenu'); } else l('upgrades').classList.remove('hasMenu'); for (var i in Game.UpgradesInStore) { //if (!Game.UpgradesInStore[i]) break; var me=Game.UpgradesInStore[i]; var str=Game.crate(me,'store','Game.UpgradesById['+me.id+'].click(event);','upgrade'+i); /*var str='
' ,'store')+' '+Game.clickStr+'="Game.UpgradesById['+me.id+'].buy();" id="upgrade'+i+'" style="'+(me.icon[2]?'background-image:url('+me.icon[2]+');':'')+'background-position:'+(-me.icon[0]*48)+'px '+(-me.icon[1]*48)+'px;">';*/ if (me.pool=='toggle') toggleStr+=str; else if (me.pool=='tech') techStr+=str; else { if (me.isVaulted() && Game.Has('Inspired checklist')) vaultStr+=str; else storeStr+=str; } } l('upgrades').innerHTML=storeStr; l('toggleUpgrades').innerHTML=toggleStr; if (toggleStr=='') l('toggleUpgrades').style.display='none'; else l('toggleUpgrades').style.display='block'; l('techUpgrades').innerHTML=techStr; if (techStr=='') l('techUpgrades').style.display='none'; else l('techUpgrades').style.display='block'; l('vaultUpgrades').innerHTML=vaultStr; if (vaultStr=='') l('vaultUpgrades').style.display='none'; else l('vaultUpgrades').style.display='block'; } Game.UnlockAt=[];//this contains an array of every upgrade with a cookie requirement in the form of {cookies:(amount of cookies earned required),name:(name of upgrade or achievement to unlock)} (and possibly require:(name of upgrade of achievement to own)) //note : the cookie will not be added to the list if it contains locked:1 (use for seasonal cookies and such) Game.NewUpgradeCookie=function(obj) { var upgrade=new Game.Upgrade(obj.name,'Cookie production multiplier +'+Beautify((typeof(obj.power)==='function'?obj.power(obj):obj.power),1)+'%.'+obj.desc+'',obj.price,obj.icon); upgrade.power=obj.power; upgrade.pool='cookie'; var toPush={cookies:obj.price/20,name:obj.name}; if (obj.require) toPush.require=obj.require; if (obj.season) toPush.season=obj.season; if (!obj.locked) Game.UnlockAt.push(toPush); return upgrade; } //tiered upgrades system //each building has several upgrade tiers //all upgrades in the same tier have the same color, unlock threshold and price multiplier Game.Tiers={ 1:{name:'Plain',unlock:1,achievUnlock:1,iconRow:0,color:'#ccb3ac',price: 10}, 2:{name:'Berrylium',unlock:5,achievUnlock:50,iconRow:1,color:'#ff89e7',price: 50}, 3:{name:'Blueberrylium',unlock:25,achievUnlock:100,iconRow:2,color:'#00deff',price: 500}, 4:{name:'Chalcedhoney',unlock:50,achievUnlock:150,iconRow:13,color:'#ffcc2f',price: 50000}, 5:{name:'Buttergold',unlock:100,achievUnlock:200,iconRow:14,color:'#e9d673',price: 5000000}, 6:{name:'Sugarmuck',unlock:150,achievUnlock:250,iconRow:15,color:'#a8bf91',price: 500000000}, 7:{name:'Jetmint',unlock:200,achievUnlock:300,iconRow:16,color:'#60ff50',price: 500000000000}, 8:{name:'Cherrysilver',unlock:250,achievUnlock:350,iconRow:17,color:'#f01700',price: 500000000000000}, 9:{name:'Hazelrald',unlock:300,achievUnlock:400,iconRow:18,color:'#9ab834',price: 500000000000000000}, 10:{name:'Mooncandy',unlock:350,achievUnlock:450,iconRow:19,color:'#7e7ab9',price: 500000000000000000000}, 11:{name:'Astrofudge',unlock:400,achievUnlock:500,iconRow:28,color:'#9a3316',price: 5000000000000000000000000}, 12:{name:'Alabascream',unlock:450,achievUnlock:550,iconRow:30,color:'#c1a88c',price: 50000000000000000000000000000}, 13:{name:'Iridyum',unlock:500,achievUnlock:600,iconRow:31,color:'#adb1b3',price: 500000000000000000000000000000000}, 'synergy1':{name:'Synergy I',unlock:15,iconRow:20,color:'#008595',special:1,req:'Synergies Vol. I',price: 200000}, 'synergy2':{name:'Synergy II',unlock:75,iconRow:29,color:'#008595',special:1,req:'Synergies Vol. II',price: 200000000000}, 'fortune':{name:'Fortune',unlock:-1,iconRow:32,color:'#9ab834',special:1,price: 77777777777777777777777777777}, }; for (var i in Game.Tiers){Game.Tiers[i].upgrades=[];} Game.GetIcon=function(type,tier) { var col=0; if (type=='Kitten') col=18; else col=Game.Objects[type].iconColumn; return [col,Game.Tiers[tier].iconRow]; } Game.SetTier=function(building,tier) { if (!Game.Objects[building]) alert('No building named '+building); Game.last.tier=tier; Game.last.buildingTie=Game.Objects[building]; if (Game.last.type=='achievement') Game.Objects[building].tieredAchievs[tier]=Game.last; else Game.Objects[building].tieredUpgrades[tier]=Game.last; } Game.MakeTiered=function(upgrade,tier,col) { upgrade.tier=tier; if (typeof col!=='undefined') upgrade.icon=[col,Game.Tiers[tier].iconRow]; } Game.TieredUpgrade=function(name,desc,building,tier) { var upgrade=new Game.Upgrade(name,desc,Game.Objects[building].basePrice*Game.Tiers[tier].price,Game.GetIcon(building,tier)); Game.SetTier(building,tier); if (!upgrade.buildingTie1 && building) upgrade.buildingTie1=Game.Objects[building]; if (tier=='fortune' && building) Game.Objects[building].fortune=upgrade; return upgrade; } Game.SynergyUpgrade=function(name,desc,building1,building2,tier) { /* creates a new upgrade that : -unlocks when you have tier.unlock of building1 and building2 -is priced at (building1.price*10+building2.price*1)*tier.price (formerly : Math.sqrt(building1.price*building2.price)*tier.price) -gives +(0.1*building1)% cps to building2 and +(5*building2)% cps to building1 -if building2 is below building1 in worth, swap them */ //if (Game.Objects[building1].basePrice>Game.Objects[building2].basePrice) {var temp=building2;building2=building1;building1=temp;} var b1=Game.Objects[building1]; var b2=Game.Objects[building2]; if (b1.basePrice>b2.basePrice) {b1=Game.Objects[building2];b2=Game.Objects[building1];}//swap desc= (b1.plural.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+b1.plural.slice(1))+' gain +5% CpS per '+b2.name.toLowerCase()+'.
'+ (b2.plural.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+b2.plural.slice(1))+' gain +0.1% CpS per '+b1.name.toLowerCase()+'.'+ desc; var upgrade=new Game.Upgrade(name,desc,(b1.basePrice*10+b2.basePrice*1)*Game.Tiers[tier].price,Game.GetIcon(building1,tier));//Math.sqrt(b1.basePrice*b2.basePrice)*Game.Tiers[tier].price upgrade.tier=tier; upgrade.buildingTie1=b1; upgrade.buildingTie2=b2; upgrade.priceFunc=function(){return (this.buildingTie1.basePrice*10+this.buildingTie2.basePrice*1)*Game.Tiers[this.tier].price*(Game.Has('Chimera')?0.98:1);}; Game.Objects[building1].synergies.push(upgrade); Game.Objects[building2].synergies.push(upgrade); //Game.SetTier(building1,tier); return upgrade; } Game.GetTieredCpsMult=function(me) { var mult=1; for (var i in me.tieredUpgrades) {if (!Game.Tiers[me.tieredUpgrades[i].tier].special && Game.Has(me.tieredUpgrades[i].name)) mult*=2;} for (var i in me.synergies) { var syn=me.synergies[i]; if (Game.Has(syn.name)) { if (syn.buildingTie1.name==me.name) mult*=(1+0.05*syn.buildingTie2.amount); else if (syn.buildingTie2.name==me.name) mult*=(1+0.001*syn.buildingTie1.amount); } } if (me.fortune && Game.Has(me.fortune.name)) mult*=1.07; if (me.grandma && Game.Has(me.grandma.name)) mult*=(1+Game.Objects['Grandma'].amount*0.01*(1/(me.id-1))); return mult; } Game.UnlockTiered=function(me) { for (var i in me.tieredUpgrades) {if (Game.Tiers[me.tieredUpgrades[i].tier].unlock!=-1 && me.amount>=Game.Tiers[me.tieredUpgrades[i].tier].unlock) Game.Unlock(me.tieredUpgrades[i].name);} for (var i in me.tieredAchievs) {if (me.amount>=Game.Tiers[me.tieredAchievs[i].tier].achievUnlock) Game.Win(me.tieredAchievs[i].name);} for (var i in me.synergies) {var syn=me.synergies[i];if (Game.Has(Game.Tiers[syn.tier].req) && syn.buildingTie1.amount>=Game.Tiers[syn.tier].unlock && syn.buildingTie2.amount>=Game.Tiers[syn.tier].unlock) Game.Unlock(syn.name);} } var pool=''; var power=0; //define upgrades //WARNING : do NOT add new upgrades in between, this breaks the saves. Add them at the end ! var order=100;//this is used to set the order in which the items are listed new Game.Upgrade('Reinforced index finger','The mouse and cursors are twice as efficient.prod prod',100,[0,0]);Game.MakeTiered(Game.last,1,0); new Game.Upgrade('Carpal tunnel prevention cream','The mouse and cursors are twice as efficient.it... it hurts to click...',500,[0,1]);Game.MakeTiered(Game.last,2,0); new Game.Upgrade('Ambidextrous','The mouse and cursors are twice as efficient.Look ma, both hands!',10000,[0,2]);Game.MakeTiered(Game.last,3,0); new Game.Upgrade('Thousand fingers','The mouse and cursors gain +0.1 cookies for each non-cursor object owned.clickity',100000,[0,13]);Game.MakeTiered(Game.last,4,0); new Game.Upgrade('Million fingers','Multiplies the gain from Thousand fingers by 5.clickityclickity',10000000,[0,14]);Game.MakeTiered(Game.last,5,0); new Game.Upgrade('Billion fingers','Multiplies the gain from Thousand fingers by 10.clickityclickityclickity',100000000,[0,15]);Game.MakeTiered(Game.last,6,0); new Game.Upgrade('Trillion fingers','Multiplies the gain from Thousand fingers by 20.clickityclickityclickityclickity',1000000000,[0,16]);Game.MakeTiered(Game.last,7,0); order=200; new Game.TieredUpgrade('Forwards from grandma','Grandmas are twice as efficient.RE:RE:thought you\'d get a kick out of this ;))','Grandma',1); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Steel-plated rolling pins','Grandmas are twice as efficient.Just what you kneaded.','Grandma',2); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Lubricated dentures','Grandmas are twice as efficient.squish','Grandma',3); order=300; new Game.TieredUpgrade('Cheap hoes','Farms are twice as efficient.Rake in the dough!','Farm',1); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Fertilizer','Farms are twice as efficient.It\'s chocolate, I swear.','Farm',2); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Cookie trees','Farms are twice as efficient.A relative of the breadfruit.','Farm',3); order=500; new Game.TieredUpgrade('Sturdier conveyor belts','Factories are twice as efficient.You\'re going places.','Factory',1); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Child labor','Factories are twice as efficient.Cheaper, healthier workforce.','Factory',2); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Sweatshop','Factories are twice as efficient.Slackers will be terminated.','Factory',3); order=400; new Game.TieredUpgrade('Sugar gas','Mines are twice as efficient.A pink, volatile gas, found in the depths of some chocolate caves.','Mine',1); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Megadrill','Mines are twice as efficient.You\'re in deep.','Mine',2); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Ultradrill','Mines are twice as efficient.Finally caved in?','Mine',3); order=600; new Game.TieredUpgrade('Vanilla nebulae','Shipments are twice as efficient.If you removed your space helmet, you could probably smell it!
(Note : don\'t do that.)
','Shipment',1); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Wormholes','Shipments are twice as efficient.By using these as shortcuts, your ships can travel much faster.','Shipment',2); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Frequent flyer','Shipments are twice as efficient.Come back soon!','Shipment',3); order=700; new Game.TieredUpgrade('Antimony','Alchemy labs are twice as efficient.Actually worth a lot of mony.','Alchemy lab',1); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Essence of dough','Alchemy labs are twice as efficient.Extracted through the 5 ancient steps of alchemical baking.','Alchemy lab',2); new Game.TieredUpgrade('True chocolate','Alchemy labs are twice as efficient.The purest form of cacao.','Alchemy lab',3); order=800; new Game.TieredUpgrade('Ancient tablet','Portals are twice as efficient.A strange slab of peanut brittle, holding an ancient cookie recipe. Neat!','Portal',1); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Insane oatling workers','Portals are twice as efficient.ARISE, MY MINIONS!','Portal',2); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Soul bond','Portals are twice as efficient.So I just sign up and get more cookies? Sure, whatever!','Portal',3); order=900; new Game.TieredUpgrade('Flux capacitors','Time machines are twice as efficient.Bake to the future.','Time machine',1); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Time paradox resolver','Time machines are twice as efficient.No more fooling around with your own grandmother!','Time machine',2); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Quantum conundrum','Time machines are twice as efficient.There is only one constant, and that is universal uncertainty.
Or is it?
','Time machine',3); order=20000; new Game.Upgrade('Kitten helpers','You gain more CpS the more milk you have.meow may I help you',9000000,Game.GetIcon('Kitten',1));Game.last.kitten=1;Game.MakeTiered(Game.last,1,18); new Game.Upgrade('Kitten workers','You gain more CpS the more milk you have.meow meow meow meow',9000000000,Game.GetIcon('Kitten',2));Game.last.kitten=1;Game.MakeTiered(Game.last,2,18); order=10000; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Plain cookies',desc:'We all gotta start somewhere.',icon:[2,3],power: 1, price: 999999}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Sugar cookies',desc:'Tasty, if a little unimaginative.',icon:[7,3],power: 1, price: 999999*5}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Oatmeal raisin cookies',desc:'No raisin to hate these.',icon:[0,3],power: 1, price: 9999999}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Peanut butter cookies',desc:'Get yourself some jam cookies!',icon:[1,3],power: 2, price: 9999999*5}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Coconut cookies',desc:'Flaky, but not unreliable. Some people go crazy for these.',icon:[3,3],power: 2, price: 99999999}); order=10001; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'White chocolate cookies',desc:'I know what you\'ll say. It\'s just cocoa butter! It\'s not real chocolate!
Oh please.',icon:[4,3],power:2, price: 99999999*5}); order=10000; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Macadamia nut cookies',desc:'They\'re macadamn delicious!',icon:[5,3],power: 2, price: 99999999}); order=10002; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Double-chip cookies',desc:'DOUBLE THE CHIPS
(double the calories)',icon:[6,3],power:2, price: 999999999*5}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'White chocolate macadamia nut cookies',desc:'Orteil\'s favorite.',icon:[8,3],power: 2, price: 9999999999}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'All-chocolate cookies',desc:'CHOCOVERDOSE.',icon:[9,3],power: 2, price: 9999999999*5}); order=100; new Game.Upgrade('Quadrillion fingers','Multiplies the gain from Thousand fingers by 20.clickityclickityclickityclickityclick',10000000000,[0,17]);Game.MakeTiered(Game.last,8,0); order=200;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Prune juice','Grandmas are twice as efficient.Gets me going.','Grandma',4); order=300;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Genetically-modified cookies','Farms are twice as efficient.All-natural mutations.','Farm',4); order=500;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Radium reactors','Factories are twice as efficient.Gives your cookies a healthy glow.','Factory',4); order=400;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Ultimadrill','Mines are twice as efficient.Pierce the heavens, etc.','Mine',4); order=600;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Warp drive','Shipments are twice as efficient.To boldly bake.','Shipment',4); order=700;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Ambrosia','Alchemy labs are twice as efficient.Adding this to the cookie mix is sure to make them even more addictive!
Perhaps dangerously so.
Let\'s hope you can keep selling these legally.
','Alchemy lab',4); order=800;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Sanity dance','Portals are twice as efficient.We can change if we want to.
We can leave our brains behind.
','Portal',4); order=900;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Causality enforcer','Time machines are twice as efficient.What happened, happened.','Time machine',4); order=5000; new Game.Upgrade('Lucky day','Golden cookies appear twice as often and stay twice as long.Oh hey, a four-leaf penny!',777777777,[27,6]); new Game.Upgrade('Serendipity','Golden cookies appear twice as often and stay twice as long.What joy! Seven horseshoes!',77777777777,[27,6]); order=20000; new Game.Upgrade('Kitten engineers','You gain more CpS the more milk you have.meow meow meow meow, sir',90000000000000,Game.GetIcon('Kitten',3));Game.last.kitten=1;Game.MakeTiered(Game.last,3,18); order=10020; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Dark chocolate-coated cookies',desc:'These absorb light so well you almost need to squint to see them.',icon:[10,3],power: 5, price: 99999999999}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'White chocolate-coated cookies',desc:'These dazzling cookies absolutely glisten with flavor.',icon:[11,3],power: 5, price: 99999999999}); Game.GrandmaSynergies=[]; Game.GrandmaSynergy=function(name,desc,building) { var building=Game.Objects[building]; var grandmaNumber=(building.id-1); if (grandmaNumber==1) grandmaNumber='grandma'; else grandmaNumber+=' grandmas'; desc='Grandmas are twice as efficient. '+(building.plural.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+building.plural.slice(1))+' gain +1% CpS per '+grandmaNumber+'.'+desc+''; var upgrade=new Game.Upgrade(name,desc,building.basePrice*Game.Tiers[2].price,[10,9],function(){Game.Objects['Grandma'].redraw();}); building.grandma=upgrade; upgrade.buildingTie=building; Game.GrandmaSynergies.push(upgrade.name); return upgrade; } order=250; Game.GrandmaSynergy('Farmer grandmas','A nice farmer to grow more cookies.','Farm'); Game.GrandmaSynergy('Miner grandmas','A nice miner to dig more cookies.','Mine'); Game.GrandmaSynergy('Worker grandmas','A nice worker to manufacture more cookies.','Factory'); Game.GrandmaSynergy('Cosmic grandmas','A nice thing to... uh... cookies.','Shipment'); Game.GrandmaSynergy('Transmuted grandmas','A nice golden grandma to convert into more cookies.','Alchemy lab'); Game.GrandmaSynergy('Altered grandmas','a NiCe GrAnDmA tO bA##########','Portal'); Game.GrandmaSynergy('Grandmas\' grandmas','A nice grandma\'s nice grandma to bake double the cookies.','Time machine'); order=14000; Game.baseResearchTime=Game.fps*60*30; Game.SetResearch=function(what,time) { if (Game.Upgrades[what] && !Game.Has(what)) { Game.researchT=Game.baseResearchTime; if (Game.Has('Persistent memory')) Game.researchT=Math.ceil(Game.baseResearchTime/10); if (Game.Has('Ultrascience')) Game.researchT=Game.fps*5; Game.nextResearch=Game.Upgrades[what].id; if (Game.prefs.popups) Game.Popup('Research has begun.'); else Game.Notify('Research has begun','Your bingo center/research facility is conducting experiments.',[9,0]); } } new Game.Upgrade('Bingo center/Research facility','Grandma-operated science lab and leisure club.
Grandmas are 4 times as efficient.
Regularly unlocks new upgrades.What could possibly keep those grandmothers in check?...
',1000000000000000,[11,9],function(){Game.SetResearch('Specialized chocolate chips');});Game.last.noPerm=1; order=15000; new Game.Upgrade('Specialized chocolate chips','Cookie production multiplier +1%.Computer-designed chocolate chips. Computer chips, if you will.',1000000000000000,[0,9],function(){Game.SetResearch('Designer cocoa beans');});Game.last.pool='tech'; new Game.Upgrade('Designer cocoa beans','Cookie production multiplier +2%.Now more aerodynamic than ever!',2000000000000000,[1,9],function(){Game.SetResearch('Ritual rolling pins');});Game.last.pool='tech'; new Game.Upgrade('Ritual rolling pins','Grandmas are twice as efficient.The result of years of scientific research!',4000000000000000,[2,9],function(){Game.SetResearch('Underworld ovens');});Game.last.pool='tech'; new Game.Upgrade('Underworld ovens','Cookie production multiplier +3%.Powered by science, of course!',8000000000000000,[3,9],function(){Game.SetResearch('One mind');});Game.last.pool='tech'; new Game.Upgrade('One mind','Each grandma gains +0.02 base CpS per grandma.
Note : the grandmothers are growing restless. Do not encourage them.
We are one. We are many.',16000000000000000,[4,9],function(){Game.elderWrath=1;Game.SetResearch('Exotic nuts');Game.storeToRefresh=1;});Game.last.pool='tech'; //Game.last.clickFunction=function(){return confirm('Warning : purchasing this will have unexpected, and potentially undesirable results!\nIt\'s all downhill from here. You have been warned!\nPurchase anyway?');}; Game.RequiresConfirmation(Game.last,'
Warning : purchasing this will have unexpected, and potentially undesirable results!
It\'s all downhill from here. You have been warned!

Purchase anyway?
'); new Game.Upgrade('Exotic nuts','Cookie production multiplier +4%.You\'ll go crazy over these!',32000000000000000,[5,9],function(){Game.SetResearch('Communal brainsweep');});Game.last.pool='tech'; new Game.Upgrade('Communal brainsweep','Each grandma gains another +0.02 base CpS per grandma.
Note : proceeding any further in scientific research may have unexpected results. You have been warned.
We fuse. We merge. We grow.',64000000000000000,[6,9],function(){Game.elderWrath=2;Game.SetResearch('Arcane sugar');Game.storeToRefresh=1;});Game.last.pool='tech'; new Game.Upgrade('Arcane sugar','Cookie production multiplier +5%.Tastes like insects, ligaments, and molasses.',128000000000000000,[7,9],function(){Game.SetResearch('Elder Pact');});Game.last.pool='tech'; new Game.Upgrade('Elder Pact','Each grandma gains +0.05 base CpS per portal.
Note : this is a bad idea.
squirm crawl slither writhe
today we rise
',256000000000000000,[8,9],function(){Game.elderWrath=3;Game.storeToRefresh=1;});Game.last.pool='tech'; new Game.Upgrade('Elder Pledge','Contains the wrath of the elders, at least for a while.This is a simple ritual involving anti-aging cream, cookie batter mixed in the moonlight, and a live chicken.',1,[9,9],function() { Game.elderWrath=0; Game.pledges++; Game.pledgeT=Game.getPledgeDuration(); Game.Unlock('Elder Covenant'); Game.CollectWrinklers(); Game.storeToRefresh=1; }); Game.getPledgeDuration=function(){return Game.fps*60*(Game.Has('Sacrificial rolling pins')?60:30);} Game.last.pool='toggle'; Game.last.displayFuncWhenOwned=function(){return '
Time remaining until pledge runs out :
';} Game.last.timerDisplay=function(){if (!Game.Upgrades['Elder Pledge'].bought) return -1; else return 1-Game.pledgeT/Game.getPledgeDuration();} Game.last.priceFunc=function(){return Math.pow(8,Math.min(Game.pledges+2,14));} Game.last.descFunc=function(){ return '
'+(Game.pledges==0?'You haven\'t pledged to the elders yet.':('You\'ve pledged to the elders '+(Game.pledges==1?'once':Game.pledges==2?'twice':(Game.pledges+' times'))+'.'))+'
'+this.desc; }; order=150; new Game.Upgrade('Plastic mouse','Clicking gains +1% of your CpS.Slightly squeaky.',50000,[11,0]);Game.MakeTiered(Game.last,1,11); new Game.Upgrade('Iron mouse','Clicking gains +1% of your CpS.Click like it\'s 1349!',5000000,[11,1]);Game.MakeTiered(Game.last,2,11); new Game.Upgrade('Titanium mouse','Clicking gains +1% of your CpS.Heavy, but powerful.',500000000,[11,2]);Game.MakeTiered(Game.last,3,11); new Game.Upgrade('Adamantium mouse','Clicking gains +1% of your CpS.You could cut diamond with these.',50000000000,[11,13]);Game.MakeTiered(Game.last,4,11); order=40000; new Game.Upgrade('Ultrascience','Research takes only 5 seconds.YEAH, SCIENCE!',7,[9,2]);//debug purposes only Game.last.pool='debug'; order=10020; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Eclipse cookies',desc:'Look to the cookie.',icon:[0,4],power: 2, price: 99999999999*5}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Zebra cookies',desc:'...',icon:[1,4],power: 2, price: 999999999999}); order=100; new Game.Upgrade('Quintillion fingers','Multiplies the gain from Thousand fingers by 20.man, just go click click click click click, it\'s real easy, man.',10000000000000,[0,18]);Game.MakeTiered(Game.last,9,0); order=40000; new Game.Upgrade('Gold hoard','Golden cookies appear really often.That\'s entirely too many.',7,[10,14]);//debug purposes only Game.last.pool='debug'; order=15000; new Game.Upgrade('Elder Covenant','Puts a permanent end to the elders\' wrath, at the price of 5% of your CpS.This is a complicated ritual involving silly, inconsequential trivialities such as cursed laxatives, century-old cacao, and an infant.
Don\'t question it.
',66666666666666,[8,9],function() { Game.pledgeT=0; Game.Lock('Revoke Elder Covenant'); Game.Unlock('Revoke Elder Covenant'); Game.Lock('Elder Pledge'); Game.Win('Elder calm'); Game.CollectWrinklers(); Game.storeToRefresh=1; }); Game.last.pool='toggle'; new Game.Upgrade('Revoke Elder Covenant','You will get 5% of your CpS back, but the grandmatriarchs will return.we
',6666666666,[8,9],function() { Game.Lock('Elder Covenant'); Game.Unlock('Elder Covenant'); }); Game.last.pool='toggle'; order=5000; new Game.Upgrade('Get lucky','Golden cookie effects last twice as long.You\'ve been up all night, haven\'t you?',77777777777777,[27,6]); order=15000; new Game.Upgrade('Sacrificial rolling pins','Elder pledges last twice as long.These are mostly just for spreading the anti-aging cream.
(And accessorily, shortening the chicken\'s suffering.)
',2888888888888,[2,9]); order=10020; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Snickerdoodles',desc:'True to their name.',icon:[2,4],power: 2, price: 999999999999*5}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Stroopwafels',desc:'If it ain\'t dutch, it ain\'t much.',icon:[3,4],power: 2, price: 9999999999999}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Macaroons',desc:'Not to be confused with macarons.
These have coconut, okay?',icon:[4,4],power: 2, price: 9999999999999*5}); order=40000; new Game.Upgrade('Neuromancy','Can toggle upgrades on and off at will in the stats menu.Can also come in handy to unsee things that can\'t be unseen.',7,[4,9]);//debug purposes only Game.last.pool='debug'; order=10020; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Empire biscuits',desc:'For your growing cookie empire, of course!',icon:[5,4],power: 2, price: 99999999999999}); order=10031; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'British tea biscuits',desc:'Quite.',icon:[6,4],require:'Tin of british tea biscuits',power: 2, price: 99999999999999}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Chocolate british tea biscuits',desc:'Yes, quite.',icon:[7,4],require:Game.last.name,power: 2, price: 99999999999999}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Round british tea biscuits',desc:'Yes, quite riveting.',icon:[8,4],require:Game.last.name,power: 2, price: 99999999999999}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Round chocolate british tea biscuits',desc:'Yes, quite riveting indeed.',icon:[9,4],require:Game.last.name,power: 2, price: 99999999999999}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Round british tea biscuits with heart motif',desc:'Yes, quite riveting indeed, old chap.',icon:[10,4],require:Game.last.name,power: 2, price: 99999999999999}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Round chocolate british tea biscuits with heart motif',desc:'I like cookies.',icon:[11,4],require:Game.last.name,power: 2, price: 99999999999999}); order=1000; new Game.TieredUpgrade('Sugar bosons','Antimatter condensers are twice as efficient.Sweet firm bosons.','Antimatter condenser',1); new Game.TieredUpgrade('String theory','Antimatter condensers are twice as efficient.Reveals new insight about the true meaning of baking cookies (and, as a bonus, the structure of the universe).','Antimatter condenser',2); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Large macaron collider','Antimatter condensers are twice as efficient.How singular!','Antimatter condenser',3); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Big bang bake','Antimatter condensers are twice as efficient.And that\'s how it all began.','Antimatter condenser',4); order=255; Game.GrandmaSynergy('Antigrandmas','A mean antigrandma to vomit more cookies.','Antimatter condenser'); order=10020; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Madeleines',desc:'Unforgettable!',icon:[12,3],power: 2, price: 99999999999999*5}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Palmiers',desc:'Palmier than you!',icon:[13,3],power: 2, price: 99999999999999*5}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Palets',desc:'You could probably play hockey with these.
I mean, you\'re welcome to try.',icon:[12,4],power: 2, price: 999999999999999}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Sablés',desc:'The name implies they\'re made of sand. But you know better, don\'t you?',icon:[13,4],power: 2, price: 999999999999999}); order=20000; new Game.Upgrade('Kitten overseers','You gain more CpS the more milk you have.my purrpose is to serve you, sir',90000000000000000,Game.GetIcon('Kitten',4));Game.last.kitten=1;Game.MakeTiered(Game.last,4,18); order=100; new Game.Upgrade('Sextillion fingers','Multiplies the gain from Thousand fingers by 20.sometimes
things just
',10000000000000000,[0,19]);Game.MakeTiered(Game.last,10,0); order=200;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Double-thick glasses','Grandmas are twice as efficient.Oh... so THAT\'s what I\'ve been baking.','Grandma',5); order=300;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Gingerbread scarecrows','Farms are twice as efficient.Staring at your crops with mischievous glee.','Farm',5); order=500;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Recombobulators','Factories are twice as efficient.A major part of cookie recombobulation.','Factory',5); order=400;new Game.TieredUpgrade('H-bomb mining','Mines are twice as efficient.Questionable efficiency, but spectacular nonetheless.','Mine',5); order=600;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Chocolate monoliths','Shipments are twice as efficient.My god. It\'s full of chocolate bars.','Shipment',5); order=700;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Aqua crustulae','Alchemy labs are twice as efficient.Careful with the dosing - one drop too much and you get muffins.
And nobody likes muffins.
','Alchemy lab',5); order=800;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Brane transplant','Portals are twice as efficient.This refers to the practice of merging higher dimensional universes, or "branes", with our own, in order to facilitate transit (and harvesting of precious cookie dough).','Portal',5); order=900;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Yestermorrow comparators','Time machines are twice as efficient.Fortnights into milleniums.','Time machine',5); order=1000;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Reverse cyclotrons','Antimatter condensers are twice as efficient.These can uncollision particles and unspin atoms. For... uh... better flavor, and stuff.','Antimatter condenser',5); order=150; new Game.Upgrade('Unobtainium mouse','Clicking gains +1% of your CpS.These nice mice should suffice.',5000000000000,[11,14]);Game.MakeTiered(Game.last,5,11); order=10030; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Caramoas',desc:'Yeah. That\'s got a nice ring to it.',icon:[14,4],require:'Box of brand biscuits',power: 3, price: 9999999999999999}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Sagalongs',desc:'Grandma\'s favorite?',icon:[15,3],require:'Box of brand biscuits',power: 3, price: 9999999999999999}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Shortfoils',desc:'Foiled again!',icon:[15,4],require:'Box of brand biscuits',power: 3, price: 9999999999999999}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Win mints',desc:'They\'re the luckiest cookies you\'ve ever tasted!',icon:[14,3],require:'Box of brand biscuits',power: 3, price: 9999999999999999}); order=40000; new Game.Upgrade('Perfect idling','You keep producing cookies even while the game is closed.It\'s the most beautiful thing I\'ve ever seen.',7,[10,0]);//debug purposes only Game.last.pool='debug'; order=10030; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Fig gluttons',desc:'Got it all figured out.',icon:[17,4],require:'Box of brand biscuits',power: 2, price: 999999999999999*5}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Loreols',desc:'Because, uh... they\'re worth it?',icon:[16,3],require:'Box of brand biscuits',power: 2, price: 999999999999999*5}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Jaffa cakes',desc:'If you want to bake a cookie from scratch, you must first build a factory.',icon:[17,3],require:'Box of brand biscuits',power: 2, price: 999999999999999*5}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Grease\'s cups',desc:'Extra-greasy peanut butter.',icon:[16,4],require:'Box of brand biscuits',power: 2, price: 999999999999999*5}); order=30000; new Game.Upgrade('Heavenly chip secret','Unlocks 5% of the potential of your prestige level.Grants the knowledge of heavenly chips, and how to use them to make baking more efficient.
It\'s a secret to everyone.
',11,[19,7]);Game.last.noPerm=1; new Game.Upgrade('Heavenly cookie stand','Unlocks 25% of the potential of your prestige level.Don\'t forget to visit the heavenly lemonade stand afterwards. When afterlife gives you lemons...',1111,[18,7]);Game.last.noPerm=1; new Game.Upgrade('Heavenly bakery','Unlocks 50% of the potential of your prestige level.Also sells godly cakes and divine pastries. The pretzels aren\'t too bad either.',111111,[17,7]);Game.last.noPerm=1; new Game.Upgrade('Heavenly confectionery','Unlocks 75% of the potential of your prestige level.They say angel bakers work there. They take angel lunch breaks and sometimes go on angel strikes.',11111111,[16,7]);Game.last.noPerm=1; new Game.Upgrade('Heavenly key','Unlocks 100% of the potential of your prestige level.This is the key to the pearly (and tasty) gates of pastry heaven, granting you access to your entire stockpile of heavenly chips for baking purposes.
May you use them wisely.
',1111111111,[15,7]);Game.last.noPerm=1; order=10100; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Skull cookies',desc:'Wanna know something spooky? You\'ve got one of these inside your head RIGHT NOW.',locked:1,icon:[12,8],power: 2, price: 444444444444}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Ghost cookies',desc:'They\'re something strange, but they look pretty good!',locked:1,icon:[13,8],power: 2, price: 444444444444}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Bat cookies',desc:'The cookies this town deserves.',locked:1,icon:[14,8],power: 2, price: 444444444444}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Slime cookies',desc:'The incredible melting cookies!',locked:1,icon:[15,8],power: 2, price: 444444444444}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Pumpkin cookies',desc:'Not even pumpkin-flavored. Tastes like glazing. Yeugh.',locked:1,icon:[16,8],power: 2, price: 444444444444}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Eyeball cookies',desc:'When you stare into the cookie, the cookie stares back at you.',locked:1,icon:[17,8],power: 2, price: 444444444444}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Spider cookies',desc:'You found the recipe on the web. They do whatever a cookie can.',locked:1,icon:[18,8],power: 2, price: 444444444444}); Game.halloweenDrops=['Skull cookies','Ghost cookies','Bat cookies','Slime cookies','Pumpkin cookies','Eyeball cookies','Spider cookies']; Game.GetHowManyHalloweenDrops=function() { var num=0; for (var i in Game.halloweenDrops) {if (Game.Has(Game.halloweenDrops[i])) num++;} return num; } /*for (var i in Game.halloweenDrops) { Game.Upgrades[Game.halloweenDrops[i]].descFunc=function(){return '
You currently own '+Game.GetHowManyHalloweenDrops()+'/'+Game.halloweenDrops.length+' halloween cookies.
'+this.desc;}; }*/ order=0; new Game.Upgrade('Persistent memory','Subsequent research will be 10 times as fast.It\'s all making sense!
',500,[9,2]);Game.last.pool='prestige'; order=40000; new Game.Upgrade('Wrinkler doormat','Wrinklers spawn much more frequently.You\'re such a pushover.',7,[19,8]);//debug purposes only Game.last.pool='debug'; order=10200; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Christmas tree biscuits',desc:'Whose pine is it anyway?',locked:1,icon:[12,10],power:2,price: 252525252525}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Snowflake biscuits',desc:'Mass-produced to be unique in every way.',locked:1,icon:[13,10],power:2,price: 252525252525}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Snowman biscuits',desc:'It\'s frosted. Doubly so.',locked:1,icon:[14,10],power:2,price: 252525252525}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Holly biscuits',desc:'You don\'t smooch under these ones. That would be the mistletoe (which, botanically, is a smellier variant of the mistlefinger).',locked:1,icon:[15,10],power:2,price: 252525252525}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Candy cane biscuits',desc:'It\'s two treats in one!
(Further inspection reveals the frosting does not actually taste like peppermint, but like mundane sugary frosting.)',locked:1,icon:[16,10],power:2,price: 252525252525}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Bell biscuits',desc:'What do these even have to do with christmas? Who cares, ring them in!',locked:1,icon:[17,10],power:2,price: 252525252525}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Present biscuits',desc:'The prequel to future biscuits. Watch out!',locked:1,icon:[18,10],power:2,price: 252525252525}); order=10020; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Gingerbread men',desc:'You like to bite the legs off first, right? How about tearing off the arms? You sick monster.',icon:[18,4],power: 2,price: 9999999999999999}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Gingerbread trees',desc:'Evergreens in pastry form. Yule be surprised what you can come up with.',icon:[18,3],power: 2,price: 9999999999999999}); order=25000; new Game.Upgrade('A festive hat','Unlocks... something.Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.',25,[19,9],function() { var drop=choose(Game.santaDrops); Game.Unlock(drop); if (Game.prefs.popups) Game.Popup('In the festive hat, you find...
a festive test tube
and '+drop+'.'); else Game.Notify('In the festive hat, you find...','a festive test tube
and '+drop+'.',Game.Upgrades[drop].icon); }); new Game.Upgrade('Increased merriness','Cookie production multiplier +15%.
Cost scales with Santa level.It turns out that the key to increased merriness, strangely enough, happens to be a good campfire and some s\'mores.
You know what they say, after all; the s\'more, the merrier.
',2525,[17,9]); new Game.Upgrade('Improved jolliness','Cookie production multiplier +15%.
Cost scales with Santa level.A nice wobbly belly goes a long way.
You jolly?
',2525,[17,9]); new Game.Upgrade('A lump of coal','Cookie production multiplier +1%.
Cost scales with Santa level.Some of the world\'s worst stocking stuffing.
I guess you could try starting your own little industrial revolution, or something?...
',2525,[13,9]); new Game.Upgrade('An itchy sweater','Cookie production multiplier +1%.
Cost scales with Santa level.You don\'t know what\'s worse : the embarrassingly quaint "elf on reindeer" motif, or the fact that wearing it makes you feel like you\'re wrapped in a dead sasquatch.',2525,[14,9]); new Game.Upgrade('Reindeer baking grounds','Reindeer appear twice as frequently.
Cost scales with Santa level.Male reindeer are from Mars; female reindeer are from venison.',2525,[12,9]); new Game.Upgrade('Weighted sleighs','Reindeer are twice as slow.
Cost scales with Santa level.Hope it was worth the weight.
(Something something forced into cervidude)
',2525,[12,9]); new Game.Upgrade('Ho ho ho-flavored frosting','Reindeer give twice as much.
Cost scales with Santa level.It\'s time to up the antler.',2525,[12,9]); new Game.Upgrade('Season savings','All buildings are 1% cheaper.
Cost scales with Santa level.By Santa\'s beard, what savings!
But who will save us?
',2525,[16,9],function(){Game.storeToRefresh=1;}); new Game.Upgrade('Toy workshop','All upgrades are 5% cheaper.
Cost scales with Santa level.Watch yours-elf around elvesdroppers who might steal our production secrets.
Or elven worse!
',2525,[16,9],function(){Game.upgradesToRebuild=1;}); new Game.Upgrade('Naughty list','Grandmas are twice as productive.
Cost scales with Santa level.This list contains every unholy deed perpetuated by grandmakind.
He won\'t be checking this one twice.
Once. Once is enough.
',2525,[15,9]); new Game.Upgrade('Santa\'s bottomless bag','Random drops are 10% more common.
Cost scales with Santa level.This is one bottom you can\'t check out.',2525,[19,9]); new Game.Upgrade('Santa\'s helpers','Clicking is 10% more powerful.
Cost scales with Santa level.Some choose to help hamburger; some choose to help you.
To each their own, I guess.
',2525,[19,9]); new Game.Upgrade('Santa\'s legacy','Cookie production multiplier +3% per Santa\'s levels.
Cost scales with Santa level.In the north pole, you gotta get the elves first. Then when you get the elves, you start making the toys. Then when you get the toys... then you get the cookies.',2525,[19,9]); new Game.Upgrade('Santa\'s milk and cookies','Milk is 5% more powerful.
Cost scales with Santa level.Part of Santa\'s dreadfully unbalanced diet.',2525,[19,9]); order=40000; new Game.Upgrade('Reindeer season','Reindeer spawn much more frequently.Go, Cheater! Go, Hacker and Faker!',7,[12,9]);//debug purposes only Game.last.pool='debug'; order=25000; new Game.Upgrade('Santa\'s dominion','Cookie production multiplier +20%.
All buildings are 1% cheaper.
All upgrades are 2% cheaper.My name is Claus, king of kings;
Look on my toys, ye Mighty, and despair!
',2525252525252525,[19,10],function(){Game.storeToRefresh=1;}); order=10300; var heartPower=function(){ var pow=2; if (Game.Has('Starlove')) pow=3; if (Game.hasGod) { var godLvl=Game.hasGod('seasons'); if (godLvl==1) pow*=1.3; else if (godLvl==2) pow*=1.2; else if (godLvl==3) pow*=1.1; } return pow; }; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Pure heart biscuits',desc:'Melty white chocolate
that says "I *like* like you".',season:'valentines',icon:[19,3], power:heartPower,price: 1000000}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Ardent heart biscuits',desc:'A red hot cherry biscuit that will nudge the target of your affection in interesting directions.',require:Game.last.name,season:'valentines',icon:[20,3], power:heartPower,price: 1000000000}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Sour heart biscuits',desc:'A bitter lime biscuit for the lonely and the heart-broken.',require:Game.last.name,season:'valentines',icon:[20,4], power:heartPower,price: 1000000000000}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Weeping heart biscuits',desc:'An ice-cold blueberry biscuit, symbol of a mending heart.',require:Game.last.name,season:'valentines',icon:[21,3], power:heartPower,price: 1000000000000000}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Golden heart biscuits',desc:'A beautiful biscuit to symbolize kindness, true love, and sincerity.',require:Game.last.name,season:'valentines',icon:[21,4], power:heartPower,price: 1000000000000000000}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Eternal heart biscuits',desc:'Silver icing for a very special someone you\'ve liked for a long, long time.',require:Game.last.name,season:'valentines',icon:[19,4], power:heartPower,price: 1000000000000000000000}); Game.heartDrops=['Pure heart biscuits','Ardent heart biscuits','Sour heart biscuits','Weeping heart biscuits','Golden heart biscuits','Eternal heart biscuits','Prism heart biscuits']; Game.GetHowManyHeartDrops=function() { var num=0; for (var i in Game.heartDrops) {if (Game.Has(Game.heartDrops[i])) num++;} return num; } /*for (var i in Game.heartDrops) { Game.Upgrades[Game.heartDrops[i]].descFunc=function(){return '
You currently own '+Game.GetHowManyHeartDrops()+'/'+Game.heartDrops.length+' heart biscuits.
'+this.desc;}; }*/ order=1100; new Game.TieredUpgrade('Gem polish','Prisms are twice as efficient.Get rid of the grime and let more light in.
Truly, truly outrageous.
','Prism',1); new Game.TieredUpgrade('9th color','Prisms are twice as efficient.Delve into untouched optical depths where even the mantis shrimp hasn\'t set an eye!','Prism',2); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Chocolate light','Prisms are twice as efficient.Bask into its cocoalescence.
(Warning : may cause various interesting albeit deadly skin conditions.)
','Prism',3); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Grainbow','Prisms are twice as efficient.Remember the different grains using the handy Roy G. Biv mnemonic : R is for rice, O is for oats... uh, B for barley?...','Prism',4); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Pure cosmic light','Prisms are twice as efficient.Your prisms now receive pristine, unadulterated photons from the other end of the universe.','Prism',5); order=255; Game.GrandmaSynergy('Rainbow grandmas','A luminous grandma to sparkle into cookies.','Prism'); order=24000; Game.seasonTriggerBasePrice=1000000000;//1111111111; new Game.Upgrade('Season switcher','Allows you to trigger seasonal events at will, for a price.There will always be time.',1111,[16,6],function(){for (var i in Game.seasons){Game.Unlock(Game.seasons[i].trigger);}});Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Heralds']; new Game.Upgrade('Festive biscuit','Triggers Christmas season for the next 24 hours.
Triggering another season will cancel this one.
Cost scales with unbuffed CpS and increases with every season switch.\'Twas the night before Christmas- or was it?',Game.seasonTriggerBasePrice,[12,10]);Game.last.season='christmas';Game.last.pool='toggle'; new Game.Upgrade('Ghostly biscuit','Triggers Halloween season for the next 24 hours.
Triggering another season will cancel this one.
Cost scales with unbuffed CpS and increases with every season switch.spooky scary skeletons
will wake you with a boo
',Game.seasonTriggerBasePrice,[13,8]);Game.last.season='halloween';Game.last.pool='toggle'; new Game.Upgrade('Lovesick biscuit','Triggers Valentine\'s Day season for the next 24 hours.
Triggering another season will cancel this one.
Cost scales with unbuffed CpS and increases with every season switch.Romance never goes out of fashion.',Game.seasonTriggerBasePrice,[20,3]);Game.last.season='valentines';Game.last.pool='toggle'; new Game.Upgrade('Fool\'s biscuit','Triggers Business Day season for the next 24 hours.
Triggering another season will cancel this one.
Cost scales with unbuffed CpS and increases with every season switch.Business. Serious business. This is absolutely all of your business.',Game.seasonTriggerBasePrice,[17,6]);Game.last.season='fools';Game.last.pool='toggle'; order=40000; new Game.Upgrade('Eternal seasons','Seasons now last forever.Season to taste.',7,[16,6],function(){for (var i in Game.seasons){Game.Unlock(Game.seasons[i].trigger);}});//debug purposes only Game.last.pool='debug'; order=20000; new Game.Upgrade('Kitten managers','You gain more CpS the more milk you have.that\'s not gonna paws any problem, sir',900000000000000000000,Game.GetIcon('Kitten',5));Game.last.kitten=1;Game.MakeTiered(Game.last,5,18); order=100; new Game.Upgrade('Septillion fingers','Multiplies the gain from Thousand fingers by 20.[cursory flavor text]',10000000000000000000,[12,20]);Game.MakeTiered(Game.last,11,0); new Game.Upgrade('Octillion fingers','Multiplies the gain from Thousand fingers by 20.Turns out you can quite put your finger on it.',10000000000000000000000,[12,19]);Game.MakeTiered(Game.last,12,0); order=150;new Game.Upgrade('Eludium mouse','Clicking gains +1% of your CpS.I rodent do that if I were you.',500000000000000,[11,15]);Game.MakeTiered(Game.last,6,11); new Game.Upgrade('Wishalloy mouse','Clicking gains +1% of your CpS.Clicking is fine and dandy, but don\'t smash your mouse over it. Get your game on. Go play.',50000000000000000,[11,16]);Game.MakeTiered(Game.last,7,11); order=200;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Aging agents','Grandmas are twice as efficient.Counter-intuitively, grandmas have the uncanny ability to become more powerful the older they get.','Grandma',6); order=300;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Pulsar sprinklers','Farms are twice as efficient.There\'s no such thing as over-watering. The moistest is the bestest.','Farm',6); order=500;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Deep-bake process','Factories are twice as efficient.A patented process increasing cookie yield two-fold for the same amount of ingredients. Don\'t ask how, don\'t take pictures, and be sure to wear your protective suit.','Factory',6); order=400;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Coreforge','Mines are twice as efficient.You\'ve finally dug a tunnel down to the Earth\'s core. It\'s pretty warm down here.','Mine',6); order=600;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Generation ship','Shipments are twice as efficient.Built to last, this humongous spacecraft will surely deliver your cookies to the deep ends of space, one day.','Shipment',6); order=700;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Origin crucible','Alchemy labs are twice as efficient.Built from the rarest of earths and located at the very deepest of the largest mountain, this legendary crucible is said to retain properties from the big-bang itself.','Alchemy lab',6); order=800;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Deity-sized portals','Portals are twice as efficient.It\'s almost like, say, an elder god could fit through this thing now. Hypothetically.','Portal',6); order=900;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Far future enactment','Time machines are twice as efficient.The far future enactment authorizes you to delve deep into the future - where civilization has fallen and risen again, and cookies are plentiful.','Time machine',6); order=1000;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Nanocosmics','Antimatter condensers are twice as efficient.The theory of nanocosmics posits that each subatomic particle is in fact its own self-contained universe, holding unfathomable amounts of energy.
This somehow stacks with the nested universe theory, because physics.
','Antimatter condenser',6); order=1100; new Game.TieredUpgrade('Glow-in-the-dark','Prisms are twice as efficient.Your prisms now glow in the dark, effectively doubling their output!','Prism',6); order=10032; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Rose macarons',desc:'Although an odd flavor, these pastries recently rose in popularity.',icon:[22,3],require:'Box of macarons', power:3,price: 9999}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Lemon macarons',desc:'Tastefully sour, delightful treats.',icon:[23,3],require:'Box of macarons', power:3,price: 9999999}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Chocolate macarons',desc:'They\'re like tiny sugary burgers!',icon:[24,3],require:'Box of macarons', power:3,price: 9999999999}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Pistachio macarons',desc:'Pistachio shells now removed after multiple complaints.',icon:[22,4],require:'Box of macarons', power:3,price: 9999999999999}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Hazelnut macarons',desc:'These go especially well with coffee.',icon:[23,4],require:'Box of macarons', power:3,price: 9999999999999999}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Violet macarons',desc:'It\'s like spraying perfume into your mouth!',icon:[24,4],require:'Box of macarons', power:3,price: 9999999999999999999}); order=40000; new Game.Upgrade('Magic shenanigans','Cookie production multiplied by 1,000.It\'s magic. I ain\'t gotta explain sh
',7,[17,5]);//debug purposes only Game.last.pool='debug'; order=24000; new Game.Upgrade('Bunny biscuit','Triggers Easter season for the next 24 hours.
Triggering another season will cancel this one.
Cost scales with unbuffed CpS and increases with every season switch.All the world will be your enemy
and when they catch you,
they will kill you...
but first they must catch you.
',Game.seasonTriggerBasePrice,[0,12]);Game.last.season='easter';Game.last.pool='toggle'; var eggPrice=999999999999; var eggPrice2=99999999999999; new Game.Upgrade('Chicken egg','Cookie production multiplier +1%.
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.The egg. The egg came first. Get over it.',eggPrice,[1,12]); new Game.Upgrade('Duck egg','Cookie production multiplier +1%.
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.Then he waddled away.',eggPrice,[2,12]); new Game.Upgrade('Turkey egg','Cookie production multiplier +1%.
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.These hatch into strange, hand-shaped creatures.',eggPrice,[3,12]); new Game.Upgrade('Quail egg','Cookie production multiplier +1%.
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.These eggs are positively tiny. I mean look at them. How does this happen? Whose idea was that?',eggPrice,[4,12]); new Game.Upgrade('Robin egg','Cookie production multiplier +1%.
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.Holy azure-hued shelled embryos!',eggPrice,[5,12]); new Game.Upgrade('Ostrich egg','Cookie production multiplier +1%.
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.One of the largest eggs in the world. More like ostrouch, am I right?
',eggPrice,[6,12]); new Game.Upgrade('Cassowary egg','Cookie production multiplier +1%.
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.The cassowary is taller than you, possesses murderous claws and can easily outrun you.
You\'d do well to be casso-wary of them.
',eggPrice,[7,12]); new Game.Upgrade('Salmon roe','Cookie production multiplier +1%.
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.Do the impossible, see the invisible.
Roe roe, fight the power?
',eggPrice,[8,12]); new Game.Upgrade('Frogspawn','Cookie production multiplier +1%.
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.I was going to make a pun about how these "toadally look like eyeballs", but froget it.',eggPrice,[9,12]); new Game.Upgrade('Shark egg','Cookie production multiplier +1%.
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.HELLO IS THIS FOOD?
',eggPrice,[10,12]); new Game.Upgrade('Turtle egg','Cookie production multiplier +1%.
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.Turtles, right? Hatch from shells. Grow into shells. What\'s up with that?
Now for my skit about airplane food.
',eggPrice,[11,12]); new Game.Upgrade('Ant larva','Cookie production multiplier +1%.
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.These are a delicacy in some countries, I swear. You will let these invade your digestive tract, and you will derive great pleasure from it.
And all will be well.
',eggPrice,[12,12]); new Game.Upgrade('Golden goose egg','Golden cookies appear 5% more often.
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.The sole vestige of a tragic tale involving misguided investments.',eggPrice2,[13,12]); new Game.Upgrade('Faberge egg','All buildings and upgrades are 1% cheaper.
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.This outrageous egg is definitely fab.',eggPrice2,[14,12],function(){Game.storeToRefresh=1;}); new Game.Upgrade('Wrinklerspawn','Wrinklers explode into 5% more cookies.
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.Look at this little guy! It\'s gonna be a big boy someday! Yes it is!',eggPrice2,[15,12]); new Game.Upgrade('Cookie egg','Clicking is 10% more powerful.
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.The shell appears to be chipped.
I wonder what\'s inside this one!
',eggPrice2,[16,12]); new Game.Upgrade('Omelette','Other eggs appear 10% more frequently.
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.Fromage not included.',eggPrice2,[17,12]); new Game.Upgrade('Chocolate egg','Contains a lot of cookies.
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.Laid by the elusive cocoa bird. There\'s a surprise inside!',eggPrice2,[18,12],function() { var cookies=Game.cookies*0.05; if (Game.prefs.popups) Game.Popup('The chocolate egg bursts into
'+Beautify(cookies)+'!'); else Game.Notify('Chocolate egg','The egg bursts into '+Beautify(cookies)+' cookies!',Game.Upgrades['Chocolate egg'].icon); Game.Earn(cookies); }); new Game.Upgrade('Century egg','You continually gain more CpS the longer you\'ve played in the current ascension.
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.Actually not centuries-old. This one isn\'t a day over 86!',eggPrice2,[19,12]); Game.last.descFunc=function(){ var day=Math.floor((Date.now()-Game.startDate)/1000/10)*10/60/60/24; day=Math.min(day,100); var n=(1-Math.pow(1-day/100,3))*0.1; return '
Current boost : +'+Beautify(n*100,1)+'%
'+this.desc; }; new Game.Upgrade('"egg"','+9 CpShey it\'s "egg"',eggPrice2,[20,12]); Game.easterEggs=['Chicken egg','Duck egg','Turkey egg','Quail egg','Robin egg','Ostrich egg','Cassowary egg','Salmon roe','Frogspawn','Shark egg','Turtle egg','Ant larva','Golden goose egg','Faberge egg','Wrinklerspawn','Cookie egg','Omelette','Chocolate egg','Century egg','"egg"']; Game.eggDrops=['Chicken egg','Duck egg','Turkey egg','Quail egg','Robin egg','Ostrich egg','Cassowary egg','Salmon roe','Frogspawn','Shark egg','Turtle egg','Ant larva']; Game.rareEggDrops=['Golden goose egg','Faberge egg','Wrinklerspawn','Cookie egg','Omelette','Chocolate egg','Century egg','"egg"']; Game.GetHowManyEggs=function() { var num=0; for (var i in Game.easterEggs) {if (Game.Has(Game.easterEggs[i])) num++;} return num; } for (var i in Game.eggDrops)//scale egg prices to how many eggs you have {Game.Upgrades[Game.eggDrops[i]].priceFunc=function(){return Math.pow(2,Game.GetHowManyEggs())*999;}} //{Game.Upgrades[Game.eggDrops[i]].priceFunc=function(){return Math.pow(Game.GetHowManyEggs()+1,2)*Game.cookiesPs*60*5;}} for (var i in Game.rareEggDrops) {Game.Upgrades[Game.rareEggDrops[i]].priceFunc=function(){return Math.pow(3,Game.GetHowManyEggs())*999;}} //{Game.Upgrades[Game.rareEggDrops[i]].priceFunc=function(){return Math.pow(Game.GetHowManyEggs()+1,3)*Game.cookiesPs*60*5;}} /*for (var i in Game.easterEggs) { Game.Upgrades[Game.easterEggs[i]].descFunc=function(){return '
You currently own '+Game.GetHowManyEggs()+'/'+Game.easterEggs.length+' eggs.
'+this.desc;}; }*/ Game.DropEgg=function(failRate) { failRate*=1/Game.dropRateMult(); if (Game.season!='easter') return; if (Game.HasAchiev('Hide & seek champion')) failRate*=0.7; if (Game.Has('Omelette')) failRate*=0.9; if (Game.Has('Starspawn')) failRate*=0.9; if (Game.hasGod) { var godLvl=Game.hasGod('seasons'); if (godLvl==1) failRate*=0.9; else if (godLvl==2) failRate*=0.95; else if (godLvl==3) failRate*=0.97; } if (Math.random()>=failRate) { var drop=''; if (Math.random()<0.1) drop=choose(Game.rareEggDrops); else drop=choose(Game.eggDrops); if (Game.Has(drop) || Game.HasUnlocked(drop))//reroll if we have it { if (Math.random()<0.1) drop=choose(Game.rareEggDrops); else drop=choose(Game.eggDrops); } if (Game.Has(drop) || Game.HasUnlocked(drop)) return; Game.Unlock(drop); if (Game.prefs.popups) Game.Popup('You find :
'+drop+'!'); else Game.Notify('You found an egg!',''+drop+'',Game.Upgrades[drop].icon); } }; order=10032; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Caramel macarons',desc:'The saltiest, chewiest of them all.',icon:[25,3],require:'Box of macarons', power:3,price: 9999999999999999999999}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Licorice macarons',desc:'Also known as "blackarons".',icon:[25,4],require:'Box of macarons', power:3,price: 9999999999999999999999999}); order=525; new Game.TieredUpgrade('Taller tellers','Banks are twice as efficient.Able to process a higher amount of transactions. Careful though, as taller tellers tell tall tales.','Bank',1); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Scissor-resistant credit cards','Banks are twice as efficient.For those truly valued customers.','Bank',2); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Acid-proof vaults','Banks are twice as efficient.You know what they say : better safe than sorry.','Bank',3); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Chocolate coins','Banks are twice as efficient.This revolutionary currency is much easier to melt from and into ingots - and tastes much better, for a change.','Bank',4); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Exponential interest rates','Banks are twice as efficient.Can\'t argue with mathematics! Now fork it over.','Bank',5); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Financial zen','Banks are twice as efficient.The ultimate grail of economic thought; the feng shui of big money, the stock market yoga - the Heimlich maneuver of dimes and nickels.','Bank',6); order=550; new Game.TieredUpgrade('Golden idols','Temples are twice as efficient.Lure even greedier adventurers to retrieve your cookies. Now that\'s a real idol game!','Temple',1); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Sacrifices','Temples are twice as efficient.What\'s a life to a gigaton of cookies?','Temple',2); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Delicious blessing','Temples are twice as efficient.And lo, the Baker\'s almighty spoon came down and distributed holy gifts unto the believers - shimmering sugar, and chocolate dark as night, and all manner of wheats. And boy let me tell you, that party was mighty gnarly.','Temple',3); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Sun festival','Temples are twice as efficient.Free the primordial powers of your temples with these annual celebrations involving fire-breathers, traditional dancing, ritual beheadings and other merriments!','Temple',4); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Enlarged pantheon','Temples are twice as efficient.Enough spiritual inadequacy! More divinities than you\'ll ever need, or your money back! 100% guaranteed!','Temple',5); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Great Baker in the sky','Temples are twice as efficient.This is it. The ultimate deity has finally cast Their sublimely divine eye upon your operation; whether this is a good thing or possibly the end of days is something you should find out very soon.','Temple',6); order=575; new Game.TieredUpgrade('Pointier hats','Wizard towers are twice as efficient.Tests have shown increased thaumic receptivity relative to the geometric proportions of wizardly conic implements.','Wizard tower',1); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Beardlier beards','Wizard towers are twice as efficient.Haven\'t you heard? The beard is the word.','Wizard tower',2); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Ancient grimoires','Wizard towers are twice as efficient.Contain interesting spells such as "Turn Water To Drool", "Grow Eyebrows On Furniture" and "Summon Politician".','Wizard tower',3); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Kitchen curses','Wizard towers are twice as efficient.Exotic magic involved in all things pastry-related. Hexcellent!','Wizard tower',4); new Game.TieredUpgrade('School of sorcery','Wizard towers are twice as efficient.This cookie-funded academy of witchcraft is home to the 4 prestigious houses of magic : the Jocks, the Nerds, the Preps, and the Deathmunchers.','Wizard tower',5); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Dark formulas','Wizard towers are twice as efficient.Eldritch forces are at work behind these spells - you get the feeling you really shouldn\'t be messing with those. But I mean, free cookies, right?','Wizard tower',6); order=250; Game.GrandmaSynergy('Banker grandmas','A nice banker to cash in more cookies.','Bank'); Game.GrandmaSynergy('Priestess grandmas','A nice priestess to praise the one true Baker in the sky.','Temple'); Game.GrandmaSynergy('Witch grandmas','A nice witch to cast a zip, and a zoop, and poof! Cookies.','Wizard tower'); order=0; new Game.Upgrade('Tin of british tea biscuits','Contains an assortment of fancy biscuits.Every time is tea time.',25,[21,8]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Heavenly cookies']; new Game.Upgrade('Box of macarons','Contains an assortment of macarons.Multicolored delicacies filled with various kinds of jam.
Not to be confused with macaroons, macaroni, macarena or any of that nonsense.
',25,[20,8]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Heavenly cookies']; new Game.Upgrade('Box of brand biscuits','Contains an assortment of popular biscuits.They\'re brand new!',25,[20,9]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Heavenly cookies']; order=10020; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Pure black chocolate cookies',desc:'Dipped in a lab-made substance darker than the darkest cocoa (dubbed "chocoalate").',icon:[26,3],power: 5,price: 9999999999999999*5}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Pure white chocolate cookies',desc:'Elaborated on the nano-scale, the coating on this biscuit is able to refract light even in a pitch-black environment.',icon:[26,4],power: 5,price: 9999999999999999*5}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Ladyfingers',desc:'Cleaned and sanitized so well you\'d swear they\'re actual biscuits.',icon:[27,3],power: 3,price: 99999999999999999}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Tuiles',desc:'These never go out of tile.',icon:[27,4],power: 3,price: 99999999999999999*5}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Chocolate-stuffed biscuits',desc:'A princely snack!
The holes are so the chocolate stuffing can breathe.',icon:[28,3],power: 3,price: 999999999999999999}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Checker cookies',desc:'A square cookie? This solves so many storage and packaging problems! You\'re a genius!',icon:[28,4],power: 3,price: 999999999999999999*5}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Butter cookies',desc:'These melt right off your mouth and into your heart. (Let\'s face it, they\'re rather fattening.)',icon:[29,3],power: 3,price: 9999999999999999999}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Cream cookies',desc:'It\'s like two chocolate chip cookies! But brought together with the magic of cream! It\'s fiendishly perfect!',icon:[29,4],power: 3,price: 9999999999999999999*5}); order=0; var desc='Placing an upgrade in this slot will make its effects permanent across all playthroughs.'; new Game.Upgrade('Permanent upgrade slot I',desc, 100,[0,10]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.iconFunction=function(){return Game.PermanentSlotIcon(0);};Game.last.activateFunction=function(){Game.AssignPermanentSlot(0);}; new Game.Upgrade('Permanent upgrade slot II',desc, 20000,[1,10]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Permanent upgrade slot I'];Game.last.iconFunction=function(){return Game.PermanentSlotIcon(1);};Game.last.activateFunction=function(){Game.AssignPermanentSlot(1);}; new Game.Upgrade('Permanent upgrade slot III',desc, 3000000,[2,10]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Permanent upgrade slot II'];Game.last.iconFunction=function(){return Game.PermanentSlotIcon(2);};Game.last.activateFunction=function(){Game.AssignPermanentSlot(2);}; new Game.Upgrade('Permanent upgrade slot IV',desc, 400000000,[3,10]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Permanent upgrade slot III'];Game.last.iconFunction=function(){return Game.PermanentSlotIcon(3);};Game.last.activateFunction=function(){Game.AssignPermanentSlot(3);}; new Game.Upgrade('Permanent upgrade slot V',desc, 50000000000,[4,10]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Permanent upgrade slot IV'];Game.last.iconFunction=function(){return Game.PermanentSlotIcon(4);};Game.last.activateFunction=function(){Game.AssignPermanentSlot(4);}; var slots=['Permanent upgrade slot I','Permanent upgrade slot II','Permanent upgrade slot III','Permanent upgrade slot IV','Permanent upgrade slot V']; for (var i=0;iClick to activate.'); var upgrade=Game.UpgradesById[Game.permanentUpgrades[i]]; return '
'+'Current :
Click to activate.'); };}(i); } Game.PermanentSlotIcon=function(slot) { if (Game.permanentUpgrades[slot]==-1) return [slot,10]; return Game.UpgradesById[Game.permanentUpgrades[slot]].icon; } Game.AssignPermanentSlot=function(slot) { PlaySound('snd/tick.mp3'); Game.tooltip.hide(); var list=[]; for (var i in Game.Upgrades) { var me=Game.Upgrades[i]; if (me.bought && me.unlocked && !me.noPerm && (me.pool=='' || me.pool=='cookie')) { var fail=0; for (var ii in Game.permanentUpgrades) {if (Game.permanentUpgrades[ii]==me.id) fail=1;}//check if not already in another permaslot if (!fail) list.push(me); } } var sortMap=function(a,b) { if (a.order>b.order) return 1; else if (a.orderPick an upgrade to make permanent'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
Here are all the upgrades you\'ve purchased last playthrough.
Pick one to permanently gain its effects!
You can reassign this slot anytime you ascend.
' ,[['Confirm','Game.permanentUpgrades['+slot+']=Game.SelectingPermanentUpgrade;Game.BuildAscendTree();Game.ClosePrompt();'],'Cancel'],0,'widePrompt'); } Game.SelectingPermanentUpgrade=-1; Game.PutUpgradeInPermanentSlot=function(upgrade,slot) { Game.SelectingPermanentUpgrade=upgrade; l('upgradeToSlotWrap').innerHTML=''; l('upgradeToSlotWrap').style.display=(upgrade==-1?'none':'block'); l('upgradeToSlotNone').style.display=(upgrade!=-1?'none':'block'); l('upgradeToSlotWrap').innerHTML=(Game.crate(Game.UpgradesById[upgrade==-1?0:upgrade],'','','upgradeToSlot')); } new Game.Upgrade('Starspawn','Eggs drop 10% more often.
Golden cookies appear 2% more often during Easter.',111111,[0,12]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Season switcher']; new Game.Upgrade('Starsnow','Christmas cookies drop 5% more often.
Reindeer appear 5% more often.',111111,[12,9]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Season switcher']; new Game.Upgrade('Starterror','Spooky cookies drop 10% more often.
Golden cookies appear 2% more often during Halloween.',111111,[13,8]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Season switcher']; new Game.Upgrade('Starlove','Heart cookies are 50% more powerful.
Golden cookies appear 2% more often during Valentines.',111111,[20,3]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Season switcher']; new Game.Upgrade('Startrade','Golden cookies appear 5% more often during Business day.',111111,[17,6]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Season switcher']; var angelPriceFactor=7; var desc=function(percent,total){return 'You gain another +'+percent+'% of your regular CpS while the game is closed, for a total of '+total+'%.';} new Game.Upgrade('Angels',desc(10,15)+'Lowest-ranking at the first sphere of pastry heaven, angels are tasked with delivering new recipes to the mortals they deem worthy.',Math.pow(angelPriceFactor,1),[0,11]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Twin Gates of Transcendence']; new Game.Upgrade('Archangels',desc(10,25)+'Members of the first sphere of pastry heaven, archangels are responsible for the smooth functioning of the world\'s largest bakeries.',Math.pow(angelPriceFactor,2),[1,11]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Angels']; new Game.Upgrade('Virtues',desc(10,35)+'Found at the second sphere of pastry heaven, virtues make use of their heavenly strength to push and drag the stars of the cosmos.',Math.pow(angelPriceFactor,3),[2,11]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Archangels']; new Game.Upgrade('Dominions',desc(10,45)+'Ruling over the second sphere of pastry heaven, dominions hold a managerial position and are in charge of accounting and regulating schedules.',Math.pow(angelPriceFactor,4),[3,11]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Virtues']; new Game.Upgrade('Cherubim',desc(10,55)+'Sieging at the first sphere of pastry heaven, the four-faced cherubim serve as heavenly bouncers and bodyguards.',Math.pow(angelPriceFactor,5),[4,11]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Dominions']; new Game.Upgrade('Seraphim',desc(10,65)+'Leading the first sphere of pastry heaven, seraphim possess ultimate knowledge of everything pertaining to baking.',Math.pow(angelPriceFactor,6),[5,11]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Cherubim']; new Game.Upgrade('God',desc(10,75)+'Like Santa, but less fun.',Math.pow(angelPriceFactor,7),[6,11]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Seraphim']; new Game.Upgrade('Twin Gates of Transcendence','You now keep making cookies while the game is closed, at the rate of 5% of your regular CpS and up to 1 hour after the game is closed.
(Beyond 1 hour, this is reduced by a further 90% - your rate goes down to 0.5% of your CpS.)This is one occasion you\'re always underdressed for. Don\'t worry, just rush in past the bouncer and pretend you know people.',1,[15,11]);Game.last.pool='prestige'; new Game.Upgrade('Heavenly luck','Golden cookies appear 5% more often.Someone up there likes you.',77,[22,6]);Game.last.pool='prestige'; new Game.Upgrade('Lasting fortune','Golden cookies effects last 10% longer.This isn\'t your average everyday luck. This is... advanced luck.',777,[23,6]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Heavenly luck']; new Game.Upgrade('Decisive fate','Golden cookies stay 5% longer.Life just got a bit more intense.',7777,[10,14]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Lasting fortune']; new Game.Upgrade('Divine discount','Buildings are 1% cheaper.Someone special deserves a special price.',99999,[21,7]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Decisive fate']; new Game.Upgrade('Divine sales','Upgrades are 1% cheaper.Everything must go!',99999,[18,7]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Decisive fate']; new Game.Upgrade('Divine bakeries','Cookie upgrades are 5 times cheaper.They sure know what they\'re doing.',399999,[17,7]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Divine sales','Divine discount']; new Game.Upgrade('Starter kit','You start with 10 cursors.This can come in handy.',50,[0,14]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Tin of british tea biscuits','Box of macarons','Box of brand biscuits','Tin of butter cookies']; new Game.Upgrade('Starter kitchen','You start with 5 grandmas.Where did these come from?',5000,[1,14]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Starter kit']; new Game.Upgrade('Halo gloves','Clicks are 10% more powerful.Smite that cookie.',55555,[22,7]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Starter kit']; new Game.Upgrade('Kitten angels','You gain more CpS the more milk you have.All cats go to heaven.',9000,[23,7]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Dominions'];Game.last.kitten=1; new Game.Upgrade('Unholy bait','Wrinklers appear 5 times as fast.No wrinkler can resist the scent of worm biscuits.',44444,[15,12]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Starter kitchen']; new Game.Upgrade('Sacrilegious corruption','Wrinklers regurgitate 5% more cookies.Unique in the animal kingdom, the wrinkler digestive tract is able to withstand an incredible degree of dilation - provided you prod them appropriately.',444444,[19,8]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Unholy bait']; order=200;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Xtreme walkers','Grandmas are twice as efficient.Complete with flame decals and a little horn that goes "toot".','Grandma',7); order=300;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Fudge fungus','Farms are twice as efficient.A sugary parasite whose tendrils help cookie growth.
Please do not breathe in the spores. In case of spore ingestion, seek medical help within the next 36 seconds.
','Farm',7); order=400;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Planetsplitters','Mines are twice as efficient.These new state-of-the-art excavators have been tested on Merula, Globort and Flwanza VI, among other distant planets which have been curiously quiet lately.','Mine',7); order=500;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Cyborg workforce','Factories are twice as efficient.Semi-synthetic organisms don\'t slack off, don\'t unionize, and have 20% shorter lunch breaks, making them ideal labor fodder.','Factory',7); order=525;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Way of the wallet','Banks are twice as efficient.This new monetary school of thought is all the rage on the banking scene; follow its precepts and you may just profit from it.','Bank',7); order=550;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Creation myth','Temples are twice as efficient.Stories have been circulating about the origins of the very first cookie that was ever baked; tales of how it all began, in the Dough beyond time and the Ovens of destiny.','Temple',7); order=575;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Cookiemancy','Wizard towers are twice as efficient.There it is; the perfected school of baking magic. From summoning chips to hexing nuts, there is not a single part of cookie-making that hasn\'t been improved tenfold by magic tricks.','Wizard tower',7); order=600;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Dyson sphere','Shipments are twice as efficient.You\'ve found a way to apply your knowledge of cosmic technology to slightly more local endeavors; this gigantic sphere of meta-materials, wrapping the solar system, is sure to kick your baking abilities up a notch.','Shipment',7); order=700;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Theory of atomic fluidity','Alchemy labs are twice as efficient.Pushing alchemy to its most extreme limits, you find that everything is transmutable into anything else - lead to gold, mercury to water; more importantly, you realize that anything can -and should- be converted to cookies.','Alchemy lab',7); order=800;new Game.TieredUpgrade('End of times back-up plan','Portals are twice as efficient.Just in case, alright?','Portal',7); order=900;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Great loop hypothesis','Time machines are twice as efficient.What if our universe is just one instance of an infinite cycle? What if, before and after it, stretched infinite amounts of the same universe, themselves containing infinite amounts of cookies?','Time machine',7); order=1000;new Game.TieredUpgrade('The Pulse','Antimatter condensers are twice as efficient.You\'ve tapped into the very pulse of the cosmos, a timeless rhythm along which every material and antimaterial thing beats in unison. This, somehow, means more cookies.','Antimatter condenser',7); order=1100; new Game.TieredUpgrade('Lux sanctorum','Prisms are twice as efficient.Your prism attendants have become increasingly mesmerized with something in the light - or maybe something beyond it; beyond us all, perhaps?','Prism',7); order=200;new Game.TieredUpgrade('The Unbridling','Grandmas are twice as efficient.It might be a classic tale of bad parenting, but let\'s see where grandma is going with this.','Grandma',8); order=300;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Wheat triffids','Farms are twice as efficient.Taking care of crops is so much easier when your plants can just walk about and help around the farm.
Do not pet. Do not feed. Do not attempt to converse with.
','Farm',8); order=400;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Canola oil wells','Mines are twice as efficient.A previously untapped resource, canola oil permeates the underground olifers which grant it its particular taste and lucrative properties.','Mine',8); order=500;new Game.TieredUpgrade('78-hour days','Factories are twice as efficient.Why didn\'t we think of this earlier?','Factory',8); order=525;new Game.TieredUpgrade('The stuff rationale','Banks are twice as efficient.If not now, when? If not it, what? If not things... stuff?','Bank',8); order=550;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Theocracy','Temples are twice as efficient.You\'ve turned your cookie empire into a perfect theocracy, gathering the adoration of zillions of followers from every corner of the universe.
Don\'t let it go to your head.
','Temple',8); order=575;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Rabbit trick','Wizard towers are twice as efficient.Using nothing more than a fancy top hat, your wizards have found a way to simultaneously curb rabbit population and produce heaps of extra cookies for basically free!
Resulting cookies may or may not be fit for vegans.
','Wizard tower',8); order=600;new Game.TieredUpgrade('The final frontier','Shipments are twice as efficient.It\'s been a long road, getting from there to here. It\'s all worth it though - the sights are lovely and the oil prices slightly more reasonable.','Shipment',8); order=700;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Beige goo','Alchemy labs are twice as efficient.Well now you\'ve done it. Good job. Very nice. That\'s 3 galaxies you\'ve just converted into cookies. Good thing you can hop from universe to universe.','Alchemy lab',8); order=800;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Maddening chants','Portals are twice as efficient.A popular verse goes like so : "jau\'hn madden jau\'hn madden aeiouaeiouaeiou brbrbrbrbrbrbr"','Portal',8); order=900;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Cookietopian moments of maybe','Time machines are twice as efficient.Reminiscing how things could have been, should have been, will have been.','Time machine',8); order=1000;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Some other super-tiny fundamental particle? Probably?','Antimatter condensers are twice as efficient.When even the universe is running out of ideas, that\'s when you know you\'re nearing the end.','Antimatter condenser',8); order=1100; new Game.TieredUpgrade('Reverse shadows','Prisms are twice as efficient.Oh man, this is really messing with your eyes.','Prism',8); order=20000; new Game.Upgrade('Kitten accountants','You gain more CpS the more milk you have.business going great, sir',900000000000000000000000,Game.GetIcon('Kitten',6));Game.last.kitten=1;Game.MakeTiered(Game.last,6,18); new Game.Upgrade('Kitten specialists','You gain more CpS the more milk you have.optimeowzing your workflow like whoah, sir',900000000000000000000000000,Game.GetIcon('Kitten',7));Game.last.kitten=1;Game.MakeTiered(Game.last,7,18); new Game.Upgrade('Kitten experts','You gain more CpS the more milk you have.10 years expurrrtise in the cookie business, sir',900000000000000000000000000000,Game.GetIcon('Kitten',8));Game.last.kitten=1;Game.MakeTiered(Game.last,8,18); new Game.Upgrade('How to bake your dragon','Allows you to purchase a crumbly egg once you have earned 1 million cookies.A tome full of helpful tips such as "oh god, stay away from it", "why did we buy this thing, it\'s not even house-broken" and "groom twice a week in the direction of the scales".',9,[22,12]);Game.last.pool='prestige'; order=25100; new Game.Upgrade('A crumbly egg','Unlocks the cookie dragon egg.Thank you for adopting this robust, fun-loving cookie dragon! It will bring you years of joy and entertainment.
Keep in a dry and cool place, and away from other house pets. Subscription to home insurance is strongly advised.
',25,[21,12]); new Game.Upgrade('Chimera','Synergy upgrades are 2% cheaper.
You gain another +5% of your regular CpS while the game is closed.
You retain optimal cookie production while the game is closed for 2 more days.More than the sum of its parts.',Math.pow(angelPriceFactor,9),[24,7]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['God','Lucifer','Synergies Vol. II']; new Game.Upgrade('Tin of butter cookies','Contains an assortment of rich butter cookies.Five varieties of danish cookies.
Complete with little paper cups.
',25,[21,9]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Heavenly cookies']; new Game.Upgrade('Golden switch','Unlocks the golden switch, which passively boosts your CpS by 50% but disables golden cookies.Less clicking, more idling.',999,[21,10]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Heavenly luck']; new Game.Upgrade('Classic dairy selection','Unlocks the milk selector, letting you pick which milk is displayed under your cookie.
Comes with a variety of basic flavors.Don\'t have a cow, man.',9,[1,8]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=[]; new Game.Upgrade('Fanciful dairy selection','Contains more exotic flavors for your milk selector.Strong bones for the skeleton army.',1000000,[9,7]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Classic dairy selection']; order=10300; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Dragon cookie',desc:'Imbued with the vigor and vitality of a full-grown cookie dragon, this mystical cookie will embolden your empire for the generations to come.',icon:[10,25],power:5,price:9999999999999999*7,locked:1}); order=40000; new Game.Upgrade('Golden switch [off]','Turning this on will give you a passive +50% CpS, but prevents golden cookies from spawning.
Cost is equal to 1 hour of production.',1000000,[20,10]); Game.last.pool='toggle';Game.last.toggleInto='Golden switch [on]'; Game.last.priceFunc=function(){return Game.cookiesPs*60*60;} var func=function(){ if (Game.Has('Residual luck')) { var bonus=0; var upgrades=Game.goldenCookieUpgrades; for (var i in upgrades) {if (Game.Has(upgrades[i])) bonus++;} return '

The effective boost is +'+Beautify(Math.round(50+bonus*10))+'%
thanks to residual luck
and your '+bonus+' golden cookie upgrade'+(bonus==1?'':'s')+'.
'+this.desc; } return this.desc; }; Game.last.descFunc=func; new Game.Upgrade('Golden switch [on]','The switch is currently giving you a passive +50% CpS; it also prevents golden cookies from spawning.
Turning it off will revert those effects.
Cost is equal to 1 hour of production.',1000000,[21,10]); Game.last.pool='toggle';Game.last.toggleInto='Golden switch [off]'; Game.last.priceFunc=function(){return Game.cookiesPs*60*60;} Game.last.descFunc=func; order=50000; new Game.Upgrade('Milk selector','Lets you pick what flavor of milk to display.',0,[1,8]); Game.last.descFunc=function(){ var choice=this.choicesFunction()[Game.milkType]; if (!choice) choice=this.choicesFunction()[0]; return '
Current :
'+this.desc; }; Game.last.pool='toggle'; Game.last.choicesFunction=function() { var rank=0; var choices=[]; choices[0]={name:'Automatic',icon:[0,7]}; choices[1]={name:'Plain milk',icon:[1,8],rank:rank++}; choices[2]={name:'Chocolate milk',icon:[2,8],rank:rank++}; choices[3]={name:'Raspberry milk',icon:[3,8],rank:rank++}; choices[4]={name:'Orange milk',icon:[4,8],rank:rank++}; choices[5]={name:'Caramel milk',icon:[5,8],rank:rank++}; choices[6]={name:'Banana milk',icon:[6,8],rank:rank++}; choices[7]={name:'Lime milk',icon:[7,8],rank:rank++}; choices[8]={name:'Blueberry milk',icon:[8,8],rank:rank++}; choices[9]={name:'Strawberry milk',icon:[9,8],rank:rank++}; choices[10]={name:'Vanilla milk',icon:[10,8],rank:rank++}; choices[19]={name:'Honey milk',icon:[21,23],rank:rank++}; choices[20]={name:'Coffee milk',icon:[22,23],rank:rank++}; choices[21]={name:'Tea milk',icon:[23,23],rank:rank++}; choices[22]={name:'Coconut milk',icon:[24,23],rank:rank++}; choices[23]={name:'Cherry milk',icon:[25,23],rank:rank++}; choices[25]={name:'Spiced milk',icon:[26,23],rank:rank++}; choices[26]={name:'Maple milk',icon:[28,23],rank:rank++}; choices[27]={name:'Mint milk',icon:[29,23],rank:rank++}; choices[28]={name:'Licorice milk',icon:[30,23],rank:rank++}; choices[29]={name:'Rose milk',icon:[31,23],rank:rank++}; choices[30]={name:'Dragonfruit milk',icon:[21,24],rank:rank++}; if (Game.Has('Fanciful dairy selection')) { choices[11]={name:'Zebra milk',icon:[10,7],order:10,div:true}; choices[12]={name:'Cosmic milk',icon:[9,7],order:10}; choices[13]={name:'Flaming milk',icon:[8,7],order:10}; choices[14]={name:'Sanguine milk',icon:[7,7],order:10}; choices[15]={name:'Midas milk',icon:[6,7],order:10}; choices[16]={name:'Midnight milk',icon:[5,7],order:10}; choices[17]={name:'Green inferno milk',icon:[4,7],order:10}; choices[18]={name:'Frostfire milk',icon:[3,7],order:10}; choices[24]={name:'Soy milk',icon:[27,23],order:10}; } var maxRank=Math.floor(Game.AchievementsOwned/25); for (var i in choices) { if (choices[i].rank && choices[i].rank>maxRank) choices[i]=0; } choices[Game.milkType].selected=1; return choices; } Game.last.choicesPick=function(id) {Game.milkType=id;} Game.MilksByChoice={ 0:{pic:'milkPlain'}, 1:{pic:'milkPlain'}, 2:{pic:'milkChocolate'}, 3:{pic:'milkRaspberry'}, 4:{pic:'milkOrange'}, 5:{pic:'milkCaramel'}, 6:{pic:'milkBanana'}, 7:{pic:'milkLime'}, 8:{pic:'milkBlueberry'}, 9:{pic:'milkStrawberry'}, 10:{pic:'milkVanilla'}, 11:{pic:'milkZebra'}, 12:{pic:'milkStars'}, 13:{pic:'milkFire'}, 14:{pic:'milkBlood'}, 15:{pic:'milkGold'}, 16:{pic:'milkBlack'}, 17:{pic:'milkGreenFire'}, 18:{pic:'milkBlueFire'}, 19:{pic:'milkHoney'}, 20:{pic:'milkCoffee'}, 21:{pic:'milkTea'}, 22:{pic:'milkCoconut'}, 23:{pic:'milkCherry'}, 24:{pic:'milkSoy'}, 25:{pic:'milkSpiced'}, 26:{pic:'milkMaple'}, 27:{pic:'milkMint'}, 28:{pic:'milkLicorice'}, 29:{pic:'milkRose'}, 30:{pic:'milkDragonfruit'}, }; order=10300; var butterBiscuitMult=100000000; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Milk chocolate butter biscuit',desc:'Rewarded for owning 100 of everything.
It bears the engraving of a fine entrepreneur.',icon:[27,8],power: 10,price: 999999999999999999999*butterBiscuitMult,locked:1}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Dark chocolate butter biscuit',desc:'Rewarded for owning 150 of everything.
It is adorned with the image of an experienced cookie tycoon.',icon:[27,9],power: 10,price: 999999999999999999999999*butterBiscuitMult,locked:1}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'White chocolate butter biscuit',desc:'Rewarded for owning 200 of everything.
The chocolate is chiseled to depict a masterful pastry magnate.',icon:[28,9],power: 10,price: 999999999999999999999999999*butterBiscuitMult,locked:1}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Ruby chocolate butter biscuit',desc:'Rewarded for owning 250 of everything.
Covered in a rare red chocolate, this biscuit is etched to represent the face of a cookie industrialist gone mad with power.',icon:[28,8],power: 10,price: 999999999999999999999999999999*butterBiscuitMult,locked:1}); order=10020; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Gingersnaps',desc:'Cookies with a soul. Probably.',icon:[29,10],power: 4,price: 99999999999999999999}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Cinnamon cookies',desc:'The secret is in the patented swirly glazing.',icon:[23,8],power: 4,price: 99999999999999999999*5}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Vanity cookies',desc:'One tiny candied fruit sits atop this decadent cookie.',icon:[22,8],power: 4,price: 999999999999999999999}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Cigars',desc:'Close, but no match for those extravagant cookie straws they serve in coffee shops these days.',icon:[25,8],power: 4,price: 999999999999999999999*5}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Pinwheel cookies',desc:'Bringing you the dizzying combination of brown flavor and beige taste!',icon:[22,10],power: 4,price: 9999999999999999999999}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Fudge squares',desc:'Not exactly cookies, but you won\'t care once you\'ve tasted one of these.
They\'re so good, it\'s fudged-up!',icon:[24,8],power: 4,price: 9999999999999999999999*5}); order=10030; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Digits',desc:'Three flavors, zero phalanges.',icon:[26,8],require:'Box of brand biscuits',power: 2, price: 999999999999999*5}); order=10029; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Butter horseshoes',desc:'It would behoove you to not overindulge in these.',icon:[22,9],require:'Tin of butter cookies',power: 4, price: 99999999999999999999999}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Butter pucks',desc:'Lord, what fools these mortals be!
(This is kind of a hokey reference.)',icon:[23,9],require:'Tin of butter cookies',power: 4, price: 99999999999999999999999*5}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Butter knots',desc:'Look, you can call these pretzels if you want, but you\'d just be fooling yourself, wouldn\'t you?',icon:[24,9],require:'Tin of butter cookies',power: 4, price: 999999999999999999999999}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Butter slabs',desc:'Nothing butter than a slab to the face.',icon:[25,9],require:'Tin of butter cookies',power: 4, price: 999999999999999999999999*5}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Butter swirls',desc:'These are equal parts sugar, butter, and warm fuzzy feelings - all of which cause millions of deaths everyday.',icon:[26,9],require:'Tin of butter cookies',power: 4, price: 9999999999999999999999999}); order=10020; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Shortbread biscuits',desc:'These rich butter cookies are neither short, nor bread. What a country!',icon:[23,10],power: 4,price: 99999999999999999999999}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Millionaires\' shortbreads',desc:'Three thought-provoking layers of creamy chocolate, hard-working caramel and crumbly biscuit in a poignant commentary of class struggle.',icon:[24,10],power: 4,price: 99999999999999999999999*5}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Caramel cookies',desc:'The polymerized carbohydrates adorning these cookies are sure to stick to your teeth for quite a while.',icon:[25,10],power: 4,price: 999999999999999999999999}); var desc=function(totalHours){ var hours=totalHours%24; var days=Math.floor(totalHours/24); var str=hours+(hours==1?' hour':' hours'); if (days>0) str=days+(days==1?' day':' days')+' and '+str; return 'You retain optimal cookie production while the game is closed for twice as long, for a total of '+str+'.'; } new Game.Upgrade('Belphegor',desc(2)+'A demon of shortcuts and laziness, Belphegor commands machines to do work in his stead.',Math.pow(angelPriceFactor,1),[7,11]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Twin Gates of Transcendence']; new Game.Upgrade('Mammon',desc(4)+'The demonic embodiment of wealth, Mammon requests a tithe of blood and gold from all his worshippers.',Math.pow(angelPriceFactor,2),[8,11]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Belphegor']; new Game.Upgrade('Abaddon',desc(8)+'Master of overindulgence, Abaddon governs the wrinkler brood and inspires their insatiability.',Math.pow(angelPriceFactor,3),[9,11]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Mammon']; new Game.Upgrade('Satan',desc(16)+'The counterpoint to everything righteous, this demon represents the nefarious influence of deceit and temptation.',Math.pow(angelPriceFactor,4),[10,11]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Abaddon']; new Game.Upgrade('Asmodeus',desc(32)+'This demon with three monstrous heads draws his power from the all-consuming desire for cookies and all things sweet.',Math.pow(angelPriceFactor,5),[11,11]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Satan']; new Game.Upgrade('Beelzebub',desc(64)+'The festering incarnation of blight and disease, Beelzebub rules over the vast armies of pastry inferno.',Math.pow(angelPriceFactor,6),[12,11]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Asmodeus']; new Game.Upgrade('Lucifer',desc(128)+'Also known as the Lightbringer, this infernal prince\'s tremendous ego caused him to be cast down from pastry heaven.',Math.pow(angelPriceFactor,7),[13,11]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Beelzebub']; new Game.Upgrade('Golden cookie alert sound','Unlocks the golden cookie sound selector, which lets you pick whether golden cookies emit a sound when appearing or not.A sound decision.',9999,[28,6]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Decisive fate','Golden switch']; order=49900; new Game.Upgrade('Golden cookie sound selector','Lets you change the sound golden cookies make when they spawn.',0,[28,6]); Game.last.descFunc=function(){ var choice=this.choicesFunction()[Game.chimeType]; return '
Current :
'+this.desc; }; Game.last.pool='toggle'; Game.last.choicesFunction=function() { var choices=[]; choices[0]={name:'No sound',icon:[0,7]}; choices[1]={name:'Chime',icon:[22,6]}; choices[Game.chimeType].selected=1; return choices; } Game.last.choicesPick=function(id) {Game.chimeType=id;} new Game.Upgrade('Basic wallpaper assortment','Unlocks the background selector, letting you select the game\'s background.
Comes with a variety of basic flavors.Prioritizing aesthetics over crucial utilitarian upgrades? Color me impressed.',99,[29,5]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Classic dairy selection']; new Game.Upgrade('Legacy','This is the first heavenly upgrade; it unlocks the Heavenly chips system.
Each time you ascend, the cookies you made in your past life are turned into heavenly chips and prestige.
Heavenly chips can be spent on a variety of permanent transcendental upgrades.
Your prestige level also gives you a permanent +1% CpS per level.We\'ve all been waiting for you.',1,[21,6]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=[]; new Game.Upgrade('Elder spice','You can attract 2 more wrinklers.The cookie your cookie could smell like.',444444,[19,8]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Unholy bait']; new Game.Upgrade('Residual luck','While the golden switch is on, you gain an additional +10% CpS per golden cookie upgrade owned.Fortune comes in many flavors.',99999,[27,6]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Golden switch']; order=150;new Game.Upgrade('Fantasteel mouse','Clicking gains +1% of your CpS.You could be clicking using your touchpad and we\'d be none the wiser.',5000000000000000000,[11,17]);Game.MakeTiered(Game.last,8,11); new Game.Upgrade('Nevercrack mouse','Clicking gains +1% of your CpS.How much beefier can you make a mouse until it\'s considered a rat?',500000000000000000000,[11,18]);Game.MakeTiered(Game.last,9,11); new Game.Upgrade('Five-finger discount','All upgrades are 1% cheaper per 100 cursors.Stick it to the man.',555555,[28,7],function(){Game.upgradesToRebuild=1;});Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Halo gloves','Abaddon']; order=5000; Game.SynergyUpgrade('Future almanacs','Lets you predict optimal planting times. It\'s crazy what time travel can do!','Farm','Time machine','synergy1'); Game.SynergyUpgrade('Rain prayer','A deeply spiritual ceremonial involving complicated dance moves and high-tech cloud-busting lasers.','Farm','Temple','synergy2'); Game.SynergyUpgrade('Seismic magic','Surprise earthquakes are an old favorite of wizardly frat houses.','Mine','Wizard tower','synergy1'); Game.SynergyUpgrade('Asteroid mining','As per the 1974 United Cosmic Convention, comets, moons, and inhabited planetoids are no longer legally excavatable.
But hey, a space bribe goes a long way.
','Mine','Shipment','synergy2'); Game.SynergyUpgrade('Quantum electronics','Your machines won\'t even be sure if they\'re on or off!','Factory','Antimatter condenser','synergy1'); Game.SynergyUpgrade('Temporal overclocking','Introduce more quickitude in your system for increased speedation of fastness.','Factory','Time machine','synergy2'); Game.SynergyUpgrade('Contracts from beyond','Make sure to read the fine print!','Bank','Portal','synergy1'); Game.SynergyUpgrade('Printing presses','Fake bills so real, they\'re almost worth the ink they\'re printed with.','Bank','Factory','synergy2'); Game.SynergyUpgrade('Paganism','Some deities are better left unworshipped.','Temple','Portal','synergy1'); Game.SynergyUpgrade('God particle','Turns out God is much tinier than we thought, I guess.','Temple','Antimatter condenser','synergy2'); Game.SynergyUpgrade('Arcane knowledge','Some things were never meant to be known - only mildly speculated.','Wizard tower','Alchemy lab','synergy1'); Game.SynergyUpgrade('Magical botany','Already known in some reactionary newspapers as "the wizard\'s GMOs".','Wizard tower','Farm','synergy2'); Game.SynergyUpgrade('Fossil fuels','Somehow better than plutonium for powering rockets.
Extracted from the fuels of ancient, fossilized civilizations.
','Shipment','Mine','synergy1'); Game.SynergyUpgrade('Shipyards','Where carpentry, blind luck, and asbestos insulation unite to produce the most dazzling spaceships on the planet.','Shipment','Factory','synergy2'); Game.SynergyUpgrade('Primordial ores','Only when refining the purest metals will you extract the sweetest sap of the earth.','Alchemy lab','Mine','synergy1'); Game.SynergyUpgrade('Gold fund','If gold is the backbone of the economy, cookies, surely, are its hip joints.','Alchemy lab','Bank','synergy2'); Game.SynergyUpgrade('Infernal crops','Sprinkle regularly with FIRE.','Portal','Farm','synergy1'); Game.SynergyUpgrade('Abysmal glimmer','Someone, or something, is staring back at you.
Perhaps at all of us.
','Portal','Prism','synergy2'); Game.SynergyUpgrade('Relativistic parsec-skipping','People will tell you this isn\'t physically possible.
These are people you don\'t want on your ship.
','Time machine','Shipment','synergy1'); Game.SynergyUpgrade('Primeval glow','From unending times, an ancient light still shines, impossibly pure and fragile in its old age.','Time machine','Prism','synergy2'); Game.SynergyUpgrade('Extra physics funding','Time to put your money where your particle colliders are.','Antimatter condenser','Bank','synergy1'); Game.SynergyUpgrade('Chemical proficiency','Discover exciting new elements, such as Fleshmeltium, Inert Shampoo Byproduct #17 and Carbon++!','Antimatter condenser','Alchemy lab','synergy2'); Game.SynergyUpgrade('Light magic','Actually not to be taken lightly! No, I\'m serious. 178 people died last year. You don\'t mess around with magic.','Prism','Wizard tower','synergy1'); Game.SynergyUpgrade('Mystical energies','Something beckons from within the light. It is warm, comforting, and apparently the cause for several kinds of exotic skin cancers.','Prism','Temple','synergy2'); new Game.Upgrade('Synergies Vol. I','Unlocks a new tier of upgrades that affect 2 buildings at the same time.
Synergies appear once you have 15 of both buildings.The many beats the few.',222222,[10,20]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Satan','Dominions']; new Game.Upgrade('Synergies Vol. II','Unlocks a new tier of upgrades that affect 2 buildings at the same time.
Synergies appear once you have 75 of both buildings.The several beats the many.',2222222,[10,29]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Beelzebub','Seraphim','Synergies Vol. I']; new Game.Upgrade('Heavenly cookies','Cookie production multiplier +10% permanently.Baked with heavenly chips. An otherwordly flavor that transcends time and space.',3,[25,12]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Legacy'];Game.last.power=10;Game.last.pseudoCookie=true; new Game.Upgrade('Wrinkly cookies','Cookie production multiplier +10% permanently.The result of regular cookies left to age out for countless eons in a place where time and space are meaningless.',6666666,[26,12]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Sacrilegious corruption','Elder spice'];Game.last.power=10;Game.last.pseudoCookie=true; new Game.Upgrade('Distilled essence of redoubled luck','Golden cookies (and all other things that spawn, such as reindeer) have 1% chance of being doubled.Tastes glittery. The empty phial makes for a great pencil holder.',7777777,[27,12]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Divine bakeries','Residual luck']; order=40000; new Game.Upgrade('Occult obstruction','Cookie production reduced to 0.If symptoms persist, consult a doctor.',7,[15,5]);//debug purposes only Game.last.pool='debug'; new Game.Upgrade('Glucose-charged air','Sugar lumps coalesce a whole lot faster.Don\'t breathe too much or you\'ll get diabetes!',7,[29,16]);//debug purposes only Game.last.pool='debug'; order=10300; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Lavender chocolate butter biscuit',desc:'Rewarded for owning 300 of everything.
This subtly-flavored biscuit represents the accomplishments of decades of top-secret research. The molded design on the chocolate resembles a well-known entrepreneur who gave their all to the ancient path of baking.',icon:[26,10],power: 10,price: 999999999999999999999999999999999*butterBiscuitMult,locked:1}); order=10030; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Lombardia cookies',desc:'These come from those farms with the really good memory.',icon:[23,13],require:'Box of brand biscuits',power: 3, price: 999999999999999999999*5}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Bastenaken cookies',desc:'French cookies made of delicious cinnamon and candy sugar. These do not contain Nuts!',icon:[24,13],require:'Box of brand biscuits',power: 3, price: 999999999999999999999*5}); order=10020; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Pecan sandies',desc:'Stick a nut on a cookie and call it a day! Name your band after it! Whatever!',icon:[25,13],power: 4,price: 999999999999999999999999*5}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Moravian spice cookies',desc:'Popular for being the world\'s moravianest cookies.',icon:[26,13],power: 4,price: 9999999999999999999999999}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Anzac biscuits',desc:'Army biscuits from a bakery down under, containing no eggs but yes oats.',icon:[27,13],power: 4,price: 9999999999999999999999999*5}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Buttercakes',desc:'Glistening with cholesterol, these cookies moistly straddle the line between the legal definition of a cookie and just a straight-up stick of butter.',icon:[29,13],power: 4,price: 99999999999999999999999999}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Ice cream sandwiches',desc:'In an alternate universe, "ice cream sandwich" designates an ice cream cone filled with bacon, lettuce, and tomatoes. Maybe some sprinkles too.',icon:[28,13],power: 4,price: 99999999999999999999999999*5}); new Game.Upgrade('Stevia Caelestis','Sugar lumps ripen an hour sooner.A plant of supernatural sweetness grown by angels in heavenly gardens.',100000000,[25,15]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Wrinkly cookies']; new Game.Upgrade('Diabetica Daemonicus','Sugar lumps mature an hour sooner.A malevolent, if delicious herb that is said to grow on the cliffs of the darkest abyss of the underworld.',300000000,[26,15]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Stevia Caelestis','Lucifer']; new Game.Upgrade('Sucralosia Inutilis','Bifurcated sugar lumps appear 5% more often and are 5% more likely to drop 2 lumps.A rare berry of uninteresting flavor that is as elusive as its uses are limited; only sought-after by the most avid collectors with too much wealth on their hands.',1000000000,[27,15]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Diabetica Daemonicus']; //note : these showIf functions stop working beyond 10 quadrillion prestige level, due to loss in precision; the solution, of course, is to make sure 10 quadrillion is not an attainable prestige level new Game.Upgrade('Lucky digit','+1% prestige level effect on CpS.
+1% golden cookie effect duration.
+1% golden cookie lifespan.This upgrade is a bit shy and only appears when your prestige level ends in 7.',777,[24,15]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Heavenly luck'];Game.last.showIf=function(){return (Math.ceil(Game.prestige)%10==7);}; new Game.Upgrade('Lucky number','+1% prestige level effect on CpS.
+1% golden cookie effect duration.
+1% golden cookie lifespan.This upgrade is a reclusive hermit and only appears when your prestige level ends in 777.',77777,[24,15]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Lucky digit','Lasting fortune'];Game.last.showIf=function(){return (Math.ceil(Game.prestige)%1000==777);}; new Game.Upgrade('Lucky payout','+1% prestige level effect on CpS.
+1% golden cookie effect duration.
+1% golden cookie lifespan.This upgrade took an oath of complete seclusion from the rest of the world and only appears when your prestige level ends in 777777.',77777777,[24,15]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Lucky number','Decisive fate'];Game.last.showIf=function(){return (Math.ceil(Game.prestige)%1000000==777777);}; order=50000; new Game.Upgrade('Background selector','Lets you pick which wallpaper to display.',0,[29,5]); Game.last.descFunc=function(){ var choice=this.choicesFunction()[Game.bgType]; return '
Current :
'+this.desc; }; Game.last.pool='toggle'; Game.last.choicesFunction=function() { var choices=[]; choices[0]={name:'Automatic',icon:[0,7]}; choices[1]={name:'Blue',icon:[21,21]}; choices[2]={name:'Red',icon:[22,21]}; choices[3]={name:'White',icon:[23,21]}; choices[4]={name:'Black',icon:[24,21]}; choices[5]={name:'Gold',icon:[25,21]}; choices[6]={name:'Grandmas',icon:[26,21]}; choices[7]={name:'Displeased grandmas',icon:[27,21]}; choices[8]={name:'Angered grandmas',icon:[28,21]}; choices[9]={name:'Money',icon:[29,21]}; choices[Game.bgType].selected=1; return choices; } Game.last.choicesPick=function(id) {Game.bgType=id;} Game.BGsByChoice={ 0:{pic:'bgBlue'}, 1:{pic:'bgBlue'}, 2:{pic:'bgRed'}, 3:{pic:'bgWhite'}, 4:{pic:'bgBlack'}, 5:{pic:'bgGold'}, 6:{pic:'grandmas1'}, 7:{pic:'grandmas2'}, 8:{pic:'grandmas3'}, 9:{pic:'bgMoney'}, }; order=255; Game.GrandmaSynergy('Lucky grandmas','A fortunate grandma that always seems to find more cookies.','Chancemaker'); order=1200; new Game.TieredUpgrade('Your lucky cookie','Chancemakers are twice as efficient.This is the first cookie you\'ve ever baked. It holds a deep sentimental value and, after all this time, an interesting smell.','Chancemaker',1); new Game.TieredUpgrade('"All Bets Are Off" magic coin','Chancemakers are twice as efficient.A coin that always lands on the other side when flipped. Not heads, not tails, not the edge. The other side.','Chancemaker',2); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Winning lottery ticket','Chancemakers are twice as efficient.What lottery? THE lottery, that\'s what lottery! Only lottery that matters!','Chancemaker',3); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Four-leaf clover field','Chancemakers are twice as efficient.No giant monsters here, just a whole lot of lucky grass.','Chancemaker',4); new Game.TieredUpgrade('A recipe book about books','Chancemakers are twice as efficient.Tip the scales in your favor with 28 creative new ways to cook the books.','Chancemaker',5); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Leprechaun village','Chancemakers are twice as efficient.You\'ve finally become accepted among the local leprechauns, who lend you their mythical luck as a sign of friendship (as well as some rather foul-tasting tea).','Chancemaker',6); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Improbability drive','Chancemakers are twice as efficient.A strange engine that turns statistics on their head. Recommended by the Grandmother\'s Guide to the Bakery.','Chancemaker',7); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Antisuperstistronics','Chancemakers are twice as efficient.An exciting new field of research that makes unlucky things lucky. No mirror unbroken, no ladder unwalked under!','Chancemaker',8); order=5000; Game.SynergyUpgrade('Gemmed talismans','Good-luck charms covered in ancient and excruciatingly rare crystals. A must have for job interviews!','Chancemaker','Mine','synergy1'); order=20000; new Game.Upgrade('Kitten consultants','You gain more CpS the more milk you have.glad to be overpaid to work with you, sir',900000000000000000000000000000000,Game.GetIcon('Kitten',9));Game.last.kitten=1;Game.MakeTiered(Game.last,9,18); order=99999; var years=Math.floor((Date.now()-new Date(2013,7,8))/(1000*60*60*24*365)); //only updates on page load //may behave strangely on leap years Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Birthday cookie',desc:'-',icon:[22,13],power:years,price:99999999999999999999999999999});Game.last.baseDesc='Cookie production multiplier +1% for every year Cookie Clicker has existed (currently : +'+Beautify(years)+'%).Thank you for playing Cookie Clicker!
';Game.last.desc=BeautifyInText(Game.last.baseDesc); order=150;new Game.Upgrade('Armythril mouse','Clicking gains +1% of your CpS.This one takes about 53 people to push it around and another 48 to jump down on the button and trigger a click. You could say it\'s got some heft to it.',50000000000000000000000,[11,19]);Game.MakeTiered(Game.last,10,11); order=200;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Reverse dementia','Grandmas are twice as efficient.Extremely unsettling, and somehow even worse than the regular kind.','Grandma',9); order=300;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Humane pesticides','Farms are twice as efficient.Made by people, for people, from people and ready to unleash some righteous scorching pain on those pesky insects that so deserve it.','Farm',9); order=400;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Mole people','Mines are twice as efficient.Engineered from real human beings within your very labs, these sturdy little folks have a knack for finding the tastiest underground minerals in conditions that more expensive machinery probably wouldn\'t survive.','Mine',9); order=500;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Machine learning','Factories are twice as efficient.You figured you might get better productivity if you actually told your workers to learn how to work the machines. Sometimes, it\'s the little things...','Factory',9); order=525;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Edible money','Banks are twice as efficient.It\'s really quite simple; you make all currency too delicious not to eat, solving world hunger and inflation in one fell swoop!','Bank',9); order=550;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Sick rap prayers','Temples are twice as efficient.With their ill beat and radical rhymes, these way-hip religious tunes are sure to get all the youngins who thought they were 2 cool 4 church back on the pews and praying for more! Wicked!','Temple',9); order=575;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Deluxe tailored wands','Wizard towers are twice as efficient.In this age of science, most skillful wand-makers are now long gone; but thankfully - not all those wanders are lost.','Wizard tower',9); order=600;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Autopilot','Shipments are twice as efficient.Your ships are now fitted with completely robotic crews! It\'s crazy how much money you save when you don\'t have to compensate the families of those lost in space.','Shipment',9); order=700;new Game.TieredUpgrade('The advent of chemistry','Alchemy labs are twice as efficient.You know what? That whole alchemy nonsense was a load of baseless rubbish. Dear god, what were you thinking?','Alchemy lab',9); order=800;new Game.TieredUpgrade('The real world','Portals are twice as efficient.It turns out that our universe is actually the twisted dimension of another, saner plane of reality. Time to hop on over there and loot the place!','Portal',9); order=900;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Second seconds','Time machines are twice as efficient.That\'s twice as many seconds in the same amount of time! What a deal! Also, what in god\'s name!','Time machine',9); order=1000;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Quantum comb','Antimatter condensers are twice as efficient.Quantum entanglement is one of those things that are so annoying to explain that we might honestly be better off without it. This is finally possible thanks to the quantum comb!','Antimatter condenser',9); order=1100;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Crystal mirrors','Prisms are twice as efficient.Designed to filter more light back into your prisms, reaching levels of brightness that reality itself had never planned for.','Prism',9); order=1200;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Bunnypedes','Chancemakers are twice as efficient.You\'ve taken to breeding rabbits with hundreds of paws, which makes them intrinsically very lucky and thus a very handy (if very disturbing) pet.','Chancemaker',9); order=20000; new Game.Upgrade('Kitten assistants to the regional manager','You gain more CpS the more milk you have.nothing stresses meowt... except having to seek the approval of my inferiors, sir',900000000000000000000000000000000000,Game.GetIcon('Kitten',10));Game.last.kitten=1;Game.MakeTiered(Game.last,10,18); order=5000; Game.SynergyUpgrade('Charm quarks','They\'re after your lucky quarks!','Chancemaker','Antimatter condenser','synergy2'); order=10020; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Pink biscuits',desc:'One of the oldest cookies. Traditionally dipped in champagne to soften it, because the French will use any opportunity to drink.',icon:[21,16],power: 4,price: 999999999999999999999999999}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Whole-grain cookies',desc:'Covered in seeds and other earthy-looking debris. Really going for that "5-second rule" look.',icon:[22,16],power: 4,price: 999999999999999999999999999*5}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Candy cookies',desc:'These melt in your hands just a little bit.',icon:[23,16],power: 4,price: 9999999999999999999999999999}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Big chip cookies',desc:'You are in awe at the size of these chips. Absolute units.',icon:[24,16],power: 4,price: 9999999999999999999999999999*5}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'One chip cookies',desc:'You get one.',icon:[25,16],power: 1,price: 99999999999999999999999999999}); new Game.Upgrade('Sugar baking','Each unspent sugar lump (up to 100) gives +1% CpS.
Note : this means that spending sugar lumps will decrease your CpS until they grow back.
To bake with the sugary essence of eons themselves, you must first learn to take your sweet time.',200000000,[21,17]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Stevia Caelestis']; new Game.Upgrade('Sugar craving','Once an ascension, you may use the "Sugar frenzy" switch to triple your CpS for 1 hour, at the cost of 1 sugar lump.Just a little kick to sweeten the deal.',400000000,[22,17]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Sugar baking']; new Game.Upgrade('Sugar aging process','Each grandma (up to 600) makes sugar lumps ripen 6 seconds sooner.Aren\'t they just the sweetest?',600000000,[23,17]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Sugar craving','Diabetica Daemonicus']; order=40050; new Game.Upgrade('Sugar frenzy','Activating this will triple your CpS for 1 hour, at the cost of 1 sugar lump.
May only be used once per ascension.',0,[22,17]); Game.last.priceLumps=1; Game.last.pool='toggle';Game.last.toggleInto=0; Game.last.canBuyFunc=function(){return Game.lumps>=1;}; Game.last.clickFunction=Game.spendLump(1,'activate the sugar frenzy',function() { Game.Upgrades['Sugar frenzy'].buy(1); buff=Game.gainBuff('sugar frenzy',60*60,3); if (Game.prefs.popups) Game.Popup('Sugar frenzy activated!'); else Game.Notify('Sugar frenzy!','CpS x3 for 1 hour!',[29,14]); }); order=10020; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Sprinkles cookies',desc:'A bit of festive decorating helps hide the fact that this might be one of the blandest cookies you\'ve ever tasted.',icon:[21,14],power: 4,price: 99999999999999999999999999999*5}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Peanut butter blossoms',desc:'Topped with a scrumptious chocolate squirt, which is something we really wish we didn\'t just write.',icon:[22,14],power: 4,price: 999999999999999999999999999999}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'No-bake cookies',desc:'You have no idea how these mysterious oven-less treats came to be or how they hold their shape. You\'re thinking either elephant glue or cold fusion.',icon:[21,15],power: 4,price: 999999999999999999999999999999*5}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Florentines',desc:'These make up for being the fruitcake of cookies by at least having the decency to feature chocolate.',icon:[26,16],power: 4,price: 9999999999999999999999999999999}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Chocolate crinkles',desc:'Non-denominational cookies to celebrate year-round deliciousness, and certainly not Christmas or some other nonsense.',icon:[22,15],power: 4,price: 9999999999999999999999999999999*5}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Maple cookies',desc:'Made with syrup from a land where milk comes in bags, instead of spontaneously pooling at the bottom of your screen depending on your achievements.',icon:[21,13],power: 4,price: 99999999999999999999999999999999}); order=40000; new Game.Upgrade('Turbo-charged soil','Garden plants grow every second.
Garden seeds are free to plant.
You can switch soils at any time.It\'s got electrolytes!',7,[2,16]);//debug purposes only Game.last.buyFunction=function(){if (Game.Objects['Farm'].minigameLoaded){Game.Objects['Farm'].minigame.computeStepT();}} Game.last.pool='debug'; order=150; new Game.Upgrade('Technobsidian mouse','Clicking gains +1% of your CpS.A highly advanced mouse of a sophisticated design. Only one thing on its mind : to click.',5000000000000000000000000,[11,28]);Game.MakeTiered(Game.last,11,11); new Game.Upgrade('Plasmarble mouse','Clicking gains +1% of your CpS.A shifting blur in the corner of your eye, this mouse can trigger a flurry of clicks when grazed by even the slightest breeze.',500000000000000000000000000,[11,30]);Game.MakeTiered(Game.last,12,11); order=20000; new Game.Upgrade('Kitten marketeers','You gain more CpS the more milk you have.no such thing as a saturated markit, sir',900000000000000000000000000000000000000,Game.GetIcon('Kitten',11));Game.last.kitten=1;Game.MakeTiered(Game.last,11,18); order=10030; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Festivity loops',desc:'These garish biscuits are a perfect fit for children\'s birthday parties or the funerals of strange, eccentric billionaires.',icon:[25,17],require:'Box of brand biscuits',power: 2, price: 999999999999999999999999*5}); order=10020; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Persian rice cookies',desc:'Rose water and poppy seeds are the secret ingredients of these small, butter-free cookies.',icon:[28,15],power: 4,price: 99999999999999999999999999999999*5}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Norwegian cookies',desc:'A flat butter cookie with a sliver of candied cherry on top. It is said that these illustrate the bleakness of scandinavian existentialism.',icon:[22,20],power: 4,price: 999999999999999999999999999999999}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Crispy rice cookies',desc:'Fun to make at home! Store-bought cookies are obsolete! Topple the system! There\'s marshmallows in these! Destroy capitalism!',icon:[23,20],power: 4,price: 999999999999999999999999999999999*5}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Ube cookies',desc:'The tint is obtained by the use of purple yams. According to color symbolism, these cookies are either noble, holy, or supervillains.',icon:[24,17],power: 4,price: 9999999999999999999999999999999999}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Butterscotch cookies',desc:'The butterscotch chips are just the right amount of sticky, and make you feel like you\'re eating candy.',icon:[24,20],power: 4,price: 9999999999999999999999999999999999*5}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Speculaas',desc:'These crunchy, almost obnoxiously cinnamony cookies are a source of dutch pride. About the origin of the name, one can only speculate.',icon:[21,20],power: 4,price: 99999999999999999999999999999999999}); order=10200; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Elderwort biscuits',desc:'-',icon:[22,25],power:2,price:60*2,locked:1});Game.last.baseDesc='Cookie production multiplier +2%.
Grandma production multiplier +2%.
Dropped by elderwort plants.They taste incredibly stale, even when baked fresh.'; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Bakeberry cookies',desc:'-',icon:[23,25],power:2,price:60,locked:1});Game.last.baseDesc='Cookie production multiplier +2%.
Dropped by bakeberry plants.Really good dipped in hot chocolate.'; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Duketater cookies',desc:'-',icon:[24,25],power:10,price:60*3,locked:1});Game.last.baseDesc='Cookie production multiplier +10%.
Dropped by duketater plants.Fragrant and mealy, with a slight yellow aftertaste.'; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Green yeast digestives',desc:'-',icon:[25,25],power:0,price:60*3,locked:1});Game.last.baseDesc='+1% golden cookie gains and effect duration.
+1% golden cookie frequency.
+3% random drops.
Dropped by green rot plants.These are tastier than you\'d expect, but not by much.'; order=23000; new Game.Upgrade('Fern tea','You gain +3% of your regular CpS while the game is closed (provided you have the Twin Gates of Transcendence heavenly upgrade).
Dropped by drowsyfern plants.A chemically complex natural beverage, this soothing concoction has been used by mathematicians to solve equations in their sleep.',60,[26,25]); new Game.Upgrade('Ichor syrup','You gain +7% of your regular CpS while the game is closed (provided you have the Twin Gates of Transcendence heavenly upgrade).
Sugar lumps mature 7 minutes sooner.
Dropped by ichorpuff plants.Tastes like candy. The smell is another story.',60*2,[27,25]); order=10200; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Wheat slims',desc:'-',icon:[28,25],power:1,price:30,locked:1});Game.last.baseDesc='Cookie production multiplier +1%.
Dropped by baker\'s wheat plants.The only reason you\'d consider these to be cookies is because you feel slightly sorry for them.'; var gardenDrops=['Elderwort biscuits','Bakeberry cookies','Duketater cookies','Green yeast digestives','Fern tea','Ichor syrup','Wheat slims']; for (var i in gardenDrops)//scale by CpS { var it=Game.Upgrades[gardenDrops[i]]; it.priceFunc=function(cost){return function(){return cost*Game.cookiesPs*60;}}(it.basePrice); it.baseDesc=it.baseDesc.replace('','
Cost scales with CpS.'); it.desc=BeautifyInText(it.baseDesc); it.lasting=true; } order=10300; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Synthetic chocolate green honey butter biscuit',desc:'Rewarded for owning 350 of everything.
The recipe for this butter biscuit was once the sole heritage of an ancient mountain monastery. Its flavor is so refined that only a slab of lab-made chocolate specifically engineered to be completely tasteless could complement it.
Also it\'s got your face on it.',icon:[24,26],power: 10,price: 999999999999999999999999999999999999*butterBiscuitMult,locked:1}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Royal raspberry chocolate butter biscuit',desc:'Rewarded for owning 400 of everything.
Once reserved for the megalomaniac elite, this unique strain of fruity chocolate has a flavor and texture unlike any other. Whether its exorbitant worth is improved or lessened by the presence of your likeness on it still remains to be seen.',icon:[25,26],power: 10,price: 999999999999999999999999999999999999999*butterBiscuitMult,locked:1}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Ultra-concentrated high-energy chocolate butter biscuit',desc:'Rewarded for owning 450 of everything.
Infused with the power of several hydrogen bombs through a process that left most nuclear engineers and shareholders perplexed. Currently at the center of some rather heated United Nations meetings. Going in more detail about this chocolate would violate several state secrets, but we\'ll just add that someone\'s bust seems to be pictured on it. Perhaps yours?',icon:[26,26],power: 10,price: 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999*butterBiscuitMult,locked:1}); order=200;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Timeproof hair dyes','Grandmas are twice as efficient.Why do they always have those strange wispy pink dos? What do they know about candy floss that we don\'t?','Grandma',10); order=300;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Barnstars','Farms are twice as efficient.Ah, yes. These help quite a bit. Somehow.','Farm',10); order=400;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Mine canaries','Mines are twice as efficient.These aren\'t used for anything freaky! The miners just enjoy having a pet or two down there.','Mine',10); order=500;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Brownie point system','Factories are twice as efficient.Oh, these are lovely! You can now reward your factory employees for good behavior, such as working overtime or snitching on coworkers. 58 brownie points gets you a little picture of a brownie, and 178 of those pictures gets you an actual brownie piece for you to do with as you please! Infantilizing? Maybe. Oodles of fun? You betcha!','Factory',10); order=525;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Grand supercycles','Banks are twice as efficient.We let the public think these are complicated financial terms when really we\'re just rewarding the bankers with snazzy bicycles for a job well done. It\'s only natural after you built those fancy gold swimming pools for them, where they can take a dip and catch Kondratiev waves.','Bank',10); order=550;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Psalm-reading','Temples are twice as efficient.A theologically dubious and possibly blasphemous blend of fortune-telling and scripture studies.','Temple',10); order=575;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Immobile spellcasting','Wizard towers are twice as efficient.Wizards who master this skill can now cast spells without having to hop and skip and gesticulate embarrassingly, which is much sneakier and honestly quite a relief.','Wizard tower',10); order=600;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Restaurants at the end of the universe','Shipments are twice as efficient.Since the universe is spatially infinite, and therefore can be construed to have infinite ends, you\'ve opened an infinite chain of restaurants where your space truckers can rest and partake in some home-brand cookie-based meals.','Shipment',10); order=700;new Game.TieredUpgrade('On second thought','Alchemy labs are twice as efficient.Disregard that last upgrade, alchemy is where it\'s at! Your eggheads just found a way to transmute children\'s nightmares into rare metals!','Alchemy lab',10); order=800;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Dimensional garbage gulper','Portals are twice as efficient.So we\'ve been looking for a place to dispose of all the refuse that\'s been accumulating since we started baking - burnt cookies, failed experiments, unruly workers - and well, we figured rather than sell it to poor countries like we\'ve been doing, we could just dump it in some alternate trash dimension where it\'s not gonna bother anybody! Probably!','Portal',10); order=900;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Additional clock hands','Time machines are twice as efficient.It seemed like a silly idea at first, but it turns out these have the strange ability to twist time in interesting new ways.','Time machine',10); order=1000;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Baking Nobel prize','Antimatter condensers are twice as efficient.What better way to sponsor scientific growth than to motivate those smarmy nerds with a meaningless award! What\'s more, each prize comes with a fine print lifelong exclusive contract to come work for you (or else)!','Antimatter condenser',10); order=1100;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Reverse theory of light','Prisms are twice as efficient.A whole new world of physics opens up when you decide that antiphotons are real and posit that light is merely a void in shadow.','Prism',10); order=1200;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Revised probabilistics','Chancemakers are twice as efficient.Either something happens or it doesn\'t. That\'s a 50% chance! This suddenly makes a lot of unlikely things very possible.','Chancemaker',10); order=20000; new Game.Upgrade('Kitten analysts','You gain more CpS the more milk you have.based on purrent return-on-investment meowdels we should be able to affurd to pay our empawyees somewhere around next century, sir',900000000000000000000000000000000000000000,Game.GetIcon('Kitten',12));Game.last.kitten=1;Game.MakeTiered(Game.last,12,18); new Game.Upgrade('Eye of the wrinkler','Mouse over a wrinkler to see how many cookies are in its stomach.Just a wrinkler and its will to survive.
Hangin\' tough, stayin\' hungry.
',99999999,[27,26]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Wrinkly cookies']; new Game.Upgrade('Inspired checklist','Unlocks the Buy all feature, which lets you instantly purchase every upgrade in your store (starting from the cheapest one).
Also unlocks the Vault, a store section where you can place upgrades you do not wish to auto-buy.Snazzy grandma accessories? Check. Transdimensional abominations? Check. A bunch of eggs for some reason? Check. Machine that goes "ping"? Check and check.',900000,[28,26]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Persistent memory','Permanent upgrade slot II']; order=10300; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Pure pitch-black chocolate butter biscuit',desc:'Rewarded for owning 500 of everything.
This chocolate is so pure and so flawless that it has no color of its own, instead taking on the appearance of whatever is around it. You\'re a bit surprised to notice that this one isn\'t stamped with your effigy, as its surface is perfectly smooth (to the picometer) - until you realize it\'s quite literally reflecting your own face like a mirror.',icon:[24,27],power: 10,price: 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999*butterBiscuitMult,locked:1}); order=10020; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Chocolate oatmeal cookies',desc:'These bad boys compensate for lack of a cohesive form and a lumpy, unsightly appearance by being just simply delicious. Something we should all aspire to.',icon:[23,28],power: 4,price: 99999999999999999999999999999999999*5}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Molasses cookies',desc:'Sticky, crackly, and dusted in fine sugar.
Some lunatics have been known to eat these with potatoes.',icon:[24,28],power: 4,price: 999999999999999999999999999999999999}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Biscotti',desc:'Almonds and pistachios make these very robust cookies slightly more interesting to eat than to bludgeon people with.',icon:[22,28],power: 4,price: 999999999999999999999999999999999999*5}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Waffle cookies',desc:'Whether these are cookies with shockingly waffle-like features or simply regular cookie-sized waffles is a debate we\'re not getting into here.',icon:[21,28],power: 4,price: 9999999999999999999999999999999999999}); order=10000; //early cookies that unlock at the same time as coconut cookies; meant to boost early game a little bit Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Almond cookies',desc:'Sometimes you feel like one of these. Sometimes you don\'t.',icon:[21,27],power: 2, price: 99999999}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Hazelnut cookies',desc:'Tastes like a morning stroll through a fragrant forest, minus the clouds of gnats.',icon:[22,27],power: 2, price: 99999999}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Walnut cookies',desc:'Some experts have pointed to the walnut\'s eerie resemblance to the human brain as a sign of its sentience - a theory most walnuts vehemently object to.',icon:[23,27],power: 2, price: 99999999}); new Game.Upgrade('Label printer','Mouse over an upgrade to see its tier.
Note : only some upgrades have tiers. Tiers are purely cosmetic and have no effect on gameplay.Also comes in real handy when you want to tell catsup apart from ketchup.',999999,[28,29]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Starter kitchen']; order=200;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Good manners','Grandmas are twice as efficient.Apparently these ladies are much more amiable if you take the time to learn their strange, ancient customs, which seem to involve saying "please" and "thank you" and staring at the sun with bulging eyes while muttering eldritch curses under your breath.','Grandma',11); order=300;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Lindworms','Farms are twice as efficient.You have to import these from far up north, but they really help aerate the soil!','Farm',11); order=400;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Bore again','Mines are twice as efficient.After extracting so much sediment for so long, you\'ve formed some veritable mountains of your own from the accumulated piles of rock and dirt. Time to dig through those and see if you find anything fun!','Mine',11); order=500;new Game.TieredUpgrade('"Volunteer" interns','Factories are twice as efficient.If you\'re bad at something, always do it for free.','Factory',11); order=525;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Rules of acquisition','Banks are twice as efficient.Rule 387 : a cookie baked is a cookie kept.','Bank',11); order=550;new Game.TieredUpgrade('War of the gods','Temples are twice as efficient.An interesting game; the only winning move is not to pray.','Temple',11); order=575;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Electricity','Wizard towers are twice as efficient.Ancient magicks and forbidden hexes shroud this arcane knowledge, whose unfathomable power can mysteriously turn darkness into light and shock an elephant to death.','Wizard tower',11); order=600;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Universal alphabet','Shipments are twice as efficient.You\'ve managed to chart a language that can be understood by any sentient species in the galaxy; its exciting vocabulary contains over 56 trillion words that sound and look like sparkly burps, forming intricate sentences that usually translate to something like "give us your cookies, or else".','Shipment',11); order=700;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Public betterment','Alchemy labs are twice as efficient.Why do we keep trying to change useless matter into cookies, or cookies into even better cookies? Clearly, the way of the future is to change the people who eat the cookies into people with a greater understanding, appreciation and respect for the cookies they\'re eating. Into the vat you go!','Alchemy lab',11); order=800;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Embedded microportals','Portals are twice as efficient.We\'ve found out that if we bake the portals into the cookies themselves, we can transport people\'s taste buds straight into the taste dimension! Good thing your army of lawyers got rid of the FDA a while ago!','Portal',11); order=900;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Nostalgia','Time machines are twice as efficient.Your time machine technicians insist that this is some advanced new time travel tech, and not just an existing emotion universal to mankind. Either way, you have to admit that selling people the same old cookies just because it reminds them of the good old times is an interesting prospect.','Time machine',11); order=1000;new Game.TieredUpgrade('The definite molecule','Antimatter condensers are twice as efficient.Your scientists have found a way to pack a cookie into one single continuous molecule, opening exciting new prospects in both storage and flavor despite the fact that these take up to a whole year to digest.','Antimatter condenser',11); order=1100;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Light capture measures','Prisms are twice as efficient.As the universe gets ever so slightly dimmer due to you converting more and more of its light into cookies, you\'ve taken to finding new and unexplored sources of light for your prisms; for instance, the warm glow emitted by a pregnant woman, or the twinkle in the eye of a hopeful child.','Prism',11); order=1200;new Game.TieredUpgrade('0-sided dice','Chancemakers are twice as efficient.The advent of the 0-sided dice has had unexpected and tumultuous effects on the gambling community, and saw experts around the world calling you both a genius and an imbecile.','Chancemaker',11); new Game.Upgrade('Heralds','You now benefit from the boost provided by heralds.
Each herald gives you +1% CpS.
Look on the purple flag at the top to see how many heralds are active at any given time.Be excellent to each other.
And Patreon, dudes!
',100,[21,29]);Game.last.pool='prestige'; order=255; Game.GrandmaSynergy('Metagrandmas','A fractal grandma to make more grandmas to make more cookies.','Fractal engine'); order=1300; new Game.TieredUpgrade('Metabakeries','Fractal engines are twice as efficient.They practically bake themselves!','Fractal engine',1); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Mandelbrown sugar','Fractal engines are twice as efficient.A substance that displays useful properties such as fractal sweetness and instant contact lethality.','Fractal engine',2); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Fractoids','Fractal engines are twice as efficient.Here\'s a frun fract : all in all, these were a terrible idea.','Fractal engine',3); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Nested universe theory','Fractal engines are twice as efficient.Asserts that each subatomic particle is host to a whole new universe, and therefore, another limitless quantity of cookies.
This somehow stacks with the theory of nanocosmics, because physics.
','Fractal engine',4); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Menger sponge cake','Fractal engines are twice as efficient.Frighteningly absorbent thanks to its virtually infinite surface area. Keep it isolated in a dry chamber, never handle it with an open wound, and do not ever let it touch a body of water.','Fractal engine',5); new Game.TieredUpgrade('One particularly good-humored cow','Fractal engines are twice as efficient.This unassuming bovine was excruciatingly expensive and it may seem at first like you were ripped off. On closer inspection however, you notice that its earrings (it\'s wearing earrings) are actually fully functional copies of itself, each of which also wearing their own cow earrings, and so on, infinitely. It appears your dairy concerns will be taken care of for a while, although you\'ll have to put up with the cow\'s annoying snickering.','Fractal engine',6); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Chocolate ouroboros','Fractal engines are twice as efficient.Forever eating its own tail and digesting itself, in a metabolically dubious tale of delicious tragedy.','Fractal engine',7); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Nested','Fractal engines are twice as efficient.Clever self-reference or shameful cross-promotion? This upgrade apparently has the gall to advertise a link to orteil.dashnet.org/nested, in a tooltip you can\'t even click.','Fractal engine',8); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Space-filling fibers','Fractal engines are twice as efficient.This special ingredient has the incredible ability to fill the local space perfectly, effectively eradicating hunger in those who consume it!
Knowing that no hunger means no need for cookies, your marketers urge you to repurpose this product into next-level packing peanuts.
','Fractal engine',9); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Endless book of prose','Fractal engines are twice as efficient.','Fractal engine',10); Game.last.descFunc=function(){ var str='"There once was a baker named '+Game.bakeryName+'. One day, there was a knock at the door; '+Game.bakeryName+' opened it and was suddenly face-to-face with a strange and menacing old grandma. The grandma opened her mouth and, in a strange little voice, started reciting this strange little tale : '; var n=35; var i=Math.floor(Game.T*0.1); return this.desc+''+(str.substr(i%str.length,n)+(i%str.length>(str.length-n)?str.substr(0,i%str.length-(str.length-n)):''))+''; }; new Game.TieredUpgrade('The set of all sets','Fractal engines are twice as efficient.The answer, of course, is a definite maybe.','Fractal engine',11); order=5000; Game.SynergyUpgrade('Recursive mirrors','Do you have any idea what happens when you point two of these at each other? Apparently, the universe doesn\'t either.','Fractal engine','Prism','synergy1'); //Game.SynergyUpgrade('Compounded odds','When probabilities start cascading, "never in a billion lifetimes" starts looking terribly like "probably before Monday comes around".','Fractal engine','Chancemaker','synergy1'); Game.SynergyUpgrade('Mice clicking mice','','Fractal engine','Cursor','synergy2'); Game.last.descFunc=function(){ Math.seedrandom(Game.seed+'-blasphemouse'); if (Math.random()<0.3) {Math.seedrandom();return this.desc+'Absolutely blasphemouse!';} else {Math.seedrandom();return this.desc+'Absolutely blasphemous!';} }; order=10020; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Custard creams',desc:'British lore pits these in a merciless war against bourbon biscuits.
The filling evokes vanilla without quite approaching it.
They\'re tastier on the inside!',icon:[23,29],power: 4,price: 9999999999999999999999999999999999999*5}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Bourbon biscuits',desc:'Two chocolate biscuits joined together with even more chocolate.
The sworn rivals of custard creams, as legend has it.',icon:[24,29],power: 4,price: 99999999999999999999999999999999999999}); new Game.Upgrade('Keepsakes','Seasonal random drops have a 1/5 chance to carry over through ascensions.Cherish the memories.',1111111111,[22,29]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Starsnow','Starlove','Starterror','Startrade','Starspawn']; order=10020; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Mini-cookies',desc:'Have you ever noticed how the smaller something is, the easier it is to binge on it?',icon:[29,30],power: 5,price: 99999999999999999999999999999999999999*5}); new Game.Upgrade('Sugar crystal cookies','Cookie production multiplier +5% permanently, and +1% for every building type level 10 or higher.Infused with cosmic sweetness. It gives off a faint shimmery sound when you hold it up to your ear.',1000000000,[21,30]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Sugar baking'];Game.last.power=function(){ var n=5; for (var i in Game.Objects) { if (Game.Objects[i].level>=10) n++; } return n; };Game.last.pseudoCookie=true; Game.last.descFunc=function(){ var n=5; for (var i in Game.Objects) { if (Game.Objects[i].level>=10) n++; } return '
Current : +'+Beautify(n)+'%
'+this.desc; }; new Game.Upgrade('Box of maybe cookies','Contains an assortment of...something.These may or may not be considered cookies.',333000000000,[25,29]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Sugar crystal cookies']; new Game.Upgrade('Box of not cookies','Contains an assortment of...something.These are strictly, definitely not cookies.',333000000000,[26,29]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Sugar crystal cookies']; new Game.Upgrade('Box of pastries','Contains an assortment of delicious pastries.These are a damn slippery slope is what they are!',333000000000,[27,29]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Sugar crystal cookies']; order=10040; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Profiteroles',desc:'Also known as cream puffs, these pastries are light, fluffy, filled with whipped cream and fun to throw at people when snowballs are running scarce.',icon:[29,29],require:'Box of pastries', power:4,price: Math.pow(10,31)}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Jelly donut',desc:'Guaranteed to contain at least 0.3% jelly filling, or your money back.
You can still see the jelly stab wound!',icon:[27,28],require:'Box of pastries', power:4,price: Math.pow(10,33)}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Glazed donut',desc:'Absolutely gooey with sugar. The hole is the tastiest part!',icon:[28,28],require:'Box of pastries', power:4,price: Math.pow(10,35)}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Chocolate cake',desc:'The cake is a Portal reference!',icon:[25,27],require:'Box of pastries', power:4,price: Math.pow(10,37)}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Strawberry cake',desc:'It\'s not easy to come up with flavor text for something as generic as this, but some would say it\'s a piece of cake.',icon:[26,27],require:'Box of pastries', power:4,price: Math.pow(10,39)}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Apple pie',desc:'It is said that some grandmas go rogue and bake these instead.',icon:[25,28],require:'Box of pastries', power:4,price: Math.pow(10,41)}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Lemon meringue pie',desc:'Meringue is a finicky substance made of sugar and egg whites that requires specific atmospheric conditions to be baked at all. The lemon, as far as we can tell, isn\'t nearly as picky.',icon:[26,28],require:'Box of pastries', power:4,price: Math.pow(10,43)}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Butter croissant',desc:'Look around.
A rude man in a striped shirt bikes past you. He smells of cigarettes and café-au-lait. Somewhere, a mime uses his moustache to make fun of the British. 300 pigeons fly overhead.
Relax. You\'re experiencing croissant.',icon:[29,28],require:'Box of pastries', power:4,price: Math.pow(10,45)}); order=10050; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Cookie dough',desc:'Bursting with infinite potential, but can also be eaten as is. Arguably worth the salmonella.',icon:[25,30],require:'Box of maybe cookies', power:4,price: Math.pow(10,35)}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Burnt cookie',desc:'This cookie flew too close to the sun and is now a shadow of its former self. If only you remembered to set a timer, you wouldn\'t have this tragedy on your hands...',icon:[23,30],require:'Box of maybe cookies', power:4,price: Math.pow(10,37)}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'A chocolate chip cookie but with the chips picked off for some reason',desc:'This has to be the saddest thing you\'ve ever seen.',icon:[24,30],require:'Box of maybe cookies', power:3,price: Math.pow(10,39)}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Flavor text cookie',desc:'What you\'re currently reading is what gives this cookie its inimitable flavor.',icon:[22,30],require:'Box of maybe cookies', power:4,price: Math.pow(10,41)}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'High-definition cookie',desc:'Uncomfortably detailed, like those weird stories your aunt keeps telling at parties.',icon:[28,10],require:'Box of maybe cookies', power:5,price: Math.pow(10,43)}); order=10060; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Toast',desc:'A crisp slice of bread, begging for some butter and jam.
Why do people keep proposing these at parties?',icon:[27,10],require:'Box of not cookies', power:4,price: Math.pow(10,34)}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Peanut butter & jelly',desc:'It\'s time.',icon:[29,9],require:'Box of not cookies', power:4,price: Math.pow(10,36)}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Wookies',desc:'These aren\'t the cookies you\'re looking for.',icon:[26,30],require:'Box of not cookies', power:4,price: Math.pow(10,38)}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Cheeseburger',desc:'Absolutely no relation to cookies whatsoever - Orteil just wanted an excuse to draw a cheeseburger.',icon:[28,30],require:'Box of not cookies', power:4,price: Math.pow(10,40)}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'One lone chocolate chip',desc:'The start of something beautiful.',icon:[27,30],require:'Box of not cookies', power:1,price: Math.pow(10,42)}); new Game.Upgrade('Genius accounting','Unlocks extra price information.
Each displayed cost now specifies how long it\'ll take you to afford it, and how much of your bank it represents.There\'s no accounting for taste, and yet here we are.',2000000,[11,10]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Inspired checklist']; new Game.Upgrade('Shimmering veil','Unlocks the shimmering veil, a switch that passively boosts your CpS by 50%.
You start with the veil turned on; however, it is very fragile, and clicking the big cookie or any golden cookie or reindeer will turn it off, requiring 24 hours of CpS to turn back on.Hands off!',999999999,[9,10]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Distilled essence of redoubled luck']; order=40005; var func=function(){ var boost=50; var resist=0; if (Game.Has('Reinforced membrane')) {boost+=10;resist+=10;} return (this.name=='Shimmering veil [on]'?'
':'')+'Boosts your cookie production by '+Beautify(boost)+'% when active.
The veil is very fragile and will break if you click the big cookie or any golden cookies or reindeer.

Once broken, turning the veil back on costs 24 hours of unbuffed CpS.'+(resist>0?('

Has a '+Beautify(resist)+'% chance to not break.'):''); }; new Game.Upgrade('Shimmering veil [off]','',1000000,[9,10]); Game.last.pool='toggle';Game.last.toggleInto='Shimmering veil [on]'; Game.last.priceFunc=function(){return Game.unbuffedCps*60*60*24;} Game.last.descFunc=func; new Game.Upgrade('Shimmering veil [on]','',0,[9,10]); Game.last.pool='toggle';Game.last.toggleInto='Shimmering veil [off]'; Game.last.descFunc=func; Game.loseShimmeringVeil=function(context) { if (!Game.Has('Shimmering veil')) return false; if (!Game.Has('Shimmering veil [off]') && Game.Has('Shimmering veil [on]')) return false; if (Game.Has('Reinforced membrane')) { if (context=='shimmer') Math.seedrandom(Game.seed+'/'+(Game.goldenClicks+Game.reindeerClicked)); else if (context=='click') Math.seedrandom(Game.seed+'/'+Game.cookieClicks); if (Math.random()<0.1) { Game.Notify('The reinforced membrane protects the shimmering veil.','',[7,10]); Game.Win('Thick-skinned'); return false; } Math.seedrandom(); } var me=Game.Upgrades['Shimmering veil [on]']; me.bought=1; //Game.Upgrades[me.toggleInto].bought=false; Game.Lock(me.toggleInto); Game.Unlock(me.toggleInto); Game.Notify('The shimmering veil disappears...','',[9,10]); Game.upgradesToRebuild=1; Game.recalculateGains=1; PlaySound('snd/spellFail.mp3',0.75); } var getCookiePrice=function(level){return 999999999999999999999999999999999999999*Math.pow(10,(level-1)/2);}; order=10020; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Whoopie pies',desc:'Two chocolate halves joined together by a cream filling. It\'s got no eyebrows, but you never noticed until now.',icon:[21,31],power: 5,price: getCookiePrice(1)}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Caramel wafer biscuits',desc:'Coated in delicious chocolate. As many layers as you\'ll get in a biscuit without involving onions.',icon:[22,31],power: 5,price: getCookiePrice(2)}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Chocolate chip mocha cookies',desc:'Mocha started out as an excuse to smuggle chocolate into coffee. And now, in a poignant display of diplomacy and cultural exchange, it\'s bringing coffee to chocolate cookies.',icon:[23,31],power: 5,price: getCookiePrice(3)}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Earl Grey cookies',desc:'Captain Picard\'s favorite.',icon:[24,31],power: 5,price: getCookiePrice(4)}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Corn syrup cookies',desc:'The corn syrup makes it extra chewy. Not the type of stuff you\'d think to put in a cookie, but bakers make do.',icon:[25,31],power: 5,price: getCookiePrice(5)}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Icebox cookies',desc:'Can be prepared in a variety of shapes with a variety of ingredients. Made by freezing dough before baking it, mirroring a time-proven medieval torture practice. Gotta keep them guessing.',icon:[26,31],power: 5,price: getCookiePrice(6)}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Graham crackers',desc:'Inspired in their design by the wish to live a life of austere temperance, free from pleasure or cheer; it\'s no wonder these are so tasty.',icon:[27,31],power: 5,price: getCookiePrice(7)}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Hardtack',desc:'Extremely hard and, if we\'re being honest, extremely tack.
If you\'re considering eating this as a fun snack, you probably have other things to worry about than this game, like getting scurvy or your crew fomenting mutiny.',icon:[28,31],power: 5,price: getCookiePrice(8)}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Cornflake cookies',desc:'They\'re grrrrrroovy! Careful not to let it sit in your milk too long, lest you accidentally end up with a bowl of cereal and get confused.',icon:[29,31],power: 5,price: getCookiePrice(9)}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Tofu cookies',desc:'There\'s really two ways to go with tofu cooking; either it asserts itself in plain sight or it camouflages itself in the other ingredients. This happens to be the latter, and as such, you can\'t really tell the difference between this and a regular cookie, save for that one pixel on the left.',icon:[30,31],power: 5,price: getCookiePrice(10)}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Gluten-free cookies',desc:'Made with browned butter and milk to closely match the archetypal chocolate chip cookie.
For celiacs, a chance to indulge in a delicious risk-free pastry. For others, a strangely threatening confection whose empty eyes will never know heaven nor hell.',icon:[30,30],power: 5,price: getCookiePrice(10)}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Russian bread cookies',desc:'Also known as alphabet cookies; while most bakers follow the recipe to the letter, it is said that some substitute the flour for spelt. But don\'t take my word for it.',icon:[30,29],power: 5,price: getCookiePrice(11)}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Lebkuchen',desc:'Diverse cookies from Germany, fragrant with honey and spices, often baked around Christmas.
Once worn by warriors of old for protection in battle.
+5 STR, +20% magic resistance.',icon:[30,28],power: 5,price: getCookiePrice(12)}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Aachener Printen',desc:'The honey once used to sweeten these gingerbread-like treats has since been swapped out for beet sugar, providing another sad example of regressive evolution.',icon:[30,27],power: 5,price: getCookiePrice(13)}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Canistrelli',desc:'A dry biscuit flavored with anise and wine, tough like the people of Corsica where it comes from.',icon:[30,26],power: 5,price: getCookiePrice(14)}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Nice biscuits',desc:'Made with coconut and perfect with tea. Traces its origins to a French city so nice they named it that.',icon:[30,25],power: 5,price: getCookiePrice(15)}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'French pure butter cookies',desc:'You can\'t tell what\'s stronger coming off these - the smell of butter or condescension.',icon:[31,25],power: 5,price: getCookiePrice(16)}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Petit beurre',desc:'An unassuming biscuit whose name simply means "little butter". Famed and feared for its four ears and forty-eight teeth.
When it hears ya, it\'ll get ya...',icon:[31,26],power: 5,price: getCookiePrice(16)}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Nanaimo bars',desc:'A delicious no-bake pastry hailing from Canada. Probably beats eating straight-up snow with maple syrup poured on it, but what do I know.',icon:[31,27],power: 5,price: getCookiePrice(17)}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Berger cookies',desc:'Messily slathered with chocolate fudge, but one of the most popular bergers of Baltimore, along with the triple fried egg berger and the blue crab cheeseberger.',icon:[31,28],power: 5,price: getCookiePrice(18)}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Chinsuko',desc:'A little piece of Okinawa in cookie form. Part of a Japanese custom of selling sweets as souvenirs. But hey, pressed pennies are cool too.',icon:[31,29],power: 5,price: getCookiePrice(19)}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Panda koala biscuits',desc:'Assorted jungle animals with equally assorted fillings.
Comes in chocolate, strawberry, vanilla and green tea.
Eat them all before they go extinct!',icon:[31,13],power: 5,price: getCookiePrice(19)}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Putri salju',desc:'A beloved Indonesian pastry; its name means "snow princess", for the powdered sugar it\'s coated with. Had we added these to Cookie Clicker some years ago, this is where we\'d make a reference to that one Disney movie, but it\'s probably time to let it go.',icon:[31,30],power: 5,price: getCookiePrice(20)}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Milk cookies',desc:'Best eaten with a tall glass of chocolate.',icon:[31,31],power: 5,price: getCookiePrice(21)}); order=9999; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Cookie crumbs',desc:'There used to be a cookie here. Now there isn\'t.
Good heavens, what did you DO?!',icon:[30,13],power:1,require:'Legacy',price:100}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Chocolate chip cookie',desc:'This is the cookie you\'ve been clicking this whole time. It looks a bit dented and nibbled on, but it\'s otherwise good as new.',icon:[10,0],power:10,require:'Legacy',price:1000000000000}); new Game.Upgrade('Cosmic beginner\'s luck','Prior to purchasing the Heavenly chip secret upgrade in a run, random drops are 5 times more common.Oh! A penny!
Oh! A priceless heirloom!
Oh! Another penny!
',999999999*15,[8,10]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Shimmering veil']; new Game.Upgrade('Reinforced membrane','The shimmering veil is more resistant, and has a 10% chance not to break. It also gives +10% more CpS.A consistency between jellyfish and cling wrap.',999999999*15,[7,10]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Shimmering veil']; order=255; Game.GrandmaSynergy('Binary grandmas','A digital grandma to transfer more cookies.
(See also : boolean grandmas, string grandmas, and not-a-number grandmas, also known as "NaNs".)','Javascript console'); order=1400; new Game.TieredUpgrade('The JavaScript console for dummies','Javascript consoles are twice as efficient.This should get you started. The first line reads: "To open the javascript console, press-"
...the rest of the book is soaked in chocolate milk. If only there was a way to look up this sort of information...
','Javascript console',1); new Game.TieredUpgrade('64bit arrays','Javascript consoles are twice as efficient.A long-form variable type to pack your cookies much more efficiently.','Javascript console',2); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Stack overflow','Javascript consoles are twice as efficient.This is really bad! You probably forgot to close a loop somewhere and now your programs are going crazy! The rest of your engineers seem really excited about it somehow. How could a software mishap like a stack overflow possibly ever help anyone?','Javascript console',3); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Enterprise compiler','Javascript consoles are twice as efficient.This bespoke javascript compiler took your team years of development and billions in research, but it should let you execute (certain) functions (up to) 2% faster (in optimal circumstances).','Javascript console',4); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Syntactic sugar','Javascript consoles are twice as efficient.Tastier code for tastier cookies.','Javascript console',5); new Game.TieredUpgrade('A nice cup of coffee','Javascript consoles are twice as efficient.All this nerd stuff has you exhausted. You make yourself a nice cup of coffee, brewed with roasted beans from some far-away island. You may have been working a bit too hard though - the cup of coffee starts talking to you, insisting that it is NOT javascript.','Javascript console',6); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Just-in-time baking','Javascript consoles are twice as efficient.A new method of preparing cookies; they bake themselves right in front of the customers before eating, leaving your kitchens mess-free.','Javascript console',7); new Game.TieredUpgrade('cookies++','Javascript consoles are twice as efficient.Your very own cookie-themed programming language, elegantly named after its most interesting ability - increasing the "cookies" variable by 1.','Javascript console',8); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Software updates','Javascript consoles are twice as efficient.This is grand news - someone\'s finally figured out the Wifi password, and your newfound internet connection seems to have triggered a whole lot of software updates! Your browsers, drivers and plugins all received a fresh coat of paint, and your javascript version has been updated to the latest ECMAScript specification. It\'s really too bad thousands had to die due to some deprecated function in your neurotoxin ventilation code, but I guess that\'s progress for you.','Javascript console',9); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Game.Loop','Javascript consoles are twice as efficient.You\'re not quite sure what to make of this. What does it mean? What does it do? Who would leave something like that just laying around here? Try asking again in 1/30th of a second.','Javascript console',10); new Game.TieredUpgrade('eval()','Javascript consoles are twice as efficient.It is said that this simple function holds the key to the universe, and that whosoever masters it may shape reality to their will.
Good thing you have no idea how it works. Makes for a neat plaque on your wall, though.
','Javascript console',11); order=5000; Game.SynergyUpgrade('Script grannies','Armies of energy drink-fueled grandmas ready to hack into the cyberspace for renegade e-cookies.','Javascript console','Grandma','synergy1'); Game.SynergyUpgrade('Tombola computing','','Javascript console','Chancemaker','synergy2'); Game.last.descFunc=function(){ Math.seedrandom(Game.seed+'-tombolacomputing'); var str='(Your ticket reads '+Math.floor(Math.random()*100)+' '+Math.floor(Math.random()*100)+' '+Math.floor(Math.random()*100)+' '+Math.floor(Math.random()*100)+', entitling you to '+choose([Math.floor(Math.random()*5+2)+' lines of javascript','one free use of Math.random()','one qubit, whatever that is','one half-eaten cookie','a brand new vacuum cleaner','most of one room-temperature cup of orange soda','one really good sandwich','one handful of pocket lint','someone\'s mostly clean hairpiece','a trip to a fancy restaurant','the knowledge of those numbers','a furtive glance at the news ticker','another ticket, half-price','all-you-can-eat moldy bread','one lifetime supply of oxygen','the color '+choose['red','orange','yellow','green','blue','purple','black','white','gray','brown','pink','teal'],'increased intellect for a limited time','an ancient runesword','the throne of a far-away country','the position of Mafia capo. Good luck','one free time-travel week-end','something beautiful','the deed to some oil well','one hamburger made out of the animal, plant, or person of your choice','the last surviving '+choose['dodo bird','thylacine','unicorn','dinosaur','neanderthal'],'a deep feeling of accomplishment','a fleeting tinge of entertainment','a vague sense of unease','deep existential dread','one extra week added to your lifespan','breathe manually','blink right here and now','one meeting with any famous person, living or dead, in your next dream','one very nice dream','a wacky sound effect','45 seconds of moral flexibility','hundreds and thousands, also known as "sprinkles"','one circle, triangle, square or other simple geometric shape, of average dimensions','just this extra bit of randomness','the extra push you needed to turn your life around','a good fright','one secret superpower','a better luck next time','an irrational phobia of tombola tickets','one whole spider','an increased sense of self-worth and determination','inner peace','one double-XP week-end in the MMORPG of your choice','a little piece of the universe, represented by the trillions of atoms that make up this very ticket','food poisoning','the Moon! Well, conceptually','a new car, baby','a new catchphrase','an intrusive thought of your choice','- ...aw man, it just cuts off there','the director spot for the next big hit movie','really good-looking calves','one genuine pirate golden doubloon','"treasure and riches", or something','one boat, sunken','baby shoes, never worn','direct lineage to some King or Queen','innate knowledge of a dead language you\'ll never encounter','the melody of a song you don\'t know the words to','white noise','mild physical impairment','a new pair of lips','things, and such','one popular expression bearing your name','one typo','one get-out-of-jail-free card','the rest of your life... for now','one polite huff','a condescending stare','one cursed monkey paw','true love, probably','an interesting factoid about the animal, country, TV show or celebrity of your choice','a pop culture reference','minutes of fun','the etymology of the word "tombola" - it\'s Italian for "a tumble"','nothing. You lost, sorry'])+'.)'; Math.seedrandom(); return this.desc+'Like quantum computing, but more fun.
'; }; order=10020; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Kruidnoten',desc:'A festive dutch favorite; tiny cinnamony bites sometimes coated in chocolate. The name translates roughly to "kruidnoten".',icon:[30,3],power: 5,price: getCookiePrice(22)}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Marie biscuits',desc:'Pleasantly round, smoothly buttery, subtly vanilla-flavored, ornately embossed, each ridge represents a person Marie killed in prison.',icon:[30,4],power: 5,price: getCookiePrice(23)}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Meringue cookies',desc:'Probably the most exciting thing you can make out of egg whites. Also called forgotten cookies, due to the recipe being once lost in a sealed mystical vault for 10,000 years.',icon:[31,4],power: 5,price: getCookiePrice(24)}); order=10060; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Pizza',desc:'What is a pizza if not a large, chewy cookie, frosted with a rather exuberant tomato & cheese icing? Not a cookie, that\'s what.',icon:[31,9],require:'Box of not cookies', power:5,price: Math.pow(10,44)}); order=10050; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Crackers',desc:'These are the non-flavored kind with no salt added. Really just a judgement-free wheat square begging to have bits of ham and spreadable cheese piled onto it, its main contribution being "crunchy".',icon:[30,9],require:'Box of maybe cookies', power:4,price: Math.pow(10,45)}); order=10030; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Havabreaks',desc:'You can snap the sections neatly or just bite into the whole thing like some kind of lunatic. Some oversea countries manufacture these in hundreds of unique flavors, such as green tea, lobster bisque, and dark chocolate.',icon:[31,3],require:'Box of brand biscuits',power: 2, price: 999999999999999999999999999*5}); order=20000; new Game.Upgrade('Kitten executives','You gain more CpS the more milk you have.ready to execute whatever and whoever you\'d like, sir',900000000000000000000000000000000000000000000,Game.GetIcon('Kitten',13));Game.last.kitten=1;Game.MakeTiered(Game.last,13,18); order=10020; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Chai tea cookies',desc:'Not exactly Captain Picard\'s favorite, but I mean, these will do in a pinch.',icon:[23,32],power: 5,price: getCookiePrice(4)+5});Game.last.order=10020.5685; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Yogurt cookies',desc:'Augmented by the wonders of dairy, these cookies are light and fluffy and just one more thing for the lactose-intolerant to avoid.
Truly for the cultured among us.',icon:[24,32],power: 5,price: getCookiePrice(25)}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Thumbprint cookies',desc:'Filled with jam and sometimes served in little paper cups. No longer admissible as biometric evidence in court. We\'re not having a repeat of that whole mess.',icon:[25,32],power: 5,price: getCookiePrice(26)}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Pizzelle',desc:'Thin, crisp waffle cookies baked in a bespoke iron following an ancient Italian recipe.
These cookies have been around for a long, long time.
These cookies have seen things.',icon:[26,32],power: 5,price: getCookiePrice(27)}); order=10030; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Zilla wafers',desc:'Popular vanilla-flavored biscuits that somehow keep ending up in banana pudding.
Themed after a beloved radioactive prehistoric monster, for some reason.',icon:[22,32],require:'Box of brand biscuits',power: 2, price: 999999999999999999999999999999*5}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Dim Dams',desc:'Two biscuits joined by chocolate and coated in even more chocolate.
You wonder - which one is the dim, and which one is the dam?',icon:[31,10],require:'Box of brand biscuits',power: 2, price: 999999999999999999999999999999999*5}); order=10060; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Candy',desc:'There are two pillars to the world of sweets : pastries, of course - and candy.
You could make a whole new game just about these, but for now, please enjoy these assorted generic treats.',icon:[30,10],require:'Box of not cookies', power:5,price: Math.pow(10,46)}); order=19000; new Game.TieredUpgrade('Fortune #001','Cursors are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.Fingers are not the only thing you can count on.','Cursor','fortune'); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Fortune #002','Grandmas are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.A wrinkle is a crack in a mundane facade.','Grandma','fortune'); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Fortune #003','Farms are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.The seeds of tomorrow already lie within the seeds of today.','Farm','fortune'); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Fortune #004','Mines are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.Riches from deep under elevate you all the same.','Mine','fortune'); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Fortune #005','Factories are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.True worth is not in what you find, but in what you make.','Factory','fortune'); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Fortune #006','Banks are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.The value of money means nothing to a pocket.','Bank','fortune'); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Fortune #007','Temples are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.Not all guides deserve worship.','Temple','fortune'); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Fortune #008','Wizard towers are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.Magic is about two things - showmanship, and rabbits.','Wizard tower','fortune'); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Fortune #009','Shipments are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.Every mile travelled expands the mind by just as much.','Shipment','fortune'); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Fortune #010','Alchemy labs are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.Don\'t get used to yourself. You\'re gonna have to change.','Alchemy lab','fortune'); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Fortune #011','Portals are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.Every doorway is a gamble. Tread with care.','Portal','fortune'); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Fortune #012','Time machines are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.Do your future self a favor; they\'ll thank you for it.','Time machine','fortune'); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Fortune #013','Antimatter condensers are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.The world is made of what we put into it.','Antimatter condenser','fortune'); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Fortune #014','Prisms are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.Staring at a dazzling light can blind you back to darkness.','Prism','fortune'); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Fortune #015','Chancemakers are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.Don\'t leave to blind chance what you could accomplish with deaf skill.','Chancemaker','fortune'); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Fortune #016','Fractal engines are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.It\'s good to see yourself in others. Remember to see yourself in yourself, too.','Fractal engine','fortune'); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Fortune #017','Javascript consoles are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.If things aren\'t working out for you, rewrite the rules.','Javascript console','fortune'); order=19100; //note : price for these capped to base price OR 1 day of unbuffed CpS new Game.Upgrade('Fortune #100','Upgrades and buildings cost -1%; you gain +1% CpS.True wealth is counted in gifts.', Game.Tiers['fortune'].price*100000,[0,0]);Game.MakeTiered(Game.last,'fortune',10); Game.last.priceFunc=function(me){return Math.min(me.basePrice,Game.unbuffedCps*60*60*24);} new Game.Upgrade('Fortune #101','You gain +7% CpS.Some people dream of fortunes; others dream of cookies.',Game.Tiers['fortune'].price*100000000,[0,0]);Game.MakeTiered(Game.last,'fortune',10); Game.last.priceFunc=function(me){return Math.min(me.basePrice,Game.unbuffedCps*60*60*24);} new Game.Upgrade('Fortune #102','You gain +1% of your regular CpS while the game is closed (provided you have the Twin Gates of Transcendence heavenly upgrade).Help, I\'m trapped in a browser game!',Game.Tiers['fortune'].price*100000000000,[0,0]);Game.MakeTiered(Game.last,'fortune',10); Game.last.priceFunc=function(me){return Math.min(me.basePrice,Game.unbuffedCps*60*60*24);} new Game.Upgrade('Fortune #103','You gain more CpS the more milk you have.Don\'t believe the superstitions; all cats are good luck.',Game.Tiers['fortune'].price*100000000000000,[0,0]);Game.MakeTiered(Game.last,'fortune',18);Game.last.kitten=1; Game.last.priceFunc=function(me){return Math.min(me.basePrice,Game.unbuffedCps*60*60*24);} new Game.Upgrade('Fortune #104','Clicking gains +1% of your CpS.Remember to stay in touch.',Game.Tiers['fortune'].price*100000000000,[0,0]);Game.MakeTiered(Game.last,'fortune',11); Game.last.priceFunc=function(me){return Math.min(me.basePrice,Game.unbuffedCps*60*60*24);} new Game.Upgrade('Fortune cookies','The news ticker may occasionally have fortunes, which may be clicked for something good.These don\'t taste all that great but that\'s not really the point, is it?',77777777777,[29,8]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Distilled essence of redoubled luck']; order=40000; new Game.Upgrade('A really good guide book','?????????',7,[22,12]);//debug purposes only //new Game.Upgrade('A really good guide book','All dungeon locations behave as if unlocked.
You may shift-click a dungeon location to teleport there.It even tells you which hotels to avoid!',7,[22,12]);//debug purposes only Game.last.buyFunction=function(){if (Game.Objects['Factory'].minigameLoaded){Game.Objects['Factory'].minigame.computeMapBounds();Game.Objects['Factory'].minigame.updateLocStyles();}} Game.last.pool='debug'; order=10300; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Prism heart biscuits',desc:'An every-flavor biscuit that stands for universal love and being true to yourself.',require:'Eternal heart biscuits',season:'valentines',icon:[30,8], power:heartPower,price: 1000000000000000000000000});Game.last.order=10300.175; order=19100; new Game.Upgrade('Kitten wages','Through clever accounting, this actually makes kitten upgrades 10% cheaper.Cats can have little a salary, as a treat.
Cats are expert hagglers and have a keen sense of bargaining, especially in the case of cash.
',9000000000,[31,8]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Kitten angels'];Game.last.kitten=1; new Game.Upgrade('Pet the dragon','Unlocks the ability to pet your dragon by clicking on it once hatched.Dragons do not purr. If your dragon starts purring, vacate the area immediately.',99999999999,[30,12]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['How to bake your dragon','Residual luck']; order=25100; var dragonDropUpgradeCost=function(me){return Game.unbuffedCps*60*30*((Game.dragonLevel+3%.
Cost scales with CpS, but 10 times cheaper with a fully-trained dragon.Your dragon sheds these regularly, so this one probably won\'t be missed.
Note: icon not to scale.
',999,[30,14]);Game.last.priceFunc=dragonDropUpgradeCost; new Game.Upgrade('Dragon claw','Clicks are +3% more powerful.
Cost scales with CpS, but 10 times cheaper with a fully-trained dragon.Will grow back in a few days\' time.
A six-inch retractable claw, like a razor, from the middle toe. So you know, try to show a little respect.
',999,[31,14]);Game.last.priceFunc=dragonDropUpgradeCost; new Game.Upgrade('Dragon fang','+3% golden cookie gains.
Dragon harvest and Dragonflight are 10% stronger.
Cost scales with CpS, but 10 times cheaper with a fully-trained dragon.Just a fallen baby tooth your dragon wanted you to have, as a gift.
It might be smaller than an adult tooth, but it\'s still frighteningly sharp - and displays some awe-inspiring cavities, which you might expect from a creature made out of sweets.
',999,[30,15]);Game.last.priceFunc=dragonDropUpgradeCost; new Game.Upgrade('Dragon teddy bear','+3% random drops.
Cost scales with CpS, but 10 times cheaper with a fully-trained dragon.Your dragon used to sleep with this, but it\'s yours now.
Crafted in the likelihood of a fearsome beast. Stuffed with magical herbs picked long ago by a wandering wizard. Woven from elven yarn and a polyester blend.
',999,[31,15]);Game.last.priceFunc=dragonDropUpgradeCost; order=10020; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Granola cookies',desc:'Wait! These are just oatmeal cookies mixed with raisin cookies! What next, half-dark chocolate half-white chocolate cookies?',icon:[28,32],power: 5,price: getCookiePrice(28)}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Ricotta cookies',desc:'Light and cake-like. Often flavored with lemon or almond extract. Sprinkles optional. Allegedly Italian. Investigation pending.',icon:[29,32],power: 5,price: getCookiePrice(29)}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Roze koeken',desc:'The icing on these Dutch cookies is traditionally pink, but different colors may be used for special occasions - such as pink to celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness Month, or for International Flamingo Day, pink.',icon:[30,32],power: 5,price: getCookiePrice(30)}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Peanut butter cup cookies',desc:'What more poignant example of modern societal struggles than the brazen reclaiming of a corporate product by integrating it in the vastly more authentic shell of a homemade undertaking? Anyway this is a peanut butter cup, baked into a cookie. It\'s pretty good!',icon:[31,32],power: 5,price: getCookiePrice(31)}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Sesame cookies',desc:'Look at all the little seeds on these! It\'s like someone dropped them on the street or something! A very welcoming and educational street!',icon:[22,33],power: 5,price: getCookiePrice(32)}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Taiyaki',desc:'A pastry fish filled with red bean paste, doomed to live an existence of constant and excruciating pain as its aquatic environment slowly dissolves its soft doughy body.
Also comes in chocolate flavor!',icon:[23,33],power: 5,price: getCookiePrice(33)}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Vanillekipferl',desc:'Nut-based cookies from Central Europe, coated in powdered vanilla sugar. Regular kipferl, crescent-shaped bread rolls from the same region, are much less exciting.',icon:[24,33],power: 5,price: getCookiePrice(34)}); order=10300; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Cosmic chocolate butter biscuit',desc:'Rewarded for owning 550 of everything.
Through some strange trick of magic or technology, looking at this cookie is like peering into a deep ocean of ancient stars. The origins of this biscuit are unknown; its manufacture, as far as your best investigators can tell, left no paper trail. From a certain angle, if you squint hard enough, you\'ll notice that a number of stars near the center are arranged to resemble the outline of your own face.',icon:[27,32],power: 10,price: 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999*butterBiscuitMult,locked:1}); order=100;new Game.Upgrade('Nonillion fingers','Multiplies the gain from Thousand fingers by 20.Only for the freakiest handshakes.',10000000000000000000000000,[12,31]);Game.MakeTiered(Game.last,13,0); order=150;new Game.Upgrade('Miraculite mouse','Clicking gains +1% of your CpS.Composed of a material that neither science nor philosophy are equipped to conceptualize. And boy, does it ever click.',50000000000000000000000000000,[11,31]);Game.MakeTiered(Game.last,13,11); order=200;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Generation degeneration','Grandmas are twice as efficient.Genetic testing shows that most of your grandmas are infected with a strange degenerative disease that only seems to further their powers; the more time passes, the older they get. This should concern you.','Grandma',12); order=300;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Global seed vault','Farms are twice as efficient.An enormous genetic repository that could outlive an apocalypse. Guarantees the survival of your empire, or at the very least its agricultural components, should civilization fall. Which should be any day now.','Farm',12); order=400;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Air mining','Mines are twice as efficient.You\'ve dug your drills through just about every solid surface you could find. But did you know recent advances have revealed untold riches hiding within non-solid surfaces too?','Mine',12); order=500;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Behavioral reframing','Factories are twice as efficient.Through careful social engineering you\'ve convinced your workers that "union" is a slur that only the most vile and repugnant filth among us would ever dare utter! Sometimes progress isn\'t in the big machines, it\'s in the little lies!','Factory',12); order=525;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Altruistic loop','Banks are twice as efficient.You control so many branches of the global economy and legislative bodies that, through a particularly creative loophole, donating money (to yourself) grants you even more cash in tax deductions than you started with!','Bank',12); order=550;new Game.TieredUpgrade('A novel idea','Temples are twice as efficient.You don\'t get rich starting a religion. If you want to get rich, you write science fiction.','Temple',12); order=575;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Spelling bees','Wizard towers are twice as efficient.You\'ve unleashed a swarm of magically-enhanced bees upon mankind! Their stinging spells may be the bane of all living things but you\'re certain you can put their delicious, purple, fizzy honey to good use!','Wizard tower',12); order=600;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Toroid universe','Shipments are twice as efficient.If you think of the universe as an nth-dimensional torus that wraps back on itself in every direction, you can save a fortune on rocket fuel! Of course the universe isn\'t actually shaped like that, but you\'ve never let details stand in your way.','Shipment',12); order=700;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Hermetic reconciliation','Alchemy labs are twice as efficient.It\'s time for modern science and the mystical domains of the occult to work together at last. What do gravitons transmute into? What if alkahest is pH-neutral? Should a homunculus have the right to vote? And other exciting questions coming to you soon, whether you like it or not.','Alchemy lab',12); order=800;new Game.TieredUpgrade('His advent','Portals are twice as efficient.He comes! He comes at last! Just like the prophecies foretold! And as He steps out of the portal, your engineers begin slicing Him into convenient chunks before transporting His writhing cosmic flesh to your factories, where He will be processed and converted into a new and exciting cookie flavor, available in stores tomorrow.','Portal',12); order=900;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Split seconds','Time machines are twice as efficient.Time is infinite, yes... But what if, nestled within each second, were even more infinities? Every moment an eternity! Think of how many scheduling troubles this solves!','Time machine',12); order=1000;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Flavor itself','Antimatter condensers are twice as efficient.Deep under the earth, in the most sterile laboratory, in the most vast and expensive particle accelerator ever devised, your scientists have synthesized -for a fraction of a second- the physical manifestation of pure flavor. Highly unstable, and gone in a puff of radioactive energy, it nonetheless left your team shivering with awe... and hunger.','Antimatter condenser',12); order=1100;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Light speed limit','Prisms are twice as efficient.Whoah, slow down. Harvesting light is well and good but it\'d be much easier if it weren\'t so dang fast! This should thankfully take care of that.','Prism',12); order=1200;new Game.TieredUpgrade('A touch of determinism','Chancemakers are twice as efficient.By knowing the exact position and movement of every particle in the universe, you\'re able to predict everything that can ever happen, leaving nothing to chance. This was a doozy to pull off mind you, but it\'s helped you win 50 bucks at the horse races so you could say it\'s already paying off.','Chancemaker',12); order=1300;new Game.TieredUpgrade('This upgrade','Fractal engines are twice as efficient.This upgrade\'s flavor text likes to refer to itself, as well as to the fact that it likes to refer to itself. You should really buy this upgrade before it starts doing anything more obnoxious.','Fractal engine',12); order=1400;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Your biggest fans','Javascript consoles are twice as efficient.Let\'s face it, baking cookies isn\'t the most optimized thing there is. So you\'ve purchased your biggest fans yet and stuck them next to your computers to keep things chill and in working order. Cool!','Javascript console',12); order=10020; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Battenberg biscuits',desc:'Inspired by a cake of the same name, itself named after a prince of the same name. You suppose you could play a really, really short game of chess on these.',icon:[28,33],power: 5,price: getCookiePrice(35)}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Rosette cookies',desc:'Intricate fried pastries from Northern Europe, made using specialized irons and dipped in icing sugar. While usually eaten as a delicious treat, these are often also used as Christmas tree decorations, or worn elegantly on one\'s lapel to symbolize the nah I\'m just messing with you.',icon:[26,33],power: 5,price: getCookiePrice(36)}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Gangmakers',desc:'The little bit of raspberry jam at its center is crucial; a plain butter cookie with chocolate topping does not a gangmaker make.',icon:[27,33],power: 5,price: getCookiePrice(37)}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Welsh cookies',desc:'Welsh cookies, also known as Welsh cakes, bakestones, griddle cakes, griddle scones, or pics, or in Welsh: picau ar y maen, pice bach, cacennau cri or teisennau gradell, are rich currant-filled scone-like biscuits of uncertain origin.',icon:[29,33],power: 5,price: getCookiePrice(38)}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Raspberry cheesecake cookies',desc:'The humble raspberry cheesecake, now in ascended cookie form. Researchers posit that raspberry cheesecake cookies are evidence that the final form of every baked good, through convergent evolution, approaches that of a cookie, in a process known as cookienisation.',icon:[25,33],power: 5,price: getCookiePrice(39)}); order=255; Game.GrandmaSynergy('Alternate grandmas','A different grandma to bake something else.','Idleverse'); order=1500; new Game.TieredUpgrade('Manifest destiny','Idleverses are twice as efficient.While the ethics of ransacking parallel universes for their riches may seem questionable to some, you\'ve reasoned that bringing the good word of your cookie empire to the unwashed confines of other realities is your moral duty, nay, your righteous imperative, and must be undertaken as soon as possible, lest they do it to you first!','Idleverse',1); new Game.TieredUpgrade('The multiverse in a nutshell','Idleverses are twice as efficient.The structure of the metacosmos may seem confusing and at times even contradictory, but here\'s what you\'ve gathered so far:

• each reality, or "idleverse", exists in parallel to all others

• most realities seem to converge towards the production of a sole type of item (ours evidently being, thanks to you, cookies)

• each reality is riddled with chaotic tunnels to a number of subordinate dimensions (such as the so-called "cookieverse"), much like swiss cheese

• all realities bathe in an infinite liquid of peculiar properties, colloquially known as "milk"

Finally, each reality may have its own interpretation of the concept of "reality", for added fun.
','Idleverse',2); new Game.TieredUpgrade('All-conversion','Idleverses are twice as efficient.It\'s quite nice that you can rewire the logic of each universe to generate cookies instead, but you still end up with parsec-loads of whatever they were producing before - baubles you\'ve long made obsolete: cash money, gems, cheeseburgers, puppies... That\'s why you\'ve designed the universal converter, compatible with any substance and capable of turning those useless spoils of conquest into the reassuring crumbly rustle of even more cookies.','Idleverse',3); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Multiverse agents','Idleverses are twice as efficient.You can send undercover spies to infiltrate each universe and have them signal you whether it\'s worth overtaking. Once the assimilation process started, they will also help pacify the local populations, having established trust through the use of wacky, but seamless, disguises.','Idleverse',4); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Escape plan','Idleverses are twice as efficient.You\'ve set an idleverse aside and terraformed it to closely resemble this one in case something goes horribly wrong in here. Of course, the denizens of that idleverse also have their own escape idleverse to abscond to in the eventuality of your arrival, itself likely having its own contingency idleverse, and so on.','Idleverse',5); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Game design','Idleverses are twice as efficient.Each idleverse functions according to some form of transcendental programming, that much is a given. But they also seem to be governed by much more subtle rules, the logic of which, when harnessed, may give you unparalleled dominion over the multiverse. Rewrite the rules! A game designer is you!','Idleverse',6); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Sandbox universes','Idleverses are twice as efficient.It doesn\'t seem like you\'ll run out of extra universes anytime soon so why not repurpose some of them as consequence-free testing grounds for all your more existentially threatening market research? (...consequence-free for you, anyway.)','Idleverse',7); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Multiverse wars','Idleverses are twice as efficient.Hmm, looks like some other universes wised up to your plundering. Thankfully, that\'s nothing your extra beefed-up metacosmic military budget can\'t handle!','Idleverse',8); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Mobile ports','Idleverses are twice as efficient.Accessing each outer universe is a bit of a hassle, requiring the once-in-a-blue-moon alignment of natural cosmic ports to transit from universe to universe. You\'ve finally perfected the method of constructing your own self-propelled ports, which can travel near-instantaneously along universal perimeters to permit headache-free multiverse connections. Took you long enough.','Idleverse',9); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Encapsulated realities','Idleverses are twice as efficient.Untold feats of science went into the reduction of infinite universes into these small, glimmering, easy-to-store little spheres. Exercise infinite caution when handling these, for each of them, containing endless galaxies and supporting endless life, is more precious than you can ever fathom. They\'ve also proven to be quite a smash hit in your warehouses on bowling night.','Idleverse',10); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Extrinsic clicking','Idleverses are twice as efficient.If you poke an idleverse, it seems like it gets work done faster. It\'s also quite fun hearing a trillion terrified voices screaming in unison.','Idleverse',11); new Game.TieredUpgrade('Universal idling','Idleverses are twice as efficient.The nature of idleverses is found in waiting. The more you wait on an idleverse, the more exponentially potent it becomes - which saves you a whole lot of hard work. In a true act of zen, you\'ve taken to biding your time when collecting new universes, letting them ripen like a fine wine.','Idleverse',12); order=5000; Game.SynergyUpgrade('Perforated mille-feuille cosmos','Imagine, if you will, layers upon layers upon layers. Now picture billions of worms chewing their way through it all. This roughly, but not quite, approximates the geometry of the most basal stratum of our natural world.','Idleverse','Portal','synergy1'); Game.SynergyUpgrade('Infraverses and superverses','Universes within universes? How subversive!','Idleverse','Fractal engine','synergy2'); order=19000; new Game.TieredUpgrade('Fortune #018','Idleverses are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.There\'s plenty of everyone, but only one of you.','Idleverse','fortune'); order=10300; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Butter biscuit (with butter)',desc:'Rewarded for owning 600 of everything.
This is a plain butter biscuit. It\'s got some butter on it. The butter doesn\'t look like anything in particular.',icon:[30,33],power: 10,price: 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999*butterBiscuitMult,locked:1}); order=200;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Visits','Grandmas are twice as efficient.In an extensive double-blind study (sample size: 12 millions), your researchers have found evidence that grandmas are up to twice as productive if you just come by and say hi once in a while. It\'s nice to check up on your grans! (Do not under any circumstances ingest any tea or tea-like substances the grandmas may offer you.)','Grandma',13); order=300;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Reverse-veganism','Farms are twice as efficient.Plants aren\'t for eating, plants are for exploitative agriculture and astronomical profit margins!','Farm',13); order=400;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Caramel alloys','Mines are twice as efficient.Your geologists have isolated a family of once-overlooked sugary ores that, when combined, may be turned into even more cookie ingredients. Your millions of miles of previously useless tunnels probably house insane amounts of the stuff!','Mine',13); order=500;new Game.TieredUpgrade('The infinity engine','Factories are twice as efficient.In this house, I guess we don\'t care much for the laws of thermodynamics.','Factory',13); order=525;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Diminishing tax returns','Banks are twice as efficient.Wow, they\'re tiny! Wish you\'d thought of that sooner!','Bank',13); order=550;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Apparitions','Temples are twice as efficient.You\'ve booked a deal with the higher-ups that schedules one weekly earthly apparition by a deity, angel, ascended prophet, or other holy figure. This should boost interest in cookie religion among youths as long as you can secure a decent time slot.','Temple',13); order=575;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Wizard basements','Wizard towers are twice as efficient.You\'ve received construction permits allowing you to build basements underneath each wizard tower. This provides a handy storage space for precious reagents, fizzled-out soul gems, and weird old magazines.','Wizard tower',13); order=600;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Prime directive','Shipments are twice as efficient.An intergalactic delegation made you pinky-swear not to directly interact with lesser alien cultures. Which is fine, because it\'s much funnier to rob a planet blind when its inhabitants have no idea what\'s going on.','Shipment',13); order=700;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Chromatic cycling','Alchemy labs are twice as efficient.All states of matter exist in a continuous loop. Having learned how to cycle through them, all you have to do is to freeze matter right on the state you need. For reference, the cookie state of matter is situated at precisely 163.719°, right between lamellar gas and metaplasma.','Alchemy lab',13); order=800;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Domestic rifts','Portals are twice as efficient.You\'ve managed to manufacture portals that are convenient enough, and legally safe enough, that you can just stick them against walls inside buildings to connect rooms together in unusual configurations. In practice, this means your employees get to have much shorter bathroom breaks.','Portal',13); order=900;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Patience abolished','Time machines are twice as efficient.You wait for no one.','Time machine',13); order=1000;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Delicious pull','Antimatter condensers are twice as efficient.In addition to the 4 fundamental forces of the universe -gravity, electromagnetism, weak and strong interactions- your scientists have at long last confirmed the existence of a fifth one, mediated by sugar bosons; it dictates that any two masses of ingredient-like matter will, given enough time, eventually meet each other to produce a third, even tastier substance. Your team enthusiastically names it the delicious pull.','Antimatter condenser',13); order=1100;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Occam\'s laser','Prisms are twice as efficient.Invented by Franciscan friar William of Occam in 1327. An impossibly clever use of light theory with a billion possible applications, some of which frightfully destructive. Confined to a single goat-skin parchment for hundreds of years until the patent expired and hit public domain, just now.','Prism',13); order=1200;new Game.TieredUpgrade('On a streak','Chancemakers are twice as efficient.Take a moment to appreciate how far you\'ve come. How lucky you\'ve been so far. It doesn\'t take a genius statistician to extrapolate a trend from this. There\'s no way anything bad could happen to you now. Right?','Chancemaker',13); order=1300;new Game.TieredUpgrade('A box','Fractal engines are twice as efficient.What\'s in that box? Why, it\'s a tiny replica of your office! And there\'s even a little you in there! And what\'s on the little desk... say - that\'s an even tinier box! And the little you is opening it, revealing an even tinier office! And in the tinier office there\'s- Hmm. You can think of a couple uses for this.','Fractal engine',13); order=1400;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Hacker shades','Javascript consoles are twice as efficient.I\'m in.','Javascript console',13); order=1500;new Game.TieredUpgrade('Break the fifth wall','Idleverses are twice as efficient.Huh, was that always there? Whatever it was, it\'s gone now. And what was behind is yours for the taking.','Idleverse',13); new Game.Upgrade('Cat ladies','Each kitten upgrade boosts grandma CpS by 29%.Oh no. Oh no no no. Ohhh this isn\'t right at all.',9000000000,[32,3]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Kitten angels']; new Game.Upgrade('Milkhelp® lactose intolerance relief tablets','Each rank of milk boosts grandma CpS by 5%.Aged like milk.',900000000000,[33,3]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Cat ladies']; new Game.Upgrade('Aura gloves','Cursor levels boost clicks by 5% each (up to cursor level 10).Try not to high-five anyone wearing these. You don\'t want that mess on your hands.',555555555,[32,4]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Halo gloves']; new Game.Upgrade('Luminous gloves','Aura gloves are now effective up to cursor level 20.These help power your clicks to absurd levels, but they\'re also quite handy when you want to light up the darkness on your way back from Glove World.',55555555555,[33,4]);Game.last.pool='prestige';Game.last.parents=['Aura gloves']; order=10020; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Bokkenpootjes',desc:'Consist of 2 meringue halves joined by buttercream and dipped both ways in chocolate. Named after a goat\'s foot that probably stepped in something twice.',icon:[32,8],power: 5,price: getCookiePrice(40)}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Fat rascals',desc:'Almond-smiled Yorkshire cakes with a rich history and an even richer recipe. The more diet-conscious are invited to try the lean version, skinny scallywags.',icon:[33,8],power: 5,price: getCookiePrice(41)}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Ischler cookies',desc:'Originating in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, these have spread throughout every country in eastern Europe and spawned just as many recipes, each claiming to be the original. The basis remains unchanged across all variants: two biscuits sandwiched around chocolate buttercream. Or was it jam?',icon:[32,9],power: 5,price: getCookiePrice(42)}); Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Matcha cookies',desc:'Green tea and cookies, a matcha made in heaven.',icon:[33,9],power: 5,price: getCookiePrice(42)}); order=10032; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Earl Grey macarons',desc:'Best served hot, make it so!',icon:[32,10],require:'Box of macarons', power:3,price: 9999999999999999999999999999}); order=10030; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Pokey',desc:'While commonly thought to be named so because it\'s fun to poke your classmates with these, Pokey-brand biscuit sticks actually get their name from their popularity in smoke-free prisons, where they\'re commonly smuggled and traded in lieu of cigarettes.',icon:[33,10],require:'Box of brand biscuits',power: 2, price: 999999999999999999999999999999999999*5}); order=10000; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Cashew cookies',desc:'Let me tell you about cashews. Cashews are not nuts, but seeds that grow out of curious red or yellow fruits - which can be eaten on their own, or made into drinks. The shell around the nut itself contains a nasty substance that stains and irritates the hands of whoever handles it for too long. But that\'s okay, since now that you\'ve read this you\'ll make sure it doesn\'t get in the cookies! Oh, you\'ve already eaten how many? Okay then.',icon:[32,7],power: 2, price: 99999999}); order=10001; Game.NewUpgradeCookie({name:'Milk chocolate cookies',desc:'A strange inversion of chocolate milk. For those who are a little bit too hardcore for white chocolate, but not hardcore enough for dark.',icon:[33,7],power:2, price: 99999999*5}); //end of upgrades Game.seasons={ 'christmas':{name:'Christmas',start:'Christmas season has started!',over:'Christmas season is over.',trigger:'Festive biscuit'}, 'valentines':{name:'Valentine\'s day',start:'Valentine\'s day has started!',over:'Valentine\'s day is over.',trigger:'Lovesick biscuit'}, 'fools':{name:'Business day',start:'Business day has started!',over:'Business day is over.',trigger:'Fool\'s biscuit'}, 'easter':{name:'Easter',start:'Easter season has started!',over:'Easter season is over.',trigger:'Bunny biscuit'}, 'halloween':{name:'Halloween',start:'Halloween has started!',over:'Halloween is over.',trigger:'Ghostly biscuit'} }; Game.listTinyOwnedUpgrades=function(arr) { var str=''; for (var i=0;i'; } } return str; } Game.santaDrops=['Increased merriness','Improved jolliness','A lump of coal','An itchy sweater','Reindeer baking grounds','Weighted sleighs','Ho ho ho-flavored frosting','Season savings','Toy workshop','Naughty list','Santa\'s bottomless bag','Santa\'s helpers','Santa\'s legacy','Santa\'s milk and cookies']; Game.GetHowManySantaDrops=function() { var num=0; for (var i in Game.santaDrops) {if (Game.Has(Game.santaDrops[i])) num++;} return num; } Game.reindeerDrops=['Christmas tree biscuits','Snowflake biscuits','Snowman biscuits','Holly biscuits','Candy cane biscuits','Bell biscuits','Present biscuits']; Game.GetHowManyReindeerDrops=function() { var num=0; for (var i in Game.reindeerDrops) {if (Game.Has(Game.reindeerDrops[i])) num++;} return num; } /*for (var i in Game.santaDrops) { Game.Upgrades[Game.santaDrops[i]].descFunc=function(){return '
You currently own '+Game.GetHowManySantaDrops()+'/'+Game.santaDrops.length+' of Santa\'s gifts.
'+this.desc;}; }*/ Game.seasonDrops=Game.heartDrops.concat(Game.halloweenDrops).concat(Game.easterEggs).concat(Game.santaDrops).concat(Game.reindeerDrops); Game.saySeasonSwitchUses=function() { if (Game.seasonUses==0) return 'You haven\'t switched seasons this ascension yet.'; return 'You\'ve switched seasons '+(Game.seasonUses==1?'once':Game.seasonUses==2?'twice':(Game.seasonUses+' times'))+' this ascension.'; } Game.Upgrades['Festive biscuit'].descFunc=function(){return '

You\'ve purchased '+Game.GetHowManySantaDrops()+'/'+Game.santaDrops.length+' of Santa\'s gifts.

You\'ve purchased '+Game.GetHowManyReindeerDrops()+'/'+Game.reindeerDrops.length+' reindeer cookies.
'+this.desc;}; Game.Upgrades['Bunny biscuit'].descFunc=function(){return '

You\'ve purchased '+Game.GetHowManyEggs()+'/'+Game.easterEggs.length+' eggs.
'+this.desc;}; Game.Upgrades['Ghostly biscuit'].descFunc=function(){return '

You\'ve purchased '+Game.GetHowManyHalloweenDrops()+'/'+Game.halloweenDrops.length+' halloween cookies.
'+this.desc;}; Game.Upgrades['Lovesick biscuit'].descFunc=function(){return '

You\'ve purchased '+Game.GetHowManyHeartDrops()+'/'+Game.heartDrops.length+' heart biscuits.
'+this.desc;}; Game.Upgrades['Fool\'s biscuit'].descFunc=function(){return '
'+this.desc;}; Game.computeSeasonPrices=function() { for (var i in Game.seasons) { Game.seasons[i].triggerUpgrade.priceFunc=function(){ var m=1; if (Game.hasGod) { var godLvl=Game.hasGod('seasons'); if (godLvl==1) m*=2; else if (godLvl==2) m*=1.50; else if (godLvl==3) m*=1.25; } //return Game.seasonTriggerBasePrice*Math.pow(2,Game.seasonUses)*m; //return Game.cookiesPs*60*Math.pow(1.5,Game.seasonUses)*m; return Game.seasonTriggerBasePrice+Game.unbuffedCps*60*Math.pow(1.5,Game.seasonUses)*m; } } } Game.computeSeasons=function() { for (var i in Game.seasons) { var me=Game.Upgrades[Game.seasons[i].trigger]; Game.seasons[i].triggerUpgrade=me; me.pool='toggle'; me.buyFunction=function() { Game.seasonUses+=1; Game.computeSeasonPrices(); //Game.Lock(this.name); for (var i in Game.seasons) { var me=Game.Upgrades[Game.seasons[i].trigger]; if (me.name!=this.name) {Game.Lock(me.name);Game.Unlock(me.name);} } if (Game.season!='' && Game.season!=this.season) { var str=Game.seasons[Game.season].over+'
'; if (Game.prefs.popups) Game.Popup(str); else Game.Notify(str,'',Game.seasons[Game.season].triggerUpgrade.icon,4); } Game.season=this.season; Game.seasonT=Game.getSeasonDuration(); Game.storeToRefresh=1; Game.upgradesToRebuild=1; Game.Objects['Grandma'].redraw(); var str=Game.seasons[this.season].start+'
'; if (Game.prefs.popups) Game.Popup(str); else Game.Notify(str,'',this.icon,4); } me.clickFunction=function(me){return function() { //undo season if (me.bought && Game.season && me==Game.seasons[Game.season].triggerUpgrade) { me.lose(); var str=Game.seasons[Game.season].over; if (Game.prefs.popups) Game.Popup(str); else Game.Notify(str,'',Game.seasons[Game.season].triggerUpgrade.icon); if (Game.Has('Season switcher')) {Game.Unlock(Game.seasons[Game.season].trigger);Game.seasons[Game.season].triggerUpgrade.bought=0;} Game.upgradesToRebuild=1; Game.recalculateGains=1; Game.season=Game.baseSeason; Game.seasonT=-1; PlaySound('snd/tick.mp3'); return false; } else return true; };}(me); me.displayFuncWhenOwned=function(){return '
Time remaining :
'+(Game.Has('Eternal seasons')?'forever':Game.sayTime(Game.seasonT,-1))+'
(Click again to cancel season)
';} me.timerDisplay=function(upgrade){return function(){if (!Game.Upgrades[upgrade.name].bought || Game.Has('Eternal seasons')) return -1; else return 1-Game.seasonT/Game.getSeasonDuration();}}(me); } } Game.getSeasonDuration=function(){return Game.fps*60*60*24;} Game.computeSeasons(); //alert untiered building upgrades for (var i in Game.Upgrades) { var me=Game.Upgrades[i]; if (me.order>=200 && me.order<2000 && !me.tier && me.name.indexOf('grandma')==-1 && me.pool!='prestige') console.log(me.name+' has no tier.'); } Game.UpgradesByPool={'kitten':[]}; for (var i in Game.Upgrades) { if (!Game.UpgradesByPool[Game.Upgrades[i].pool]) Game.UpgradesByPool[Game.Upgrades[i].pool]=[]; Game.UpgradesByPool[Game.Upgrades[i].pool].push(Game.Upgrades[i]); if (Game.Upgrades[i].kitten) Game.UpgradesByPool['kitten'].push(Game.Upgrades[i]); } Game.PrestigeUpgrades=[]; for (var i in Game.Upgrades) { if (Game.Upgrades[i].pool=='prestige' || Game.Upgrades[i].pool=='prestigeDecor') { Game.PrestigeUpgrades.push(Game.Upgrades[i]); Game.Upgrades[i].posX=0; Game.Upgrades[i].posY=0; if (Game.Upgrades[i].parents.length==0 && Game.Upgrades[i].name!='Legacy') Game.Upgrades[i].parents=['Legacy']; for (var ii in Game.Upgrades[i].parents) {Game.Upgrades[i].parents[ii]=Game.Upgrades[Game.Upgrades[i].parents[ii]];} } } Game.goldenCookieUpgrades=['Get lucky','Lucky day','Serendipity','Heavenly luck','Lasting fortune','Decisive fate','Lucky digit','Lucky number','Lucky payout','Golden goose egg']; Game.cookieUpgrades=[]; for (var i in Game.Upgrades) { var me=Game.Upgrades[i]; if ((me.pool=='cookie' || me.pseudoCookie)) Game.cookieUpgrades.push(me); if (me.tier) Game.Tiers[me.tier].upgrades.push(me); } for (var i in Game.UnlockAt){Game.Upgrades[Game.UnlockAt[i].name].unlockAt=Game.UnlockAt[i];} for (var i in Game.Upgrades){if (Game.Upgrades[i].pool=='prestige') Game.Upgrades[i].order=Game.Upgrades[i].id;} /*var oldPrestigePrices={"Chimera":5764801,"Synergies Vol. I":2525,"Synergies Vol. II":252525,"Label printer":9999}; for (var i in oldPrestigePrices){Game.Upgrades[i].basePrice=oldPrestigePrices[i];}*/ Game.UpgradePositions={141:[176,-66],181:[-555,-93],253:[-272,-231],254:[-99,-294],255:[-193,-279],264:[48,123],265:[133,154],266:[223,166],267:[305,137],268:[382,85],269:[-640,42],270:[-614,-268],271:[-728,-120],272:[-688,-205],273:[-711,-31],274:[270,-328],275:[317,-439],276:[333,-556],277:[334,-676],278:[333,-796],279:[328,-922],280:[303,-1040],281:[194,-230],282:[-265,212],283:[-321,297],284:[-322,406],285:[-243,501],286:[-403,501],287:[-314,606],288:[-312,-374],289:[-375,-502],290:[-165,-413],291:[453,-745],292:[-375,-651],293:[-399,-794],323:[-78,109],325:[192,-1127],326:[-328,-158],327:[-192,290],328:[-3,237],329:[92,376],353:[121,-326],354:[77,-436],355:[64,-548],356:[57,-673],357:[52,-793],358:[58,-924],359:[82,-1043],360:[-188,408],362:[158,289],363:[-30,-30],364:[-232,-730],365:[-77,349],368:[-55,-455],393:[196,-714],394:[197,-964],395:[-143,-140],396:[-264,-889],397:[-69,563],408:[-204,-1036],409:[-72,-1152],410:[-70,-1328],411:[-388,137],412:[-470,253],413:[-482,389],449:[-367,-1113],450:[-334,-1214],451:[-278,-1303],495:[-402,-966],496:[200,49],505:[-545,-570],520:[-279,-8],537:[-907,-131],539:[-508,-1270],540:[-629,-1291],541:[-594,-1186],542:[-548,-1374],561:[300,-17],562:[52,646],591:[154,744],592:[180,608],643:[-121,710],646:[457,-906],647:[-122,205],717:[589,-772],718:[622,-649],719:[-215,-526],720:[-96,-575],}; for (var i in Game.UpgradePositions) {Game.UpgradesById[i].posX=Game.UpgradePositions[i][0];Game.UpgradesById[i].posY=Game.UpgradePositions[i][1];} /*===================================================================================== ACHIEVEMENTS =======================================================================================*/ Game.Achievements=[]; Game.AchievementsById=[]; Game.AchievementsN=0; Game.AchievementsOwned=0; Game.Achievement=function(name,desc,icon) { this.id=Game.AchievementsN; this.name=name; this.desc=desc; this.baseDesc=this.desc; this.desc=BeautifyInText(this.baseDesc); this.icon=icon; this.won=0; this.disabled=0; this.order=this.id; if (order) this.order=order+this.id*0.001; this.pool='normal'; this.vanilla=Game.vanilla; this.type='achievement'; this.click=function() { if (this.clickFunction) this.clickFunction(); } Game.last=this; Game.Achievements[this.name]=this; Game.AchievementsById[this.id]=this; Game.AchievementsN++; return this; } Game.Win=function(what) { if (typeof what==='string') { if (Game.Achievements[what]) { if (Game.Achievements[what].won==0) { var name=Game.Achievements[what].shortName?Game.Achievements[what].shortName:Game.Achievements[what].name; Game.Achievements[what].won=1; if (Game.prefs.popups) Game.Popup('Achievement unlocked :
'+name); else Game.Notify('Achievement unlocked','
',Game.Achievements[what].icon); if (Game.CountsAsAchievementOwned(Game.Achievements[what].pool)) Game.AchievementsOwned++; Game.recalculateGains=1; } } } else {for (var i in what) {Game.Win(what[i]);}} } Game.RemoveAchiev=function(what) { if (Game.Achievements[what]) { if (Game.Achievements[what].won==1) { Game.Achievements[what].won=0; if (Game.CountsAsAchievementOwned(Game.Achievements[what].pool)) Game.AchievementsOwned--; Game.recalculateGains=1; } } } Game.Achievement.prototype.toggle=function()//cheating only { if (!this.won) { Game.Win(this.name); } else { Game.RemoveAchiev(this.name); } if (Game.onMenu=='stats') Game.UpdateMenu(); } Game.CountsAsAchievementOwned=function(pool) { if (pool=='' || pool=='normal') return true; else return false; } Game.HasAchiev=function(what) { return (Game.Achievements[what]?Game.Achievements[what].won:0); } Game.TieredAchievement=function(name,desc,building,tier) { var achiev=new Game.Achievement(name,desc,Game.GetIcon(building,tier)); Game.SetTier(building,tier); return achiev; } Game.ProductionAchievement=function(name,building,tier,q,mult) { var building=Game.Objects[building]; var icon=[building.iconColumn,22]; var n=12+building.n+(mult||0); if (tier==2) {icon[1]=23;n+=7;} else if (tier==3) {icon[1]=24;n+=14;} var pow=Math.pow(10,n); var achiev=new Game.Achievement(name,'Make '+toFixed(pow)+' cookies just from '+building.plural+'.'+(q?''+q+'':''),icon); building.productionAchievs.push({pow:pow,achiev:achiev}); return achiev; } Game.thresholdIcons=[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29]; Game.BankAchievements=[]; Game.BankAchievement=function(name,q) { var threshold=Math.pow(10,Math.floor(Game.BankAchievements.length*1.5+2)); if (Game.BankAchievements.length==0) threshold=1; var achiev=new Game.Achievement(name,'Bake '+toFixed(threshold)+' cookie'+(threshold==1?'':'s')+' in one ascension.'+(q?(''+q+''):''),[Game.thresholdIcons[Game.BankAchievements.length],(Game.BankAchievements.length>32?1:Game.BankAchievements.length>23?2:5)]); achiev.threshold=threshold; achiev.order=100+Game.BankAchievements.length*0.01; Game.BankAchievements.push(achiev); return achiev; } Game.CpsAchievements=[]; Game.CpsAchievement=function(name,q) { var threshold=Math.pow(10,Math.floor(Game.CpsAchievements.length*1.2)); //if (Game.CpsAchievements.length==0) threshold=1; var achiev=new Game.Achievement(name,'Bake '+toFixed(threshold)+' cookie'+(threshold==1?'':'s')+' per second.'+(q?(''+q+''):''),[Game.thresholdIcons[Game.CpsAchievements.length],(Game.CpsAchievements.length>32?1:Game.CpsAchievements.length>23?2:5)]); achiev.threshold=threshold; achiev.order=200+Game.CpsAchievements.length*0.01; Game.CpsAchievements.push(achiev); return achiev; } //define achievements //WARNING : do NOT add new achievements in between, this breaks the saves. Add them at the end ! var order=0;//this is used to set the order in which the items are listed Game.BankAchievement('Wake and bake'); Game.BankAchievement('Making some dough'); Game.BankAchievement('So baked right now'); Game.BankAchievement('Fledgling bakery'); Game.BankAchievement('Affluent bakery'); Game.BankAchievement('World-famous bakery'); Game.BankAchievement('Cosmic bakery'); Game.BankAchievement('Galactic bakery'); Game.BankAchievement('Universal bakery'); Game.BankAchievement('Timeless bakery'); Game.BankAchievement('Infinite bakery'); Game.BankAchievement('Immortal bakery'); Game.BankAchievement('Don\'t stop me now'); Game.BankAchievement('You can stop now'); Game.BankAchievement('Cookies all the way down'); Game.BankAchievement('Overdose'); Game.CpsAchievement('Casual baking'); Game.CpsAchievement('Hardcore baking'); Game.CpsAchievement('Steady tasty stream'); Game.CpsAchievement('Cookie monster'); Game.CpsAchievement('Mass producer'); Game.CpsAchievement('Cookie vortex'); Game.CpsAchievement('Cookie pulsar'); Game.CpsAchievement('Cookie quasar'); Game.CpsAchievement('Oh hey, you\'re still here'); Game.CpsAchievement('Let\'s never bake again'); order=30010; new Game.Achievement('Sacrifice','Ascend with 1 million cookies baked.Easy come, easy go.',[11,6]); new Game.Achievement('Oblivion','Ascend with 1 billion cookies baked.Back to square one.',[11,6]); new Game.Achievement('From scratch','Ascend with 1 trillion cookies baked.It\'s been fun.',[11,6]); order=11010; new Game.Achievement('Neverclick','Make 1 million cookies by only having clicked 15 times.',[12,0]);//Game.last.pool='shadow'; order=1000; new Game.Achievement('Clicktastic','Make 1,000 cookies from clicking.',[11,0]); new Game.Achievement('Clickathlon','Make 100,000 cookies from clicking.',[11,1]); new Game.Achievement('Clickolympics','Make 10,000,000 cookies from clicking.',[11,2]); new Game.Achievement('Clickorama','Make 1,000,000,000 cookies from clicking.',[11,13]); order=1050; new Game.Achievement('Click','Have 1 cursor.',[0,0]); new Game.Achievement('Double-click','Have 2 cursors.',[0,6]); new Game.Achievement('Mouse wheel','Have 50 cursors.',[1,6]); new Game.Achievement('Of Mice and Men','Have 100 cursors.',[0,1]); new Game.Achievement('The Digital','Have 200 cursors.',[0,2]); order=1100; new Game.Achievement('Just wrong','Sell a grandma.I thought you loved me.',[10,9]); Game.TieredAchievement('Grandma\'s cookies','Have 1 grandma.','Grandma',1); Game.TieredAchievement('Sloppy kisses','Have 50 grandmas.','Grandma',2); Game.TieredAchievement('Retirement home','Have 100 grandmas.','Grandma',3); order=1200; Game.TieredAchievement('Bought the farm','Have 1 farm.','Farm',1); Game.TieredAchievement('Reap what you sow','Have 50 farms.','Farm',2); Game.TieredAchievement('Farm ill','Have 100 farms.','Farm',3); order=1400; Game.TieredAchievement('Production chain','Have 1 factory.','Factory',1); Game.TieredAchievement('Industrial revolution','Have 50 factories.','Factory',2); Game.TieredAchievement('Global warming','Have 100 factories.','Factory',3); order=1300; Game.TieredAchievement('You know the drill','Have 1 mine.','Mine',1); Game.TieredAchievement('Excavation site','Have 50 mines.','Mine',2); Game.TieredAchievement('Hollow the planet','Have 100 mines.','Mine',3); order=1500; Game.TieredAchievement('Expedition','Have 1 shipment.','Shipment',1); Game.TieredAchievement('Galactic highway','Have 50 shipments.','Shipment',2); Game.TieredAchievement('Far far away','Have 100 shipments.','Shipment',3); order=1600; Game.TieredAchievement('Transmutation','Have 1 alchemy lab.','Alchemy lab',1); Game.TieredAchievement('Transmogrification','Have 50 alchemy labs.','Alchemy lab',2); Game.TieredAchievement('Gold member','Have 100 alchemy labs.','Alchemy lab',3); order=1700; Game.TieredAchievement('A whole new world','Have 1 portal.','Portal',1); Game.TieredAchievement('Now you\'re thinking','Have 50 portals.','Portal',2); Game.TieredAchievement('Dimensional shift','Have 100 portals.','Portal',3); order=1800; Game.TieredAchievement('Time warp','Have 1 time machine.','Time machine',1); Game.TieredAchievement('Alternate timeline','Have 50 time machines.','Time machine',2); Game.TieredAchievement('Rewriting history','Have 100 time machines.','Time machine',3); order=7000; new Game.Achievement('One with everything','Have at least 1 of every building.',[2,7]); new Game.Achievement('Mathematician','Have at least 1 of the most expensive object, 2 of the second-most expensive, 4 of the next and so on (capped at 128).',[23,12]); new Game.Achievement('Base 10','Have at least 10 of the most expensive object, 20 of the second-most expensive, 30 of the next and so on.',[23,12]); order=10000; new Game.Achievement('Golden cookie','Click a golden cookie.',[10,14]); new Game.Achievement('Lucky cookie','Click 7 golden cookies.',[22,6]); new Game.Achievement('A stroke of luck','Click 27 golden cookies.',[23,6]); order=30200; new Game.Achievement('Cheated cookies taste awful','Hack in some cookies.',[10,6]);Game.last.pool='shadow'; order=11010; new Game.Achievement('Uncanny clicker','Click really, really fast.Well I\'ll be!',[12,0]); order=5000; new Game.Achievement('Builder','Own 100 buildings.',[2,6]); new Game.Achievement('Architect','Own 500 buildings.',[3,6]); order=6000; new Game.Achievement('Enhancer','Purchase 20 upgrades.',[9,0]); new Game.Achievement('Augmenter','Purchase 50 upgrades.',[9,1]); order=11000; new Game.Achievement('Cookie-dunker','Dunk the cookie.You did it!',[1,8]); order=10000; new Game.Achievement('Fortune','Click 77 golden cookies.You should really go to bed.',[24,6]); order=31000; new Game.Achievement('True Neverclick','Make 1 million cookies with no cookie clicks.This kinda defeats the whole purpose, doesn\'t it?',[12,0]);Game.last.pool='shadow'; order=20000; new Game.Achievement('Elder nap','Appease the grandmatriarchs at least once.we
',[8,9]); new Game.Achievement('Elder slumber','Appease the grandmatriarchs at least 5 times.our mind
the universe
',[8,9]); order=1150; new Game.Achievement('Elder','Own at least 7 grandma types.',[10,9]); order=20000; new Game.Achievement('Elder calm','Declare a covenant with the grandmatriarchs.we
',[8,9]); order=5000; new Game.Achievement('Engineer','Own 1000 buildings.',[4,6]); order=10000; new Game.Achievement('Leprechaun','Click 777 golden cookies.',[25,6]); new Game.Achievement('Black cat\'s paw','Click 7777 golden cookies.',[26,6]); order=30050; new Game.Achievement('Nihilism','Ascend with 1 quadrillion cookies baked.There are many things
that need to be erased
',[11,7]); order=1900; Game.TieredAchievement('Antibatter','Have 1 antimatter condenser.','Antimatter condenser',1); Game.TieredAchievement('Quirky quarks','Have 50 antimatter condensers.','Antimatter condenser',2); Game.TieredAchievement('It does matter!','Have 100 antimatter condensers.','Antimatter condenser',3); order=6000; new Game.Achievement('Upgrader','Purchase 100 upgrades.',[9,2]); order=7000; new Game.Achievement('Centennial','Have at least 100 of everything.',[6,6]); order=30500; new Game.Achievement('Hardcore','Get to 1 billion cookies baked with no upgrades purchased.',[12,6]);//Game.last.pool='shadow'; order=30600; new Game.Achievement('Speed baking I','Get to 1 million cookies baked in 35 minutes.',[12,5]);Game.last.pool='shadow'; new Game.Achievement('Speed baking II','Get to 1 million cookies baked in 25 minutes.',[13,5]);Game.last.pool='shadow'; new Game.Achievement('Speed baking III','Get to 1 million cookies baked in 15 minutes.',[14,5]);Game.last.pool='shadow'; order=61000; var achiev=new Game.Achievement('Getting even with the oven','Defeat the Sentient Furnace in the factory dungeons.',[12,7]);Game.last.pool='dungeon'; var achiev=new Game.Achievement('Now this is pod-smashing','Defeat the Ascended Baking Pod in the factory dungeons.',[12,7]);Game.last.pool='dungeon'; var achiev=new Game.Achievement('Chirped out','Find and defeat Chirpy, the dysfunctionning alarm bot.',[13,7]);Game.last.pool='dungeon'; var achiev=new Game.Achievement('Follow the white rabbit','Find and defeat the elusive sugar bunny.',[14,7]);Game.last.pool='dungeon'; order=1000; new Game.Achievement('Clickasmic','Make 100,000,000,000 cookies from clicking.',[11,14]); order=1100; Game.TieredAchievement('Friend of the ancients','Have 150 grandmas.','Grandma',4); Game.TieredAchievement('Ruler of the ancients','Have 200 grandmas.','Grandma',5); order=32000; new Game.Achievement('Wholesome','Unlock 100% of your heavenly chips power.',[15,7]); order=33000; new Game.Achievement('Just plain lucky','You have 1 chance in 500,000 every second of earning this achievement.',[15,6]);Game.last.pool='shadow'; order=21000; new Game.Achievement('Itchscratcher','Burst 1 wrinkler.',[19,8]); new Game.Achievement('Wrinklesquisher','Burst 50 wrinklers.',[19,8]); new Game.Achievement('Moistburster','Burst 200 wrinklers.',[19,8]); order=22000; new Game.Achievement('Spooky cookies','Unlock every Halloween-themed cookie.
Owning this achievement makes Halloween-themed cookies drop more frequently in future playthroughs.',[12,8]); order=22100; new Game.Achievement('Coming to town','Reach Santa\'s 7th form.',[18,9]); new Game.Achievement('All hail Santa','Reach Santa\'s final form.',[19,10]); new Game.Achievement('Let it snow','Unlock every Christmas-themed cookie.
Owning this achievement makes Christmas-themed cookies drop more frequently in future playthroughs.',[19,9]); new Game.Achievement('Oh deer','Pop 1 reindeer.',[12,9]); new Game.Achievement('Sleigh of hand','Pop 50 reindeer.',[12,9]); new Game.Achievement('Reindeer sleigher','Pop 200 reindeer.',[12,9]); order=1200; Game.TieredAchievement('Perfected agriculture','Have 150 farms.','Farm',4); order=1400; Game.TieredAchievement('Ultimate automation','Have 150 factories.','Factory',4); order=1300; Game.TieredAchievement('Can you dig it','Have 150 mines.','Mine',4); order=1500; Game.TieredAchievement('Type II civilization','Have 150 shipments.','Shipment',4); order=1600; Game.TieredAchievement('Gild wars','Have 150 alchemy labs.','Alchemy lab',4); order=1700; Game.TieredAchievement('Brain-split','Have 150 portals.','Portal',4); order=1800; Game.TieredAchievement('Time duke','Have 150 time machines.','Time machine',4); order=1900; Game.TieredAchievement('Molecular maestro','Have 150 antimatter condensers.','Antimatter condenser',4); order=2000; Game.TieredAchievement('Lone photon','Have 1 prism.','Prism',1); Game.TieredAchievement('Dazzling glimmer','Have 50 prisms.','Prism',2); Game.TieredAchievement('Blinding flash','Have 100 prisms.','Prism',3); Game.TieredAchievement('Unending glow','Have 150 prisms.','Prism',4); order=5000; new Game.Achievement('Lord of Constructs','Own 2000 buildings.He saw the vast plains stretching ahead of him, and he said : let there be civilization.',[5,6]); order=6000; new Game.Achievement('Lord of Progress','Purchase 200 upgrades.One can always do better. But should you?',[9,14]); order=7002; new Game.Achievement('Bicentennial','Have at least 200 of everything.You crazy person.',[8,6]); order=22300; new Game.Achievement('Lovely cookies','Unlock every Valentine-themed cookie.',[20,3]); order=7001; new Game.Achievement('Centennial and a half','Have at least 150 of everything.',[7,6]); order=11000; new Game.Achievement('Tiny cookie','Click the tiny cookie.These aren\'t the cookies
you\'re clicking for.
',[0,5]); order=400000; new Game.Achievement('You win a cookie','This is for baking 10 trillion cookies and making it on the local news.We\'re all so proud of you.',[10,0]); order=1070; Game.ProductionAchievement('Click delegator','Cursor',1,0,7); order=1120; Game.ProductionAchievement('Gushing grannies','Grandma',1,0,6); order=1220; Game.ProductionAchievement('I hate manure','Farm',1); order=1320; Game.ProductionAchievement('Never dig down','Mine',1); order=1420; Game.ProductionAchievement('The incredible machine','Factory',1); order=1520; Game.ProductionAchievement('And beyond','Shipment',1); order=1620; Game.ProductionAchievement('Magnum Opus','Alchemy lab',1); order=1720; Game.ProductionAchievement('With strange eons','Portal',1); order=1820; Game.ProductionAchievement('Spacetime jigamaroo','Time machine',1); order=1920; Game.ProductionAchievement('Supermassive','Antimatter condenser',1); order=2020; Game.ProductionAchievement('Praise the sun','Prism',1); order=1000; new Game.Achievement('Clickageddon','Make 10,000,000,000,000 cookies from clicking.',[11,15]); new Game.Achievement('Clicknarok','Make 1,000,000,000,000,000 cookies from clicking.',[11,16]); order=1050; new Game.Achievement('Extreme polydactyly','Have 300 cursors.',[0,13]); new Game.Achievement('Dr. T','Have 400 cursors.',[0,14]); order=1100;Game.TieredAchievement('The old never bothered me anyway','Have 250 grandmas.','Grandma',6); order=1200;Game.TieredAchievement('Homegrown','Have 200 farms.','Farm',5); order=1400;Game.TieredAchievement('Technocracy','Have 200 factories.','Factory',5); order=1300;Game.TieredAchievement('The center of the Earth','Have 200 mines.','Mine',5); order=1500;Game.TieredAchievement('We come in peace','Have 200 shipments.','Shipment',5); order=1600;Game.TieredAchievement('The secrets of the universe','Have 200 alchemy labs.','Alchemy lab',5); order=1700;Game.TieredAchievement('Realm of the Mad God','Have 200 portals.','Portal',5); order=1800;Game.TieredAchievement('Forever and ever','Have 200 time machines.','Time machine',5); order=1900;Game.TieredAchievement('Walk the planck','Have 200 antimatter condensers.','Antimatter condenser',5); order=2000;Game.TieredAchievement('Rise and shine','Have 200 prisms.','Prism',5); order=30200; new Game.Achievement('God complex','Name yourself Orteil.
Note : usurpers incur a -1% CpS penalty until they rename themselves something else.
But that\'s not you, is it?',[17,5]);Game.last.pool='shadow'; new Game.Achievement('Third-party','Use an add-on.Some find vanilla to be the most boring flavor.',[16,5]);Game.last.pool='shadow';//if you're making a mod, add a Game.Win('Third-party') somewhere in there! order=30050; new Game.Achievement('Dematerialize','Ascend with 1 quintillion cookies baked.Presto!
...where\'d the cookies go?
',[11,7]); new Game.Achievement('Nil zero zilch','Ascend with 1 sextillion cookies baked.To summarize : really not very much at all.',[11,7]); new Game.Achievement('Transcendence','Ascend with 1 septillion cookies baked.Your cookies are now on a higher plane of being.',[11,8]); new Game.Achievement('Obliterate','Ascend with 1 octillion cookies baked.Resistance is futile, albeit entertaining.',[11,8]); new Game.Achievement('Negative void','Ascend with 1 nonillion cookies baked.You now have so few cookies that it\'s almost like you have a negative amount of them.',[11,8]); order=22400; new Game.Achievement('The hunt is on','Unlock 1 egg.',[1,12]); new Game.Achievement('Egging on','Unlock 7 eggs.',[4,12]); new Game.Achievement('Mass Easteria','Unlock 14 eggs.',[7,12]); new Game.Achievement('Hide & seek champion','Unlock all the eggs.
Owning this achievement makes eggs drop more frequently in future playthroughs.',[13,12]); order=11000; new Game.Achievement('What\'s in a name','Give your bakery a name.',[15,9]); order=1425; Game.TieredAchievement('Pretty penny','Have 1 bank.','Bank',1); Game.TieredAchievement('Fit the bill','Have 50 banks.','Bank',2); Game.TieredAchievement('A loan in the dark','Have 100 banks.','Bank',3); Game.TieredAchievement('Need for greed','Have 150 banks.','Bank',4); Game.TieredAchievement('It\'s the economy, stupid','Have 200 banks.','Bank',5); order=1450; Game.TieredAchievement('Your time to shrine','Have 1 temple.','Temple',1); Game.TieredAchievement('Shady sect','Have 50 temples.','Temple',2); Game.TieredAchievement('New-age cult','Have 100 temples.','Temple',3); Game.TieredAchievement('Organized religion','Have 150 temples.','Temple',4); Game.TieredAchievement('Fanaticism','Have 200 temples.','Temple',5); order=1475; Game.TieredAchievement('Bewitched','Have 1 wizard tower.','Wizard tower',1); Game.TieredAchievement('The sorcerer\'s apprentice','Have 50 wizard towers.','Wizard tower',2); Game.TieredAchievement('Charms and enchantments','Have 100 wizard towers.','Wizard tower',3); Game.TieredAchievement('Curses and maledictions','Have 150 wizard towers.','Wizard tower',4); Game.TieredAchievement('Magic kingdom','Have 200 wizard towers.','Wizard tower',5); order=1445; Game.ProductionAchievement('Vested interest','Bank',1); order=1470; Game.ProductionAchievement('New world order','Temple',1); order=1495; Game.ProductionAchievement('Hocus pocus','Wizard tower',1); order=1070; Game.ProductionAchievement('Finger clickin\' good','Cursor',2,0,7); order=1120; Game.ProductionAchievement('Panic at the bingo','Grandma',2,0,6); order=1220; Game.ProductionAchievement('Rake in the dough','Farm',2); order=1320; Game.ProductionAchievement('Quarry on','Mine',2); order=1420; Game.ProductionAchievement('Yes I love technology','Factory',2); order=1445; Game.ProductionAchievement('Paid in full','Bank',2); order=1470; Game.ProductionAchievement('Church of Cookiology','Temple',2); order=1495; Game.ProductionAchievement('Too many rabbits, not enough hats','Wizard tower',2); order=1520; Game.ProductionAchievement('The most precious cargo','Shipment',2); order=1620; Game.ProductionAchievement('The Aureate','Alchemy lab',2); order=1720; Game.ProductionAchievement('Ever more hideous','Portal',2); order=1820; Game.ProductionAchievement('Be kind, rewind','Time machine',2); order=1920; Game.ProductionAchievement('Infinitesimal','Antimatter condenser',2); order=2020; Game.ProductionAchievement('A still more glorious dawn','Prism',2); order=30000; new Game.Achievement('Rebirth','Ascend at least once.',[21,6]); order=11000; new Game.Achievement('Here you go','Click this achievement\'s slot.All you had to do was ask.',[1,7]);Game.last.clickFunction=function(){if (!Game.HasAchiev('Here you go')){PlaySound('snd/tick.mp3');Game.Win('Here you go');}}; order=30000; new Game.Achievement('Resurrection','Ascend 10 times.',[21,6]); new Game.Achievement('Reincarnation','Ascend 100 times.',[21,6]); new Game.Achievement('Endless cycle','Ascend 1000 times.Oh hey, it\'s you again.',[2,7]);Game.last.pool='shadow'; order=1100; Game.TieredAchievement('The agemaster','Have 300 grandmas.','Grandma',7); Game.TieredAchievement('To oldly go','Have 350 grandmas.','Grandma',8); order=1200;Game.TieredAchievement('Gardener extraordinaire','Have 250 farms.','Farm',6); order=1300;Game.TieredAchievement('Tectonic ambassador','Have 250 mines.','Mine',6); order=1400;Game.TieredAchievement('Rise of the machines','Have 250 factories.','Factory',6); order=1425;Game.TieredAchievement('Acquire currency','Have 250 banks.','Bank',6); order=1450;Game.TieredAchievement('Zealotry','Have 250 temples.','Temple',6); order=1475;Game.TieredAchievement('The wizarding world','Have 250 wizard towers.','Wizard tower',6); order=1500;Game.TieredAchievement('Parsec-masher','Have 250 shipments.','Shipment',6); order=1600;Game.TieredAchievement('The work of a lifetime','Have 250 alchemy labs.','Alchemy lab',6); order=1700;Game.TieredAchievement('A place lost in time','Have 250 portals.','Portal',6); order=1800;Game.TieredAchievement('Heat death','Have 250 time machines.','Time machine',6); order=1900;Game.TieredAchievement('Microcosm','Have 250 antimatter condensers.','Antimatter condenser',6); order=2000;Game.TieredAchievement('Bright future','Have 250 prisms.','Prism',6); order=25000; new Game.Achievement('Here be dragon','Complete your dragon\'s training.',[21,12]); Game.BankAchievement('How?'); Game.BankAchievement('The land of milk and cookies'); Game.BankAchievement('He who controls the cookies controls the universe','The milk must flow!'); Game.BankAchievement('Tonight on Hoarders'); Game.BankAchievement('Are you gonna eat all that?'); Game.BankAchievement('We\'re gonna need a bigger bakery'); Game.BankAchievement('In the mouth of madness','A cookie is just what we tell each other it is.'); Game.BankAchievement('Brought to you by the letter
'); Game.CpsAchievement('A world filled with cookies'); Game.CpsAchievement('When this baby hits '+Beautify(10000000000000*60*60)+' cookies per hour'); Game.CpsAchievement('Fast and delicious'); Game.CpsAchievement('Cookiehertz : a really, really tasty hertz','Tastier than a hertz donut, anyway.'); Game.CpsAchievement('Woops, you solved world hunger'); Game.CpsAchievement('Turbopuns','Mother Nature will be like "slowwwww dowwwwwn".'); Game.CpsAchievement('Faster menner'); Game.CpsAchievement('And yet you\'re still hungry'); Game.CpsAchievement('The Abakening'); Game.CpsAchievement('There\'s really no hard limit to how long these achievement names can be and to be quite honest I\'m rather curious to see how far we can go.
Adolphus W. Green (1844–1917) started as the Principal of the Groton School in 1864. By 1865, he became second assistant librarian at the New York Mercantile Library; from 1867 to 1869, he was promoted to full librarian. From 1869 to 1873, he worked for Evarts, Southmayd & Choate, a law firm co-founded by William M. Evarts, Charles Ferdinand Southmayd and Joseph Hodges Choate. He was admitted to the New York State Bar Association in 1873.
Anyway, how\'s your day been?');//Game.last.shortName='There\'s really no hard limit to how long these achievement names can be and to be quite honest I\'m [...]'; Game.CpsAchievement('Fast','Wow!'); order=7002; new Game.Achievement('Bicentennial and a half','Have at least 250 of everything.Keep on truckin\'.',[9,6]); order=11000; new Game.Achievement('Tabloid addiction','Click on the news ticker 50 times.Page 6 : Mad individual clicks on picture of pastry in a futile attempt to escape boredom!
Also page 6 : British parliament ate my baby!
',[27,7]); order=1000; new Game.Achievement('Clickastrophe','Make 100,000,000,000,000,000 cookies from clicking.',[11,17]); new Game.Achievement('Clickataclysm','Make 10,000,000,000,000,000,000 cookies from clicking.',[11,18]); order=1050; new Game.Achievement('Thumbs, phalanges, metacarpals','Have 500 cursors.& KNUCKLES',[0,15]); order=6002; new Game.Achievement('Polymath','Own 300 upgrades and 4000 buildings.Excellence doesn\'t happen overnight - it usually takes a good couple days.',[29,7]); order=6005; new Game.Achievement('The elder scrolls','Own a combined 777 grandmas and cursors.Let me guess. Someone stole your cookie.',[10,9]); order=30050; new Game.Achievement('To crumbs, you say?','Ascend with 1 decillion cookies baked.Very well then.',[29,6]); order=1200;Game.TieredAchievement('Seedy business','Have 300 farms.','Farm',7); order=1300;Game.TieredAchievement('Freak fracking','Have 300 mines.','Mine',7); order=1400;Game.TieredAchievement('Modern times','Have 300 factories.','Factory',7); order=1425;Game.TieredAchievement('The nerve of war','Have 300 banks.','Bank',7); order=1450;Game.TieredAchievement('Wololo','Have 300 temples.','Temple',7); order=1475;Game.TieredAchievement('And now for my next trick, I\'ll need a volunteer from the audience','Have 300 wizard towers.','Wizard tower',7); order=1500;Game.TieredAchievement('It\'s not delivery','Have 300 shipments.','Shipment',7); order=1600;Game.TieredAchievement('Gold, Jerry! Gold!','Have 300 alchemy labs.','Alchemy lab',7); order=1700;Game.TieredAchievement('Forbidden zone','Have 300 portals.','Portal',7); order=1800;Game.TieredAchievement('cookie clicker forever and forever a hundred years cookie clicker, all day long forever, forever a hundred times, over and over cookie clicker adventures dot com','Have 300 time machines.','Time machine',7); order=1900;Game.TieredAchievement('Scientists baffled everywhere','Have 300 antimatter condensers.','Antimatter condenser',7); order=2000;Game.TieredAchievement('Harmony of the spheres','Have 300 prisms.','Prism',7); order=35000; new Game.Achievement('Last Chance to See','Burst the near-extinct shiny wrinkler.You monster!',[24,12]);Game.last.pool='shadow'; order=10000; new Game.Achievement('Early bird','Click a golden cookie less than 1 second after it spawns.',[10,14]); new Game.Achievement('Fading luck','Click a golden cookie less than 1 second before it dies.',[10,14]); order=22100; new Game.Achievement('Eldeer','Pop a reindeer during an elder frenzy.',[12,9]); order=21100; new Game.Achievement('Dude, sweet','Harvest 7 coalescing sugar lumps.',[24,14]); new Game.Achievement('Sugar rush','Harvest 30 coalescing sugar lumps.',[26,14]); new Game.Achievement('Year\'s worth of cavities','Harvest 365 coalescing sugar lumps.My lumps my lumps my lumps.',[29,14]); new Game.Achievement('Hand-picked','Successfully harvest a coalescing sugar lump before it\'s ripe.',[28,14]); new Game.Achievement('Sugar sugar','Harvest a bifurcated sugar lump.',[29,15]); new Game.Achievement('All-natural cane sugar','Harvest a golden sugar lump.',[29,16]);Game.last.pool='shadow'; new Game.Achievement('Sweetmeats','Harvest a meaty sugar lump.',[29,17]); order=7002; new Game.Achievement('Tricentennial','Have at least 300 of everything.Can\'t stop, won\'t stop. Probably should stop, though.',[29,12]); Game.CpsAchievement('Knead for speed','How did we not make that one yet?'); Game.CpsAchievement('Well the cookies start coming and they don\'t stop coming','Didn\'t make sense not to click for fun.'); Game.CpsAchievement('I don\'t know if you\'ve noticed but all these icons are very slightly off-center'); Game.CpsAchievement('The proof of the cookie is in the baking','How can you have any cookies if you don\'t bake your dough?'); Game.CpsAchievement('If it\'s worth doing, it\'s worth overdoing'); Game.BankAchievement('The dreams in which I\'m baking are the best I\'ve ever had'); Game.BankAchievement('Set for life'); order=1200;Game.TieredAchievement('You and the beanstalk','Have 350 farms.','Farm',8); order=1300;Game.TieredAchievement('Romancing the stone','Have 350 mines.','Mine',8); order=1400;Game.TieredAchievement('Ex machina','Have 350 factories.','Factory',8); order=1425;Game.TieredAchievement('And I need it now','Have 350 banks.','Bank',8); order=1450;Game.TieredAchievement('Pray on the weak','Have 350 temples.','Temple',8); order=1475;Game.TieredAchievement('It\'s a kind of magic','Have 350 wizard towers.','Wizard tower',8); order=1500;Game.TieredAchievement('Make it so','Have 350 shipments.','Shipment',8); order=1600;Game.TieredAchievement('All that glitters is gold','Have 350 alchemy labs.','Alchemy lab',8); order=1700;Game.TieredAchievement('H̸̷͓̳̳̯̟͕̟͍͍̣͡ḛ̢̦̰̺̮̝͖͖̘̪͉͘͡ ̠̦͕̤̪̝̥̰̠̫̖̣͙̬͘ͅC̨̦̺̩̲̥͉̭͚̜̻̝̣̼͙̮̯̪o̴̡͇̘͎̞̲͇̦̲͞͡m̸̩̺̝̣̹̱͚̬̥̫̳̼̞̘̯͘ͅẹ͇̺̜́̕͢s̶̙̟̱̥̮̯̰̦͓͇͖͖̝͘͘͞','Have 350 portals.','Portal',8); order=1800;Game.TieredAchievement('Way back then','Have 350 time machines.','Time machine',8); order=1900;Game.TieredAchievement('Exotic matter','Have 350 antimatter condensers.','Antimatter condenser',8); order=2000;Game.TieredAchievement('At the end of the tunnel','Have 350 prisms.','Prism',8); order=1070; Game.ProductionAchievement('Click (starring Adam Sandler)','Cursor',3,0,7); order=1120; Game.ProductionAchievement('Frantiquities','Grandma',3,0,6); order=1220; Game.ProductionAchievement('Overgrowth','Farm',3); order=1320; Game.ProductionAchievement('Sedimentalism','Mine',3); order=1420; Game.ProductionAchievement('Labor of love','Factory',3); order=1445; Game.ProductionAchievement('Reverse funnel system','Bank',3); order=1470; Game.ProductionAchievement('Thus spoke you','Temple',3); order=1495; Game.ProductionAchievement('Manafest destiny','Wizard tower',3); order=1520; Game.ProductionAchievement('Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night','Shipment',3); order=1620; Game.ProductionAchievement('I\'ve got the Midas touch','Alchemy lab',3); order=1720; Game.ProductionAchievement('Which eternal lie','Portal',3); order=1820; Game.ProductionAchievement('Déjà vu','Time machine',3); order=1920; Game.ProductionAchievement('Powers of Ten','Antimatter condenser',3); order=2020; Game.ProductionAchievement('Now the dark days are gone','Prism',3); order=1070; new Game.Achievement('Freaky jazz hands','Reach level 10 cursors.',[0,26]);Game.Objects['Cursor'].levelAchiev10=Game.last; order=1120; new Game.Achievement('Methuselah','Reach level 10 grandmas.',[1,26]);Game.Objects['Grandma'].levelAchiev10=Game.last; order=1220; new Game.Achievement('Huge tracts of land','Reach level 10 farms.',[2,26]);Game.Objects['Farm'].levelAchiev10=Game.last; order=1320; new Game.Achievement('D-d-d-d-deeper','Reach level 10 mines.',[3,26]);Game.Objects['Mine'].levelAchiev10=Game.last; order=1420; new Game.Achievement('Patently genius','Reach level 10 factories.',[4,26]);Game.Objects['Factory'].levelAchiev10=Game.last; order=1445; new Game.Achievement('A capital idea','Reach level 10 banks.',[15,26]);Game.Objects['Bank'].levelAchiev10=Game.last; order=1470; new Game.Achievement('It belongs in a bakery','Reach level 10 temples.',[16,26]);Game.Objects['Temple'].levelAchiev10=Game.last; order=1495; new Game.Achievement('Motormouth','Reach level 10 wizard towers.',[17,26]);Game.Objects['Wizard tower'].levelAchiev10=Game.last; order=1520; new Game.Achievement('Been there done that','Reach level 10 shipments.',[5,26]);Game.Objects['Shipment'].levelAchiev10=Game.last; order=1620; new Game.Achievement('Phlogisticated substances','Reach level 10 alchemy labs.',[6,26]);Game.Objects['Alchemy lab'].levelAchiev10=Game.last; order=1720; new Game.Achievement('Bizarro world','Reach level 10 portals.',[7,26]);Game.Objects['Portal'].levelAchiev10=Game.last; order=1820; new Game.Achievement('The long now','Reach level 10 time machines.',[8,26]);Game.Objects['Time machine'].levelAchiev10=Game.last; order=1920; new Game.Achievement('Chubby hadrons','Reach level 10 antimatter condensers.',[13,26]);Game.Objects['Antimatter condenser'].levelAchiev10=Game.last; order=2020; new Game.Achievement('Palettable','Reach level 10 prisms.',[14,26]);Game.Objects['Prism'].levelAchiev10=Game.last; order=61470; order=61495; new Game.Achievement('Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo','Cast 9 spells.',[21,11]); new Game.Achievement('I\'m the wiz','Cast 99 spells.',[22,11]); new Game.Achievement('A wizard is you','Cast 999 spells.I\'m a what?',[29,11]); order=10000; new Game.Achievement('Four-leaf cookie','Have 4 golden cookies simultaneously.Fairly rare, considering cookies don\'t even have leaves.',[27,6]);Game.last.pool='shadow'; order=2100; Game.TieredAchievement('Lucked out','Have 1 chancemaker.','Chancemaker',1); Game.TieredAchievement('What are the odds','Have 50 chancemakers.','Chancemaker',2); Game.TieredAchievement('Grandma needs a new pair of shoes','Have 100 chancemakers.','Chancemaker',3); Game.TieredAchievement('Million to one shot, doc','Have 150 chancemakers.','Chancemaker',4); Game.TieredAchievement('As luck would have it','Have 200 chancemakers.','Chancemaker',5); Game.TieredAchievement('Ever in your favor','Have 250 chancemakers.','Chancemaker',6); Game.TieredAchievement('Be a lady','Have 300 chancemakers.','Chancemaker',7); Game.TieredAchievement('Dicey business','Have 350 chancemakers.','Chancemaker',8); order=2120; Game.ProductionAchievement('Fingers crossed','Chancemaker',1); Game.ProductionAchievement('Just a statistic','Chancemaker',2); Game.ProductionAchievement('Murphy\'s wild guess','Chancemaker',3); new Game.Achievement('Let\'s leaf it at that','Reach level 10 chancemakers.',[19,26]);Game.Objects['Chancemaker'].levelAchiev10=Game.last; order=1000; new Game.Achievement('The ultimate clickdown','Make 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 cookies from clicking.(of ultimate destiny.)',[11,19]); order=1100; Game.TieredAchievement('Aged well','Have 400 grandmas.','Grandma',9); Game.TieredAchievement('101st birthday','Have 450 grandmas.','Grandma',10); Game.TieredAchievement('Defense of the ancients','Have 500 grandmas.','Grandma',11); order=1200;Game.TieredAchievement('Harvest moon','Have 400 farms.','Farm',9); order=1300;Game.TieredAchievement('Mine?','Have 400 mines.','Mine',9); order=1400;Game.TieredAchievement('In full gear','Have 400 factories.','Factory',9); order=1425;Game.TieredAchievement('Treacle tart economics','Have 400 banks.','Bank',9); order=1450;Game.TieredAchievement('Holy cookies, grandma!','Have 400 temples.','Temple',9); order=1475;Game.TieredAchievement('The Prestige','Have 400 wizard towers.(Unrelated to the Cookie Clicker feature of the same name.)','Wizard tower',9); order=1500;Game.TieredAchievement('That\'s just peanuts to space','Have 400 shipments.','Shipment',9); order=1600;Game.TieredAchievement('Worth its weight in lead','Have 400 alchemy labs.','Alchemy lab',9); order=1700;Game.TieredAchievement('What happens in the vortex stays in the vortex','Have 400 portals.','Portal',9); order=1800;Game.TieredAchievement('Invited to yesterday\'s party','Have 400 time machines.','Time machine',9); order=1900;Game.TieredAchievement('Downsizing','Have 400 antimatter condensers.','Antimatter condenser',9);//the trailer got me really hyped up but i've read some pretty bad reviews. is it watchable ? is it worth seeing ? i don't mind matt damon order=2000;Game.TieredAchievement('My eyes','Have 400 prisms.','Prism',9); order=2100;Game.TieredAchievement('Maybe a chance in hell, actually','Have 400 chancemakers.','Chancemaker',9); order=1200;Game.TieredAchievement('Make like a tree','Have 450 farms.','Farm',10); order=1300;Game.TieredAchievement('Cave story','Have 450 mines.','Mine',10); order=1400;Game.TieredAchievement('In-cog-neato','Have 450 factories.','Factory',10); order=1425;Game.TieredAchievement('Save your breath because that\'s all you\'ve got left','Have 450 banks.','Bank',10); order=1450;Game.TieredAchievement('Vengeful and almighty','Have 450 temples.','Temple',10); order=1475;Game.TieredAchievement('Spell it out for you','Have 450 wizard towers.','Wizard tower',10); order=1500;Game.TieredAchievement('Space space space space space','Have 450 shipments.It\'s too far away...','Shipment',10); order=1600;Game.TieredAchievement('Don\'t get used to yourself, you\'re gonna have to change','Have 450 alchemy labs.','Alchemy lab',10); order=1700;Game.TieredAchievement('Objects in the mirror dimension are closer than they appear','Have 450 portals.','Portal',10); order=1800;Game.TieredAchievement('Groundhog day','Have 450 time machines.','Time machine',10); order=1900;Game.TieredAchievement('A matter of perspective','Have 450 antimatter condensers.','Antimatter condenser',10); order=2000;Game.TieredAchievement('Optical illusion','Have 450 prisms.','Prism',10); order=2100;Game.TieredAchievement('Jackpot','Have 450 chancemakers.','Chancemaker',10); order=36000; new Game.Achievement('So much to do so much to see','Manage a cookie legacy for at least a year.Thank you so much for playing Cookie Clicker!',[23,11]);Game.last.pool='shadow'; Game.CpsAchievement('Running with scissors'); Game.CpsAchievement('Rarefied air'); Game.CpsAchievement('Push it to the limit'); Game.CpsAchievement('Green cookies sleep furiously'); Game.BankAchievement('Panic! at Nabisco'); Game.BankAchievement('Bursting at the seams'); Game.BankAchievement('Just about full'); Game.BankAchievement('Hungry for more'); order=1000; new Game.Achievement('All the other kids with the pumped up clicks','Make 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 cookies from clicking.',[11,28]); new Game.Achievement('One...more...click...','Make 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 cookies from clicking.',[11,30]); order=61515; new Game.Achievement('Botany enthusiast','Harvest 100 mature garden plants.',[26,20]); new Game.Achievement('Green, aching thumb','Harvest 1000 mature garden plants.',[27,20]); new Game.Achievement('In the garden of Eden (baby)','Fill every tile of the biggest garden plot with plants.Isn\'t tending to those precious little plants just so rock and/or roll?',[28,20]); new Game.Achievement('Keeper of the conservatory','Unlock every garden seed.',[25,20]); new Game.Achievement('Seedless to nay','Convert a complete seed log into sugar lumps by sacrificing your garden to the sugar hornets.
Owning this achievement makes seeds 5% cheaper, plants mature 5% sooner, and plant upgrades drop 5% more.',[29,20]); order=30050; new Game.Achievement('You get nothing','Ascend with 1 undecillion cookies baked.Good day sir!',[29,6]); new Game.Achievement('Humble rebeginnings','Ascend with 1 duodecillion cookies baked.Started from the bottom, now we\'re here.',[29,6]); new Game.Achievement('The end of the world','Ascend with 1 tredecillion cookies baked.(as we know it)',[21,25]); new Game.Achievement('Oh, you\'re back','Ascend with 1 quattuordecillion cookies baked.Missed us?',[21,25]); new Game.Achievement('Lazarus','Ascend with 1 quindecillion cookies baked.All rise.',[21,25]); Game.CpsAchievement('Leisurely pace'); Game.CpsAchievement('Hypersonic'); Game.BankAchievement('Feed me, Orteil'); Game.BankAchievement('And then what?'); order=7002; new Game.Achievement('Tricentennial and a half','Have at least 350 of everything.(it\'s free real estate)',[21,26]); new Game.Achievement('Quadricentennial','Have at least 400 of everything.You\'ve had to do horrible things to get this far.
Horrible... horrible things.
',[22,26]); new Game.Achievement('Quadricentennial and a half','Have at least 450 of everything.At this point, you might just be compensating for something.',[23,26]); new Game.Achievement('Quincentennial','Have at least 500 of everything.Some people would say you\'re halfway there.
We do not care for those people and their reckless sense of unchecked optimism.
',[29,25]); order=21100; new Game.Achievement('Maillard reaction','Harvest a caramelized sugar lump.',[29,27]); order=30250; new Game.Achievement('When the cookies ascend just right','Ascend with exactly 1,000,000,000,000 cookies.',[25,7]);Game.last.pool='shadow';//this achievement is shadow because it is only achievable through blind luck or reading external guides; this may change in the future order=1050; new Game.Achievement('With her finger and her thumb','Have 600 cursors.',[0,16]); order=1100;Game.TieredAchievement('But wait \'til you get older','Have 550 grandmas.','Grandma',12); order=1200;Game.TieredAchievement('Sharpest tool in the shed','Have 500 farms.','Farm',11); order=1300;Game.TieredAchievement('Hey now, you\'re a rock','Have 500 mines.','Mine',11); order=1400;Game.TieredAchievement('Break the mold','Have 500 factories.','Factory',11); order=1425;Game.TieredAchievement('Get the show on, get paid','Have 500 banks.','Bank',11); order=1450;Game.TieredAchievement('My world\'s on fire, how about yours','Have 500 temples.','Temple',11); order=1475;Game.TieredAchievement('The meteor men beg to differ','Have 500 wizard towers.','Wizard tower',11); order=1500;Game.TieredAchievement('Only shooting stars','Have 500 shipments.','Shipment',11); order=1600;Game.TieredAchievement('We could all use a little change','Have 500 alchemy labs.','Alchemy lab',11);//"all that glitters is gold" was already an achievement order=1700;Game.TieredAchievement('Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb','Have 500 portals.','Portal',11); order=1800;Game.TieredAchievement('The years start coming','Have 500 time machines.','Time machine',11); order=1900;Game.TieredAchievement('What a concept','Have 500 antimatter condensers.','Antimatter condenser',11); order=2000;Game.TieredAchievement('You\'ll never shine if you don\'t glow','Have 500 prisms.','Prism',11); order=2100;Game.TieredAchievement('You\'ll never know if you don\'t go','Have 500 chancemakers.','Chancemaker',11); order=2200; Game.TieredAchievement('Self-contained','Have 1 fractal engine.','Fractal engine',1); Game.TieredAchievement('Threw you for a loop','Have 50 fractal engines.','Fractal engine',2); Game.TieredAchievement('The sum of its parts','Have 100 fractal engines.','Fractal engine',3); Game.TieredAchievement('Bears repeating','Have 150 fractal engines.Where did these come from?','Fractal engine',4); Game.TieredAchievement('More of the same','Have 200 fractal engines.','Fractal engine',5); Game.TieredAchievement('Last recurse','Have 250 fractal engines.','Fractal engine',6); Game.TieredAchievement('Out of one, many','Have 300 fractal engines.','Fractal engine',7); Game.TieredAchievement('An example of recursion','Have 350 fractal engines.','Fractal engine',8); Game.TieredAchievement('For more information on this achievement, please refer to its title','Have 400 fractal engines.','Fractal engine',9); Game.TieredAchievement('I\'m so meta, even this achievement','Have 450 fractal engines.','Fractal engine',10); Game.TieredAchievement('Never get bored','Have 500 fractal engines.','Fractal engine',11); order=2220; Game.ProductionAchievement('The needs of the many','Fractal engine',1); Game.ProductionAchievement('Eating its own','Fractal engine',2); Game.ProductionAchievement('We must go deeper','Fractal engine',3); new Game.Achievement('Sierpinski rhomboids','Reach level 10 fractal engines.',[20,26]);Game.Objects['Fractal engine'].levelAchiev10=Game.last; Game.CpsAchievement('Gotta go fast'); Game.BankAchievement('I think it\'s safe to say you\'ve got it made'); order=6002; new Game.Achievement('Renaissance baker','Own 400 upgrades and 8000 buildings.If you have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants - a mysterious species of towering humanoids until now thought long-extinct.',[10,10]); order=1150; new Game.Achievement('Veteran','Own at least 14 grandma types.14\'s a crowd!',[10,9]); order=10000; new Game.Achievement('Thick-skinned','Have your reinforced membrane protect the shimmering veil.',[7,10]); order=2300; Game.TieredAchievement('F12','Have 1 javascript console.','Javascript console',1); Game.TieredAchievement('Variable success','Have 50 javascript consoles.','Javascript console',2); Game.TieredAchievement('No comments','Have 100 javascript consoles.','Javascript console',3); Game.TieredAchievement('Up to code','Have 150 javascript consoles.','Javascript console',4); Game.TieredAchievement('Works on my machine','Have 200 javascript consoles.','Javascript console',5); Game.TieredAchievement('Technical debt','Have 250 javascript consoles.','Javascript console',6); Game.TieredAchievement('Mind your language','Have 300 javascript consoles.','Javascript console',7); Game.TieredAchievement('Inconsolable','Have 350 javascript consoles.','Javascript console',8); Game.TieredAchievement('Closure','Have 400 javascript consoles.','Javascript console',9); Game.TieredAchievement('Dude what if we\'re all living in a simulation like what if we\'re all just code on a computer somewhere','Have 450 javascript consoles.','Javascript console',10); Game.TieredAchievement('Taking the back streets','Have 500 javascript consoles.','Javascript console',11); order=2320; Game.ProductionAchievement('Inherited prototype','Javascript console',1); Game.ProductionAchievement('A model of document object','Javascript console',2); Game.ProductionAchievement('First-class citizen','Javascript console',3); new Game.Achievement('Alexandria','Reach level 10 javascript consoles.',[32,26]);Game.Objects['Javascript console'].levelAchiev10=Game.last; Game.CpsAchievement('Bake him away, toys'); Game.CpsAchievement('You\'re #1 so why try harder'); Game.CpsAchievement('Haven\'t even begun to peak'); Game.BankAchievement('A sometimes food'); Game.BankAchievement('Not enough of a good thing'); Game.BankAchievement('Horn of plenty'); order=30050; new Game.Achievement('Smurf account','Ascend with 1 sexdecillion cookies baked.It\'s like you just appeared out of the blue!',[21,32]); new Game.Achievement('If at first you don\'t succeed','Ascend with 1 septendecillion cookies baked.If at first you don\'t succeed, try, try, try again.
But isn\'t that the definition of insanity?
',[21,32]); order=33000; new Game.Achievement('O Fortuna','Own every fortune upgrade.
Owning this achievement makes fortunes appear twice as often; unlocked fortune upgrades also have a 40% chance to carry over after ascending.',[29,8]); order=61615; new Game.Achievement('Initial public offering','Make your first stock market profit.',[0,33]); new Game.Achievement('Rookie numbers','Own at least 100 of every stock market good.Gotta pump those numbers up!',[9,33]); new Game.Achievement('No nobility in poverty','Own at least 500 of every stock market good.What kind of twisted individual is out there cramming camels through needle holes anyway?',[10,33]); new Game.Achievement('Full warehouses','Own at least 1,000 of a stock market good.',[11,33]); new Game.Achievement('Make my day','Make a day of CpS ($86,400) in 1 stock market sale.',[1,33]); new Game.Achievement('Buy buy buy','Spend a day of CpS ($86,400) in 1 stock market purchase.',[1,33]); new Game.Achievement('Gaseous assets','Have your stock market profits surpass a whole year of CpS ($31,536,000).Boy, how volatile!',[18,33]);Game.last.pool='shadow'; new Game.Achievement('Pyramid scheme','Unlock the highest-tier stock market headquarters.',[18,33]); order=10000; new Game.Achievement('Jellicles','Own 10 kitten upgrades.Jellicles can and jellicles do! Make sure to wash your jellicles every day!',[18,19]); order=7002; new Game.Achievement('Quincentennial and a half','Have at least 550 of everything.This won\'t fill the churning void inside, you know.',[29,26]); Game.CpsAchievement('What did we even eat before these'); Game.CpsAchievement('Heavy flow'); Game.CpsAchievement('More you say?'); Game.BankAchievement('Large and in charge'); Game.BankAchievement('Absolutely stuffed'); Game.BankAchievement('It\'s only wafer-thin','Just the one!'); order=1000;new Game.Achievement('Clickety split','Make 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 cookies from clicking.',[11,31]); order=1050;new Game.Achievement('Gotta hand it to you','Have 700 cursors.',[0,17]); order=1100;Game.TieredAchievement('Okay boomer','Have 600 grandmas.','Grandma',13); order=1200;Game.TieredAchievement('Overripe','Have 550 farms.','Farm',12); order=1300;Game.TieredAchievement('Rock on','Have 550 mines.','Mine',12); order=1400;Game.TieredAchievement('Self-manmade man','Have 550 factories.','Factory',12); order=1425;Game.TieredAchievement('Checks out','Have 550 banks.','Bank',12); order=1450;Game.TieredAchievement('Living on a prayer','Have 550 temples.','Temple',12); order=1475;Game.TieredAchievement('Higitus figitus migitus mum','Have 550 wizard towers.','Wizard tower',12); order=1500;Game.TieredAchievement('The incredible journey','Have 550 shipments.','Shipment',12); order=1600;Game.TieredAchievement('Just a phase','Have 550 alchemy labs.','Alchemy lab',12); order=1700;Game.TieredAchievement('Don\'t let me leave, Murph','Have 550 portals.','Portal',12); order=1800;Game.TieredAchievement('Caveman to cosmos','Have 550 time machines.','Time machine',12); order=1900;Game.TieredAchievement('Particular tastes','Have 550 antimatter condensers.','Antimatter condenser',12); order=2000;Game.TieredAchievement('A light snack','Have 550 prisms.','Prism',12); order=2100;Game.TieredAchievement('Tempting fate','Have 550 chancemakers.','Chancemaker',12); order=2200;Game.TieredAchievement('Tautological','Have 550 fractal engines.','Fractal engine',12); order=2300;Game.TieredAchievement('Curly braces','Have 550 javascript consoles.Or as the French call them, mustache boxes.
Go well with quotes.
','Javascript console',12); order=10000; new Game.Achievement('Seven horseshoes','Click 27777 golden cookies.Enough for one of those funky horses that graze near your factories.',[21,33]);Game.last.pool='shadow'; order=11000; new Game.Achievement('Olden days','Find the forgotten madeleine.DashNet Farms remembers.',[12,3]); order=1050;new Game.Achievement('The devil\'s workshop','Have 800 cursors.',[0,18]); order=1200;Game.TieredAchievement('In the green','Have 600 farms.','Farm',13); order=1300;Game.TieredAchievement('Mountain out of a molehill, but like in a good way','Have 600 mines.','Mine',13); order=1400;Game.TieredAchievement('The wheels of progress','Have 600 factories.','Factory',13); order=1425;Game.TieredAchievement('That\'s rich','Have 600 banks.','Bank',13); order=1450;Game.TieredAchievement('Preaches and cream','Have 600 temples.','Temple',13); order=1475;Game.TieredAchievement('Magic thinking','Have 600 wizard towers.','Wizard tower',13); order=1500;Game.TieredAchievement('Is there life on Mars?','Have 600 shipments.Yes, there is. You\'re currently using it as filling in experimental flavor prototype #810657.','Shipment',13); order=1600;Game.TieredAchievement('Bad chemistry','Have 600 alchemy labs.','Alchemy lab',13); order=1700;Game.TieredAchievement('Reduced to gibbering heaps','Have 600 portals.','Portal',13); order=1800;Game.TieredAchievement('Back already?','Have 600 time machines.','Time machine',13); order=1900;Game.TieredAchievement('Nuclear throne','Have 600 antimatter condensers.','Antimatter condenser',13); order=2000;Game.TieredAchievement('Making light of the situation','Have 600 prisms.','Prism',13); order=2100;Game.TieredAchievement('Flip a cookie. Chips, I win. Crust, you lose.','Have 600 chancemakers.','Chancemaker',13); order=2200;Game.TieredAchievement('In and of itself','Have 600 fractal engines.','Fractal engine',13); order=2300;Game.TieredAchievement('Duck typing','Have 600 javascript consoles.Hello, this is a duck typing. Got any grapes?','Javascript console',13); order=2400; Game.TieredAchievement('They\'ll never know what hit \'em','Have 1 idleverse.','Idleverse',1); Game.TieredAchievement('Well-versed','Have 50 idleverses.','Idleverse',2); Game.TieredAchievement('Ripe for the picking','Have 100 idleverses.','Idleverse',3); Game.TieredAchievement('Unreal','Have 150 idleverses.','Idleverse',4); Game.TieredAchievement('Once you\'ve seen one','Have 200 idleverses.','Idleverse',5); Game.TieredAchievement('Spoils and plunder','Have 250 idleverses.','Idleverse',6); Game.TieredAchievement('Nobody exists on purpose, nobody belongs anywhere','Have 300 idleverses.Come watch TV?','Idleverse',7); Game.TieredAchievement('Hyperspace expressway','Have 350 idleverses.','Idleverse',8); Game.TieredAchievement('Versatile','Have 400 idleverses.','Idleverse',9); Game.TieredAchievement('You are inevitable','Have 450 idleverses.','Idleverse',10); Game.TieredAchievement('Away from this place','Have 500 idleverses.','Idleverse',11); Game.TieredAchievement('Everywhere at once','Have 550 idleverses.','Idleverse',12); Game.TieredAchievement('Reject reality, substitute your own','Have 600 idleverses.','Idleverse',13); order=2420; Game.ProductionAchievement('Fringe','Idleverse',1); Game.ProductionAchievement('Coherence','Idleverse',2); Game.ProductionAchievement('Earth-616','Idleverse',3); new Game.Achievement('Strange topologies','Reach level 10 idleverses.',[33,26]);Game.Objects['Idleverse'].levelAchiev10=Game.last; order=5000; new Game.Achievement('Grand design','Own 4000 buildings.They\'ll remember you forever!',[32,12]); new Game.Achievement('Ecumenopolis','Own 8000 buildings.Getting a wee bit cramped.',[33,12]); order=6000; new Game.Achievement('The full picture','Purchase 300 upgrades.So that\'s where that fits in!',[32,11]); new Game.Achievement('When there\'s nothing left to add','Purchase 400 upgrades....keep going.',[33,11]); order=7002; new Game.Achievement('Sexcentennial','Have at least 600 of everything.Hey, nice milestone!',[31,33]); Game.CpsAchievement('Keep going until I say stop'); Game.CpsAchievement('But I didn\'t say stop, did I?'); Game.CpsAchievement('With unrivaled fervor'); Game.BankAchievement('Think big'); Game.BankAchievement('Hypersize me'); Game.BankAchievement('Max capacity'); order=61616; new Game.Achievement('Liquid assets','Have your stock market profits surpass $10,000,000.',[12,33]); //end of achievements /*===================================================================================== BUFFS =======================================================================================*/ Game.buffs={};//buffs currently in effect by name Game.buffsI=0; Game.buffsL=l('buffs'); Game.gainBuff=function(type,time,arg1,arg2,arg3) { type=Game.buffTypesByName[type]; var obj=type.func(time,arg1,arg2,arg3); obj.type=type; obj.arg1=arg1; obj.arg2=arg2; obj.arg3=arg3; var buff={ visible:true, time:0, name:'???', desc:'', icon:[0,0] }; if (Game.buffs[obj.name])//if there is already a buff in effect with this name { var buff=Game.buffs[obj.name]; if (obj.max) buff.time=Math.max(obj.time,buff.time);//new duration is max of old and new if (obj.add) buff.time+=obj.time;//new duration is old + new if (!obj.max && !obj.add) buff.time=obj.time;//new duration is set to new buff.maxTime=buff.time; } else//create new buff { for (var i in obj)//paste parameters onto buff {buff[i]=obj[i];} buff.maxTime=buff.time; Game.buffs[buff.name]=buff; buff.id=Game.buffsI; //create dom Game.buffsL.innerHTML=Game.buffsL.innerHTML+'


' ,'left',true):'')+' style="opacity:1;float:none;display:block;'+(buff.icon[2]?'background-image:url('+buff.icon[2]+');':'')+'background-position:'+(-buff.icon[0]*48)+'px '+(-buff.icon[1]*48)+'px;">'; buff.l=l('buff'+buff.id); Game.buffsI++; } Game.recalculateGains=1; Game.storeToRefresh=1; return buff; } Game.hasBuff=function(what)//returns 0 if there is no buff in effect with this name; else, returns it {if (!Game.buffs[what]) return 0; else return Game.buffs[what];} Game.updateBuffs=function()//executed every logic frame { for (var i in Game.buffs) { var buff=Game.buffs[i]; if (buff.time>=0) { if (!l('buffPieTimer'+buff.id)) l('buff'+buff.id).innerHTML=l('buff'+buff.id).innerHTML+'
'; var T=1-(buff.time/buff.maxTime); T=(T*144)%144; l('buffPieTimer'+buff.id).style.backgroundPosition=(-Math.floor(T%18))*48+'px '+(-Math.floor(T/18))*48+'px'; } buff.time--; if (buff.time<=0) { if (Game.onCrate==l('buff'+buff.id)) Game.tooltip.hide(); if (buff.onDie) buff.onDie(); Game.buffsL.removeChild(l('buff'+buff.id)); if (Game.buffs[buff.name]) { Game.buffs[buff.name]=0; delete Game.buffs[buff.name]; } Game.recalculateGains=1; Game.storeToRefresh=1; } } } Game.killBuff=function(what)//remove a buff by name {if (Game.buffs[what]){Game.buffs[what].time=0;/*Game.buffs[what]=0;*/}} Game.killBuffs=function()//remove all buffs {Game.buffsL.innerHTML='';Game.buffs={};Game.recalculateGains=1;Game.storeToRefresh=1;} Game.buffTypes=[];//buff archetypes; only buffs declared from these can be saved and loaded Game.buffTypesByName=[]; Game.buffTypesN=0; Game.buffType=function(name,func) { this.name=name; this.func=func;//this is a function that returns a buff object; it takes a "time" argument in seconds, and 3 more optional arguments at most, which will be saved and loaded as floats this.id=Game.buffTypesN; this.vanilla=Game.vanilla; Game.buffTypesByName[this.name]=this; Game.buffTypes[Game.buffTypesN]=this; Game.buffTypesN++; } /* basic buff parameters : name:'Kitten rain', desc:'It\'s raining kittens!', icon:[0,0], time:30*Game.fps other parameters : visible:false - will hide the buff from the buff list add:true - if this buff already exists, add the new duration to the old one max:true - if this buff already exists, set the new duration to the max of either onDie:function(){} - function will execute when the buff runs out power:3 - used by some buffs multCpS:3 - buff multiplies CpS by this amount multClick:3 - buff multiplies click power by this amount */ //base buffs new Game.buffType('frenzy',function(time,pow) { return { name:'Frenzy', desc:'Cookie production x'+pow+' for '+Game.sayTime(time*Game.fps,-1)+'!', icon:[10,14], time:time*Game.fps, add:true, multCpS:pow, aura:1 }; }); new Game.buffType('blood frenzy',function(time,pow) { return { name:'Elder frenzy', desc:'Cookie production x'+pow+' for '+Game.sayTime(time*Game.fps,-1)+'!', icon:[29,6], time:time*Game.fps, add:true, multCpS:pow, aura:1 }; }); new Game.buffType('clot',function(time,pow) { return { name:'Clot', desc:'Cookie production halved for '+Game.sayTime(time*Game.fps,-1)+'!', icon:[15,5], time:time*Game.fps, add:true, multCpS:pow, aura:2 }; }); new Game.buffType('dragon harvest',function(time,pow) { if (Game.Has('Dragon fang')) pow=Math.ceil(pow*1.1); return { name:'Dragon Harvest', desc:'Cookie production x'+pow+' for '+Game.sayTime(time*Game.fps,-1)+'!', icon:[10,25], time:time*Game.fps, add:true, multCpS:pow, aura:1 }; }); new Game.buffType('everything must go',function(time,pow) { return { name:'Everything must go', desc:'All buildings are '+pow+'% cheaper for '+Game.sayTime(time*Game.fps,-1)+'!', icon:[17,6], time:time*Game.fps, add:true, power:pow, aura:1 }; }); new Game.buffType('cursed finger',function(time,pow) { return { name:'Cursed finger', desc:'Cookie production halted for '+Game.sayTime(time*Game.fps,-1)+',
but each click is worth '+Game.sayTime(time*Game.fps,-1)+' of CpS.', icon:[12,17], time:time*Game.fps, add:true, power:pow, multCpS:0, aura:1 }; }); new Game.buffType('click frenzy',function(time,pow) { return { name:'Click frenzy', desc:'Clicking power x'+pow+' for '+Game.sayTime(time*Game.fps,-1)+'!', icon:[0,14], time:time*Game.fps, add:true, multClick:pow, aura:1 }; }); new Game.buffType('dragonflight',function(time,pow) { if (Game.Has('Dragon fang')) pow=Math.ceil(pow*1.1); return { name:'Dragonflight', desc:'Clicking power x'+pow+' for '+Game.sayTime(time*Game.fps,-1)+'!', icon:[0,25], time:time*Game.fps, add:true, multClick:pow, aura:1 }; }); new Game.buffType('cookie storm',function(time,pow) { return { name:'Cookie storm', desc:'Cookies everywhere!', icon:[22,6], time:time*Game.fps, add:true, power:pow, aura:1 }; }); new Game.buffType('building buff',function(time,pow,building) { var obj=Game.ObjectsById[building]; return { name:Game.goldenCookieBuildingBuffs[obj.name][0], desc:'Your '+Beautify(obj.amount)+' '+obj.plural+' are boosting your CpS!
Cookie production +'+(Math.ceil(pow*100-100))+'% for '+Game.sayTime(time*Game.fps,-1)+'!', icon:[obj.iconColumn,14], time:time*Game.fps, add:true, multCpS:pow, aura:1 }; }); new Game.buffType('building debuff',function(time,pow,building) { var obj=Game.ObjectsById[building]; return { name:Game.goldenCookieBuildingBuffs[obj.name][1], desc:'Your '+Beautify(obj.amount)+' '+obj.plural+' are rusting your CpS!
Cookie production '+(Math.ceil(pow*100-100))+'% slower for '+Game.sayTime(time*Game.fps,-1)+'!', icon:[obj.iconColumn,15], time:time*Game.fps, add:true, multCpS:1/pow, aura:2 }; }); new Game.buffType('sugar blessing',function(time,pow) { return { name:'Sugar blessing', desc:'You find 10% more golden cookies for the next '+Game.sayTime(time*Game.fps,-1)+'.', icon:[29,16], time:time*Game.fps, //add:true }; }); new Game.buffType('haggler luck',function(time,pow) { return { name:'Haggler\'s luck', desc:'All upgrades are '+pow+'% cheaper for '+Game.sayTime(time*Game.fps,-1)+'!', icon:[25,11], time:time*Game.fps, power:pow, max:true }; }); new Game.buffType('haggler misery',function(time,pow) { return { name:'Haggler\'s misery', desc:'All upgrades are '+pow+'% pricier for '+Game.sayTime(time*Game.fps,-1)+'!', icon:[25,11], time:time*Game.fps, power:pow, max:true }; }); new Game.buffType('pixie luck',function(time,pow) { return { name:'Crafty pixies', desc:'All buildings are '+pow+'% cheaper for '+Game.sayTime(time*Game.fps,-1)+'!', icon:[26,11], time:time*Game.fps, power:pow, max:true }; }); new Game.buffType('pixie misery',function(time,pow) { return { name:'Nasty goblins', desc:'All buildings are '+pow+'% pricier for '+Game.sayTime(time*Game.fps,-1)+'!', icon:[26,11], time:time*Game.fps, power:pow, max:true }; }); new Game.buffType('magic adept',function(time,pow) { return { name:'Magic adept', desc:'Spells backfire '+pow+' times less for '+Game.sayTime(time*Game.fps,-1)+'.', icon:[29,11], time:time*Game.fps, power:pow, max:true }; }); new Game.buffType('magic inept',function(time,pow) { return { name:'Magic inept', desc:'Spells backfire '+pow+' times more for '+Game.sayTime(time*Game.fps,-1)+'.', icon:[29,11], time:time*Game.fps, power:pow, max:true }; }); new Game.buffType('devastation',function(time,pow) { return { name:'Devastation', desc:'Clicking power +'+Math.floor(pow*100-100)+'% for '+Game.sayTime(time*Game.fps,-1)+'!', icon:[23,18], time:time*Game.fps, multClick:pow, aura:1, max:true }; }); new Game.buffType('sugar frenzy',function(time,pow) { return { name:'Sugar frenzy', desc:'Cookie production x'+pow+' for '+Game.sayTime(time*Game.fps,-1)+'!', icon:[29,14], time:time*Game.fps, add:true, multCpS:pow, aura:0 }; }); new Game.buffType('loan 1',function(time,pow) { return { name:'Loan 1', desc:'Cookie production x'+pow+' for '+Game.sayTime(time*Game.fps,-1)+'.', icon:[1,33], time:time*Game.fps, power:pow, multCpS:pow, max:true, onDie:function(){if (Game.takeLoan) {Game.takeLoan(1,true);}}, }; }); new Game.buffType('loan 1 interest',function(time,pow) { return { name:'Loan 1 (interest)', desc:'Cookie production x'+pow+' for '+Game.sayTime(time*Game.fps,-1)+'.', icon:[1,33], time:time*Game.fps, power:pow, multCpS:pow, max:true }; }); new Game.buffType('loan 2',function(time,pow) { return { name:'Loan 2', desc:'Cookie production x'+pow+' for '+Game.sayTime(time*Game.fps,-1)+'.', icon:[1,33], time:time*Game.fps, power:pow, multCpS:pow, max:true, onDie:function(){if (Game.takeLoan) {Game.takeLoan(2,true);}}, }; }); new Game.buffType('loan 2 interest',function(time,pow) { return { name:'Loan 2 (interest)', desc:'Cookie production x'+pow+' for '+Game.sayTime(time*Game.fps,-1)+'.', icon:[1,33], time:time*Game.fps, power:pow, multCpS:pow, max:true }; }); new Game.buffType('loan 3',function(time,pow) { return { name:'Loan 3', desc:'Cookie production x'+pow+' for '+Game.sayTime(time*Game.fps,-1)+'.', icon:[1,33], time:time*Game.fps, power:pow, multCpS:pow, max:true, onDie:function(){if (Game.takeLoan) {Game.takeLoan(3,true);}}, }; }); new Game.buffType('loan 3 interest',function(time,pow) { return { name:'Loan 3 (interest)', desc:'Cookie production x'+pow+' for '+Game.sayTime(time*Game.fps,-1)+'.', icon:[1,33], time:time*Game.fps, power:pow, multCpS:pow, max:true }; }); //end of buffs BeautifyAll(); Game.vanilla=0;//everything we create beyond this will not be saved in the default save Game.runModHook('create'); /*===================================================================================== GRANDMAPOCALYPSE =======================================================================================*/ Game.UpdateGrandmapocalypse=function() { if (Game.Has('Elder Covenant') || Game.Objects['Grandma'].amount==0) Game.elderWrath=0; else if (Game.pledgeT>0)//if the pledge is active, lower it { Game.pledgeT--; if (Game.pledgeT==0)//did we reach 0? make the pledge purchasable again { Game.Lock('Elder Pledge'); Game.Unlock('Elder Pledge'); Game.elderWrath=1; } } else { if (Game.Has('One mind') && Game.elderWrath==0) { Game.elderWrath=1; } if (Math.random()<0.001 && Game.elderWrath -0.5 * rect.w && x2 < 0.5 * rect.w && y2 > -0.5 * rect.h && y2 < 0.5 * rect.h) return true; return false; } Game.wrinklerHP=2.1; Game.wrinklers=[]; for (var i=0;i<12;i++) { Game.wrinklers.push({id:parseInt(i),close:0,sucked:0,phase:0,x:0,y:0,r:0,hurt:0,hp:Game.wrinklerHP,selected:0,type:0}); } Game.getWrinklersMax=function() { var n=10; if (Game.Has('Elder spice')) n+=2; return n; } Game.ResetWrinklers=function() { for (var i in Game.wrinklers) { Game.wrinklers[i]={id:parseInt(i),close:0,sucked:0,phase:0,x:0,y:0,r:0,hurt:0,hp:Game.wrinklerHP,selected:0,type:0}; } } Game.CollectWrinklers=function() { for (var i in Game.wrinklers) { Game.wrinklers[i].hp=0; } } Game.wrinklerSquishSound=Math.floor(Math.random()*4)+1; Game.playWrinklerSquishSound=function() { PlaySound('snd/squish'+(Game.wrinklerSquishSound)+'.mp3',0.5); Game.wrinklerSquishSound+=Math.floor(Math.random()*1.5)+1; if (Game.wrinklerSquishSound>4) Game.wrinklerSquishSound-=4; } Game.SpawnWrinkler=function(me) { if (!me) { var max=Game.getWrinklersMax(); var n=0; for (var i in Game.wrinklers) { if (Game.wrinklers[i].phase>0) n++; } for (var i in Game.wrinklers) { var it=Game.wrinklers[i]; if (it.phase==0 && Game.elderWrath>0 && n0 && Game.wrinklers[i].hp>0) wrinklers.push(Game.wrinklers[i]); } if (wrinklers.length>0) { var me=choose(wrinklers); me.hp=-10; return me; } return false; } Game.UpdateWrinklers=function() { var xBase=0; var yBase=0; var onWrinkler=0; if (Game.LeftBackground) { xBase=Game.cookieOriginX; yBase=Game.cookieOriginY; } var max=Game.getWrinklersMax(); var n=0; for (var i in Game.wrinklers) { if (Game.wrinklers[i].phase>0) n++; } for (var i in Game.wrinklers) { var me=Game.wrinklers[i]; if (me.phase==0 && Game.elderWrath>0 && n0) { if (me.close<1) me.close+=(1/Game.fps)/10; if (me.close>1) me.close=1; } else me.close=0; if (me.close==1 && me.phase==1) { me.phase=2; Game.recalculateGains=1; } if (me.phase==2) { me.sucked+=(((Game.cookiesPs/Game.fps)*Game.cpsSucked));//suck the cookies } if (me.phase>0) { if (me.type==0) { if (me.hp0)) { var x=me.x+(Math.sin(me.r*Math.PI/180)*90); var y=me.y+(Math.cos(me.r*Math.PI/180)*90); for (var ii=0;ii<3;ii++) { //Game.particleAdd(x+Math.random()*50-25,y+Math.random()*50-25,Math.random()*4-2,Math.random()*-2-2,1,1,2,'wrinklerBits.png'); var part=Game.particleAdd(x,y,Math.random()*4-2,Math.random()*-2-2,1,1,2,me.type==1?'shinyWrinklerBits.png':'wrinklerBits.png'); part.r=-me.r; } } } Game.Click=0; } onWrinkler=1; } } if (me.hurt>0) { me.hurt-=5/Game.fps; //me.close-=me.hurt*0.05; //me.x+=Math.random()*2-1; //me.y+=Math.random()*2-1; me.r+=(Math.sin(Game.T*1)*me.hurt)*18;//Math.random()*2-1; } if (me.hp<=0.5 && me.phase>0) { Game.playWrinklerSquishSound(); PlaySound('snd/pop'+Math.floor(Math.random()*3+1)+'.mp3',0.75); Game.wrinklersPopped++; Game.recalculateGains=1; me.phase=0; me.close=0; me.hurt=0; me.hp=3; var toSuck=1.1; if (Game.Has('Sacrilegious corruption')) toSuck*=1.05; if (me.type==1) toSuck*=3;//shiny wrinklers are an elusive, profitable breed me.sucked*=toSuck;//cookie dough does weird things inside wrinkler digestive tracts if (Game.Has('Wrinklerspawn')) me.sucked*=1.05; if (Game.hasGod) { var godLvl=Game.hasGod('scorn'); if (godLvl==1) me.sucked*=1.15; else if (godLvl==2) me.sucked*=1.1; else if (godLvl==3) me.sucked*=1.05; } if (me.sucked>0.5) { if (Game.prefs.popups) Game.Popup('Exploded a '+(me.type==1?'shiny ':'')+'wrinkler : found '+Beautify(me.sucked)+' cookies!'); else Game.Notify('Exploded a '+(me.type==1?'shiny ':'')+'wrinkler','Found '+Beautify(me.sucked)+' cookies!',[19,8],6); Game.Popup('
+'+Beautify(me.sucked)+' cookies
',Game.mouseX,Game.mouseY); if (Game.season=='halloween') { //if (Math.random()<(Game.HasAchiev('Spooky cookies')?0.2:0.05))//halloween cookie drops var failRate=0.95; if (Game.HasAchiev('Spooky cookies')) failRate=0.8; if (Game.Has('Starterror')) failRate*=0.9; failRate*=1/Game.dropRateMult(); if (Game.hasGod) { var godLvl=Game.hasGod('seasons'); if (godLvl==1) failRate*=0.9; else if (godLvl==2) failRate*=0.95; else if (godLvl==3) failRate*=0.97; } if (me.type==1) failRate*=0.9; if (Math.random()>failRate)//halloween cookie drops { var cookie=choose(['Skull cookies','Ghost cookies','Bat cookies','Slime cookies','Pumpkin cookies','Eyeball cookies','Spider cookies']); if (!Game.HasUnlocked(cookie) && !Game.Has(cookie)) { Game.Unlock(cookie); if (Game.prefs.popups) Game.Popup('Found : '+cookie+'!'); else Game.Notify(cookie,'You also found '+cookie+'!',Game.Upgrades[cookie].icon); } } } Game.DropEgg(0.98); } if (me.type==1) Game.Win('Last Chance to See'); Game.Earn(me.sucked); /*if (Game.prefs.particles) { var x=me.x+(Math.sin(me.r*Math.PI/180)*100); var y=me.y+(Math.cos(me.r*Math.PI/180)*100); for (var ii=0;ii<6;ii++) { Game.particleAdd(x+Math.random()*50-25,y+Math.random()*50-25,Math.random()*4-2,Math.random()*-2-2,1,1,2,'wrinklerBits.png'); } }*/ if (Game.prefs.particles) { var x=me.x+(Math.sin(me.r*Math.PI/180)*90); var y=me.y+(Math.cos(me.r*Math.PI/180)*90); if (me.sucked>0) { for (var ii=0;ii<5;ii++) { Game.particleAdd(Game.mouseX,Game.mouseY,Math.random()*4-2,Math.random()*-2-2,Math.random()*0.5+0.75,1.5,2); } } for (var ii=0;ii<8;ii++) { var part=Game.particleAdd(x,y,Math.random()*4-2,Math.random()*-2-2,1,1,2,me.type==1?'shinyWrinklerBits.png':'wrinklerBits.png'); part.r=-me.r; } } me.sucked=0; } } if (onWrinkler) { Game.mousePointer=1; } } Game.DrawWrinklers=function() { var ctx=Game.LeftBackground; var selected=0; for (var i in Game.wrinklers) { var me=Game.wrinklers[i]; if (me.phase>0) { ctx.globalAlpha=me.close; ctx.save(); ctx.translate(me.x,me.y); ctx.rotate(-(me.r)*Math.PI/180); //var s=Math.min(1,me.sucked/(Game.cookiesPs*60))*0.75+0.25;//scale wrinklers as they eat //ctx.scale(Math.pow(s,1.5)*1.25,s); //ctx.fillRect(-50,-10,100,200); if (me.type==1) ctx.drawImage(Pic('shinyWrinkler.png'),-50,-10); else if (Game.season=='christmas') ctx.drawImage(Pic('winterWrinkler.png'),-50,-10); else ctx.drawImage(Pic('wrinkler.png'),-50,-10); //ctx.fillText(me.id+' : '+me.sucked,0,0); if (me.type==1 && Math.random()<0.3 && Game.prefs.particles)//sparkle { ctx.globalAlpha=Math.random()*0.65+0.1; var s=Math.random()*30+5; ctx.globalCompositeOperation='lighter'; ctx.drawImage(Pic('glint.jpg'),-s/2+Math.random()*50-25,-s/2+Math.random()*200,s,s); } ctx.restore(); if (me.phase==2 && Math.random()<0.03 && Game.prefs.particles) { Game.particleAdd(me.x,me.y,Math.random()*4-2,Math.random()*-2-2,Math.random()*0.5+0.5,1,2); } if (me.selected) selected=me; } } if (selected && Game.Has('Eye of the wrinkler')) { var x=Game.cookieOriginX; var y=Game.cookieOriginY; ctx.font='14px Merriweather'; ctx.textAlign='center'; var width=Math.max(ctx.measureText('Swallowed :').width,ctx.measureText(Beautify(selected.sucked)).width); ctx.fillStyle='#000'; ctx.strokeStyle='#000'; ctx.lineWidth=8; ctx.globalAlpha=0.5; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(x,y); ctx.lineTo(Math.floor(selected.x),Math.floor(selected.y)); ctx.stroke(); ctx.fillRect(x-width/2-8-14,y-23,width+16+28,38); ctx.globalAlpha=1; ctx.fillStyle='#fff'; ctx.fillText('Swallowed :',x+14,y-8); ctx.fillText(Beautify(selected.sucked),x+14,y+8); ctx.drawImage(Pic('icons.png'),27*48,26*48,48,48,x-width/2-8-22,y-4-24,48,48); } } Game.SaveWrinklers=function() { var amount=0; var amountShinies=0; var number=0; var shinies=0; for (var i in Game.wrinklers) { if (Game.wrinklers[i].sucked>0.5) { number++; if (Game.wrinklers[i].type==1) { shinies++; amountShinies+=Game.wrinklers[i].sucked; } else amount+=Game.wrinklers[i].sucked; } } return {amount:amount,number:number,shinies:shinies,amountShinies:amountShinies}; } Game.LoadWrinklers=function(amount,number,shinies,amountShinies) { if (number>0 && (amount>0 || amountShinies>0)) { var fullNumber=number-shinies; var fullNumberShinies=shinies; for (var i in Game.wrinklers) { if (number>0) { Game.wrinklers[i].phase=2; Game.wrinklers[i].close=1; Game.wrinklers[i].hp=3; if (shinies>0) {Game.wrinklers[i].type=1;Game.wrinklers[i].sucked=amountShinies/fullNumberShinies;shinies--;} else Game.wrinklers[i].sucked=amount/fullNumber; number--; }//respawn } } } /*===================================================================================== SPECIAL THINGS AND STUFF =======================================================================================*/ Game.specialTab=''; Game.specialTabHovered=''; Game.specialTabs=[]; Game.UpdateSpecial=function() { Game.specialTabs=[]; if (Game.Has('A festive hat')) Game.specialTabs.push('santa'); if (Game.Has('A crumbly egg')) Game.specialTabs.push('dragon'); if (Game.specialTabs.length==0) {Game.ToggleSpecialMenu(0);return;} if (Game.LeftBackground) { Game.specialTabHovered=''; var len=Game.specialTabs.length; if (len==0) return; var y=Game.LeftBackground.canvas.height-24-48*len; for (var i=0;imoni && Game.santaLevel<14) { PlaySound('snd/shimmerClick.mp3'); Game.Spend(moni); Game.santaLevel=(Game.santaLevel+1)%15; if (Game.santaLevel==14) { Game.Unlock('Santa\'s dominion'); if (Game.prefs.popups) Game.Popup('You are granted
Santa\'s dominion.'); else Game.Notify('You are granted Santa\'s dominion.','',Game.Upgrades['Santa\'s dominion'].icon); } var drops=[]; for (var i in Game.santaDrops) {if (!Game.HasUnlocked(Game.santaDrops[i])) drops.push(Game.santaDrops[i]);} var drop=choose(drops); if (drop) { Game.Unlock(drop); if (Game.prefs.popups) Game.Popup('You find a present which contains...
'+drop+'!'); else Game.Notify('Found a present!','You find a present which contains...
'+drop+'!',Game.Upgrades[drop].icon); } Game.ToggleSpecialMenu(1); if (l('specialPic')){var rect=l('specialPic').getBoundingClientRect();Game.SparkleAt((rect.left+rect.right)/2,(rect.top+rect.bottom)/2);} if (Game.santaLevel>=6) Game.Win('Coming to town'); if (Game.santaLevel>=14) Game.Win('All hail Santa'); Game.recalculateGains=1; Game.upgradesToRebuild=1; } } Game.dragonLevels=[ {name:'Dragon egg',action:'Chip it',pic:0, cost:function(){return Game.cookies>=1000000;}, buy:function(){Game.Spend(1000000);}, costStr:function(){return Beautify(1000000)+' cookies';}}, {name:'Dragon egg',action:'Chip it',pic:1, cost:function(){return Game.cookies>=1000000*2;}, buy:function(){Game.Spend(1000000*2);}, costStr:function(){return Beautify(1000000*2)+' cookies';}}, {name:'Dragon egg',action:'Chip it',pic:2, cost:function(){return Game.cookies>=1000000*4;}, buy:function(){Game.Spend(1000000*4);}, costStr:function(){return Beautify(1000000*4)+' cookies';}}, {name:'Shivering dragon egg',action:'Hatch it',pic:3, cost:function(){return Game.cookies>=1000000*8;}, buy:function(){Game.Spend(1000000*8);}, costStr:function(){return Beautify(1000000*8)+' cookies';}}, {name:'Krumblor, cookie hatchling',action:'Train Breath of Milk
Aura : kittens are 5% more effective',pic:4, cost:function(){return Game.cookies>=1000000*16;}, buy:function(){Game.Spend(1000000*16);}, costStr:function(){return Beautify(1000000*16)+' cookies';}}, {name:'Krumblor, cookie hatchling',action:'Train Dragon Cursor
Aura : clicking is 5% more effective',pic:4, cost:function(){return Game.Objects['Cursor'].amount>=100;}, buy:function(){Game.Objects['Cursor'].sacrifice(100);}, costStr:function(){return '100 cursors';}}, {name:'Krumblor, cookie hatchling',action:'Train Elder Battalion
Aura : grandmas gain +1% CpS for every non-grandma building',pic:4, cost:function(){return Game.Objects['Grandma'].amount>=100;}, buy:function(){Game.Objects['Grandma'].sacrifice(100);}, costStr:function(){return '100 grandmas';}}, {name:'Krumblor, cookie hatchling',action:'Train Reaper of Fields
Aura : golden cookies may trigger a Dragon Harvest',pic:4, cost:function(){return Game.Objects['Farm'].amount>=100;}, buy:function(){Game.Objects['Farm'].sacrifice(100);}, costStr:function(){return '100 farms';}}, {name:'Krumblor, cookie dragon',action:'Train Earth Shatterer
Aura : buildings sell back for 50% instead of 25%',pic:5, cost:function(){return Game.Objects['Mine'].amount>=100;}, buy:function(){Game.Objects['Mine'].sacrifice(100);}, costStr:function(){return '100 mines';}}, {name:'Krumblor, cookie dragon',action:'Train Master of the Armory
Aura : all upgrades are 2% cheaper',pic:5, cost:function(){return Game.Objects['Factory'].amount>=100;}, buy:function(){Game.Objects['Factory'].sacrifice(100);}, costStr:function(){return '100 factories';}}, {name:'Krumblor, cookie dragon',action:'Train Fierce Hoarder
Aura : all buildings are 2% cheaper',pic:5, cost:function(){return Game.Objects['Bank'].amount>=100;}, buy:function(){Game.Objects['Bank'].sacrifice(100);}, costStr:function(){return '100 banks';}}, {name:'Krumblor, cookie dragon',action:'Train Dragon God
Aura : prestige CpS bonus +5%',pic:5, cost:function(){return Game.Objects['Temple'].amount>=100;}, buy:function(){Game.Objects['Temple'].sacrifice(100);}, costStr:function(){return '100 temples';}}, {name:'Krumblor, cookie dragon',action:'Train Arcane Aura
Aura : golden cookies appear 5% more often',pic:5, cost:function(){return Game.Objects['Wizard tower'].amount>=100;}, buy:function(){Game.Objects['Wizard tower'].sacrifice(100);}, costStr:function(){return '100 wizard towers';}}, {name:'Krumblor, cookie dragon',action:'Train Dragonflight
Aura : golden cookies may trigger a Dragonflight',pic:5, cost:function(){return Game.Objects['Shipment'].amount>=100;}, buy:function(){Game.Objects['Shipment'].sacrifice(100);}, costStr:function(){return '100 shipments';}}, {name:'Krumblor, cookie dragon',action:'Train Ancestral Metamorphosis
Aura : golden cookies give 10% more cookies',pic:5, cost:function(){return Game.Objects['Alchemy lab'].amount>=100;}, buy:function(){Game.Objects['Alchemy lab'].sacrifice(100);}, costStr:function(){return '100 alchemy labs';}}, {name:'Krumblor, cookie dragon',action:'Train Unholy Dominion
Aura : wrath cookies give 10% more cookies',pic:5, cost:function(){return Game.Objects['Portal'].amount>=100;}, buy:function(){Game.Objects['Portal'].sacrifice(100);}, costStr:function(){return '100 portals';}}, {name:'Krumblor, cookie dragon',action:'Train Epoch Manipulator
Aura : golden cookie effects last 5% longer',pic:5, cost:function(){return Game.Objects['Time machine'].amount>=100;}, buy:function(){Game.Objects['Time machine'].sacrifice(100);}, costStr:function(){return '100 time machines';}}, {name:'Krumblor, cookie dragon',action:'Train Mind Over Matter
Aura : +25% random drops',pic:5, cost:function(){return Game.Objects['Antimatter condenser'].amount>=100;}, buy:function(){Game.Objects['Antimatter condenser'].sacrifice(100);}, costStr:function(){return '100 antimatter condensers';}}, {name:'Krumblor, cookie dragon',action:'Train Radiant Appetite
Aura : all cookie production multiplied by 2',pic:5, cost:function(){return Game.Objects['Prism'].amount>=100;}, buy:function(){Game.Objects['Prism'].sacrifice(100);}, costStr:function(){return '100 prisms';}}, {name:'Krumblor, cookie dragon',action:'Train Dragon\'s Fortune
Aura : +123% CpS per golden cookie on-screen',pic:5, cost:function(){return Game.Objects['Chancemaker'].amount>=100;}, buy:function(){Game.Objects['Chancemaker'].sacrifice(100);}, costStr:function(){return '100 chancemakers';}}, {name:'Krumblor, cookie dragon',action:'Train Dragon\'s Curve
Aura : sugar lumps grow 5% faster, 50% weirder',pic:5, cost:function(){return Game.Objects['Fractal engine'].amount>=100;}, buy:function(){Game.Objects['Fractal engine'].sacrifice(100);}, costStr:function(){return '100 fractal engines';}}, {name:'Krumblor, cookie dragon',action:'Train Reality Bending
Aura : 10% of every other aura, combined',pic:5, cost:function(){return Game.Objects['Javascript console'].amount>=100;}, buy:function(){Game.Objects['Javascript console'].sacrifice(100);}, costStr:function(){return '100 javascript consoles';}}, {name:'Krumblor, cookie dragon',action:'Train Dragon Orbs
Aura : selling your best building may grant a wish',pic:5, cost:function(){return Game.Objects['Idleverse'].amount>=100;}, buy:function(){Game.Objects['Idleverse'].sacrifice(100);}, costStr:function(){return '100 idleverses';}}, {name:'Krumblor, cookie dragon',action:'Bake dragon cookie
Delicious!',pic:6, cost:function(){var fail=0;for (var i in Game.Objects){if (Game.Objects[i].amount<50) fail=1;}return (fail==0);}, buy:function(){for (var i in Game.Objects){Game.Objects[i].sacrifice(50);}Game.Unlock('Dragon cookie');}, costStr:function(){return '50 of every building';}}, {name:'Krumblor, cookie dragon',action:'Train secondary aura
Lets you use two dragon auras simultaneously',pic:7, cost:function(){var fail=0;for (var i in Game.Objects){if (Game.Objects[i].amount<200) fail=1;}return (fail==0);}, buy:function(){for (var i in Game.Objects){Game.Objects[i].sacrifice(200);}}, costStr:function(){return '200 of every building';}}, {name:'Krumblor, cookie dragon',action:'Your dragon is fully trained.',pic:8} ]; Game.dragonAuras={ 0:{name:'No aura',pic:[0,7],desc:'Select an aura from those your dragon knows.'}, 1:{name:'Breath of Milk',pic:[18,25],desc:'Kittens are 5% more effective.'}, 2:{name:'Dragon Cursor',pic:[0,25],desc:'Clicking is 5% more effective.'}, 3:{name:'Elder Battalion',pic:[1,25],desc:'Grandmas gain +1% CpS for every non-grandma building.'}, 4:{name:'Reaper of Fields',pic:[2,25],desc:'Golden cookies may trigger a Dragon Harvest.'}, 5:{name:'Earth Shatterer',pic:[3,25],desc:'Buildings sell back for 50% instead of 25%.'}, 6:{name:'Master of the Armory',pic:[4,25],desc:'All upgrades are 2% cheaper.'}, 7:{name:'Fierce Hoarder',pic:[15,25],desc:'All buildings are 2% cheaper.'}, 8:{name:'Dragon God',pic:[16,25],desc:'Prestige CpS bonus +5%.'}, 9:{name:'Arcane Aura',pic:[17,25],desc:'Golden cookies appear +5% more often.'}, 10:{name:'Dragonflight',pic:[5,25],desc:'Golden cookies may trigger a Dragonflight.'}, 11:{name:'Ancestral Metamorphosis',pic:[6,25],desc:'Golden cookies give 10% more cookies.'}, 12:{name:'Unholy Dominion',pic:[7,25],desc:'Wrath cookies give 10% more cookies.'}, 13:{name:'Epoch Manipulator',pic:[8,25],desc:'Golden cookies last 5% longer.'}, 14:{name:'Mind Over Matter',pic:[13,25],desc:'Random drops are 25% more common.'}, 15:{name:'Radiant Appetite',pic:[14,25],desc:'All cookie production multiplied by 2.'}, 16:{name:'Dragon\'s Fortune',pic:[19,25],desc:'+123% CpS per golden cookie on-screen, multiplicative.'}, 17:{name:'Dragon\'s Curve',pic:[20,25],desc:'+5% sugar lump growth and sugar lumps are twice as likely to be unusual.'}, 18:{name:'Reality Bending',pic:[32,25],desc:'One tenth of every other dragon aura, combined.'}, 19:{name:'Dragon Orbs',pic:[33,25],desc:'With no buffs and no golden cookies on screen, selling your most powerful building has 10% chance to summon one.'}, }; Game.hasAura=function(what) { if (Game.dragonAuras[Game.dragonAura].name==what || Game.dragonAuras[Game.dragonAura2].name==what) return true; else return false; } Game.auraMult=function(what) { var n=0; if (Game.dragonAuras[Game.dragonAura].name==what || Game.dragonAuras[Game.dragonAura2].name==what) n=1; if (Game.dragonAuras[Game.dragonAura].name=='Reality Bending' || Game.dragonAuras[Game.dragonAura2].name=='Reality Bending') n+=0.1; return n; } Game.SelectDragonAura=function(slot,update) { var currentAura=0; var otherAura=0; if (slot==0) currentAura=Game.dragonAura; else currentAura=Game.dragonAura2; if (slot==0) otherAura=Game.dragonAura2; else otherAura=Game.dragonAura; if (!update) Game.SelectingDragonAura=currentAura; var str=''; for (var i in Game.dragonAuras) { if (Game.dragonLevel>=parseInt(i)+4) { var icon=Game.dragonAuras[i].pic; if (i==0 || i!=otherAura) str+='
'; } } var highestBuilding=0; for (var i in Game.Objects) {if (Game.Objects[i].amount>0) highestBuilding=Game.Objects[i];} Game.Prompt('

Set your dragon\'s '+(slot==1?'secondary ':'')+'aura

'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+(highestBuilding==0?'Switching your aura is free because you own no buildings.':'The cost of switching your aura is 1 '+highestBuilding.name+'.
This will affect your CpS!')+'
' ,[['Confirm',(slot==0?'Game.dragonAura':'Game.dragonAura2')+'=Game.SelectingDragonAura;'+(highestBuilding==0 || currentAura==Game.SelectingDragonAura?'':'Game.ObjectsById['+highestBuilding.id+'].sacrifice(1);')+'Game.ToggleSpecialMenu(1);Game.ClosePrompt();'],'Cancel'],0,'widePrompt'); Game.DescribeDragonAura(Game.SelectingDragonAura); } Game.SelectingDragonAura=-1; Game.SetDragonAura=function(aura,slot) { Game.SelectingDragonAura=aura; Game.SelectDragonAura(slot,1); } Game.DescribeDragonAura=function(aura) { l('dragonAuraInfo').innerHTML= '


'+ '
'+ Game.dragonAuras[aura].desc+ '
'; } Game.UpgradeDragon=function() { if (Game.dragonLevel=Game.dragonLevels.length-1) Game.Win('Here be dragon'); Game.ToggleSpecialMenu(1); if (l('specialPic')){var rect=l('specialPic').getBoundingClientRect();Game.SparkleAt((rect.left+rect.right)/2,(rect.top+rect.bottom)/2);} Game.recalculateGains=1; Game.upgradesToRebuild=1; } } Game.lastClickedSpecialPic=0; Game.ClickSpecialPic=function() { if (Game.specialTab=='dragon' && Game.dragonLevel>=4 && Game.Has('Pet the dragon') && l('specialPic')) { triggerAnim(l('specialPic'),'pucker'); PlaySound('snd/click'+Math.floor(Math.random()*7+1)+'.mp3',0.5); if (Date.now()-Game.lastClickedSpecialPic>2000) PlaySound('snd/growl.mp3'); //else if (Math.random()<0.5) PlaySound('snd/growl.mp3',0.5+Math.random()*0.2); Game.lastClickedSpecialPic=Date.now(); if (Game.prefs.particles) { Game.particleAdd(Game.mouseX,Game.mouseY-32,Math.random()*4-2,Math.random()*-2-4,Math.random()*0.2+0.5,1,2,[20,3]); } if (Game.dragonLevel>=8 && Math.random()<1/20) { Math.seedrandom(Game.seed+'/dragonTime'); var drops=['Dragon scale','Dragon claw','Dragon fang','Dragon teddy bear']; drops=shuffle(drops); var drop=drops[Math.floor((new Date().getMinutes()/60)*drops.length)]; if (!Game.Has(drop) && !Game.HasUnlocked(drop)) { Game.Unlock(drop); if (Game.prefs.popups) Game.Popup('You find :
'+drop+'!'); else Game.Notify(drop,'Your dragon dropped something!',Game.Upgrades[drop].icon); } Math.seedrandom(); } } } Game.ToggleSpecialMenu=function(on) { if (on) { var pic=''; var frame=0; if (Game.specialTab=='santa') {pic='santa.png';frame=Game.santaLevel;} else if (Game.specialTab=='dragon') {pic='dragon.png?v='+Game.version;frame=Game.dragonLevels[Game.dragonLevel].pic;} else {pic='dragon.png?v='+Game.version;frame=4;} var str='
'; str+='
'; if (Game.specialTab=='santa') { var moni=Math.pow(Game.santaLevel+1,Game.santaLevel+1); str+='


'; if (Game.santaLevel<14) { str+='
'+ ''+ ''; } } else if (Game.specialTab=='dragon') { var level=Game.dragonLevels[Game.dragonLevel]; str+='


'; if (Game.dragonLevel>=5) { var icon=Game.dragonAuras[Game.dragonAura].pic; str+='


'+ '
'+ Game.dragonAuras[Game.dragonAura].desc+ '
' ,'top')+ '>'; } if (Game.dragonLevel>=25)//2nd aura slot; increased with last building (idleverse) { var icon=Game.dragonAuras[Game.dragonAura2].pic; str+='


'+ '
'+ Game.dragonAuras[Game.dragonAura2].desc+ '
' ,'top')+ '>'; } if (Game.dragonLevel'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'; } else { str+='
'+ '
'; } } l('specialPopup').innerHTML=str; l('specialPopup').className='framed prompt onScreen'; } else { if (Game.specialTab!='') { Game.specialTab=''; l('specialPopup').className='framed prompt offScreen'; setTimeout(function(){if (Game.specialTab=='') {/*l('specialPopup').style.display='none';*/l('specialPopup').innerHTML='';}},1000*0.2); } } } Game.DrawSpecial=function() { var len=Game.specialTabs.length; if (len==0) return; Game.LeftBackground.globalAlpha=1; var y=Game.LeftBackground.canvas.height-24-48*len; var tabI=0; for (var i in Game.specialTabs) { var selected=0; var hovered=0; if (Game.specialTab==Game.specialTabs[i]) selected=1; if (Game.specialTabHovered==Game.specialTabs[i]) hovered=1; var x=24; var s=1; var pic=''; var frame=0; if (hovered) {s=1;x=24;} if (selected) {s=1;x=48;} if (Game.specialTabs[i]=='santa') {pic='santa.png';frame=Game.santaLevel;} else if (Game.specialTabs[i]=='dragon') {pic='dragon.png?v='+Game.version;frame=Game.dragonLevels[Game.dragonLevel].pic;} else {pic='dragon.png?v='+Game.version;frame=4;} if (hovered || selected) { var ss=s*64; var r=Math.floor((Game.T*0.5)%360); Game.LeftBackground.save(); Game.LeftBackground.translate(x,y); if (Game.prefs.fancy) Game.LeftBackground.rotate((r/360)*Math.PI*2); Game.LeftBackground.globalAlpha=0.75; Game.LeftBackground.drawImage(Pic('shine.png'),-ss/2,-ss/2,ss,ss); Game.LeftBackground.restore(); } if (Game.prefs.fancy) Game.LeftBackground.drawImage(Pic(pic),96*frame,0,96,96,(x+(selected?0:Math.sin(Game.T*0.2+tabI)*3)-24*s),(y-(selected?6:Math.abs(Math.cos(Game.T*0.2+tabI))*6)-24*s),48*s,48*s); else Game.LeftBackground.drawImage(Pic(pic),96*frame,0,96,96,(x-24*s),(y-24*s),48*s,48*s); tabI++; y+=48; } } /*===================================================================================== VISUAL EFFECTS =======================================================================================*/ Game.Milks=[ {name:'Rank I - Plain milk',pic:'milkPlain',icon:[1,8]}, {name:'Rank II - Chocolate milk',pic:'milkChocolate',icon:[2,8]}, {name:'Rank III - Raspberry milk',pic:'milkRaspberry',icon:[3,8]}, {name:'Rank IV - Orange milk',pic:'milkOrange',icon:[4,8]}, {name:'Rank V - Caramel milk',pic:'milkCaramel',icon:[5,8]}, {name:'Rank VI - Banana milk',pic:'milkBanana',icon:[6,8]}, {name:'Rank VII - Lime milk',pic:'milkLime',icon:[7,8]}, {name:'Rank VIII - Blueberry milk',pic:'milkBlueberry',icon:[8,8]}, {name:'Rank IX - Strawberry milk',pic:'milkStrawberry',icon:[9,8]}, {name:'Rank X - Vanilla milk',pic:'milkVanilla',icon:[10,8]}, {name:'Rank XI - Honey milk',pic:'milkHoney',icon:[21,23]}, {name:'Rank XII - Coffee milk',pic:'milkCoffee',icon:[22,23]}, {name:'Rank XIII - Tea with a spot of milk',pic:'milkTea',icon:[23,23]}, {name:'Rank XIV - Coconut milk',pic:'milkCoconut',icon:[24,23]}, {name:'Rank XV - Cherry milk',pic:'milkCherry',icon:[25,23]}, {name:'Rank XVI - Spiced milk',pic:'milkSpiced',icon:[26,23]}, {name:'Rank XVII - Maple milk',pic:'milkMaple',icon:[28,23]}, {name:'Rank XVIII - Mint milk',pic:'milkMint',icon:[29,23]}, {name:'Rank XIX - Licorice milk',pic:'milkLicorice',icon:[30,23]}, {name:'Rank XX - Rose milk',pic:'milkRose',icon:[31,23]}, {name:'Rank XXI - Dragonfruit milk',pic:'milkDragonfruit',icon:[21,24]}, ]; Game.Milk=Game.Milks[0]; Game.mousePointer=0;//when 1, draw the mouse as a pointer on the left screen Game.cookieOriginX=0; Game.cookieOriginY=0; Game.DrawBackground=function() { Timer.clean(); //background if (!Game.Background)//init some stuff { Game.Background=l('backgroundCanvas').getContext('2d'); Game.Background.canvas.width=Game.Background.canvas.parentNode.offsetWidth; Game.Background.canvas.height=Game.Background.canvas.parentNode.offsetHeight; Game.LeftBackground=l('backgroundLeftCanvas').getContext('2d'); Game.LeftBackground.canvas.width=Game.LeftBackground.canvas.parentNode.offsetWidth; Game.LeftBackground.canvas.height=Game.LeftBackground.canvas.parentNode.offsetHeight; //preload ascend animation bits so they show up instantly Game.LeftBackground.globalAlpha=0; Game.LeftBackground.drawImage(Pic('brokenCookie.png'),0,0); Game.LeftBackground.drawImage(Pic('brokenCookieHalo.png'),0,0); Game.LeftBackground.drawImage(Pic('starbg.jpg'),0,0); window.addEventListener('resize', function(event) { Game.Background.canvas.width=Game.Background.canvas.parentNode.offsetWidth; Game.Background.canvas.height=Game.Background.canvas.parentNode.offsetHeight; Game.LeftBackground.canvas.width=Game.LeftBackground.canvas.parentNode.offsetWidth; Game.LeftBackground.canvas.height=Game.LeftBackground.canvas.parentNode.offsetHeight; }); } var ctx=Game.LeftBackground; if (Game.OnAscend) { Timer.clean(); //starry background on ascend screen var w=Game.Background.canvas.width; var h=Game.Background.canvas.height; var b=Game.ascendl.getBoundingClientRect(); var x=(b.left+b.right)/2; var y=(b.top+b.bottom)/2; Game.Background.globalAlpha=0.5; var s=1*Game.AscendZoom*(1+Math.cos(Game.T*0.0027)*0.05); Game.Background.fillPattern(Pic('starbg.jpg'),0,0,w,h,1024*s,1024*s,x+Game.AscendOffX*0.25*s,y+Game.AscendOffY*0.25*s); Timer.track('star layer 1'); if (Game.prefs.fancy) { //additional star layer Game.Background.globalAlpha=0.5*(0.5+Math.sin(Game.T*0.02)*0.3); var s=2*Game.AscendZoom*(1+Math.sin(Game.T*0.002)*0.07); //Game.Background.globalCompositeOperation='lighter'; Game.Background.fillPattern(Pic('starbg.jpg'),0,0,w,h,1024*s,1024*s,x+Game.AscendOffX*0.25*s,y+Game.AscendOffY*0.25*s); //Game.Background.globalCompositeOperation='source-over'; Timer.track('star layer 2'); x=x+Game.AscendOffX*Game.AscendZoom; y=y+Game.AscendOffY*Game.AscendZoom; //wispy nebula around the center Game.Background.save(); Game.Background.globalAlpha=0.5; Game.Background.translate(x,y); Game.Background.globalCompositeOperation='lighter'; Game.Background.rotate(Game.T*0.001); s=(600+150*Math.sin(Game.T*0.007))*Game.AscendZoom; Game.Background.drawImage(Pic('heavenRing1.jpg'),-s/2,-s/2,s,s); Game.Background.rotate(-Game.T*0.0017); s=(600+150*Math.sin(Game.T*0.0037))*Game.AscendZoom; Game.Background.drawImage(Pic('heavenRing2.jpg'),-s/2,-s/2,s,s); Game.Background.restore(); Timer.track('nebula'); /* //links between upgrades //not in because I am bad at this Game.Background.globalAlpha=1; Game.Background.save(); Game.Background.translate(x,y); s=(32)*Game.AscendZoom; for (var i in Game.PrestigeUpgrades) { var me=Game.PrestigeUpgrades[i]; var ghosted=0; if (me.canBePurchased || Game.Has('Neuromancy')){} else { for (var ii in me.parents){if (me.parents[ii]!=-1 && me.parents[ii].canBePurchased) ghosted=1;} } for (var ii in me.parents)//create pulsing links { if (me.parents[ii]!=-1 && (me.canBePurchased || ghosted)) { var origX=0; var origY=0; var targX=me.posX+28; var targY=me.posY+28; if (me.parents[ii]!=-1) {origX=me.parents[ii].posX+28;origY=me.parents[ii].posY+28;} var rot=-Math.atan((targY-origY)/(origX-targX)); if (targX<=origX) rot+=180; var dist=Math.floor(Math.sqrt((targX-origX)*(targX-origX)+(targY-origY)*(targY-origY))); origX+=2; origY-=18; //rot=-(Math.PI/2)*(me.id%4); Game.Background.translate(origX,origY); Game.Background.rotate(rot); //Game.Background.drawImage(Pic('linkPulse.png'),-s/2,-s/2,s,s); Game.Background.fillPattern(Pic('linkPulse.png'),0,-4,dist,8,32,8); Game.Background.rotate(-rot); Game.Background.translate(-origX,-origY); } } } Game.Background.restore(); Timer.track('links'); */ //Game.Background.drawImage(Pic('shadedBorders.png'),0,0,w,h); //Timer.track('border'); } } else { var goodBuff=0; var badBuff=0; for (var i in Game.buffs) { if (Game.buffs[i].aura==1) goodBuff=1; if (Game.buffs[i].aura==2) badBuff=1; } if (Game.drawT%5==0) { if (false && Game.bgType!=0 && Game.ascensionMode!=1) { //l('backgroundCanvas').style.background='url(img/shadedBordersSoft.png) 0px 0px,url(img/bgWheat.jpg) 50% 50%'; //l('backgroundCanvas').style.backgroundSize='100% 100%,cover'; } else { l('backgroundCanvas').style.background='transparent'; Game.defaultBg='bgBlue'; Game.bgR=0; if (Game.season=='fools') Game.defaultBg='bgMoney'; if (Game.elderWrathD<1) { Game.bgR=0; Game.bg=Game.defaultBg; Game.bgFade=Game.defaultBg; } else if (Game.elderWrathD>=1 && Game.elderWrathD<2) { Game.bgR=(Game.elderWrathD-1)/1; Game.bg=Game.defaultBg; Game.bgFade='grandmas1'; } else if (Game.elderWrathD>=2 && Game.elderWrathD<3) { Game.bgR=(Game.elderWrathD-2)/1; Game.bg='grandmas1'; Game.bgFade='grandmas2'; } else if (Game.elderWrathD>=3)// && Game.elderWrathD<4) { Game.bgR=(Game.elderWrathD-3)/1; Game.bg='grandmas2'; Game.bgFade='grandmas3'; } if (Game.bgType!=0 && Game.ascensionMode!=1) { Game.bgR=0; Game.bg=Game.BGsByChoice[Game.bgType].pic; Game.bgFade=Game.bg; } Game.Background.fillPattern(Pic(Game.bg+'.jpg'),0,0,Game.Background.canvas.width,Game.Background.canvas.height,512,512,0,0); if (Game.bgR>0) { Game.Background.globalAlpha=Game.bgR; Game.Background.fillPattern(Pic(Game.bgFade+'.jpg'),0,0,Game.Background.canvas.width,Game.Background.canvas.height,512,512,0,0); } Game.Background.globalAlpha=1; Game.Background.drawImage(Pic('shadedBordersSoft.png'),0,0,Game.Background.canvas.width,Game.Background.canvas.height); } } Timer.track('window background'); //clear ctx.clearRect(0,0,ctx.canvas.width,ctx.canvas.height); /*if (Game.AscendTimer=1000) pic='cookieShower3.png'; else if (Game.cookiesPs>=500) pic='cookieShower2.png'; else if (Game.cookiesPs>=50) pic='cookieShower1.png'; else pic=''; } if (pic!='') { if (Game.elderWrathD>=1) opacity=1-((Math.min(Game.elderWrathD,1.5)-1)/0.5); ctx.globalAlpha=opacity; var y=(Math.floor(Game.T*2)%512); ctx.fillPattern(Pic(pic),0,0,ctx.canvas.width,ctx.canvas.height+512,512,512,0,y); ctx.globalAlpha=1; } //snow if (Game.season=='christmas') { var y=(Math.floor(Game.T*2.5)%512); ctx.globalAlpha=0.75; ctx.globalCompositeOperation='lighter'; ctx.fillPattern(Pic('snow2.jpg'),0,0,ctx.canvas.width,ctx.canvas.height+512,512,512,0,y); ctx.globalCompositeOperation='source-over'; ctx.globalAlpha=1; } //hearts if (Game.season=='valentines') { var y=(Math.floor(Game.T*2.5)%512); ctx.globalAlpha=1; ctx.fillPattern(Pic('heartStorm.png'),0,0,ctx.canvas.width,ctx.canvas.height+512,512,512,0,y); ctx.globalAlpha=1; } Timer.track('left background'); Game.particlesDraw(0); ctx.globalAlpha=1; Timer.track('particles'); //big cookie shine var s=512; var x=Game.cookieOriginX; var y=Game.cookieOriginY; var r=Math.floor((Game.T*0.5)%360); ctx.save(); ctx.translate(x,y); ctx.rotate((r/360)*Math.PI*2); var alphaMult=1; if (Game.bgType==2 || Game.bgType==4) alphaMult=0.5; var pic='shine.png'; if (goodBuff) {pic='shineGold.png';alphaMult=1;} else if (badBuff) {pic='shineRed.png';alphaMult=1;} if (goodBuff && Game.prefs.fancy) ctx.globalCompositeOperation='lighter'; ctx.globalAlpha=0.5*alphaMult; ctx.drawImage(Pic(pic),-s/2,-s/2,s,s); ctx.rotate((-r*2/360)*Math.PI*2); ctx.globalAlpha=0.25*alphaMult; ctx.drawImage(Pic(pic),-s/2,-s/2,s,s); ctx.restore(); Timer.track('shine'); if (Game.ReincarnateTimer>0) { ctx.globalAlpha=1-Game.ReincarnateTimer/Game.ReincarnateDuration; ctx.fillStyle='#000'; ctx.fillRect(0,0,ctx.canvas.width,ctx.canvas.height); ctx.globalAlpha=1; } if (showDragon) { //big dragon var s=300*2*(1+Math.sin(Game.T*0.013)*0.1); var x=Game.cookieOriginX-s/2; var y=Game.cookieOriginY-s/(1.4+0.2*Math.sin(Game.T*0.01)); ctx.drawImage(Pic('dragonBG.png'),x,y,s,s); } //big cookie if (false)//don't do that { ctx.globalAlpha=1; var amount=Math.floor(Game.cookies).toString(); var digits=amount.length; var space=0; for (var i=0;i0) space-=s*(1-num/10)/2; if (i==0 && num>1) space+=s*0.1; for (var ii=0;ii0.997) w=1.5; else if (w>0.994) w=0.5; else w=0; w*=-4; if (fancy) w+=Math.sin((n+Game.T*0.01)*Math.PI/2)*4; var x=0; var y=(140/* *Game.BigCookieSize*/+n*16+w)-16; var rot=7.2;//(1/50)*360 if (i==0 && fancy) rot-=Game.T*0.1; if (i%50==0) rot+=7.2/2; ctx.rotate((rot/360)*Math.PI*2); ctx.drawImage(pic,0,0,32,32,x,y,32,32); //ctx.drawImage(pic,32*(i==spe),0,32,32,x,y,32,32); /*if (i==spe) { y+=16; x=Game.cookieOriginX+Math.sin(-((r-5)/360)*Math.PI*2)*y; y=Game.cookieOriginY+Math.cos(-((r-5)/360)*Math.PI*2)*y; if (Game.CanClick && ctx && Math.abs(Game.mouseX-x)<16 && Math.abs(Game.mouseY-y)<16) Game.mousePointer=1; }*/ } ctx.restore(); Timer.track('cursors'); } } else { var tBase=Math.max(0,(Game.AscendTimer-Game.AscendBreakpoint)/(Game.AscendDuration-Game.AscendBreakpoint)); //big crumbling cookie //var t=(3*Math.pow(tBase,2)-2*Math.pow(tBase,3));//S curve var t=Math.pow(tBase,0.5); var shake=0; if (Game.AscendTimer0) { ctx.save(); ctx.globalAlpha=1-Math.pow(t,0.5); ctx.translate(x,y); ctx.globalCompositeOperation='lighter'; ctx.rotate(Game.T*0.007); s=0.5+Math.pow(tBase,0.6)*1; var s2=(600)*s; ctx.drawImage(Pic('heavenRing1.jpg'),-s2/2,-s2/2,s2,s2); ctx.rotate(-Game.T*0.002); s=0.5+Math.pow(1-tBase,0.4)*1; s2=(600)*s; ctx.drawImage(Pic('heavenRing2.jpg'),-s2/2,-s2/2,s2,s2); ctx.restore(); } s=256;//*Game.BigCookieSize; ctx.save(); ctx.translate(x,y); ctx.rotate((t*(-0.1))*Math.PI*2); var chunks={0:7,1:6,2:3,3:2,4:8,5:1,6:9,7:5,8:0,9:4}; s*=t/2+1; /*ctx.globalAlpha=(1-t)*0.33; for (var i=0;i<10;i++) { var d=(t-0.2)*(80+((i+2)%3)*40); ctx.drawImage(Pic('brokenCookie.png'),256*(chunks[i]),0,256,256,-s/2+Math.sin(-(((chunks[i]+4)%10)/10)*Math.PI*2)*d,-s/2+Math.cos(-(((chunks[i]+4)%10)/10)*Math.PI*2)*d,s,s); } ctx.globalAlpha=(1-t)*0.66; for (var i=0;i<10;i++) { var d=(t-0.1)*(80+((i+2)%3)*40); ctx.drawImage(Pic('brokenCookie.png'),256*(chunks[i]),0,256,256,-s/2+Math.sin(-(((chunks[i]+4)%10)/10)*Math.PI*2)*d,-s/2+Math.cos(-(((chunks[i]+4)%10)/10)*Math.PI*2)*d,s,s); }*/ ctx.globalAlpha=1-t; for (var i=0;i<10;i++) { var d=(t)*(80+((i+2)%3)*40); var x2=(Math.random()*2-1)*5*shake; var y2=(Math.random()*2-1)*5*shake; ctx.drawImage(Pic('brokenCookie.png'),256*(chunks[i]),0,256,256,-s/2+Math.sin(-(((chunks[i]+4)%10)/10)*Math.PI*2)*d+x2,-s/2+Math.cos(-(((chunks[i]+4)%10)/10)*Math.PI*2)*d+y2,s,s); } var brokenHalo=1-Math.min(t/(1/3),1/3)*3; if (Game.AscendTimer0) { ctx.globalAlpha=1-tBase/0.1; ctx.fillStyle='#fff'; ctx.fillRect(0,0,ctx.canvas.width,ctx.canvas.height); ctx.globalAlpha=1; } if (tBase>0.8) { ctx.globalAlpha=(tBase-0.8)/0.2; ctx.fillStyle='#000'; ctx.fillRect(0,0,ctx.canvas.width,ctx.canvas.height); ctx.globalAlpha=1; } } //milk and milk accessories if (Game.prefs.milk) { var width=ctx.canvas.width; var height=ctx.canvas.height; var x=Math.floor((Game.T*2-(Game.milkH-Game.milkHd)*2000+480*2)%480);//Math.floor((Game.T*2+Math.sin(Game.T*0.1)*2+Math.sin(Game.T*0.03)*2-(Game.milkH-Game.milkHd)*2000+480*2)%480); var y=(Game.milkHd)*height;//(((Game.milkHd)*ctx.canvas.height)*(1+0.05*(Math.sin(Game.T*0.017)/2+0.5))); var a=1; if (Game.AscendTimer>0) { y*=1-Math.pow((Game.AscendTimer/Game.AscendBreakpoint),2)*2; a*=1-Math.pow((Game.AscendTimer/Game.AscendBreakpoint),2)*2; } else if (Game.ReincarnateTimer>0) { y*=1-Math.pow(1-(Game.ReincarnateTimer/Game.ReincarnateDuration),2)*2; a*=1-Math.pow(1-(Game.ReincarnateTimer/Game.ReincarnateDuration),2)*2; } if (Game.TOYS) { //golly if (!Game.Toy) { Game.toys=[]; Game.toysType=choose([1,2]); Game.Toy=function(x,y) { this.id=Game.toys.length; this.x=x; this.y=y; this.xd=Math.random()*10-5; this.yd=Math.random()*10-5; this.r=Math.random()*Math.PI*2; this.rd=Math.random()*0.1-0.05; var v=Math.random();var a=0.5;var b=0.5; if (v<=a) v=b-b*Math.pow(1-v/a,3); else v=b+(1-b)*Math.pow((v-a)/(1-a),3); this.s=(Game.toysType==1?64:48)*(0.1+v*1.9); if (Game.toysType==2) this.s=(this.id%10==1)?96:48; this.st=this.s;this.s=0; var cookies=[[10,0]]; for (var i in Game.Upgrades) { var cookie=Game.Upgrades[i]; if (cookie.bought>0 && cookie.pool=='cookie') cookies.push(cookie.icon); } this.icon=choose(cookies); this.dragged=false; this.l=document.createElement('div'); this.l.innerHTML=this.id; this.l.style.cssText='cursor:pointer;border-radius:'+(this.s/2)+'px;opacity:0;width:'+this.s+'px;height:'+this.s+'px;background:#999;position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;z-index:10000000;transform:translate(-1000px,-1000px);'; l('sectionLeft').appendChild(this.l); AddEvent(this.l,'mousedown',function(what){return function(){what.dragged=true;};}(this)); AddEvent(this.l,'mouseup',function(what){return function(){what.dragged=false;};}(this)); Game.toys.push(this); return this; } for (var i=0;i=height-(Game.milkHd)*height+8) { me.xd*=0.85; me.yd*=0.85; me.rd*=0.85; me.yd-=1; me.xd+=(Math.random()*1-0.5)*0.3; me.yd+=(Math.random()*1-0.5)*0.05; me.rd+=(Math.random()*1-0.5)*0.02; } else { me.xd*=0.99; me.rd*=0.99; me.yd+=1; } me.yd*=(Math.min(1,Math.abs(me.y-(height-(Game.milkHd)*height)/16))); me.rd+=me.xd*0.01/(me.s/(Game.toysType==1?64:48)); if (me.xwidth-me.s/2 && me.xd>0) me.xd=Math.min(-0.1,-me.xd*0.6); else if (me.x>width-me.s/2) {me.xd=0;me.x=width-me.s/2;} me.xd=Math.min(Math.max(me.xd,-30),30); me.yd=Math.min(Math.max(me.yd,-30),30); me.rd=Math.min(Math.max(me.rd,-0.5),0.5); me.x+=me.xd; me.y+=me.yd; me.r+=me.rd; me.r=me.r%(Math.PI*2); me.s+=(me.st-me.s)*0.5; if (Game.toysType==2 && !me.dragged && Math.random()<0.003) me.st=choose([48,48,48,48,96]); if (me.dragged) { me.x=Game.mouseX; me.y=Game.mouseY; me.xd+=((Game.mouseX-Game.mouseX2)*3-me.xd)*0.5; me.yd+=((Game.mouseY-Game.mouseY2)*3-me.yd)*0.5 me.l.style.transform='translate('+(me.x-me.s/2)+'px,'+(me.y-me.s/2)+'px) scale(50)'; } else me.l.style.transform='translate('+(me.x-me.s/2)+'px,'+(me.y-me.s/2)+'px)'; me.l.style.width=me.s+'px'; me.l.style.height=me.s+'px'; ctx.save(); ctx.translate(me.x,me.y); ctx.rotate(me.r); if (Game.toysType==1) ctx.drawImage(Pic('smallCookies.png'),(me.id%8)*64,0,64,64,-me.s/2,-me.s/2,me.s,me.s); else ctx.drawImage(Pic('icons.png'),me.icon[0]*48,me.icon[1]*48,48,48,-me.s/2,-me.s/2,me.s,me.s); ctx.restore(); } } var pic=Game.Milk.pic; if (Game.milkType!=0 && Game.ascensionMode!=1) pic=Game.MilksByChoice[Game.milkType].pic; ctx.globalAlpha=0.9*a; ctx.fillPattern(Pic(pic+'.png'),0,height-y,width+480,1,480,480,x,0); ctx.fillStyle='#000'; ctx.fillRect(0,height-y+480,width,Math.max(0,(y-480))); ctx.globalAlpha=1; Timer.track('milk'); } if (Game.AscendTimer>0) { ctx.drawImage(Pic('shadedBordersSoft.png'),0,0,ctx.canvas.width,ctx.canvas.height); } if (Game.AscendTimer==0) { Game.DrawWrinklers();Timer.track('wrinklers'); Game.DrawSpecial();Timer.track('evolvables'); Game.particlesDraw(2);Timer.track('text particles'); //shiny border during frenzies etc ctx.globalAlpha=1; var borders='shadedBordersSoft.png'; if (goodBuff) borders='shadedBordersGold.png'; else if (badBuff) borders='shadedBordersRed.png'; if (goodBuff && Game.prefs.fancy) ctx.globalCompositeOperation='lighter'; ctx.drawImage(Pic(borders),0,0,ctx.canvas.width,ctx.canvas.height); if (goodBuff && Game.prefs.fancy) ctx.globalCompositeOperation='source-over'; } } }; /*===================================================================================== INITIALIZATION END; GAME READY TO LAUNCH =======================================================================================*/ Game.killShimmers(); //booooo Game.RuinTheFun=function(silent) { Game.popups=0; Game.SetAllUpgrades(1); Game.SetAllAchievs(1); Game.popups=0; Game.Earn(999999999999999999999999999999); Game.MaxSpecials(); Game.nextResearch=0; Game.researchT=-1; Game.upgradesToRebuild=1; Game.recalculateGains=1; Game.popups=1; for (var i in Game.Objects) { var me=Game.Objects[i]; me.level=9; me.levelUp(); if (me.minigame && me.minigame.onRuinTheFun) me.minigame.onRuinTheFun(); } if (!silent) { if (Game.prefs.popups) Game.Popup('Thou doth ruineth the fun!'); else Game.Notify('Thou doth ruineth the fun!','You\'re free. Free at last.',[11,5]); } return 'You feel a bitter taste in your mouth...'; } Game.SetAllUpgrades=function(on) { Game.popups=0; var leftout=['Magic shenanigans','Occult obstruction','Glucose-charged air']; for (var i in Game.Upgrades) { if (on && (Game.Upgrades[i].pool=='toggle' || leftout.indexOf(Game.Upgrades[i].name)!=-1)) {} else if (on) Game.Upgrades[i].earn(); else if (!on) Game.Upgrades[i].lose(); } Game.upgradesToRebuild=1; Game.recalculateGains=1; Game.popups=1; } Game.SetAllAchievs=function(on) { Game.popups=0; for (var i in Game.Achievements) { if (on && Game.Achievements[i].pool!='dungeon') Game.Win(Game.Achievements[i].name); else if (!on) Game.RemoveAchiev(Game.Achievements[i].name); } Game.recalculateGains=1; Game.popups=1; } Game.GetAllDebugs=function() { Game.popups=0; for (var i in Game.Upgrades) { if (Game.Upgrades[i].pool=='debug') Game.Upgrades[i].earn(); } Game.upgradesToRebuild=1; Game.recalculateGains=1; Game.popups=1; } Game.MaxSpecials=function() { Game.dragonLevel=Game.dragonLevels.length-1; Game.santaLevel=Game.santaLevels.length-1; } Game.SesameReset=function() { var name=Game.bakeryName; Game.HardReset(2); Game.bakeryName=name; Game.bakeryNameRefresh(); Game.Achievements['Cheated cookies taste awful'].won=1; } Game.debugTimersOn=0; Game.sesame=0; Game.OpenSesame=function() { var str=''; str+='
'; str+='
'; str+='
'; str+='
Dev tools
'; str+='Ascend'; str+='
'; str+='x10'; str+='/10
'; str+='x1k'; str+='/1k
'; str+='Buy 100 of all';//for (var n=0;n<100;n++){for (var i in Game.Objects){Game.Objects[i].buy(1);}} str+='Sell 100 of all
'; str+='+10 lumps'; str+='Reset levels'; str+='
'; str+='Ruin The Fun'; str+='Wipe'; str+='All debugs'; str+='Timers '+(Game.debugTimersOn?'On':'Off')+'
'; str+='No upgrades'; str+='All upgrades
'; str+='No achievs'; str+='All achievs
'; str+='Reset specials'; str+='Max specials
'; str+='Reset refills'; str+=''+(Game.DebuggingPrestige?'Exit Ascend Edit':'Ascend Edit')+''; str+='Debug upgrades CpS'; str+='Re-seed'; str+='Max heralds'; str+='
'; for (var i=0;i'+Game.goldenCookieChoices[i*2]+''; //str+=''+Game.goldenCookie.choices[i*2]+''; //str+=''+Game.goldenCookie.choices[i*2]+''; } str+='
'; l('devConsole').innerHTML=str; if (!l('fpsGraph')) { var div=document.createElement('canvas'); div.id='fpsGraph'; div.width=128; div.height=64; div.style.opacity=0.5; div.style.pointerEvents='none'; div.style.transformOrigin='0% 0%'; div.style.transform='scale(0.75)'; //l('devConsole').appendChild(div); l('devConsole').parentNode.insertBefore(div,l('devConsole').nextSibling); Game.fpsGraph=div; Game.fpsGraphCtx=Game.fpsGraph.getContext('2d',{alpha:false}); var ctx=Game.fpsGraphCtx; ctx.fillStyle='#000'; ctx.fillRect(0,0,128,64); } l('debug').style.display='block'; Game.sesame=1; Game.Achievements['Cheated cookies taste awful'].won=1; } Game.EditAscend=function() { if (!Game.DebuggingPrestige) { Game.DebuggingPrestige=true; Game.AscendTimer=0; Game.OnAscend=1; Game.removeClass('ascendIntro'); Game.addClass('ascending'); } else { Game.DebuggingPrestige=false; } Game.BuildAscendTree(); Game.OpenSesame(); } //experimental debugging function that cycles through every owned upgrade, turns it off and on, and lists how much each upgrade is participating to CpS Game.debuggedUpgradeCpS=[]; Game.debuggedUpgradeCpClick=[]; Game.debugColors=['#322','#411','#600','#900','#f30','#f90','#ff0','#9f0','#0f9','#09f','#90f']; Game.DebugUpgradeCpS=function() { Game.CalculateGains(); Game.debuggedUpgradeCpS=[]; Game.debuggedUpgradeCpClick=[]; var CpS=Game.cookiesPs; var CpClick=Game.computedMouseCps; for (var i in Game.Upgrades) { var me=Game.Upgrades[i]; if (me.bought) { me.bought=0; Game.CalculateGains(); //Game.debuggedUpgradeCpS[me.name]=CpS-Game.cookiesPs; Game.debuggedUpgradeCpS[me.name]=(CpS/(Game.cookiesPs||1)-1); Game.debuggedUpgradeCpClick[me.name]=(CpClick/(Game.computedMouseCps||1)-1); me.bought=1; } } Game.CalculateGains(); } //Game.runModHook('init'); if (!Game.LoadSave()) {//try to load the save when we open the page. if this fails, try to brute-force it half a second later setTimeout(function(){ var local=Game.localStorageGet(Game.SaveTo); Game.LoadSave(local); },500); } Game.ready=1; setTimeout(function(){if (typeof showAds==='undefined' && (!l('detectAds') || l('detectAds').clientHeight<1)) Game.addClass('noAds');},500); l('javascriptError').innerHTML=''; l('javascriptError').style.display='none'; Game.Loop(); Game.Draw(); } /*===================================================================================== LOGIC =======================================================================================*/ Game.Logic=function() { Game.bounds=Game.l.getBoundingClientRect(); if (!Game.OnAscend && Game.AscendTimer==0) { for (var i in Game.Objects) { if (Game.Objects[i].eachFrame) Game.Objects[i].eachFrame(); } Game.UpdateSpecial(); Game.UpdateGrandmapocalypse(); //these are kinda fun //if (Game.BigCookieState==2 && !Game.promptOn && Game.Scroll!=0) Game.ClickCookie(); //if (Game.BigCookieState==1 && !Game.promptOn) Game.ClickCookie(); //handle graphic stuff if (Game.prefs.wobbly) { if (Game.BigCookieState==1) Game.BigCookieSizeT=0.98; else if (Game.BigCookieState==2) Game.BigCookieSizeT=1.05; else Game.BigCookieSizeT=1; Game.BigCookieSizeD+=(Game.BigCookieSizeT-Game.BigCookieSize)*0.75; Game.BigCookieSizeD*=0.75; Game.BigCookieSize+=Game.BigCookieSizeD; Game.BigCookieSize=Math.max(0.1,Game.BigCookieSize); } else { if (Game.BigCookieState==1) Game.BigCookieSize+=(0.98-Game.BigCookieSize)*0.5; else if (Game.BigCookieState==2) Game.BigCookieSize+=(1.05-Game.BigCookieSize)*0.5; else Game.BigCookieSize+=(1-Game.BigCookieSize)*0.5; } Game.particlesUpdate(); if (Game.mousePointer) l('sectionLeft').style.cursor='pointer'; else l('sectionLeft').style.cursor='auto'; Game.mousePointer=0; //handle milk and milk accessories Game.milkProgress=Game.AchievementsOwned/25; if (Game.milkProgress>=0.5) Game.Unlock('Kitten helpers'); if (Game.milkProgress>=1) Game.Unlock('Kitten workers'); if (Game.milkProgress>=2) Game.Unlock('Kitten engineers'); if (Game.milkProgress>=3) Game.Unlock('Kitten overseers'); if (Game.milkProgress>=4) Game.Unlock('Kitten managers'); if (Game.milkProgress>=5) Game.Unlock('Kitten accountants'); if (Game.milkProgress>=6) Game.Unlock('Kitten specialists'); if (Game.milkProgress>=7) Game.Unlock('Kitten experts'); if (Game.milkProgress>=8) Game.Unlock('Kitten consultants'); if (Game.milkProgress>=9) Game.Unlock('Kitten assistants to the regional manager'); if (Game.milkProgress>=10) Game.Unlock('Kitten marketeers'); if (Game.milkProgress>=11) Game.Unlock('Kitten analysts'); if (Game.milkProgress>=12) Game.Unlock('Kitten executives'); Game.milkH=Math.min(1,Game.milkProgress)*0.35; Game.milkHd+=(Game.milkH-Game.milkHd)*0.02; Game.Milk=Game.Milks[Math.min(Math.floor(Game.milkProgress),Game.Milks.length-1)]; if (Game.autoclickerDetected>0) Game.autoclickerDetected--; //handle research if (Game.researchT>0) { Game.researchT--; } if (Game.researchT==0 && Game.nextResearch) { if (!Game.Has(Game.UpgradesById[Game.nextResearch].name)) { Game.Unlock(Game.UpgradesById[Game.nextResearch].name); if (Game.prefs.popups) Game.Popup('Researched : '+Game.UpgradesById[Game.nextResearch].name); else Game.Notify('Research complete','You have discovered : '+Game.UpgradesById[Game.nextResearch].name+'.',Game.UpgradesById[Game.nextResearch].icon); } Game.nextResearch=0; Game.researchT=-1; Game.recalculateGains=1; } //handle seasons if (Game.seasonT>0) { Game.seasonT--; } if (Game.seasonT<=0 && Game.season!='' && Game.season!=Game.baseSeason && !Game.Has('Eternal seasons')) { var str=Game.seasons[Game.season].over; if (Game.prefs.popups) Game.Popup(str); else Game.Notify(str,'',Game.seasons[Game.season].triggerUpgrade.icon); if (Game.Has('Season switcher')) {Game.Unlock(Game.seasons[Game.season].trigger);Game.seasons[Game.season].triggerUpgrade.bought=0;} Game.season=Game.baseSeason; Game.seasonT=-1; } //press ctrl to bulk-buy 10, shift to bulk-buy 100 if (!Game.promptOn) { if ((Game.keys[16] || Game.keys[17]) && !Game.buyBulkShortcut) { Game.buyBulkOld=Game.buyBulk; if (Game.keys[16]) Game.buyBulk=100; if (Game.keys[17]) Game.buyBulk=10; Game.buyBulkShortcut=1; Game.storeBulkButton(-1); } } if ((!Game.keys[16] && !Game.keys[17]) && Game.buyBulkShortcut)//release { Game.buyBulk=Game.buyBulkOld; Game.buyBulkShortcut=0; Game.storeBulkButton(-1); } //handle cookies if (Game.recalculateGains) Game.CalculateGains(); Game.Earn(Game.cookiesPs/Game.fps);//add cookies per second //grow lumps Game.doLumps(); //minigames for (var i in Game.Objects) { var me=Game.Objects[i]; if (Game.isMinigameReady(me) && me.minigame.logic && Game.ascensionMode!=1) me.minigame.logic(); } if (Game.specialTab!='' && Game.T%(Game.fps*3)==0) Game.ToggleSpecialMenu(1); //wrinklers if (Game.cpsSucked>0) { Game.Dissolve((Game.cookiesPs/Game.fps)*Game.cpsSucked); Game.cookiesSucked+=((Game.cookiesPs/Game.fps)*Game.cpsSucked); //should be using one of the following, but I'm not sure what I'm using this stat for anymore //Game.cookiesSucked=Game.wrinklers.reduce(function(s,w){return s+w.sucked;},0); //for (var i in Game.wrinklers) {Game.cookiesSucked+=Game.wrinklers[i].sucked;} } //var cps=Game.cookiesPs+Game.cookies*0.01;//exponential cookies //Game.Earn(cps/Game.fps);//add cookies per second for (var i in Game.Objects) { var me=Game.Objects[i]; me.totalCookies+=(me.storedTotalCps*Game.globalCpsMult)/Game.fps; } if (Game.cookies && Game.T%Math.ceil(Game.fps/Math.min(10,Game.cookiesPs))==0 && Game.prefs.particles) Game.particleAdd();//cookie shower if (Game.T%(Game.fps*10)==0) Game.recalculateGains=1;//recalculate CpS every 10 seconds (for dynamic boosts such as Century egg) /*===================================================================================== UNLOCKING STUFF =======================================================================================*/ if (Game.T%(Game.fps)==0 && Math.random()<1/500000) Game.Win('Just plain lucky');//1 chance in 500,000 every second achievement if (Game.T%(Game.fps*5)==0 && Game.ObjectsById.length>0)//check some achievements and upgrades { if (isNaN(Game.cookies)) {Game.cookies=0;Game.cookiesEarned=0;Game.recalculateGains=1;} var timePlayed=new Date(); timePlayed.setTime(Date.now()-Game.startDate); if (!Game.fullDate || (Date.now()-Game.fullDate)>=365*24*60*60*1000) Game.Win('So much to do so much to see'); if (Game.cookiesEarned>=1000000 && (Game.ascensionMode==1 || Game.resets==0))//challenge run or hasn't ascended yet { if (timePlayed<=1000*60*35) Game.Win('Speed baking I'); if (timePlayed<=1000*60*25) Game.Win('Speed baking II'); if (timePlayed<=1000*60*15) Game.Win('Speed baking III'); if (Game.cookieClicks<=15) Game.Win('Neverclick'); if (Game.cookieClicks<=0) Game.Win('True Neverclick'); if (Game.cookiesEarned>=1000000000 && Game.UpgradesOwned==0) Game.Win('Hardcore'); } for (var i in Game.UnlockAt) { var unlock=Game.UnlockAt[i]; if (Game.cookiesEarned>=unlock.cookies) { var pass=1; if (unlock.require && !Game.Has(unlock.require) && !Game.HasAchiev(unlock.require)) pass=0; if (unlock.season && Game.season!=unlock.season) pass=0; if (pass) {Game.Unlock(unlock.name);Game.Win(unlock.name);} } } if (Game.Has('Golden switch')) Game.Unlock('Golden switch [off]'); if (Game.Has('Shimmering veil') && !Game.Has('Shimmering veil [off]') && !Game.Has('Shimmering veil [on]')) {Game.Unlock('Shimmering veil [on]');Game.Upgrades['Shimmering veil [off]'].earn();} if (Game.Has('Sugar craving')) Game.Unlock('Sugar frenzy'); if (Game.Has('Classic dairy selection')) Game.Unlock('Milk selector'); if (Game.Has('Basic wallpaper assortment')) Game.Unlock('Background selector'); if (Game.Has('Golden cookie alert sound')) Game.Unlock('Golden cookie sound selector'); if (Game.Has('Prism heart biscuits')) Game.Win('Lovely cookies'); if (Game.season=='easter') { var eggs=0; for (var i in Game.easterEggs) { if (Game.HasUnlocked(Game.easterEggs[i])) eggs++; } if (eggs>=1) Game.Win('The hunt is on'); if (eggs>=7) Game.Win('Egging on'); if (eggs>=14) Game.Win('Mass Easteria'); if (eggs>=Game.easterEggs.length) Game.Win('Hide & seek champion'); } if (Game.Has('Fortune cookies')) { var list=Game.Tiers['fortune'].upgrades; var fortunes=0; for (var i in list) { if (Game.Has(list[i].name)) fortunes++; } if (fortunes>=list.length) Game.Win('O Fortuna'); } if (Game.Has('Legacy') && Game.ascensionMode!=1) { Game.Unlock('Heavenly chip secret'); if (Game.Has('Heavenly chip secret')) Game.Unlock('Heavenly cookie stand'); if (Game.Has('Heavenly cookie stand')) Game.Unlock('Heavenly bakery'); if (Game.Has('Heavenly bakery')) Game.Unlock('Heavenly confectionery'); if (Game.Has('Heavenly confectionery')) Game.Unlock('Heavenly key'); if (Game.Has('Heavenly key')) Game.Win('Wholesome'); } for (var i in Game.BankAchievements) { if (Game.cookiesEarned>=Game.BankAchievements[i].threshold) Game.Win(Game.BankAchievements[i].name); } var buildingsOwned=0; var mathematician=1; var base10=1; var minAmount=100000; for (var i in Game.Objects) { buildingsOwned+=Game.Objects[i].amount; minAmount=Math.min(Game.Objects[i].amount,minAmount); if (!Game.HasAchiev('Mathematician')) {if (Game.Objects[i].amount=1) Game.Win('One with everything'); if (mathematician==1) Game.Win('Mathematician'); if (base10==1) Game.Win('Base 10'); if (minAmount>=100) {Game.Win('Centennial');Game.Unlock('Milk chocolate butter biscuit');} if (minAmount>=150) {Game.Win('Centennial and a half');Game.Unlock('Dark chocolate butter biscuit');} if (minAmount>=200) {Game.Win('Bicentennial');Game.Unlock('White chocolate butter biscuit');} if (minAmount>=250) {Game.Win('Bicentennial and a half');Game.Unlock('Ruby chocolate butter biscuit');} if (minAmount>=300) {Game.Win('Tricentennial');Game.Unlock('Lavender chocolate butter biscuit');} if (minAmount>=350) {Game.Win('Tricentennial and a half');Game.Unlock('Synthetic chocolate green honey butter biscuit');} if (minAmount>=400) {Game.Win('Quadricentennial');Game.Unlock('Royal raspberry chocolate butter biscuit');} if (minAmount>=450) {Game.Win('Quadricentennial and a half');Game.Unlock('Ultra-concentrated high-energy chocolate butter biscuit');} if (minAmount>=500) {Game.Win('Quincentennial');Game.Unlock('Pure pitch-black chocolate butter biscuit');} if (minAmount>=550) {Game.Win('Quincentennial and a half');Game.Unlock('Cosmic chocolate butter biscuit');} if (minAmount>=600) {Game.Win('Sexcentennial');Game.Unlock('Butter biscuit (with butter)');} if (Game.handmadeCookies>=1000) {Game.Win('Clicktastic');Game.Unlock('Plastic mouse');} if (Game.handmadeCookies>=100000) {Game.Win('Clickathlon');Game.Unlock('Iron mouse');} if (Game.handmadeCookies>=10000000) {Game.Win('Clickolympics');Game.Unlock('Titanium mouse');} if (Game.handmadeCookies>=1000000000) {Game.Win('Clickorama');Game.Unlock('Adamantium mouse');} if (Game.handmadeCookies>=100000000000) {Game.Win('Clickasmic');Game.Unlock('Unobtainium mouse');} if (Game.handmadeCookies>=10000000000000) {Game.Win('Clickageddon');Game.Unlock('Eludium mouse');} if (Game.handmadeCookies>=1000000000000000) {Game.Win('Clicknarok');Game.Unlock('Wishalloy mouse');} if (Game.handmadeCookies>=100000000000000000) {Game.Win('Clickastrophe');Game.Unlock('Fantasteel mouse');} if (Game.handmadeCookies>=10000000000000000000) {Game.Win('Clickataclysm');Game.Unlock('Nevercrack mouse');} if (Game.handmadeCookies>=1000000000000000000000) {Game.Win('The ultimate clickdown');Game.Unlock('Armythril mouse');} if (Game.handmadeCookies>=100000000000000000000000) {Game.Win('All the other kids with the pumped up clicks');Game.Unlock('Technobsidian mouse');} if (Game.handmadeCookies>=10000000000000000000000000) {Game.Win('One...more...click...');Game.Unlock('Plasmarble mouse');} if (Game.handmadeCookies>=1000000000000000000000000000) {Game.Win('Clickety split');Game.Unlock('Miraculite mouse');} if (Game.cookiesEarned=1) Game.Win('Itchscratcher'); if (Game.wrinklersPopped>=50) Game.Win('Wrinklesquisher'); if (Game.wrinklersPopped>=200) Game.Win('Moistburster'); if (Game.cookiesEarned>=1000000 && Game.Has('How to bake your dragon')) Game.Unlock('A crumbly egg'); if (Game.cookiesEarned>=25 && Game.season=='christmas') Game.Unlock('A festive hat'); if (Game.Has('Christmas tree biscuits') && Game.Has('Snowflake biscuits') && Game.Has('Snowman biscuits') && Game.Has('Holly biscuits') && Game.Has('Candy cane biscuits') && Game.Has('Bell biscuits') && Game.Has('Present biscuits')) Game.Win('Let it snow'); if (Game.reindeerClicked>=1) Game.Win('Oh deer'); if (Game.reindeerClicked>=50) Game.Win('Sleigh of hand'); if (Game.reindeerClicked>=200) Game.Win('Reindeer sleigher'); if (buildingsOwned>=100) Game.Win('Builder'); if (buildingsOwned>=500) Game.Win('Architect'); if (buildingsOwned>=1000) Game.Win('Engineer'); if (buildingsOwned>=2000) Game.Win('Lord of Constructs'); if (buildingsOwned>=4000) Game.Win('Grand design'); if (buildingsOwned>=8000) Game.Win('Ecumenopolis'); if (Game.UpgradesOwned>=20) Game.Win('Enhancer'); if (Game.UpgradesOwned>=50) Game.Win('Augmenter'); if (Game.UpgradesOwned>=100) Game.Win('Upgrader'); if (Game.UpgradesOwned>=200) Game.Win('Lord of Progress'); if (Game.UpgradesOwned>=300) Game.Win('The full picture'); if (Game.UpgradesOwned>=400) Game.Win('When there\'s nothing left to add'); if (buildingsOwned>=4000 && Game.UpgradesOwned>=300) Game.Win('Polymath'); if (buildingsOwned>=8000 && Game.UpgradesOwned>=400) Game.Win('Renaissance baker'); if (!Game.HasAchiev('Jellicles')) { var kittens=0; for (var i=0;i=10) Game.Win('Jellicles'); } if (Game.cookiesEarned>=10000000000000 && !Game.HasAchiev('You win a cookie')) {Game.Win('You win a cookie');Game.Earn(1);} if (Game.shimmerTypes['golden'].n>=4) Game.Win('Four-leaf cookie'); var grandmas=0; for (var i in Game.GrandmaSynergies) { if (Game.Has(Game.GrandmaSynergies[i])) grandmas++; } if (!Game.HasAchiev('Elder') && grandmas>=7) Game.Win('Elder'); if (!Game.HasAchiev('Veteran') && grandmas>=14) Game.Win('Veteran'); if (Game.Objects['Grandma'].amount>=6 && !Game.Has('Bingo center/Research facility') && Game.HasAchiev('Elder')) Game.Unlock('Bingo center/Research facility'); if (Game.pledges>0) Game.Win('Elder nap'); if (Game.pledges>=5) Game.Win('Elder slumber'); if (Game.pledges>=10) Game.Unlock('Sacrificial rolling pins'); if (Game.Objects['Cursor'].amount+Game.Objects['Grandma'].amount>=777) Game.Win('The elder scrolls'); for (var i in Game.Objects) { var it=Game.Objects[i]; for (var ii in it.productionAchievs) { if (it.totalCookies>=it.productionAchievs[ii].pow) Game.Win(it.productionAchievs[ii].achiev.name); } } if (!Game.HasAchiev('Cookie-dunker') && Game.LeftBackground && Game.milkProgress>0.1 && (Game.LeftBackground.canvas.height*0.4+256/2-16)>((1-Game.milkHd)*Game.LeftBackground.canvas.height)) Game.Win('Cookie-dunker'); //&& l('bigCookie').getBoundingClientRect().bottom>l('milk').getBoundingClientRect().top+16 && Game.milkProgress>0.1) Game.Win('Cookie-dunker'); Game.runModHook('check'); } Game.cookiesd+=(Game.cookies-Game.cookiesd)*0.3; if (Game.storeToRefresh) Game.RefreshStore(); if (Game.upgradesToRebuild) Game.RebuildUpgrades(); Game.updateShimmers(); Game.updateBuffs(); Game.UpdateTicker(); } if (Game.T%(Game.fps*2)==0) { var title='Cookie Clicker'; if (Game.season=='fools') title='Cookie Baker'; document.title=(Game.OnAscend?'Ascending! ':'')+Beautify(Game.cookies)+' '+(Game.cookies==1?'cookie':'cookies')+' - '+title; } if (Game.T%15==0) { //written through the magic of "hope for the best" maths var chipsOwned=Game.HowMuchPrestige(Game.cookiesReset); var ascendNowToOwn=Math.floor(Game.HowMuchPrestige(Game.cookiesReset+Game.cookiesEarned)); var ascendNowToGet=ascendNowToOwn-Math.floor(chipsOwned); var nextChipAt=Game.HowManyCookiesReset(Math.floor(chipsOwned+ascendNowToGet+1))-Game.HowManyCookiesReset(Math.floor(chipsOwned+ascendNowToGet)); var cookiesToNext=Game.HowManyCookiesReset(ascendNowToOwn+1)-(Game.cookiesEarned+Game.cookiesReset); var percent=1-(cookiesToNext/nextChipAt); //fill the tooltip under the Legacy tab var date=new Date(); date.setTime(Date.now()-Game.startDate); var timeInSeconds=date.getTime()/1000; var startDate=Game.sayTime(timeInSeconds*Game.fps,-1); var str=''; str+='You\'ve been on this run for '+(startDate==''?'not very long':(startDate))+'.
'; str+='
'; if (Game.prestige>0) { str+='Your prestige level is currently '+Beautify(Game.prestige)+'.
(CpS +'+Beautify(Game.prestige)+'%)'; str+='
'; } if (ascendNowToGet<1) str+='Ascending now would grant you no prestige.'; else if (ascendNowToGet<2) str+='Ascending now would grant you
1 prestige level (+1% CpS)
and 1 heavenly chip to spend.'; else str+='Ascending now would grant you
'+Beautify(ascendNowToGet)+' prestige levels (+'+Beautify(ascendNowToGet)+'% CpS)
and '+Beautify(ascendNowToGet)+' heavenly chips to spend.'; str+='
'; str+='You need '+Beautify(cookiesToNext)+' more cookies for the next level.
'; l('ascendTooltip').innerHTML=str; if (ascendNowToGet>0)//show number saying how many chips you'd get resetting now { Game.ascendNumber.textContent='+'+SimpleBeautify(ascendNowToGet); Game.ascendNumber.style.display='block'; } else { Game.ascendNumber.style.display='none'; } if (ascendNowToGet>Game.ascendMeterLevel || Game.ascendMeterPercentT=1) {Game.ascendMeter.className='';} else Game.ascendMeter.className='filling'; } //Game.ascendMeter.style.right=Math.floor(Math.max(0,1-Game.ascendMeterPercent)*100)+'px'; Game.ascendMeter.style.transform='translate('+Math.floor(-Math.max(0,1-Game.ascendMeterPercent)*100)+'px,0px)'; Game.ascendMeterPercent+=(Game.ascendMeterPercentT-Game.ascendMeterPercent)*0.1; Game.NotesLogic(); if (Game.mouseMoved || Game.Scroll || Game.tooltip.dynamic) Game.tooltip.update(); if (Game.T%(Game.fps*5)==0 && !Game.mouseDown && (Game.onMenu=='stats' || Game.onMenu=='prefs')) Game.UpdateMenu(); if (Game.T%(Game.fps*1)==0) Game.UpdatePrompt(); if (Game.AscendTimer>0) Game.UpdateAscendIntro(); if (Game.ReincarnateTimer>0) Game.UpdateReincarnateIntro(); if (Game.OnAscend) Game.UpdateAscend(); Game.runModHook('logic'); if (Game.sparklesT>0) { Game.sparkles.style.backgroundPosition=-Math.floor((Game.sparklesFrames-Game.sparklesT+1)*128)+'px 0px'; Game.sparklesT--; if (Game.sparklesT==1) Game.sparkles.style.display='none'; } Game.Click=0; Game.Scroll=0; Game.mouseMoved=0; Game.CanClick=1; if ((Game.toSave || (Game.T%(Game.fps*60)==0 && Game.T>Game.fps*10 && Game.prefs.autosave)) && !Game.OnAscend) { //check if we can save : no minigames are loading var canSave=true; for (var i in Game.Objects) { var me=Game.Objects[i]; if (me.minigameLoading){canSave=false;break;} } if (canSave) Game.WriteSave(); } //every 30 minutes : get server data (ie. update notification, patreon data) if (Game.T%(Game.fps*60*30)==0 && Game.T>Game.fps*10/* && Game.prefs.autoupdate*/) {Game.CheckUpdates();Game.GrabData();} Game.T++; } /*===================================================================================== DRAW =======================================================================================*/ Game.Draw=function() { Game.DrawBackground();Timer.track('end of background'); if (!Game.OnAscend) { var unit=(Math.round(Game.cookiesd)==1?' cookie':' cookies'); var str=Beautify(Math.round(Game.cookiesd)); if (Game.cookiesd>=1000000)//dirty padding { var spacePos=str.indexOf(' '); var dotPos=str.indexOf('.'); var add=''; if (spacePos!=-1) { if (dotPos==-1) add+='.000'; else { if (spacePos-dotPos==2) add+='00'; if (spacePos-dotPos==3) add+='0'; } } str=[str.slice(0, spacePos),add,str.slice(spacePos)].join(''); } if (str.length>11 && !Game.mobile) unit='
cookies'; str+=unit; if (Game.prefs.monospace) str=''+str+''; str=str+'
0?' class="warning"':'')+'>per second : '+Beautify(Game.cookiesPs*(1-Game.cpsSucked),1)+'
';//display cookie amount l('cookies').innerHTML=str; l('compactCookies').innerHTML=str; Timer.track('cookie amount'); for (var i in Game.Objects) { var me=Game.Objects[i]; if (me.onMinigame && me.minigame.draw && !me.muted && !Game.onMenu) me.minigame.draw(); } Timer.track('draw minigames'); if (Game.drawT%5==0) { //if (Game.prefs.monospace) {l('cookies').className='title monospace';} else {l('cookies').className='title';} var lastLocked=0; for (var i in Game.Objects) { var me=Game.Objects[i]; //make products full-opacity if we can buy them var classes='product'; var price=me.bulkPrice; if (Game.cookiesEarned>=me.basePrice || me.bought>0) {classes+=' unlocked';lastLocked=0;me.locked=0;} else {classes+=' locked';lastLocked++;me.locked=1;} if ((Game.buyMode==1 && Game.cookies>=price) || (Game.buyMode==-1 && me.amount>0)) classes+=' enabled'; else classes+=' disabled'; if (lastLocked>2) classes+=' toggledOff'; me.l.className=classes; //if (me.id>0) {l('productName'+me.id).innerHTML=Beautify(me.storedTotalCps/Game.ObjectsById[me.id-1].storedTotalCps,2);} } //make upgrades full-opacity if we can buy them var lastPrice=0; for (var i in Game.UpgradesInStore) { var me=Game.UpgradesInStore[i]; if (!me.bought) { var price=me.getPrice(); var canBuy=me.canBuy();//(Game.cookies>=price); var enabled=(l('upgrade'+i).className.indexOf('enabled')>-1); if ((canBuy && !enabled) || (!canBuy && enabled)) Game.upgradesToRebuild=1; if (price'; T=(T*144)%144; l('upgradePieTimer'+i).style.backgroundPosition=(-Math.floor(T%18))*48+'px '+(-Math.floor(T/18))*48+'px'; } } //if (me.canBuy()) l('upgrade'+i).className='crate upgrade enabled'; else l('upgrade'+i).className='crate upgrade disabled'; } } Timer.track('store'); if (Game.PARTY)//i was bored and felt like messing with CSS { var pulse=Math.pow((Game.T%10)/10,0.5); Game.l.style.filter='hue-rotate('+((Game.T*5)%360)+'deg) brightness('+(150-50*pulse)+'%)'; Game.l.style.webkitFilter='hue-rotate('+((Game.T*5)%360)+'deg) brightness('+(150-50*pulse)+'%)'; Game.l.style.transform='scale('+(1.02-0.02*pulse)+','+(1.02-0.02*pulse)+') rotate('+(Math.sin(Game.T*0.5)*0.5)+'deg)'; l('wrapper').style.overflowX='hidden'; l('wrapper').style.overflowY='hidden'; } Timer.clean(); if (Game.prefs.animate && ((Game.prefs.fancy && Game.drawT%1==0) || (!Game.prefs.fancy && Game.drawT%10==0)) && Game.AscendTimer==0 && Game.onMenu=='') Game.DrawBuildings();Timer.track('buildings'); Game.textParticlesUpdate();Timer.track('text particles'); } Game.NotesDraw();Timer.track('notes'); //Game.tooltip.update();//changed to only update when the mouse is moved Game.runModHook('draw'); Game.drawT++; //if (Game.prefs.altDraw) requestAnimationFrame(Game.Draw); } /*===================================================================================== MAIN LOOP =======================================================================================*/ Game.Loop=function() { if (Game.timedout) return false; Timer.say('START'); Timer.track('browser stuff'); Timer.say('LOGIC'); //update game logic ! Game.catchupLogic=0; Game.Logic(); Game.catchupLogic=1; var time=Date.now(); //latency compensator Game.accumulatedDelay+=((time-Game.time)-1000/Game.fps); if (Game.prefs.timeout && time-Game.lastActivity>=1000*60*5) { if (Game.accumulatedDelay>1000*60*30) Game.delayTimeouts+=3;//more than 30 minutes delay ? computer probably asleep and not making cookies anyway else if (Game.accumulatedDelay>1000*5) Game.delayTimeouts++;//add to timeout counter when we skip 10 seconds worth of frames (and the player has been inactive for at least 5 minutes) if (Game.delayTimeouts>=3) Game.Timeout();//trigger timeout when the timeout counter is 3+ } Game.accumulatedDelay=Math.min(Game.accumulatedDelay,1000*5);//don't compensate over 5 seconds; if you do, something's probably very wrong Game.time=time; while (Game.accumulatedDelay>0) { Game.Logic(); Game.accumulatedDelay-=1000/Game.fps;//as long as we're detecting latency (slower than target fps), execute logic (this makes drawing slower but makes the logic behave closer to correct target fps) } Game.catchupLogic=0; Timer.track('logic'); Timer.say('END LOGIC'); if (!Game.prefs.altDraw) { var hasFocus=document.hasFocus(); Timer.say('DRAW'); if (hasFocus || Game.prefs.focus || Game.loopT%10==0) requestAnimationFrame(Game.Draw); //if (document.hasFocus() || Game.loopT%5==0) Game.Draw(); Timer.say('END DRAW'); } else requestAnimationFrame(Game.Draw); //if (!hasFocus) Game.tooltip.hide(); if (Game.sesame) { //fps counter and graph Game.previousFps=Game.currentFps; Game.currentFps=Game.getFps(); var ctx=Game.fpsGraphCtx; ctx.drawImage(Game.fpsGraph,-1,0); ctx.fillStyle='rgb('+Math.round((1-Game.currentFps/Game.fps)*128)+',0,0)'; ctx.fillRect(128-1,0,1,64); ctx.strokeStyle='#fff'; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(128-1,(1-Game.previousFps/Game.fps)*64); ctx.lineTo(128,(1-Game.currentFps/Game.fps)*64); ctx.stroke(); l('fpsCounter').textContent=Game.currentFps+' fps'; var str=''; for (var i in Timer.labels) {str+=Timer.labels[i];} if (Game.debugTimersOn) l('debugLog').style.display='block'; else l('debugLog').style.display='none'; l('debugLog').innerHTML=str; } Timer.reset(); Game.loopT++; setTimeout(Game.Loop,1000/Game.fps); } } /*===================================================================================== LAUNCH THIS THING =======================================================================================*/ Game.Launch(); //try {Game.Launch();} //catch(err) {console.log('ERROR : '+err.message);} window.onload=function() { if (!Game.ready) { if (top!=self) Game.ErrorFrame(); else { console.log('[=== '+choose([ 'Oh, hello!', 'hey, how\'s it hangin', 'About to cheat in some cookies or just checking for bugs?', 'Remember : cheated cookies taste awful!', 'Hey, Orteil here. Cheated cookies taste awful... or do they?', ])+' ===]'); Game.Load(); //try {Game.Load();} //catch(err) {console.log('ERROR : '+err.message);} } } };